public void Test_LoadAndParsePresentation_GCDA_Growth_Fund() { TestTaxonomy_EDGAROnline s = new TestTaxonomy_EDGAROnline(); int errors = 0; string fileName = TestCommon.FolderRoot + @"GCDA_Growth_Fund" + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "GComFunds.xsd"; DateTime start = DateTime.Now; if (s.Load(fileName, out errors) != true) { Assert.Fail((string)s.ErrorList[0]); } errors = 0; // this loads up all dependant taxonomies, and loads the corresponding presentation, calculation, label, and reference linkbases // parse presentation first s.CurrentLabelRole = "preferredLabel"; s.CurrentLanguage = "en"; s.Parse(out errors); ArrayList nodes = s.GetNodesByPresentation(); foreach (Node n in nodes) { StringBuilder sb = DisplayNode(n, 0); Console.WriteLine(sb.ToString()); } }
public void EDGAROnline_LoadAndParsePresentation() { TestTaxonomy_EDGAROnline s = new TestTaxonomy_EDGAROnline(); int errors = 0; DateTime start = DateTime.Now; errors = s.Load(EDGARONLINE_FILE, false); if (errors != 0) { Assert.Fail((string)s.ErrorList[0]); } errors = 0; // this loads up all dependant taxonomies, and loads the corresponding presentation, calculation, label, and reference linkbases // parse presentation first s.Parse(out errors); // there should be 1 error because there's a presentation arc that would create an infinite recursion Assert.AreEqual(1, errors, "wrong number of errors in presentation"); //s.ErrorList.Sort(); Console.WriteLine(((ParserMessage)s.ErrorList[0]).Message); DateTime end = DateTime.Now; Console.WriteLine("Parse Time: {0}", end - start); TimeSpan level = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 10, 0); // 10 seconds to parse Assert.AreEqual(9, s.presentationInfo.Count, "wrong number of presentation links"); PresentationLink pl = s.presentationInfo[""] as PresentationLink; Assert.IsNotNull(pl, "can't get from presentation"); Node parentNode = pl.CreateNode("en", "label"); Assert.AreEqual(2, parentNode.Children.Count, "wrong number of children in presentation"); Assert.IsTrue(level > (end - start), "Parse takes too long - " + (end - start) + " seconds"); }
public void EDGAROnline_LoadAndParseCalculation() { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { TestTaxonomy_EDGAROnline s = new TestTaxonomy_EDGAROnline(); int errors = 0; DateTime start = DateTime.Now; if (s.Load(EDGARONLINE_FILE, out errors) != true) { Assert.Fail((string)s.ErrorList[0]); } errors = 0; // this loads up all dependant taxonomies, and loads the corresponding presentation, calculation, label, and reference linkbases s.Parse(out errors); // there should be 2 error because there's a calculation arc that would create an infinite recursion Assert.AreEqual(1, errors, "wrong number of errors in calculation"); DateTime end = DateTime.Now; Console.WriteLine("Parse Time: {0}", end - start); TimeSpan level = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 10, 0); // 10 seconds to parse Assert.AreEqual(10, s.calculationInfo.Count, "wrong number of calculation links"); PresentationLink cl = s.calculationInfo[""] as PresentationLink; Assert.IsNotNull(cl, "can't get from calculation"); Node parentNode = cl.CreateNode("en", "label"); Assert.AreEqual(1, parentNode.Children.Count, "wrong number of children in calculation"); s.currentLabelRole = @"preferredLabel"; s.currentLanguage = @"en"; ArrayList temp = s.GetNodesByCalculation(); Assert.IsTrue(level > (end - start), "Parse takes too long - " + (end - start) + " seconds"); } }
public void EDGAROnline_LoadAndParseCalculation() { for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) { TestTaxonomy_EDGAROnline s = new TestTaxonomy_EDGAROnline(); int errors = 0; DateTime start = DateTime.Now; if ( s.Load( EDGARONLINE_FILE, out errors ) != true ) { Assert.Fail( (string)s.ErrorList[0]); } errors = 0; // this loads up all dependant taxonomies, and loads the corresponding presentation, calculation, label, and reference linkbases s.Parse( out errors ); // there should be 2 error because there's a calculation arc that would create an infinite recursion Assert.AreEqual( 1, errors, "wrong number of errors in calculation" ); DateTime end = DateTime.Now; Console.WriteLine( "Parse Time: {0}", end-start ); TimeSpan level = new TimeSpan( 0, 0, 0, 10, 0 ); // 10 seconds to parse Assert.AreEqual(10, s.calculationInfo.Count, "wrong number of calculation links" ); PresentationLink cl = s.calculationInfo[ "" ] as PresentationLink; Assert.IsNotNull( cl, "can't get from calculation" ); Node parentNode = cl.CreateNode( "en", "label" ); Assert.AreEqual(1, parentNode.Children.Count, "wrong number of children in calculation" ); s.currentLabelRole = @"preferredLabel"; s.currentLanguage = @"en"; ArrayList temp = s.GetNodesByCalculation(); Assert.IsTrue( level > (end-start), "Parse takes too long - " + (end-start) + " seconds" ); } }
public void Test_LoadAndParsePresentation_GCDA_Growth_Fund() { TestTaxonomy_EDGAROnline s = new TestTaxonomy_EDGAROnline(); int errors = 0; string fileName = TestCommon.FolderRoot + @"GCDA_Growth_Fund" +System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar +"GComFunds.xsd"; DateTime start = DateTime.Now; if ( s.Load( fileName, out errors ) != true ) { Assert.Fail( (string)s.ErrorList[0]); } errors = 0; // this loads up all dependant taxonomies, and loads the corresponding presentation, calculation, label, and reference linkbases // parse presentation first s.CurrentLabelRole ="preferredLabel"; s.CurrentLanguage = "en"; s.Parse( out errors ); ArrayList nodes = s.GetNodesByPresentation(); foreach ( Node n in nodes ) { StringBuilder sb = DisplayNode( n, 0 ); Console.WriteLine( sb.ToString() ); } }
public void EDGAROnline_LoadAndParsePresentation() { TestTaxonomy_EDGAROnline s = new TestTaxonomy_EDGAROnline(); int errors = 0; DateTime start = DateTime.Now; errors = s.Load( EDGARONLINE_FILE, false ); if ( errors != 0 ) { Assert.Fail( (string)s.ErrorList[0]); } errors = 0; // this loads up all dependant taxonomies, and loads the corresponding presentation, calculation, label, and reference linkbases // parse presentation first s.Parse( out errors ); // there should be 1 error because there's a presentation arc that would create an infinite recursion Assert.AreEqual( 1, errors, "wrong number of errors in presentation" ); //s.ErrorList.Sort(); Console.WriteLine( ((ParserMessage)s.ErrorList[0]).Message ); DateTime end = DateTime.Now; Console.WriteLine( "Parse Time: {0}", end-start ); TimeSpan level = new TimeSpan( 0, 0, 0, 10, 0 ); // 10 seconds to parse Assert.AreEqual(9, s.presentationInfo.Count, "wrong number of presentation links" ); PresentationLink pl = s.presentationInfo[ "" ] as PresentationLink; Assert.IsNotNull( pl, "can't get from presentation" ); Node parentNode = pl.CreateNode( "en", "label" ); Assert.AreEqual(2, parentNode.Children.Count, "wrong number of children in presentation" ); Assert.IsTrue( level > (end-start), "Parse takes too long - " + (end-start) + " seconds" ); }