private void button_of_fun_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // OpenFileDialog dialog = new OpenFileDialog(); // dialog.Filter = "All Supported File Types (*.AIFF; *.ASF; *.ASX; *.DAT; *.FLAC; *.GM; *.IT; *.M3U; *.MID; *.MOD; *.MP2; *.MP3; *.OGG; *.RAW; *.S3M; *.VAG; *.WAV; *.WAX; *.WMA; *.XM; *.XMA)|*.aiff;*.asf;*.asx;*.dat;*.flac;*.gm;*.it;*.m3u;*.mid;*.mod;*.mp2;*.mp3;*.ogg;*.raw;*.s3m;*.vag;*.wav;*.wax;*.wma;*.xm;*.xma|Audio Interchange File Format (*.AIFF)|*.aiff|Chris Sawyer Software [CSS] Audio Data File (*.DAT)|*.dat|Free Lossless Audio Codec (*.FLAC)|*.flac|Impulse Tracker (*.IT)|*.it|Musical Instrument Digital Interface (*.GM, *.MID, *.MIDI)|*.gm;*.mid;*.midi|Modular Audio File Format (*.MOD)|*.mod|MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3 (*.MP2, *.MP3)|*.mp2;*.mp3|OGG Vorbis File Format (*.OGG)|*.ogg|Raw Audio File (*.RAW)|*.raw|Scream Tracker (*.S3M)|*.s3m|Wave File (*.WAV)|*.wav|Windows Media File Format (*.WMA)|*.wma|Extended Modular Audio File Format (*.XM, *.XMA)|*.xm;*.xma|All Files|*.*"; // dialog.InitialDirectory = GAPT_LastDirectoryName; dialog.Title = "Open"; dialog.Filter = DefaultOpenDialogFilter; dialog.Multiselect = false; if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { string input = string.Empty; input = dialog.FileName; if (input != string.Empty) { GAPT_LastDirectoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(input); TTRTrackPlayingEntryID = -1; TTRPlaySound(input, GAPT_CurrentLoopStart, GAPT_CurrentLoopDone, true); TTRStopSound(); if (radioButton2.Checked) { subForm_LoopStart = new Form2(); if (subForm_LoopStart.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (subForm_LoopStart.textBox1.Text.ToString() == "") { GAPT_CurrentLoopStart = 0; } else { try { GAPT_CurrentLoopStart = Convert.ToUInt32(subForm_LoopStart.textBox1.Text.ToString()); if (GAPT_CurrentLoopStart > TTRLength) { GAPT_CurrentLoopStart = 0; } else if (GAPT_CurrentLoopStart < 0) { GAPT_CurrentLoopStart = 0; } } catch { MessageBox(new IntPtr(0), "Non-critical Exception Raised: GAPI_DIALOG1_EXCEPTION" + Environment.NewLine + "Sorry, that failed.", "GSA Exception Trapper", MB_OK | ICON_STOP); GAPT_CurrentLoopStart = 0; } } } } { subForm_LoopEnd = new Form3(); if (subForm_LoopEnd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (subForm_LoopEnd.textBox1.Text.ToString() == "") { try { GAPT_CurrentLoopDone = 0; } catch { MessageBox(new IntPtr(0), "Non-critical Exception Raised: GAPI_DIALOG2_EXCEPTION" + Environment.NewLine + "Sorry, that failed.", "GSA Exception Trapper", MB_OK | ICON_STOP); GAPT_CurrentLoopDone = 0; } } else { try { GAPT_CurrentLoopDone = Convert.ToUInt32(subForm_LoopEnd.textBox1.Text.ToString()); if (GAPT_CurrentLoopDone > TTRLength) { GAPT_CurrentLoopDone = 0; } else if (GAPT_CurrentLoopDone < 0) { GAPT_CurrentLoopDone = 0; } } catch { MessageBox(new IntPtr(0), "Non-critical Exception Raised: GAPI_DIALOG3_EXCEPTION" + Environment.NewLine + "Sorry, that failed.", "GSA Exception Trapper", MB_OK | ICON_STOP); GAPT_CurrentLoopDone = 0; } } } } TTRPlaySound(input, GAPT_CurrentLoopStart, GAPT_CurrentLoopDone, false); } dialog.Dispose(); } }
private void button_next_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //FMOD.RESULT result; if (radioButton2.Checked) { if (GAPT_LastTrackName == string.Empty) { return; } subForm_LoopEnd = new Form3(); if (subForm_LoopEnd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (subForm_LoopEnd.textBox1.Text.ToString() == "") { try { GAPT_CurrentLoopDone = 0; TTRPlaySound(GAPT_LastTrackName, GAPT_CurrentLoopStart, GAPT_CurrentLoopDone, false); } catch { MessageBox(new IntPtr(0), "Non-critical Exception Raised: GAPI_RAD2C_FAILURE" + Environment.NewLine + "Sorry, that failed.", "GSA Exception Trapper", MB_OK | ICON_STOP); } } else { try { GAPT_CurrentLoopDone = Convert.ToUInt32(subForm_LoopEnd.textBox1.Text.ToString()); if (GAPT_CurrentLoopDone > TTRLength) { GAPT_CurrentLoopDone = 0; } else if (GAPT_CurrentLoopDone < 0) { GAPT_CurrentLoopDone = 0; } TTRPlaySound(GAPT_LastTrackName, GAPT_CurrentLoopStart, GAPT_CurrentLoopDone, false); } catch { MessageBox(new IntPtr(0), "Non-critical Exception Raised: GAPI_RAD2D_FAILURE" + Environment.NewLine + "Sorry, that failed.", "GSA Exception Trapper", MB_OK | ICON_STOP); } } } } else { } }