private static void parseStarData() { TextAsset asterismCSV = Resources.Load("Stardata/AsterismLookupTable") as TextAsset; if (asterismCSV == null) { Debug.LogError("could not load asterism csv."); return; } string[] lines = asterismCSV.ToString().Split('\n'); AsterismData = new Asterism[lines.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) { string line = lines[i]; Asterism newAsterism = new Asterism(); newAsterism.IsSelected = false; newAsterism.scaleFactor = 1.0f; string[] fields = line.Split(','); if (fields.Length <= 1) { Debug.LogError("Asterism data has fewer than 2 fields. Cannot parse."); continue; } = fields[0]; newAsterism.HD_ids = new uint[fields.Length - 1]; for (int j = 1; j < fields.Length; j++) { uint hdId; bool parseSuccessful = uint.TryParse(fields[j], out hdId); if (parseSuccessful) { newAsterism.HD_ids[j - 1] = hdId; m_asterismStars.Add(hdId); } else { Debug.LogError("Could not parse asterism " + + " star HDID: " + fields[j]); } } AsterismData[i] = newAsterism; } }
public static void RecalculateCentroids() { for (int i = 0; i < AsterismData.Length; i++) { Asterism asterism = AsterismData[i]; Vector3 newCentroid = averageStarLocations(asterism.HD_ids); if (asterism.root != null) { removeParents(asterism.HD_ids); asterism.root.transform.position = newCentroid; attachParents(asterism.HD_ids, asterism.mover.transform); } } }
public static void GetAsterismLines(ref StarData[] starData) { for (int i = 0; i < AsterismParser.AsterismData.Length; i++) { Asterism asterism = AsterismParser.AsterismData[i]; Vector3[] positionArray = new Vector3[asterism.HD_ids.Length]; for (int j = 0; j < asterism.HD_ids.Length; j++) { uint hdid = asterism.HD_ids[j]; if (StarParser.HD_idToIndex != null && StarParser.HD_idToIndex.ContainsKey(hdid)) { StarData star = starData[StarParser.HD_idToIndex[hdid]]; GameObject starObj = star.GameObjectRepresentation; if (starObj != null) { positionArray[j] = starObj.transform.position; } else { Debug.LogError("Ummm...this star is missing a game object. Skipping the asterism: " +; } } else { Debug.LogError("Ummm...this star is missing. Skipping the asterism: " +; continue; } } if (asterism.lineArt == null) { if (m_lineMat == null) { m_lineMat = Resources.Load("Lines/LineMat") as Material; } VectorLine asterismLines = new VectorLine( + "_line", positionArray, m_lineMat, 1.0f, LineType.Discrete); asterism.lineArt = asterismLines; } else { asterism.lineArt.points3 = positionArray; } AsterismParser.AsterismData[i] = asterism; } setAsterismColor(m_asterismColor); }
public static void LoadAsterismData() { TextAsset asterismCSV = Resources.Load("Stardata/AsterismLookupTable") as TextAsset; if ( asterismCSV == null ) { Debug.LogError("could not load asterism csv."); return; } string[] lines = asterismCSV.ToString().Split('\n'); AsterismData = new Asterism[lines.Length]; for(int i=0; i<lines.Length; i++) { string line = lines[i]; Asterism newAsterism = new Asterism(); string[] fields = line.Split(','); if( fields.Length <= 1 ) { Debug.LogError("Asterism data has fewer than 2 fields. Cannot parse."); continue; } = fields[0]; newAsterism.HD_ids = new uint[fields.Length - 1]; for(int j=1;j<fields.Length;j++) { uint hdId; bool parseSuccessful = uint.TryParse(fields[j], out hdId); if ( parseSuccessful ) { newAsterism.HD_ids[j-1] = hdId; m_asterismStars.Add(hdId); } else { Debug.LogError("Could not parse asterism " + + " star HDID: " + fields[j] ); } } AsterismData[i] = newAsterism; } return; }
private static void calcAsterismScaleFactor() { for (int i = 0; i < AsterismData.Length; i++) { Asterism asterism = AsterismData[i]; Bounds bounds = new Bounds(); foreach (var r in asterism.mover.transform.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>()) { bounds.Encapsulate(r.bounds); } float maxBound = Mathf.Max(new float[] { bounds.size.x, bounds.size.y, bounds.size.z }); float ratio = maxBound / 35.0f; float scaleFactor = 1 / ratio; asterism.scaleFactor = scaleFactor; AsterismData[i] = asterism; } }
private static void parseBoundaryData() { GameObject collisionRoot = new GameObject("CollisionRoot"); collisionRoot.transform.position =; collisionRoot.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity; GameObject borderRoot = new GameObject("BordernRoot"); borderRoot.transform.position =; borderRoot.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity; TextAsset bordersCSV = Resources.Load("Stardata/boundaries") as TextAsset; if (bordersCSV == null) { Debug.LogError("could not load border csv."); return; } string[] lines = bordersCSV.ToString().Split('\n'); List <Vector2> borderPoints = new List <Vector2>(); int currentAsterismIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) { string line = lines[i]; string[] fields = line.Split(','); if (fields.Length < 4) { Debug.Log("incompleteLine: " + line); continue; } string abreviation = fields[2]; string constellationName = m_abrevLookup[abreviation]; if (currentAsterismIndex == -1 || constellationName != AsterismData[currentAsterismIndex].name) { // Store vertecies from last asterism parsed. if (currentAsterismIndex != -1 && borderPoints != null) { Asterism currentAsterism = AsterismData[currentAsterismIndex]; Vector2[] border = borderPoints.ToArray(); Vector3[] lineVerticies = new Vector3[border.Length + 1]; coordsToThreeSpace(border).CopyTo(lineVerticies, 1); lineVerticies[0] = lineVerticies[lineVerticies.Length - 1]; if (m_borderLineMaterial == null) { m_borderLineMaterial = Resources.Load("Lines/LineMat") as Material; } LineObject borderLine = LineObject.LineFactory(lineVerticies, 5.0f, AsterismDrawer.Target, m_borderLineMaterial, true); borderLine.transform.parent = borderRoot.transform; currentAsterism.borderArt = borderLine; Mesh newMesh = meshFromBorders(border); GameObject prefab = Resources.Load("baseObj") as GameObject; GameObject go = GameObject.Instantiate(prefab,, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; go.transform.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh = newMesh; go.transform.GetComponent <MeshCollider>().sharedMesh = newMesh; go.transform.GetComponent <AsterismReference>().Asterism = currentAsterism; go.transform.GetComponent <AsterismReference>().index = currentAsterismIndex; = "Collision_" +; go.transform.parent = collisionRoot.transform; AsterismData[currentAsterismIndex] = currentAsterism; } // Grab the next asterism being parsed. int indexOfAsterism = asterismIndexFromName(constellationName); if (indexOfAsterism == -1) { currentAsterismIndex = -1; // Debug.LogError("Parsing border of unknown constellation: " + constellationName); continue; } currentAsterismIndex = indexOfAsterism; borderPoints = new List <Vector2>(); } float xComponent = 0.0f; float yComponent = 0.0f; bool xParsed = float.TryParse(fields[0], out xComponent); bool yParsed = float.TryParse(fields[1], out yComponent); if (!xParsed || !yParsed) { Debug.LogError("Could not parse x and y coords"); continue; } Vector2 newCoord = new Vector2(xComponent, yComponent); borderPoints.Add(newCoord); // Make sure to store the last point. if (i == lines.Length - 1) { if (i < AsterismData.Length) { Asterism currentAsterism = AsterismData[i]; currentAsterism.borders = borderPoints.ToArray(); AsterismData[i] = currentAsterism; } } } }
private static void setupAsterismGrabbers() { GameObject starRoot = new GameObject("StarRoot"); for (int i = 0; i < AsterismData.Length; i++) { Asterism asterism = AsterismData[i]; Vector3 centroid = averageStarLocations(asterism.HD_ids); GameObject newRoot = new GameObject(); GameObject rest = new GameObject(); GameObject jewelcase = new GameObject(); = + "_root"; newRoot.transform.position = centroid; newRoot.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity; = "rest"; rest.transform.parent = newRoot.transform; rest.transform.localPosition =; rest.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; rest.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); = "jewelcase"; jewelcase.transform.parent = newRoot.transform; jewelcase.transform.localPosition =; jewelcase.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; jewelcase.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); PullToHold pullscript = jewelcase.AddComponent <PullToHold>(); pullscript.asterismKey = i; = rest.transform; pullscript.maxSpeed = 20.0f; newRoot.transform.parent = starRoot.transform; asterism.root = newRoot; = rest; asterism.mover = jewelcase; System.Collections.Generic.HashSet <uint> used = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet <uint>(); GameObject constellationLabel = GameObject.Instantiate(Stars.StarUpdater.Instance.ConstellationLabelPrototype) as GameObject; constellationLabel.SetActive(true); ConstellationLabel labelBehavior = constellationLabel.GetComponent <ConstellationLabel>(); if (asterism.root != null) { labelBehavior.transform.parent = asterism.root.transform; } labelBehavior.Label =; labelBehavior.transform.localPosition = (asterism.root.transform.position.normalized * 500.0f); asterism.label = labelBehavior; labelBehavior.LabelComp.color = new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, Stars.StarUpdater.Instance.LabelOpacity * 0.8f); Stars.StarUpdater.Instance.m_constellationLabels.Add(labelBehavior); foreach (uint hdId in asterism.HD_ids) { if (!Stars.StarParser.HD_idToIndex.ContainsKey(hdId)) { continue; } int index = Stars.StarParser.HD_idToIndex[hdId]; Stars.StarData star = Stars.StarParser.Instance.Stars[index]; star.AsterismIndex = i; Stars.StarParser.Instance.Stars[index] = star; if (star.GameObjectRepresentation != null) { = hdId.ToString(); star.GameObjectRepresentation.transform.parent = jewelcase.transform; if (star.Label != "") { if (used.Contains(star.HD_id)) { continue; } Stars.StarUpdater.Instance.GenerateStarLabel(star, star.GameObjectRepresentation.transform); used.Add(star.HD_id); } } } AsterismData[i] = asterism; } }
// Identify pulled object using view of hand void Update() { if (view == null) { return; } if (m_hand.CurrentHand == null) { if (pulled != null) { if (!attemptingToReaquire) { StartCoroutine(reaquireHand(2.0f)); } } return; } if (pulled != null) { return; } if (Hold == null && m_hand.CurrentHand != null) { updateHold(); //GrabberHand grabberHand = m_hand.CurrentHand.gameObject.GetComponent<GrabberHand>(); //if ( grabberHand == null ) { return; } //Hold = grabberHand.hold; } Vector2 screenPoint = m_leftCam.WorldToScreenPoint(m_hand.CurrentHand.GetPalmPosition()); Ray throughHand = m_leftCam.ScreenPointToRay(screenPoint); //Debug.DrawRay(m_leftCam.transform.position, m_leftCam.ScreenPointToRay(screenPoint).direction * 1000.0f); RaycastHit castInfo; bool hit = Physics.Raycast(throughHand, out castInfo, float.PositiveInfinity, LayerMask.GetMask("AsterismColliders")); if (hit) { if (!Activate()) { this.enabled = false; return; } AsterismReference asterismRef = castInfo.transform.GetComponent <AsterismReference>(); if (asterismRef != null) { Asterisms.Asterism hitAsterism = asterismRef.Asterism; PullToHold intersect = hitAsterism.mover.GetComponent <PullToHold>(); if (intersect.cameraPoint == null) { intersect.cameraPoint = m_leftCam.transform; } if (intersect != null) { SelectStars(hitAsterism.mover); Acquire(intersect); } } } }
public static void GetAsterismLines(ref StarData[] starData) { bool initilized = true; for (int i = 0; i < AsterismParser.AsterismData.Length; i++) { if (!initilized) { break; } Asterism asterism = AsterismParser.AsterismData[i]; Vector3[] positionArray = new Vector3[asterism.HD_ids.Length]; for (int j = 0; j < asterism.HD_ids.Length; j++) { uint hdid = asterism.HD_ids[j]; try { StarData star = starData[StarParser.HD_idToIndex[hdid]]; GameObject starObj = star.GameObjectRepresentation; if (starObj != null) { if (starObj.transform.position == { initilized = false; break; } positionArray[j] = starObj.transform.position; } else { Debug.LogWarning("Ummm...this star is missing a game object. Skipping the asterism: " +; } } catch (KeyNotFoundException e) { Debug.Log(e.Message); Debug.LogWarning("Ummm...this star is missing: " + hdid + ". Skipping the asterism: " +; continue; } } if (!initilized) { return; } if (asterism.lineArt == null) { if (m_lineMat == null) { m_lineMat = Resources.Load("Lines/LineMat") as Material; } if (m_asterismLineRoot == null) { m_asterismLineRoot = new GameObject("AsterismLineRoot"); } LineObject asterismLines = LineObject.LineFactory(positionArray, 3.0f, m_target, m_lineMat); = + "_line"; asterismLines.transform.parent = m_asterismLineRoot.transform; asterism.lineArt = asterismLines; } else { asterism.lineArt.Points = positionArray; } AsterismParser.AsterismData[i] = asterism; } setAsterismColor(m_asterismColor); }