        // POST: api/Employees
        public IHttpActionResult Post([FromBody] EmployeeAdd newItem)
            // Ensure that the URI is clean (and does not have an id parameter)
            if (Request.GetRouteData().Values["id"] != null)
                return(BadRequest("Invalid request URI"));

            // Ensure that a "newItem" is in the entity body
            if (newItem == null)
                return(BadRequest("Must send an entity body with the request"));

            // Ensure that we can use the incoming data
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            // Attempt to add the new object
            var addedItem = m.EmployeeAdd(newItem);

            // Continue?
            if (addedItem == null)
                return(BadRequest("Cannot add the object"));

            // HTTP 201 with the new object in the entity body
            // Notice how to create the URI for the Location header
            var uri = Url.Link("DefaultApi", new { id = addedItem.EmployeeId });

            return(Created(uri, addedItem));
        // Attention 18 - Employee add one

        public EmployeeBase EmployeeAdd(EmployeeAdd newItem)
            // Attempt to add the object
            var addedItem = ds.Employees.Add(Mapper.Map <Employee>(newItem));


            // Return the result, or null if there was an error
            return((addedItem == null) ? null : Mapper.Map <EmployeeBase>(addedItem));