        public void StudentCanRegisterTest()            // Delaney's Unit Test
            LMS_GRINDEntities gds = new LMS_GRINDEntities();

            //Find all the registered courses the student currently has (ulUser_id = 2017)
            int registeredCourseCount = (from sc in gds.StudentCourses where sc.student_id == 2017 select sc.course_id).Count();

            //Register for a course
            int studentId = 2017;
            int courseId  = 2026;

            CourseRegistration cr = new CourseRegistration();

            //Register for the course
            cr.RegisterForCourse2(studentId, courseId);

            //Count of registered courses for student should have increased by one
            int x        = (from sc in gds.StudentCourses where sc.student_id == 2017 select sc.course_id).Count();
            int expected = registeredCourseCount + 1;

            //Delete the registration
            cr.DeleteRegistration2(studentId, courseId);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, x);
        public void InstructorCanCreateCourseTest()         // Gabby's Unit Test
            LMS_GRINDEntities gds = new LMS_GRINDEntities();

            // Preparation
            // Start with the known instructor id then find out how many courses this instructor is teaching right now
            // Call it N
            int N = (from x in gds.Courses
                     join ic in gds.InstructorCourses on x.course_id equals ic.course_id
                     where ic.instructor_id == 1012
                     select x).Count();

            // Create a new course for this instructor using the application code from test
            Cours c = new Cours();

            c.course_num   = "MATH 1010";
            c.course_name  = "Intermediate Algebra";
            c.course_desc  = "Prepare to be enlightened";
            c.building     = "Math Hub";
            c.days_of_week = "MTWF";
            c.dept_id      = 5;
            c.start_time   = new TimeSpan(9, 30, 0);
            c.end_time     = new TimeSpan(10, 20, 0);
            c.num_credits  = 3;
            c.max_capacity = 30;
            c.room_no      = 112;

            CourseRegistration cr = new CourseRegistration();

            cr.SaveCourse2(c.course_num, c.course_name, c.course_desc, (int)c.num_credits,
                           (int)c.max_capacity, c.building, (int)c.room_no, c.dept_id, "M", "T", "W", "", "F",
                           (TimeSpan)c.start_time, (TimeSpan)c.end_time, 1012);

            // Again, Find out how many courses this instructor is teaching now
            int N2 = (from x in gds.Courses
                      join ic in gds.InstructorCourses on x.course_id equals ic.course_id
                      where ic.instructor_id == 1012
                      select x).Count();

            int expected = N + 1;

            // get id of newly created course
            var id = (from x in gds.Courses
                      join ic in gds.InstructorCourses
                      on x.course_id equals ic.course_id
                      where ic.instructor_id == 1012
                      where x.course_desc == "Prepare to be enlightened"
                      select x).First();

            // delete newly created course

            // Expecting N + 1
            // (Started with N courses and added 1 course)
            Assert.AreEqual(N2, expected);
        public void InstructorCanCreateAssignmentTest()         // Ploy's Unit Test
            LMS_GRINDEntities gds = new LMS_GRINDEntities();

            int instructor_course_id = 2026;
            int course_id            = 2029;

            // Count how many assignments instructor already has
            int assignmentsCount1 = (from x in gds.Assignments
                                     where x.instructor_course_id == instructor_course_id
                                     select x).Count();

            // Create new assignment
            DateTime   dueDateTime = new DateTime(2021, 4, 30);
            Assignment a           = new Assignment();

            a.assignment_name = "Final Exam";
            a.assignment_desc = "Comprehensive Final";
            a.max_points      = 300;
            a.due_date        = dueDateTime;
            a.assignment_type = "Test";
            a.submission_type = "Text";

            CourseRegistration cr = new CourseRegistration();

            // Save assignment
            cr.SaveAssignment2(course_id, a.assignment_name, a.assignment_desc, (int)a.max_points, (DateTime)a.due_date, a.assignment_type, a.submission_type);

            // Count how many assignments instructor has after adding an assignment
            int assignmentsCount2 = (from x in gds.Assignments
                                     where x.instructor_course_id == instructor_course_id
                                     select x).Count();

            // Expecting result (Expecting to be 1 more)
            int expected = assignmentsCount1 + 1;

            // Deleting unit testing assignment
            var assignmentID = (from x in gds.Assignments
                                where x.instructor_course_id == instructor_course_id
                                where x.assignment_name == "Final Exam"
                                select x).First();


            // Test
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, assignmentsCount2);
        public void StudentSubmissionTest()         // Steven's Unit Test
            LMS_GRINDEntities gds = new LMS_GRINDEntities();

            // Chosen assingment ID
            int assignmentID = 14;

            // Count assignment submissions for id: 7
            int assignmentSubmission = (from x in gds.StudentAssignments
                                        where x.assignment_id == assignmentID
                                        select x).Count();

            // Submit an assignment
            StudentAssignment sa = new StudentAssignment();

            sa.text_submission = "I submitted something";

            CourseRegistration cr = new CourseRegistration();

            sa.text_submission = "I submitted an assignment";
            sa.assignment_id   = assignmentID;
            sa.submission_date = DateTime.Now;


            // Count assignment submissions for id: 7 after student already submitted an assignment
            int assignmentSubmission2 = (from x in gds.StudentAssignments
                                         where x.assignment_id == assignmentID
                                         select x).Count();
            // Expecting result
            int expected = assignmentSubmission + 1;

            // Delete test submission from database
            var submit = (from x in gds.StudentAssignments
                          where x.assignment_id == assignmentID
                          where x.text_submission == "I submitted an assignment"
                          select x).First();


            Assert.AreEqual(expected, assignmentSubmission2);