public void SavePNG(string path, int _width, int _height) { var tex = new Texture2D(_width, _height, TextureParam.ms_TexFormat, false); if (IsGrey()) { //for grey scale we have to create a new texture with alpha channel ==1 RenderTexture rt = new RenderTexture(_width, _height, 0, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32); Material m = TextureNode.GetMaterial("TextureOps"); m.SetInt("_MainIsGrey", IsGrey() ? 1 : 0); m.SetInt("_TextureBIsGrey", 1); m.SetTexture("_GradientTex", GetWhite().m_Destination); Graphics.Blit(GetHWSourceTexture(), rt, m, (int)ShaderOp.CopyColorAndAlpha); = rt; tex.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, rt.width, rt.height), 0, 0); //input.DestinationToTexture(m_Output); tex.Apply(); = null; rt.DiscardContents(); rt.Release(); rt = null; } else { = m_Destination; tex.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, m_Width, m_Height), 0, 0); tex.Apply(); = null; } byte[] bytes = tex.EncodeToPNG(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { File.WriteAllBytes(path, bytes); } }
//if we need the data extracted from a renderTexture (for eaxmple to get CPU access to pixles public Texture2D GetTex2D() { if (m_Tex != null) { return(m_Tex); } var tex = new Texture2D(m_Width, m_Height, TextureParam.ms_TexFormat, false); if (IsGrey()) { //for grey scale we have to create a new texture with alpha channel ==1 RenderTexture rt = new RenderTexture(m_Width, m_Height, 0, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32); Material m = TextureNode.GetMaterial("TextureOps"); m.SetInt("_MainIsGrey", IsGrey() ? 1 : 0); m.SetInt("_TextureBIsGrey", 1); m.SetTexture("_GradientTex", GetWhite().m_Destination); Graphics.Blit(GetHWSourceTexture(), rt, m, (int)ShaderOp.CopyColorAndAlpha); = rt; tex.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, rt.width, rt.height), 0, 0); //input.DestinationToTexture(m_Output); tex.Apply(); = null; rt.DiscardContents(); rt.Release(); rt = null; } else { = m_Destination; tex.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, m_Width, m_Height), 0, 0); tex.Apply(); = null; } return(tex); }
void CreatePreviewHistogram(RenderTexture preview) { if (m_ComputeShader2 == null) { m_ComputeShader2 = (ComputeShader)Resources.Load("EyeHistogram"); } var cs = m_ComputeShader2; if (m_Buffer == null) { m_Buffer = new ComputeBuffer(512 * 1, sizeof(uint) << 2); } int kernel = cs.FindKernel("KHistogramClear"); cs.SetBuffer(kernel, "_Histogram", m_Buffer); cs.Dispatch(kernel, 1, 1, 1); kernel = cs.FindKernel("KHistogramGather"); cs.SetBuffer(kernel, "_Histogram", m_Buffer); Texture source = m_Source.m_Cached; cs.SetTexture(kernel, "_Source", source); cs.SetInt("_IsLinear", GraphicsUtils.isLinearColorSpace ? 1 : 0); cs.SetVector("_Res", new Vector4(source.width, source.height, 0f, 0f)); cs.SetVector("_Channels", new Vector4(1f, 1f, 1f, 0f)); cs.Dispatch(kernel, Mathf.CeilToInt(source.width / 16f), Mathf.CeilToInt(source.height / 16f), 1); kernel = cs.FindKernel("KHistogramScale"); cs.SetBuffer(kernel, "_Histogram", m_Buffer); cs.SetVector("_Res", new Vector4(512, 512, 1.0f, 0f)); cs.Dispatch(kernel, 1, 1, 1); Material m = TextureNode.GetMaterial("TextureOps"); m.SetVector("_Multiply", new Vector4(preview.width, preview.height, 0, 0)); m.SetBuffer("_Histogram", m_Buffer); Graphics.Blit(m_Source.m_Cached, preview, m, (int)ShaderOp.Histogram); }
void OnGUI() { if (Event.current.type == EventType.ScrollWheel) { //mous epos is in window cords 0 y is top, 40 is start of texture Vector2 adjustedMouse = Event.current.mousePosition; adjustedMouse.y -= 40; adjustedMouse.y = position.height - adjustedMouse.y; // texture cords have 0,0 bottom left, mouse co ords are 0,0 top left Vector2 tPos = adjustedMouse; tPos.x *= m_Window.width / position.width; tPos.y *= m_Window.height / position.height; tPos.x += m_Window.x; tPos.y += m_Window.y; //we now have the cord we are zooming in on in texture space float size = m_Window.width * 0.5f;//(tPos - m_Window.min).magnitude; size *= 1.0f + ( * 0.03f); m_Window.width = size * 2; m_Window.height = size * 2; //after we zoom in or out we want tpos to be at the same mouse pos // new tposx=adjustedMouse*(m_Window.width/ position.width)+m_WindowX //m_WindowX=tposx-adjustedMouse*(m_Window.width/ position.width) // m_Window.x = tPos.x - adjustedMouse.x * (m_Window.width / position.width); m_Window.y = (tPos.y - adjustedMouse.y * (m_Window.height / position.height)); Repaint(); // Debug.Log(" mouse wheel "+" scale "+m_Scale+" mouse pos "+ Event.current.mousePosition+" windowpos "+position+" tpos "+tPos+" "+m_Window); } if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDrag && Event.current.button == 2) { m_Window.x -= m_Window.width * / position.width; //steps .3 at a time m_Window.y += m_Window.height * / position.height; //steps .3 at a time Repaint(); } GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); m_Locked = GUILayout.Toggle(m_Locked, "Locked"); m_Histogram = GUILayout.Toggle(m_Histogram, "Histogram"); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (m_Source == null || m_Source.m_Param == null || m_Source.m_Cached == null) { return; } int wantWidth = m_Source.m_Cached.width; int wantHeight = m_Source.m_Cached.height; if (m_Histogram) { wantWidth = 512; wantHeight = 512; } if (m_tex == null || m_tex.width != wantWidth || m_tex.height != wantHeight) { AllocTex(wantWidth, wantHeight); } Rect texRect = new Rect(2, 20, position.width - 4, position.height - 24); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { RenderTexture preview = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(wantWidth, wantHeight, 0, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32); Material m = TextureNode.GetMaterial("TextureOps"); m.SetVector("_Multiply", new Vector4(1.0f, 0, 0, 0)); if (m_Histogram) { CreatePreviewHistogram(preview); } else { Graphics.Blit(m_Source.m_Cached, preview, m, m_Source.m_TexMode == TextureNode.TexMode.Greyscale ? (int)ShaderOp.CopyGrey : (int)ShaderOp.CopyColor); } m_tex.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, wantWidth, wantHeight), 0, 0); m_tex.Apply(); = null; // EditorGUILayout.LabelField("\n Warning: Erases Current Canvas", EditorStyles.wordWrappedLabel); // EditorGUILayout.Separator(); m_tex.filterMode = FilterMode.Point; GUILayout.BeginArea(texRect,; //GUI.DrawTexture(texRect, m_tex,ScaleMode.StretchToFill);//ScaleMode.StretchToFill); GUI.DrawTextureWithTexCoords(texRect, m_tex, m_Window); //new Rect(0+m_Scale,0 + m_Scale, 1- m_Scale, 1- m_Scale));//ScaleMode.StretchToFill); //GUI.DrawTexture(texRect, m_Preview, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit);//ScaleMode.StretchToFill); GUILayout.EndArea(); RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary(preview); } else { m_tex.filterMode = FilterMode.Point; GUILayout.BeginArea(texRect,; GUI.DrawTextureWithTexCoords(texRect, m_tex, m_Window); GUILayout.EndArea(); } }
public override bool Calculate() { allInputsReady(); if (m_Loops == 0 && (Inputs[0].connection == null || Inputs[0].connection.IsValueNull))//!allInputsReady()) { // Debug.LogError(" m_LoopCount set to 0 input 0 is null"); m_Loops = 0; return(true); } if (m_Loops > 0 && (Inputs[1].connection == null || Inputs[1].connection.IsValueNull))//!allInputsReady()) { // Debug.LogError(" m_LoopCount set to 1 input 1 is null"); m_Loops = 1; return(true); } if (m_LoopCount == 0) { Outputs[1].SetValue <TextureParam>(Inputs[0].GetValue <TextureParam>()); return(true); } while (m_Loops < m_LoopCount) { if (m_Loops == 0) { //First iteration set output to the first inteartion input Outputs[0].SetValue <TextureParam>(Inputs[0].GetValue <TextureParam>()); } else { //check if any of our connects to Output Looped, output straight back to us //if so that creates a render case where the same renderTexture is the input and the output, so make a copy bool inputIsOutput = false; foreach (var c in Outputs[0].connections) { foreach (var o in c.body.Outputs) { foreach (var c2 in o.connections) { if (c2.body == this) { inputIsOutput = true; // Debug.LogError("found an in out is the same from " + o.body); } } } } if (inputIsOutput) { Texture rt = Inputs[1].GetValue <TextureParam>().GetHWSourceTexture(); if (m_Temp == null || m_Temp.m_Destination == null || m_Temp.m_Destination.width != rt.width || m_Temp.m_Destination.height != rt.height || m_Temp.m_Destination.filterMode != rt.filterMode) { m_Temp = new TextureParam(Inputs[1].GetValue <TextureParam>()); } Material m = TextureNode.GetMaterial("TextureOps"); Graphics.Blit(rt, m_Temp.m_Destination, m, (int)ShaderOp.CopyColorAndAlpha); Outputs[0].SetValue <TextureParam>(m_Temp); } else { //general loop case set OutLoop to Loop Input Outputs[0].SetValue <TextureParam>(Inputs[1].GetValue <TextureParam>()); } } Outputs[2].SetValue <float>((float)m_Loops / ((float)m_LoopCount - 1.0f)); #if DEBUG_LOOPBASIC Debug.LogError("Loop Count Inc" + m_Loops + " / " + m_LoopCount + " percentage " + ((float)m_Loops / (float)m_LoopCount)); #endif m_Loops++; { Node.ms_GlobalDirtyID++; SetDirty(this); var workList = new List <Node>(); if (Outputs[2] != null) //percentage { foreach (var c in Outputs[2].connections) { if (c != null) { if (!workList.Contains(c.body)) { workList.Add(c.body); } } } } if (Outputs[0] != null) //out loop { foreach (var c in Outputs[0].connections) { if (c != null) { if (!workList.Contains(c.body)) { workList.Add(c.body); } } } calculated = false; } if (workList.Count > 0) { calculated = true; //so the descendant can calculate that uses output 0 // Debug.LogError(NodeEditor.GetPad() + " LoopBasic Executes Worklist"); NodeEditor.StartCalculation(workList); //go finish this worklist // Debug.LogError(NodeEditor.GetPad() + " LoopBasic Finished Execute Worklist " + workList.Count); calculated = false; } if (workList.Count != 0) { /* * Debug.LogError(NodeEditor.GetPad() + "workList had work left dec loop "); * foreach (var x in workList) * Debug.LogError(NodeEditor.GetPad() + "workList had work left " + x); */ m_Loops--; //we didnt execute return(false); } } } if (m_Loops >= m_LoopCount) { //Finished set final output Outputs[1].SetValue <TextureParam>(Inputs[1].GetValue <TextureParam>()); } bool ret = m_Loops >= m_LoopCount; // Debug.Log(NodeEditor.GetPad() +"LoopBasic iterates: "+m_Loops+"/"+m_LoopCount+" return "+ret); return(ret); }