        internal static Planet FromString(string base64String)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(base64String))
                return(new Planet());
            string[] parts  = Conv.StringPartsFromBase64(base64String, "Planet");
            Planet   planet = new Planet();

            planet.IsCreated        = Conv.getStringFromParts(parts, "a").ToLower().Equals("true");
            planet.PowerSurge       = Conv.getCDoubleFromParts(parts, "b", false);
            planet.UBMultiplier     = Conv.getCDoubleFromParts(parts, "c", false);
            planet.UpgradeLevel     = Conv.getCDoubleFromParts(parts, "d", false);
            planet.ShadowCloneCount = Conv.getCDoubleFromParts(parts, "e", false);
            planet.UltimateBeings   = new List <UltimateBeing>();
            string stringFromParts = Conv.getStringFromParts(parts, "f");

            string[] array = stringFromParts.Split(new char[]
            string[] array2 = array;
            for (int i = 0; i < array2.Length; i++)
                string text = array2[i];
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
            if (planet.UltimateBeings.Count == 0)
                planet.UltimateBeings = UltimateBeing.Initial;
            planet.TotalGainedGodPower  = Conv.getIntFromParts(parts, "g");
            planet.BaalPower            = Conv.getIntFromParts(parts, "h");
            planet.PowerSurgeBoni       = Conv.getIntFromParts(parts, "i");
            planet.PowerSurgeMultiplier = Conv.getCDoubleFromParts(parts, "j", true);
            planet.UltimateBeingsV2     = new List <UltimateBeingV2>();
            stringFromParts             = Conv.getStringFromParts(parts, "k");
            array = stringFromParts.Split(new char[]
            string[] array3 = array;
            for (int j = 0; j < array3.Length; j++)
                string text2 = array3[j];
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text2))
            if (planet.UltimateBeingsV2.Count == 0)
                planet.UltimateBeingsV2 = UltimateBeingV2.Initial;
            planet.UpgradeLevelArtyChallenge = Conv.getCDoubleFromParts(parts, "l", false);
        internal static UltimateBeingV2 FromString(string base64String)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(base64String))
                return(new UltimateBeingV2(1));
            string[]        parts          = Conv.StringPartsFromBase64(base64String, "UltimateBeingV2");
            UltimateBeingV2 ultimateBeingV = new UltimateBeingV2(Conv.getIntFromParts(parts, "c"));

            ultimateBeingV.HPPercent               = Conv.getCDoubleFromParts(parts, "a", false);
            ultimateBeingV.TimesDefeated           = Conv.getIntFromParts(parts, "b");
            ultimateBeingV.IsAvailable             = Conv.getStringFromParts(parts, "d").ToLower().Equals("true");
            ultimateBeingV.CreationCount           = Conv.getCDoubleFromParts(parts, "e", false);
            ultimateBeingV.isCreating              = Conv.getStringFromParts(parts, "f").ToLower().Equals("true");
            ultimateBeingV.CurrentCreationDuration = Conv.getCDoubleFromParts(parts, "g", false);
            ultimateBeingV.IsDefeated              = Conv.getStringFromParts(parts, "h").ToLower().Equals("true");
            ultimateBeingV.StopAt       = Conv.getIntFromParts(parts, "i");
            ultimateBeingV.StopAtString = ultimateBeingV.StopAt.ToString();
        public void start(UltimateBeingV2 ub)
            this.TurnCount             = 1;
            this.Being                 = ub;
            this.Being.DamageReduction = 100;
            this.LastUsedSkills        = new List <SkillUB2>();
            this.PlayerHp              = App.State.CurrentHealth;
            this.PlayerEnergy          = 1000;
            this.IsFighting            = true;
            this.DoubleUp              = false;
            this.DamageBlock           = false;
            this.DamageReflect         = false;
            this.HitchanceBonus        = 0;
            this.DodgeChance           = 0;
            this.CounterChance         = 0;
            this.MysticMode            = null;
            this.TransformationAura    = null;
            this.GodSpeedModeDuration  = 0;
            this.Being.PowerUp         = false;
            this.InfoText              = string.Empty;
            this.PlayerSkills          = new List <SkillUB2>();
            this.PlayerSkills.Add(new SkillUB2
                Name         = "Mystic Mode",
                Desc         = "50% more attack and 25% damage reduction for 6 turns",
                TypeEnum     = SkillTypeUBV2.MysticMode,
                EnergyCost   = 30,
                BuffDuration = 6,
                Buff         = 50
            this.PlayerSkills.Add(new SkillUB2
                Name         = "Transformation aura",
                Desc         = "100 % more attack and 50% damage reduction for 5 turns",
                TypeEnum     = SkillTypeUBV2.TransformationAura,
                EnergyCost   = 80,
                BuffDuration = 5,
                Buff         = 100
            this.PlayerSkills.Add(new SkillUB2
                Name       = "God Speed",
                Desc       = "Do 2 actions in one turn for the next 4 turns",
                TypeEnum   = SkillTypeUBV2.GodSpeed,
                EnergyCost = 150,
                IncreaseActionsDuration = 8
            this.PlayerSkills.Add(new SkillUB2
                Name         = "Elemental manipulation",
                Desc         = "Doubles the damage of the next attack",
                TypeEnum     = SkillTypeUBV2.ElementalManipulation,
                EnergyCost   = 30,
                DoubleDamage = true
            this.PlayerSkills.Add(new SkillUB2
                Name          = "Reflection barrier",
                Desc          = "Reflect the next attack",
                TypeEnum      = SkillTypeUBV2.ReflectionBarrier,
                EnergyCost    = 200,
                ReflectDamage = true
            this.PlayerSkills.Add(new SkillUB2
                Name               = "Clairvoyance",
                Desc               = "65% chance to dodge and counter the next attack",
                TypeEnum           = SkillTypeUBV2.Clairvoyance,
                EnergyCost         = 100,
                DodgeCounterChance = 65
            this.PlayerSkills.Add(new SkillUB2
                Name       = "Focused breathing",
                Desc       = "Recover 15% of hp",
                TypeEnum   = SkillTypeUBV2.FocusedBreathing,
                EnergyCost = -60,
                HealPerc   = 15
            this.PlayerSkills.Add(new SkillUB2
                Name       = "Aura Ball",
                Desc       = "Attack with an aura ball",
                TypeEnum   = SkillTypeUBV2.AuraBall,
                EnergyCost = 20,
                Damage     = 2
            this.PlayerSkills.Add(new SkillUB2
                Name       = "Big Bang",
                Desc       = "Attack with big bang, twice as much damage as aura ball",
                TypeEnum   = SkillTypeUBV2.BigBang,
                EnergyCost = 40,
                Damage     = 4,
                HealPerc   = -10
            this.PlayerSkills.Add(new SkillUB2
                Name       = "lonioi hero summon",
                Desc       = "Damage depending on your highest god defeated",
                TypeEnum   = SkillTypeUBV2.IonioiHeroSummon,
                EnergyCost = App.State.Statistic.HighestGodDefeated * 1.8,
                Damage     = App.State.Statistic.HighestGodDefeated / 10
            Creation creation = App.State.AllCreations.FirstOrDefault((Creation x) => x.TypeEnum == ub.CreationNeeded);

            this.PlayerSkills.Add(new SkillUB2
                Name       = "Give " + creation.Name,
                Desc       = "Gives away one " + creation.Name,
                TypeEnum   = SkillTypeUBV2.GiveBaseCreation,
                EnergyCost = -20
            this.PlayerSkills.Add(new SkillUB2
                Name       = "Give " + ub.CreationName,
                Desc       = "Gives away one " + ub.CreationName,
                TypeEnum   = SkillTypeUBV2.GiveModifiedCreation,
                EnergyCost = -20
            foreach (SkillUB2 current in this.PlayerSkills)
                if (current.EnergyCost > 0)
                    current.Desc = current.Desc + "\nEnergy cost: " + current.EnergyCost.ToGuiText(true);
                else if (current.EnergyCost < 0)
                    current.Desc = current.Desc + "\nRecovers " + current.EnergyCost.ToGuiText(true) + " energy";
                if (current.HealPerc < 0)
                    current.Desc = current.Desc + "\nReduces your hp by " + (current.HealPerc * -1).ToGuiText(true) + " %";
                if (current.Damage > 0)
                    current.Desc = current.Desc + "\nBase Damage: " + current.Damage.ToGuiText(false);
        public void Fight(SkillUB2 skillUsed, bool playerSecondAttack)
            string str  = string.Empty;
            int    num  = 0;
            int    num2 = 0;

            foreach (SkillUB2 current in this.LastUsedSkills)
                if (current.TypeEnum == SkillTypeUBV2.GiveBaseCreation)
                if (current.TypeEnum == SkillTypeUBV2.GiveModifiedCreation)
            if (skillUsed.TypeEnum == SkillTypeUBV2.GiveBaseCreation)
                Creation creation = App.State.AllCreations.FirstOrDefault((Creation x) => x.TypeEnum == this.Being.CreationNeeded);
                if (creation.Count < 1)
                    this.LastUsedSkills.RemoveAt(this.LastUsedSkills.Count - 1);
                    str = "You did not have any " + creation.Name + "!";
                    if ((this.LastUsedSkills.Count > 2 && this.LastUsedSkills[this.LastUsedSkills.Count - 2].TypeEnum == SkillTypeUBV2.GiveBaseCreation) || (this.LastUsedSkills.Count > 2 && this.LastUsedSkills[this.LastUsedSkills.Count - 2].TypeEnum == SkillTypeUBV2.GiveModifiedCreation))
                        this.LastUsedSkills.RemoveAt(this.LastUsedSkills.Count - 1);
                        str = this.Being.Name + " destroyed your " + creation.Name + "! He grew tired of it.";
                        this.Being.DamageReduction += 3;
                        if (this.Being.DamageReduction > 100)
                            this.Being.DamageReduction = 100;
                        str = this.Being.Name + " ate your " + creation.Name + ". His damage reduction was increased by 3%";
                    Creation expr_20B = creation;
                    expr_20B.Count = --expr_20B.Count;
            else if (skillUsed.TypeEnum == SkillTypeUBV2.GiveModifiedCreation)
                if (this.Being.CreationCount < 1)
                    this.LastUsedSkills.RemoveAt(this.LastUsedSkills.Count - 1);
                    str = "You did not have any " + this.Being.CreationName + "!";
                    if (num2 > num * 2)
                        this.LastUsedSkills.RemoveAt(this.LastUsedSkills.Count - 1);
                        str = this.Being.Name + " destroyed your " + this.Being.CreationName + "! He was suspicious of it!";
                    else if ((this.LastUsedSkills.Count > 2 && this.LastUsedSkills[this.LastUsedSkills.Count - 2].TypeEnum == SkillTypeUBV2.GiveBaseCreation) || (this.LastUsedSkills.Count > 2 && this.LastUsedSkills[this.LastUsedSkills.Count - 2].TypeEnum == SkillTypeUBV2.GiveModifiedCreation))
                        this.LastUsedSkills.RemoveAt(this.LastUsedSkills.Count - 1);
                        str = this.Being.Name + " destroyed your " + this.Being.CreationName + "! He grew tired of it.";
                        this.Being.DamageReduction -= 5;
                        if (this.Being.DamageReduction < 0)
                            this.Being.DamageReduction = 0;
                        str = this.Being.Name + " ate your " + this.Being.CreationName + ". His damage reduction was reduced by 5%!";
                    UltimateBeingV2 expr_402 = this.Being;
                    expr_402.CreationCount = --expr_402.CreationCount;
            else if (skillUsed.TypeEnum == SkillTypeUBV2.AuraBall || skillUsed.TypeEnum == SkillTypeUBV2.IonioiHeroSummon || skillUsed.TypeEnum == SkillTypeUBV2.BigBang)
                CDouble cDouble = skillUsed.Damage * (100 - this.Being.DamageReduction) / 100;
                if (this.DoubleUp)
                    cDouble      *= 2;
                    this.DoubleUp = false;
                cDouble  = cDouble * this.Damage / 100;
                cDouble  = (double)UnityEngine.Random.Range((float)cDouble.ToInt() * 0.9f, (float)cDouble.ToInt() * 1.1f);
                cDouble /= 0.5 + (double)(this.Being.Tier / 2);
                this.Being.HPPercent -= cDouble;
                this.InfoText         = this.InfoText + " and caused " + cDouble.ToGuiText(true) + " % damage.";
            this.InfoText = this.InfoText + "\n" + str;