public void OnGUI() { multiSetParameterIndex = -1; if (CloseIfError()) { Close(); return; } GUIUtils.StartBox(1); if (!selectionSystem.hasSelection) { GUIUtils.Label(noAOsGUI); } else { bool drawingSingle = selectionSystem.singleSelected; SelectionElement firstSelected = selectionSystem.firstSelected; EditorProp assetObjectProp = drawingSingle ? AOStateMachineEditor.GetAOatPoolID(currentState, firstSelected.refIndex) : multiEditAssetObjectProp; if (assetObjectProp == null) { GUIUtils.Label(noAOsGUI); } else { // GUIUtils.Label(drawingSingle ? new GUIContent("<b>" + firstSelected.path + "</b>") : selectEditGUI); GUIUtils.Label(drawingSingle ? new GUIContent("<b>" + firstSelected.gui.text + "</b>") : selectEditGUI); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUIUtils.BeginIndent(); DrawAOParameters(drawingSingle, assetObjectProp); GUIUtils.EndIndent(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); bool setMessages = DrawMessaging(AOStateMachineEditor.messageBlocksField, sendMessagesGUI, assetObjectProp, drawingSingle); bool setConditions = DrawMessaging(AOStateMachineEditor.conditionsBlockField, conditionsGUI, assetObjectProp, drawingSingle); if (!drawingSingle) { if (multiSetParameterIndex != -1) { CopyParameters( selectionSystem.GetReferenceIndiciesInSelectionOrAllShown(false).Generate(i => AOStateMachineEditor.GetAOatPoolID(currentState, i)), multiEditAssetObjectProp, multiSetParameterIndex ); } if (setMessages || setConditions) { CopyTextBlock( selectionSystem.GetReferenceIndiciesInSelectionOrAllShown(false).Generate(i => AOStateMachineEditor.GetAOatPoolID(currentState, i)), multiEditAssetObjectProp, setMessages ? AOStateMachineEditor.messageBlocksField : AOStateMachineEditor.conditionsBlockField ); } } } } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); if (GUIUtils.Button(closeGUI, GUIStyles.button,, { Close(); } GUIUtils.EndBox(1);; }
public static AssetObjectWindow ShowAssetObjectWindow(AOStateMachineEditor stateMachineEditor, EditorProp packProp, ElementSelectionSystem selectionSystem) { return(((AssetObjectWindow)GetWindow(typeof(AssetObjectWindow), true, "Asset Object:", false)).InitializeInternal(stateMachineEditor, packProp, selectionSystem)); }
public void SetCurrentState(EditorProp currentState) { this.currentState = currentState; }
static void UpdateParametersIfDifferentFromDefaults(EditorProp parameters, EditorProp defaultParams, bool debug) { int aoParametersCount = parameters.arraySize; int defParametersCount = defaultParams.arraySize; Func <EditorProp, string> GetParamName = (EditorProp parameter) => parameter[CustomParameterEditor.nameField].stringValue; //check for parameters to delete for (int i = aoParametersCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { string name = GetParamName(parameters[i]); bool inDefParams = false; for (int d = 0; d < defParametersCount; d++) { if (GetParamName(defaultParams[d]) == name) { inDefParams = true; break; } } if (!inDefParams) { if (debug) { Debug.Log("Deleting param: " + name); } parameters.DeleteAt(i, "deleting different params"); } } // Debug.Log("finished deletes"); aoParametersCount = parameters.arraySize; //check for parameters that need adding for (int i = 0; i < defParametersCount; i++) { var defParam = defaultParams[i]; string defParamName = GetParamName(defParam); bool inParams = false; for (int p = 0; p < aoParametersCount; p++) { if (GetParamName(parameters[p]) == defParamName) { inParams = true; break; } } if (!inParams) { if (debug) { Debug.Log("adding param: " + defParamName); } CustomParameterEditor.CopyParameter(parameters.AddNew(), defParam); } } aoParametersCount = parameters.arraySize; // Debug.Log("finished Adds"); //reorder to same order EditorProp temp = null; for (int d = 0; d < defParametersCount; d++) { string defParamName = GetParamName(defaultParams[d]); var parameter = parameters[d]; if (GetParamName(parameter) == defParamName) { continue; } if (debug) { Debug.Log("moving param: " + GetParamName(parameter)); } EditorProp trueParam = null; //for (int p = d + 1; p < c_p; p++) { for (int p = 0; p < aoParametersCount; p++) { trueParam = parameters[p]; if (GetParamName(trueParam) == defParamName) { break; } } if (trueParam == null) { if (debug) { Debug.LogError("couldnt find: " + defParamName); } } //put the current one in temp if (temp == null) { //make extra temp parameeter temp = parameters.AddNew(); } // Debug.Log("put in temp"); CustomParameterEditor.CopyParameter(temp, parameter); //place the real param in the current // Debug.Log("put in current"); CustomParameterEditor.CopyParameter(parameter, trueParam); //place temp in old param that was moved // Debug.Log("put in temp 2"); CustomParameterEditor.CopyParameter(trueParam, temp); } if (temp != null) { //delete temp parameter parameters.DeleteAt(parameters.arraySize - 1, "deleting temp param"); } //check type changes Func <EditorProp, int> GetParamType = (EditorProp parameter) => parameter[CustomParameterEditor.typeField].intValue; for (int i = 0; i < defParametersCount; i++) { if (GetParamType(parameters[i]) != GetParamType(defaultParams[i])) { if (debug) { Debug.Log("changing: " + GetParamName(parameters[i]) + " from " + GetParamType(parameters[i]) + " to " + GetParamType(defaultParams[i])); } CustomParameterEditor.CopyParameter(parameters[i], defaultParams[i]); } } }
AssetObjectWindow InitializeInternal(AOStateMachineEditor stateMachineEditor, EditorProp packProp, ElementSelectionSystem selectionSystem) { this.stateMachineEditor = stateMachineEditor; this.selectionSystem = selectionSystem; multiEditAssetObjectProp = new EditorProp(new SerializedObject(this))["multiEditAssetObject"]; PacksManagerEditor.UpdateAssetObjectParametersIfDifferentFromDefaults(multiEditAssetObjectProp, packProp, true, true); EditorProp aoParameters = multiEditAssetObjectProp[AOStateMachineEditor.paramsField]; int paramsLength = aoParameters.arraySize; parameterLabels = paramsLength.Generate(i => new GUIContent(aoParameters[i]["name"].stringValue)).ToArray(); int ySize = minSizeWithoutParameters + (parameterYSize * paramsLength); position = new Rect(256, 256, 400, ySize); return(this); }
public static void UpdateAssetObjectParametersIfDifferentFromDefaults(EditorProp ao, EditorProp pack, bool reset, bool debug) { if (reset) { CustomParameterEditor.CopyParameterList(ao[AOStateMachineEditor.paramsField], pack[defaultParametersField]); } else { UpdateParametersIfDifferentFromDefaults(ao[AOStateMachineEditor.paramsField], pack[defaultParametersField], debug); } }
static void DefaultDurationParameter(EditorProp parameter) { parameter[CustomParameterEditor.nameField].SetValue("Duration"); parameter[CustomParameterEditor.typeField].SetValue((int)CustomParameter.ParamType.FloatValue); parameter[CustomParameter.ParamType.FloatValue.ToString()].SetValue(-1.0f); }
void OnEnable() { so = new EditorProp(serializedObject); packsManager = target as PacksManager; errors = GetPacksErrors(packsManager, packs); }
bool CheckedVariable(EditorProp variable, GUIContent content, GUILayoutOption option) { return(GUIUtils.DrawTextProp(variable, content, GUIUtils.TextFieldType.Normal, false, " var ", option)); }
void OnEnable() { so = new EditorProp(serializedObject); }