protected void BindDictionaryBranch(JsonTreeNode branch, Guid parentDict) { using (DictionaryProvider provider = new DictionaryProvider()) { List<DictionaryTree> dicts = provider.GetDictionaryTreeList(parentDict, this.Roles); foreach (DictionaryTree dict in dicts) { JsonTreeNode tempNode = new JsonTreeNode(dict.Name); branch.children.Add(tempNode); BindDictionaryBranch(tempNode, dict.ID); } if (!parentDict.Equals(Guid.Empty)) { DictionaryTree entity = provider.DictionaryTrees.SingleOrDefault(d => d.ID == parentDict); List<DictionaryProperty> source = provider.GetAvailableDictionaryProperties(this.Roles, entity.DictionaryID); foreach (DictionaryProperty prop in source) { JsonTreeNode tempNode = new JsonTreeNode(prop.Name); tempNode.uid = String.Format("{0}_{1}", prop.Dictionary.TableName, prop.ColumnName); tempNode.leaf = true; branch.children.Add(tempNode); } } } }
protected void BindPropertyTree() { JsonTreeNode rootProps = new JsonTreeNode("Свойства"); using (DictionaryProvider provider = new DictionaryProvider()) { List<Property> source = provider.GetAvailableProperties(this.Roles); foreach (Property prop in source) { JsonTreeNode tempNode = new JsonTreeNode(prop.Name); tempNode.leaf = true; tempNode.uid = prop.Alias; rootProps.children.Add(tempNode); } } jsonReponse.children.Add(rootProps); }
private void BindDictionaryList(List<ITreeNode> parents, bool isEmpty) { using (DictionaryProvider provider = new DictionaryProvider()) { //--- dictionary property ----- Product product = provider.Products.SingleOrDefault(p => p.ID == this.RequestProductID); if (product == null) this.RedirectToErrorPage(); List<DictionaryTree> list = provider.GetDictionaryTreeList(Guid.Empty, this.Roles); var q = from l in list.Where(f => f.ClassificationID.HasValue) join m in parents on l.ClassificationID.Value equals m.ID select new Pair<DictionaryTree, string>(l, m.Name); List<DictionaryDDLSource> source = new List<DictionaryDDLSource>(); foreach (Pair<DictionaryTree, string> item in q.ToList()) { DictionaryDDLSource entity = new DictionaryDDLSource(); entity.DictionaryTreeID = item.First.ID; //set dictionary property title entity.Title = string.Format("{0} ({1})", item.First.Name, item.Second); //get product dicitonary value object value = provider.GetProductDicitonaryValue(this.RequestProductID, item.First.FK); if (value != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(value.ToString()) && !isEmpty) { entity.ID = new Guid(value.ToString());//entity.SelectedValue = value.ToString(); string valueText = provider.GetProductDictionaryText(entity.ID, item.First).ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueText) && valueText.Trim().Length > 0) entity.ValueText = valueText; } source.Add(entity); } DictionaryPropertyRepeater.DataSource = source; DictionaryPropertyRepeater.DataBind(); } }
public void BindDictionaryTreeView(Guid parentID, TreeNode parentNode, ContentDomain domain, List<ITreeNode> parents) { using (DictionaryProvider provider = new DictionaryProvider()) { //bind child dictionaries List<ITreeNode> list = new List<ITreeNode>(); if (parentID.Equals(Guid.Empty)) { List<DictionaryTree> list1 = provider.GetDictionaryTreeList(parentID, this.Roles); var q = from l in list1.Where(f => f.ClassificationID.HasValue) join m in parents on l.ClassificationID.Value equals m.ID select new DictionaryTree { ID = l.ID, ParentID = l.ParentID, Name = string.Format("{0} ({1})", l.Name, m.Name) } as ITreeNode; //l as ITreeNode; list = q.ToList(); } else { list = provider.GetList(parentID, User.ID, Roles); } foreach (ITreeNode item in list) { TreeNode node = new TreeNode(item.Name, item.ID.ToString()); node.SelectAction = TreeNodeSelectAction.Expand; if (parentNode != null) parentNode.ChildNodes.Add(node); else DictionaryTreeView.Nodes.Add(node); this.BindDictionaryTreeView(item.ID, node, domain, parents); } //bind fields if (parentNode != null && !parentID.Equals(Guid.Empty)) { DictionaryTree entity = provider.DictionaryTrees.SingleOrDefault(d => d.ID == parentID); List<IUserField> fields = domain.GetUserFields(this.User.ID, RequestClassificationTreeID, this.FieldPlaceHolderID).Where(uf => uf.DictionaryTreeID == parentID).ToList(); List<Guid> previous = this.PreviouseDictionaries; previous.AddRange(fields.Select(f => f.DictionaryProperty.ID)); this.PreviouseDictionaries = previous; //List<DictionaryProperty> source = entity.Dictionary.DictionaryProperties.ToList(); List<DictionaryProperty> source = provider.GetAvailableDictionaryProperties(this.Roles, entity.DictionaryID); foreach (DictionaryProperty prop in source) { TreeNode node = new TreeNode(prop.Name, prop.ID.ToString()); node.SelectAction = TreeNodeSelectAction.None; IUserField field = fields.Find(f => f.DictionaryProperty.ID == prop.ID); if (field != null) { node.Checked = true; node.Value = string.Format("{0},{1}", node.Value, field.Sequence); } else node.Checked = false; parentNode.ChildNodes.AddAt(0, node); } } //-- } }
private void DataLoad() { using (DictionaryProvider domain = new DictionaryProvider()) { object val = domain.GetProductDictionaryText(this.RequestDictionaryEntityID, this.DictionaryTreeID); //Aspect.Domain.Product prod = domain.GetProduct(this.RequestDictionaryEntityID); //if (prod == null) return; this.Title = HeaderLiteral.Text = string.Format("Редактирование {0}", val.ToString()); if (this.IsNew) this.Title = HeaderLiteral.Text = string.Format("Добавление по аналогу {0}", val.ToString()); HeaderDateLiteral.Text = string.Format(HeaderDateLiteral.Text, DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(), DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()); BindGeneralPropertyList(); BindDictionaryList(); } }
private void BindGeneralPropertyList() { using (DictionaryProvider provider = new DictionaryProvider()) { //--- general property------- List<DictionaryProperty> props = provider.GetAvailableDictionaryPropertiesToModify(this.DictionaryTreeID, this.Roles); List<Pair<DictionaryProperty, object>> source = new List<Pair<DictionaryProperty, object>>(); foreach (DictionaryProperty item in props) { object obj = provider.GetDictionaryItemValue(this.DictionaryTreeID, this.RequestDictionaryEntityID, item.ColumnName); Pair<DictionaryProperty, object> entity = new Pair<DictionaryProperty, object>(item, obj); source.Add(entity); } GeneralPropertyRepeater.DataSource = source;//props; GeneralPropertyRepeater.DataBind(); NotSavedProperties = new List<Pair<string, string>>(); } }
private void BindDictionaryList() { using (DictionaryProvider provider = new DictionaryProvider()) { List<DictionaryTree> list = provider.GetDictionaryTreeList(this.DictionaryTreeID, this.Roles); List<DictionaryDDLSource> source = new List<DictionaryDDLSource>(); foreach (DictionaryTree item in list) { DictionaryDDLSource entity = new DictionaryDDLSource(); entity.DictionaryTreeID = item.ID; //set dictionary property title entity.Title = item.Name; //string.Format("{0} ({1})", item.First.Name, item.Second); //get product dicitonary value object value = provider.GetDictionaryItemValue(this.DictionaryTreeID, this.RequestDictionaryEntityID, item.FK); if (value != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(value.ToString())) { entity.ID = new Guid(value.ToString());//entity.SelectedValue = value.ToString(); string valueText = provider.GetProductDictionaryText(entity.ID, item).ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueText) && valueText.Trim().Length > 0) entity.ValueText = valueText; } source.Add(entity); } DictionaryPropertyRepeater.DataSource = source; DictionaryPropertyRepeater.DataBind(); } }
private void BindGridColumns() { SelectorGrid.Columns.Clear(); HyperLinkField selector = new HyperLinkField(); selector.Text = "Выбрать"; selector.ItemStyle.Width = new Unit(30, UnitType.Pixel); SelectorGrid.Columns.Add(selector); using (DictionaryProvider provider = new DictionaryProvider()) { List<GridColumn> columns = provider.GetGridColumns(this.User.ID, DictionaryTreeID, FieldPlaceHolder.Grid); foreach (GridColumn item in columns) { ProductGridField field = new ProductGridField(item.Name, item.DataItem); field.SortExpression = item.DataItem; SelectorGrid.Columns.Add(field); SearchExpression expr = this.SearchConditions.FirstOrDefault(s => s.FieldID == item.ID); field.HeaderText = expr == null ? field.HeaderText : string.Format("{0} ({1})", field.HeaderText, expr.FieldValue); } } }
protected void SelectorGrid_RowCreated(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { if (e.Row.DataItem != null) { if (e.Row.RowState == DataControlRowState.Alternate) e.Row.CssClass += " row2"; //HyperLink link = e.Row.Cells[0].FindControl("СhooseButton") as HyperLink; HyperLink link = e.Row.Cells[0].Controls[0] as HyperLink; link.NavigateUrl = "javascript:void(0);"; using (DictionaryProvider provider = new DictionaryProvider()) { if (tree == null) tree = provider.GetDictionaryTreeNode(this.DictionaryTreeID); Guid id = new Guid(DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, /*this.ValueField*/"ID").ToString()); string text = provider.GetProductDictionaryText(id, tree).ToString(); string function; if (MultiMode) { function = String.Format("fnSelectRow('{0}','{1}');return false;", id, text); e.Row.CssClass += " " + id.ToString(); var pair = MultiSelection.Value.Split(';').Where(i => !String.IsNullOrEmpty(i)); ; var idsList = pair.Select(i => new Guid (i.Split(':').First())); if (idsList.Contains(id)) e.Row.CssClass += " RowSelected"; } else { function = String.Format("self.parent.setSelectedValue('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}');self.parent.tb_remove();return false;", this.HiddenControlID, id, this.TextControlID, text); } //string function = String.Format("self.parent.setSelectedValue('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}');self.parent.tb_remove();return false;", this.HiddenControlID, DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, /*this.ValueField*/"ID"), this.TextControlID, DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, this.TextField)); link.Attributes.Add("onclick", function); } e.Row.Attributes["onmouseover"] = "highLightRow(this)"; e.Row.Attributes["onmouseout"] = "unHighLightRow(this)"; } } }
protected void GridPager_CurrentPageChanged(object sender, PagerEventArgs e) { using (DictionaryProvider provider = new DictionaryProvider()) { DictionaryTree entity = provider.DictionaryTrees.Single(d => d.ID == DictionaryTreeID); List<GridColumn> columns = provider.GetGridColumns(this.User.ID, DictionaryTreeID, FieldPlaceHolder.Grid); System.Data.DataSet source = provider.GetList(DictionaryTreeID, this.User.ID, this.OrderExpression, this.SearchConditions, new PagingInfo(false)); //provider.GetDictionaryDataSource(entity, SearchExp); ValueField = entity.PK; TextField = entity.Dictionary.IdentifierField; if (source != null && source.Tables.Count > 0) { GridPager.Visible = SelectorGrid.Visible = true; GridPager.CurrentPage = e.CurrentPage; GridPager.TotalRecords = source.Tables[0].DefaultView.Count; SelectorGrid.DataSource = source; SelectorGrid.PageIndex = e.CurrentPage; SelectorGrid.DataBind(); this.AppendGridHeader(columns); } } }
protected void SaveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //if (this.IsNew) //{ string version = null; string nomenValue = null; CustomValidator validator1 = null; CustomValidator validator2 = null; #region Get the @version foreach (RepeaterItem item in GeneralPropertyRepeater.Items) { if (item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem) { Guid id = new Guid((item.FindControl("HiddenID") as HiddenField).Value); if (id == new Guid("0789DB1A-9BAA-4574-B405-AE570C746C03")) { EditControl editControl = item.FindControl("PropertyValueAdv") as EditControl; if (!editControl.Validate()) return; version = editControl.Value.ToString().Trim(); //version = (item.FindControl("PropertyValue") as TextBox).Text.Trim(); validator1 = item.FindControl("UniqueValueValidator") as CustomValidator; } } } #endregion #region Get the @nomenValue foreach (RepeaterItem item in DictionaryPropertyRepeater.Items) { if (item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem) { Guid dictId = new Guid((item.FindControl("HiddenTreeID") as HiddenField).Value); if (dictId == new Guid("316C6BC7-D883-44C8-AAE0-602F49C73595")) { nomenValue = (item.FindControl("HiddenID") as HiddenField).Value; validator2 = item.FindControl("UniqueValueValidator") as CustomValidator; } } } #endregion #region Check the unique @version && @nomenValue if (version != null && nomenValue != null && validator1 != null && validator2 != null) { using (ProductProvider provider = new ProductProvider()) { var q = from p in provider.Products join pp in provider.ProductProperties on p.ID equals pp.ProductID where pp.PropertyID == new Guid("0789DB1A-9BAA-4574-B405-AE570C746C03") //&& p.ID == this.RequestProductID && pp.Value == version && p._dictNomenID == new Guid(nomenValue) select p; List<Product> list = q.ToList(); if (list.Count > 0 && this.IsNew) { validator1.IsValid = false; validator2.IsValid = false; return; } else if (list.Count > 0 && list.Where(p => p.ID == this.RequestProductID).Count() == 0) { validator1.IsValid = false; validator2.IsValid = false; return; } } } else { return; } #endregion #region Check the main version canceling... string mainVersionValue = null; CustomValidator mainVersionValidator = null; foreach (RepeaterItem item in GeneralPropertyRepeater.Items) { if (item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem) { Guid id = new Guid((item.FindControl("HiddenID") as HiddenField).Value); if (id == new Guid("bbe170b0-28e4-4738-b365-1038b03f4552")) { EditControl editControl = item.FindControl("PropertyValueAdv") as EditControl; if (!editControl.Validate()) return; mainVersionValue = editControl.Value.ToString().Trim(); mainVersionValidator = item.FindControl("UniqueValueValidator") as CustomValidator; } } } if (mainVersionValue != null && mainVersionValidator != null && !this.IsNew) { using (ProductProvider provider = new ProductProvider()) { var q = from p in provider.ProductProperties where p.PropertyID == new Guid("bbe170b0-28e4-4738-b365-1038b03f4552") && p.ProductID == this.RequestProductID select p; List<ProductProperty> list = q.ToList(); if (list.Count == 1) { // попытка изменить основную версию if (list.First().Value == "1") { mainVersionValidator.IsValid = false; return; } } } } #endregion //} if (this.IsNew) { using (ProductProvider provider = new ProductProvider()) { Guid newID = provider.AddNewProduct(this.RequestProductID, User.ID); if (this.IsWithConfs) { // копирование по аналогу вместе с составом provider.CopyConfiguration(this.RequestProductID, newID, this.User.ID); } newProductID = newID; } } using (ProductProvider provider = new ProductProvider()) { Product editedProduct = provider.GetProduct(RequestProductID); if (editedProduct.userID != User.ID) { editedProduct.userID = User.ID; provider.SubmitChanges(); } } #region update dictionary values using (DictionaryProvider provider = new DictionaryProvider()) { foreach (RepeaterItem item in DictionaryPropertyRepeater.Items) { if (item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem) { Guid dictId = new Guid((item.FindControl("HiddenTreeID") as HiddenField).Value); string valueString = (item.FindControl("HiddenID") as HiddenField).Value; DictionaryTree dict = provider.DictionaryTrees.Single(d => d.ID == dictId); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueString) && !(new Guid(valueString).Equals(Guid.Empty))) { provider.SetProductDictioanryValue(this.RequestProductID, dict.FK, valueString.Trim(), User.ID); } else { provider.DeleteProductDictionaryValue(this.RequestProductID, dict.FK, User.ID); } } } provider.SubmitChanges(); } #endregion #region update properties values using (ProductProvider provider = new ProductProvider()) { bool settingMainVersion = false; foreach (RepeaterItem item in GeneralPropertyRepeater.Items) { if (item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem) { Guid id = new Guid((item.FindControl("HiddenID") as HiddenField).Value); //string value = (item.FindControl("PropertyValue") as TextBox).Text.Trim(); EditControl editControl = item.FindControl("PropertyValueAdv") as EditControl; if (!editControl.IsEmpty && !editControl.Validate()) { continue; } // Если поле "Вес по приказу" не заполнено, то заполняем его из номенклатуры if (id == new Guid("AC37F816-E4C1-4751-99ED-6180D7CCA142") && editControl.IsEmpty) { Product prod = provider.GetProduct(this.RequestProductID); if ( { editControl.Value =".", ","); } } if (editControl.IsEmpty) { ProductProperty prop = provider.ProductProperties.SingleOrDefault(pp => pp.PropertyID == id && pp.ProductID == this.RequestProductID); if (prop != null) { provider.ProductProperties.DeleteOnSubmit(prop); provider.SubmitChanges(); } continue; } string value = editControl.Value.ToString().Trim(); if (editControl.ControlType == TypeEnum.Datetime) { DateTime dt = DateTime.ParseExact(value, "dd.MM.yyyy", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (dt == DateTime.MinValue) value = string.Empty; else value = dt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.fff"); } // установка признака "Основная версия" if (id == new Guid ("BBE170B0-28E4-4738-B365-1038B03F4552") && value == "1") { settingMainVersion = true; } ProductProperty property = provider.ProductProperties.SingleOrDefault(pp => pp.PropertyID == id && pp.ProductID == this.RequestProductID); if (property != null) { if (property.Value != value) { Aspect.Utility.TraceHelper.Log(User.ID, "Продукт: {0}. Свойство изменино: {1}. Старое значение {2}. Новое значение {3}", this.RequestProductID, property.Property.Name, property.Value, value); } property.Value = value; } else { property = new ProductProperty() { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), ProductID = this.RequestProductID, PropertyID = id, Value = value }; provider.ProductProperties.InsertOnSubmit(property); Property prop = provider.Properties.Single(p => p.ID == id); Aspect.Utility.TraceHelper.Log(User.ID, "Продукт: {0}. Свойство изменино: {1}. Старое значение NULL. Новое значение {2}", this.RequestProductID, prop.Name, value); } provider.SubmitChanges(); } } // Переносим вес из продуктов в _dictNomen, если там он отсутствует (0 или null) if (settingMainVersion) { try { // Пытаемся получить свойство с весом если оно есть string raw_pw = (from p in provider.Products join pp in provider.ProductProperties on p.ID equals pp.ProductID where p.ID == this.RequestProductID && pp.PropertyID == new Guid("AC37F816-E4C1-4751-99ED-6180D7CCA142") select pp.Value).Single(); decimal prod_pw = Convert.ToDecimal(raw_pw.Replace(',', '.'), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); // Если свойство есть переносим его if (prod_pw != 0) { _dictNomen dict = (from p in provider.Products join d in provider._dictNomens on p._dictNomenID equals d.ID where p.ID == this.RequestProductID select d).Single(); = prod_pw; provider.SubmitChanges(); } } catch { // перехватываем исключение, так как веса у продукта может вовсе и не быть } } } #endregion if (this.IsNew) { // добавить свойство "пустой состав" if (!this.IsWithConfs) { using (CommonDomain provider = new CommonDomain()) { var properties = from props in provider.ProductProperties where props.PropertyID == new Guid("00ACC1C7-6857-4317-8713-8B8D9479C5CC") // Свойство "Наличие состава" && props.ProductID == RequestProductID select props; if (properties.Count() > 1) { // если несколько одинаковых свойств - генерируем исключение throw new Exception("У продукта не может быть больше одного свойства \"Наличие состава\"!"); } else if (properties.Count() == 1) { // если только одно свойство - редактируем его, и сохраняемся properties.First().Value = "-"; } else { // если нет ниодного свойства, создаём его с нужным нам значеним provider.ProductProperties.InsertOnSubmit(new ProductProperty() { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), ProductID = RequestProductID, PropertyID = new Guid("00ACC1C7-6857-4317-8713-8B8D9479C5CC"), Value = "-" }); } provider.SubmitChanges(); } } // перенаправить на редактирование Response.Redirect(string.Format("Edit.aspx?ID={0}", this.RequestProductID)); return; } if(Page.IsValid) this.DataLoad(); }
protected void SaveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.DictionaryTreeID == new Guid("316C6BC7-D883-44C8-AAE0-602F49C73595")) { Guid _dictP1STID = Guid.Empty; Guid _dictGOSTID = Guid.Empty; string PN1 = string.Empty; string PN2_2 = string.Empty; EditControl superfieldControl = null; EditControl superfieldControl_ua = null; foreach (RepeaterItem item in GeneralPropertyRepeater.Items) { string col_name = (item.FindControl("HiddenID") as HiddenField).Value; if (col_name.ToUpper() == "PN1") { EditControl editControl = item.FindControl("PropertyValueAdv") as EditControl; if (!editControl.Validate()) return; PN1 = editControl.Value.ToString().Trim(); } if (col_name.ToUpper() == "PN2_2") { EditControl editControl = item.FindControl("PropertyValueAdv") as EditControl; if (!editControl.Validate()) return; PN2_2 = editControl.Value.ToString().Trim(); } if (col_name.ToLower() == "superpole") { superfieldControl = item.FindControl("PropertyValueAdv") as EditControl; } if (col_name.ToLower() == "superpole_ua") { superfieldControl_ua = item.FindControl("PropertyValueAdv") as EditControl; } } foreach (RepeaterItem item in DictionaryPropertyRepeater.Items) { if (item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem) { Guid dictId = new Guid((item.FindControl("HiddenTreeID") as HiddenField).Value); if (dictId == new Guid("98C60832-A66C-4A84-BC90-EB83EE43C4C9")) { _dictP1STID = new Guid((item.FindControl("HiddenID") as HiddenField).Value); } if (dictId == new Guid("BB4BCA91-C56D-4746-B5C2-C7CF29596F3D")) { _dictGOSTID = new Guid((item.FindControl("HiddenID") as HiddenField).Value); } } } using (DictionaryProvider provider = new DictionaryProvider()) { string superfield = provider.GetNomenSuperFieldValue(_dictP1STID, _dictGOSTID, PN1, PN2_2); string superfield_ua = provider.GetNomenSuperFieldValueUa(_dictP1STID, _dictGOSTID, PN1, PN2_2); if (superfieldControl != null) superfieldControl.Value = superfield; if (superfieldControl_ua != null ) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(superfieldControl_ua.Value.ToString().Trim())) { // если поле с "укр. суперполем" пусто, устанавливаем расчитанное значение superfieldControl_ua.Value = superfield_ua; } } #region Check [superpole] && [pn1] for uniqueness // Проверка поля [superpole] на уникальность List<_dictNomen> list = provider._dictNomens.Where(d => d.superpole.Trim() == superfield).ToList(); if (this.IsNew && !this.IsNewAdded && list.Count > 0) { UniqueValueValidator.ErrorMessage = string.Format("Значение Общ. наименование должно быть уникальным ( {0} )", superfield); UniqueValueValidator.IsValid = false; return; } else if (list.Count > 0 && list.Where(l => l.ID == this.RequestDictionaryEntityID).Count() == 0) { UniqueValueValidator.ErrorMessage = string.Format("Значение Общ. наименование должно быть уникальным ( {0} )", superfield); UniqueValueValidator.IsValid = false; return; } // Проверка поля [pn1] на уникальность List<_dictNomen> listPn1 = provider._dictNomens.Where(d => d.pn1.Trim() == PN1).ToList(); if (this.IsNew && !this.IsNewAdded && listPn1.Count > 0) { UniqueValueValidator.Text = string.Format("! Значение поля [Обозначение] должно быть уникальным ( {0} )", PN1); UniqueValueValidator.IsValid = false; return; } else if (listPn1.Count > 0 && listPn1.Where(l => l.ID == this.RequestDictionaryEntityID).Count() == 0) { UniqueValueValidator.Text = string.Format("! Значение поля [Обозначение] должно быть уникальным ( {0} )", PN1); UniqueValueValidator.IsValid = false; return; } #endregion } } Guid oldDictionaryEntityID = this.RequestDictionaryEntityID; if (this.IsNew && !this.IsNewAdded) { using (DictionaryProvider provider = new DictionaryProvider()) { Guid newID = provider.AddNewDictionaryEntity(this.DictionaryTreeID, this.RequestDictionaryEntityID); this.RequestDictionaryEntityID = newID; IsNewAdded = true; //newDictionaryEntityID = newID; Aspect.Utility.TraceHelper.Log(User.ID, "Справочник treeID: {0}. Новая запись: {1}", this.DictionaryTreeID, newID); } } using (DictionaryProvider provider = new DictionaryProvider()) { //update properties foreach (RepeaterItem item in GeneralPropertyRepeater.Items) { string col_name = (item.FindControl("HiddenID") as HiddenField).Value; //string value = (item.FindControl("PropertyValue") as TextBox).Text.Trim(); EditControl editControl = item.FindControl("PropertyValueAdv") as EditControl; if (!editControl.Validate()) { continue; } string value = editControl.Value.ToString().Trim(); /*if (col_name == "superpole" && this.DictionaryTreeID == new Guid("316C6BC7-D883-44C8-AAE0-602F49C73595")) { }*/ try { if (item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem) { object obj = provider.GetDictionaryItemValue(this.DictionaryTreeID, this.RequestDictionaryEntityID, col_name); if (obj == null || obj == DBNull.Value || !value.Equals(obj.ToString().Trim())) { Aspect.Utility.TraceHelper.Log(User.ID, "Справочник treeID: {0}. Запись: {4}. Свойство изменино: {1}. Старое значение {2}. Новое значение {3}", this.DictionaryTreeID, col_name, ((obj == null || obj == DBNull.Value) ? "NULL" : obj.ToString()), value, RequestDictionaryEntityID); if (editControl.ControlType == TypeEnum.Datetime) { DateTime dt = DateTime.ParseExact(value, "dd.MM.yyyy", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (dt == DateTime.MinValue) provider.DeleteDictionaryItemValue(this.DictionaryTreeID, this.RequestDictionaryEntityID, col_name); else provider.SetDictionaryItemValue(this.DictionaryTreeID, this.RequestDictionaryEntityID, col_name, dt.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"), User.ID); } else { if (IsNew && col_name == "raznes") value = "0"; /* * Переносим вес в первую версию продукта основную версию при условии */ #region moving_weight if (IsNew && col_name == "pw") { using (ProductProvider productProvider = new ProductProvider()) { try { productProvider.SetProductWeight(this.RequestDictionaryEntityID, Convert.ToDecimal(value.Replace(",", "."), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } catch { } } } #endregion provider.SetDictionaryItemValue(this.DictionaryTreeID, this.RequestDictionaryEntityID, col_name, value, User.ID); } } } } catch (Exception) { this.NotSavedProperties.Add(new Pair<string, string>(col_name, value)); //(item.FindControl("PropertyValidator") as CustomValidator).IsValid = false; } } foreach (RepeaterItem item in DictionaryPropertyRepeater.Items) { if (item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem) { Guid dictId = new Guid((item.FindControl("HiddenTreeID") as HiddenField).Value); string valueString = (item.FindControl("HiddenID") as HiddenField).Value; DictionaryTree dict = provider.DictionaryTrees.Single(d => d.ID == dictId); object obj = provider.GetDictionaryItemValue(this.DictionaryTreeID, this.RequestDictionaryEntityID, dict.FK); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueString) && !(new Guid(valueString).Equals(Guid.Empty))) { if (obj == null || obj == DBNull.Value || obj.ToString() != valueString) { Aspect.Utility.TraceHelper.Log(User.ID, "Справочник treeID: {0}. Запись: {4}. Свойство изменино: {1}. Старое значение {2}. Новое значение {3}", this.DictionaryTreeID, dict.FK, ((obj == null || obj == DBNull.Value) ? "NULL" : obj.ToString()), valueString, this.RequestDictionaryEntityID); provider.SetDictionaryItemValue(this.DictionaryTreeID, this.RequestDictionaryEntityID, dict.FK, valueString.Trim(), User.ID); } } else { if (obj != null && obj != DBNull.Value) { Aspect.Utility.TraceHelper.Log(User.ID, "Справочник treeID: {0}. Запись: {3}. Свойство удалено: {1}. Старое значение {2}. Новое значение NULL", this.DictionaryTreeID, dict.FK, obj.ToString(), this.RequestDictionaryEntityID); provider.DeleteDictionaryItemValue(this.DictionaryTreeID, this.RequestDictionaryEntityID, dict.FK); } } } } //provider.SubmitChanges(); } //this.BindDictionaryList(); /*if (this.IsNew && this.IsValid) { Response.Redirect(string.Format("~/Editarea/EditDict.aspx?ID={0}&new=false&DictID={1}", this.RequestDictionaryEntityID, Request["DictID"])); }*/ // для "Номенклатура" и "Номен. материала" if (this.IsNew && DictionaryTreeID == new Guid("316c6bc7-d883-44c8-aae0-602f49c73595")) { // если "Копировать состав из основной версии" if (this.CopyMainVersion.Checked) { using (ProductProvider provider = new ProductProvider()) { Guid newMainProductID = (from prod in provider.Products where prod._dictNomenID == this.RequestDictionaryEntityID select prod.ID).FirstOrDefault(); Guid oldMainProductID = (from prod in provider.Products join vers in provider.ProductProperties on prod.ID equals vers.ProductID where vers.Value == "1" && vers.PropertyID == new Guid("BBE170B0-28E4-4738-B365-1038B03F4552") // основная версия && prod._dictNomenID == oldDictionaryEntityID select prod.ID).FirstOrDefault(); if (!Guid.Empty.Equals(oldMainProductID)) { //newMainProductID = provider.CopyProduct(oldMainProductID, 2, RequestDictionaryEntityID); provider.CopyConfiguration(oldMainProductID, newMainProductID, User.ID); } } } // если класс не "МатРесурсы" if (new Guid(userCID.Value) != new Guid("55c7b455-0638-4acb-ac2e-5b4992e48462")) { using (ProductProvider provider = new ProductProvider()) { provider.ChangeProductClassification(this.RequestDictionaryEntityID, new Guid(userCID.Value)); } } } if (IsNew) Response.Redirect(string.Format("/Editarea/EditDict.aspx?ID={0}&new=false&DictID={1}", RequestDictionaryEntityID, DictionaryTreeID)); else if(Page.IsValid) this.DataLoad(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { IsNewAdded = false; try { RequestDictionaryEntityID = new Guid(this.Request["ID"]); } catch { this.RedirectToErrorPage(); } // для "Номенклатура" и "Номен. материала" if (IsNew && DictionaryTreeID == new Guid("316c6bc7-d883-44c8-aae0-602f49c73595")) { using (DictionaryProvider provider = new DictionaryProvider()) { if (!provider.IsSimpleDetal(this.RequestDictionaryEntityID)) { CopyMainVersion.Visible = true; } } } // только для новых пунктов в Номенклатуре if (!IsNew || !DictionaryTreeID.Equals(new Guid("316c6bc7-d883-44c8-aae0-602f49c73595"))) { SelectorButton.Visible = false; } this.DataLoad(); } }