public async Task<IHttpActionResult> CreateUser(CreateUserBindingModel createUserModel) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return BadRequest(ModelState); } var user = new ApplicationUser() { UserName = createUserModel.Username, Email = createUserModel.Email, FirstName = createUserModel.FirstName, LastName = createUserModel.LastName, Level = 3, JoinDate = DateTime.Now.Date, }; IdentityResult addUserResult = await this.AppUserManager.CreateAsync(user, createUserModel.Password); if (!addUserResult.Succeeded) { return GetErrorResult(addUserResult); } //generate token and send confirmation mail string code = await this.AppUserManager.GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(user.Id); var callbackUrl = new Uri(Url.Link("ConfirmEmailRoute", new { userId = user.Id, code = code })); await this.AppUserManager.SendEmailAsync(user.Id, "Confirm your account", "Please confirm your account by clicking <a href=\"" + callbackUrl + "\">here</a>"); Uri locationHeader = new Uri(Url.Link("GetUserById", new { id = user.Id })); return Created(locationHeader, TheModelFactory.Create(user)); }
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> CreateUser(CreateUserBindingModel createUserModel) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return BadRequest(ModelState); } var user = new ApplicationUser() { UserName = createUserModel.Username, Email = createUserModel.Email, FirstName = createUserModel.FirstName, LastName = createUserModel.LastName, Level = 3, JoinDate = DateTime.Now.Date, }; IdentityResult addUserResult = await this.AppUserManager.CreateAsync(user, createUserModel.Password); if (!addUserResult.Succeeded) { return GetErrorResult(addUserResult); } Uri locationHeader = new Uri(Url.Link("GetUserById", new { id = user.Id })); return Created(locationHeader, TheModelFactory.Create(user)); }
private async Task<string> GenerateUserToken(ApplicationUser validatedUser) { CustomJwtFormat jwt = new CustomJwtFormat(""); var identity = await validatedUser.GenerateUserIdentityAsync(AppUserManager, "password"); Microsoft.Owin.Security.AuthenticationProperties properties = new Microsoft.Owin.Security.AuthenticationProperties(); properties.IssuedUtc = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime(); properties.ExpiresUtc = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(5).ToUniversalTime(); return jwt.Protect(new Microsoft.Owin.Security.AuthenticationTicket(identity, properties)); }
public UserReturnModel Create(ApplicationUser appUser) { return new UserReturnModel { Url = _UrlHelper.Link("GetUserById", new { id = appUser.Id }), Id = appUser.Id, UserName = appUser.UserName, FullName = string.Format("{0} {1}", appUser.FirstName, appUser.LastName), Email = appUser.Email, EmailConfirmed = appUser.EmailConfirmed, Level = appUser.Level, JoinDate = appUser.JoinDate, Roles = _AppUserManager.GetRolesAsync(appUser.Id).Result, Claims = _AppUserManager.GetClaimsAsync(appUser.Id).Result }; }
public static IEnumerable<Claim> GetClaims(ApplicationUser user) { List<Claim> claims = new List<Claim>(); var daysInWork = (DateTime.Now.Date - user.JoinDate).TotalDays; if(daysInWork > 90) { claims.Add(CreateClaim("FTE", "1")); } else { claims.Add(CreateClaim("FTE", "0")); } return claims; }
public AffiliateReturnModel CreateAffiliate(ApplicationUser appUser, UserExtension extension) { return new AffiliateReturnModel { Email = appUser.Email, FirstName = appUser.FirstName, LastName = appUser.LastName, PhoneNumber = appUser.PhoneNumber, Username = appUser.UserName, IndividualDescription = extension.IndividualDescription, SkypeHandle = extension.SkypeHandle }; }
public ExtendedUserReturnModel Create(ApplicationUser appUser, UserExtension extension) { return new ExtendedUserReturnModel { Url = _UrlHelper.Link("GetUserById", new { id = appUser.Id }), Id = appUser.Id, UserName = appUser.UserName, FullName = string.Format("{0} {1}", extension.FirstName, extension.LastName), FirstName = extension.FirstName, LastName = extension.LastName, Email = appUser.Email, EmailConfirmed = appUser.EmailConfirmed, Level = appUser.Level, Credits = extension.Credits.ToString(), IndividualDescription = extension.IndividualDescription, PhoneNumber = extension.PhoneNumber, SkypeHandle = extension.SkypeHandle, JoinDate = appUser.JoinDate, Roles = _AppUserManager.GetRolesAsync(appUser.Id).Result, Claims = _AppUserManager.GetClaimsAsync(appUser.Id).Result }; }
public static async Task Static_SendNotification(Enum type, ApplicationUser user, List<string> users) { foreach (var appUser in users) { ConnectedUsers connectedUser = db.ConnectedUsers.FirstOrDefault(c => c.UserID == appUser); if (!Object.Equals(connectedUser, null)) await hubContext.Clients.Client(connectedUser.ConnectionId).notificationReceived(user.UserName, type); } }
public void SendNotification(Enum type, ApplicationUser user, List<ApplicationUser> users) { foreach (var appUser in users) { ConnectedUsers connectedUser = db.ConnectedUsers.FirstOrDefault(c => c.UserID == appUser.Id); if (!Object.Equals(connectedUser, null)) Clients.Client(connectedUser.ConnectionId).notificationReceived(user.UserName, type); } }
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> CreateUser(CreateUserBindingModel createUserModel) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return BadRequest(ModelState); } bool IsMarketer = false; if (null != createUserModel.Marketer && !bool.TryParse(createUserModel.Marketer, out IsMarketer)) { return BadRequest(); } bool IsAffiliate = false; if (null != createUserModel.Affiliate && !bool.TryParse(createUserModel.Affiliate, out IsAffiliate)) { return BadRequest(); } if (!IsMarketer && !IsAffiliate) { return BadRequest("Affiliate or Marketer must be selected"); } if (IsAffiliate) { string error = ValidateCreateModel(createUserModel, Role.Affiliate); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { return BadRequest(ModelState); } } // check if the user created a program if (IsMarketer) { string error = ValidateCreateModel(createUserModel, Role.Vendor); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { return BadRequest(ModelState); } } var user = new ApplicationUser() { UserName = createUserModel.Username, Email = createUserModel.Email, FirstName = createUserModel.FirstName, LastName = createUserModel.LastName, Level = 3, JoinDate = DateTime.Now.Date }; IdentityResult addUserResult = await this.AppUserManager.CreateAsync(user, createUserModel.Password); if (!addUserResult.Succeeded) { return GetErrorResult(addUserResult); } // extend the user with specific information var userExt = new UserExtension() { SkypeHandle = createUserModel.SkypeHandle, UserId = user.Id, IndividualDescription = createUserModel.IndividualDescription, FirstName = createUserModel.FirstName, LastName = createUserModel.LastName, PhoneNumber = createUserModel.PhoneNumber, Category = Convert.ToInt32(createUserModel.UserCategory) }; UserExtManager.UserExtensions.Add(userExt); try { int resultCount = await UserExtManager.Update(); } catch (Exception ex) { // todo delete user here try { await AppUserManager.DeleteAsync(user); } catch { // do our best to not create secondary errors } return InternalServerError(); } // check if the user created a program if (IsMarketer) { AppUserManager.AddToRole(user.Id, "Vendor"); Program newProgram = new Program() { CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, CreatorId = user.Id, Description = createUserModel.ProgramDescription, Url = createUserModel.ProgramUrl, Name = createUserModel.ProgramName, Category = Convert.ToInt32(createUserModel.ProgramCategory) }; MarketManager.Programs.Add(newProgram); await MarketManager.Update(); } if (IsAffiliate) { AppUserManager.AddToRole(user.Id, "Affiliate"); } Uri locationHeader = await SendConfirm(user); return Created(locationHeader, TheModelFactory.Create(user, userExt)); }
private async Task<Uri> SendConfirm(ApplicationUser user) { string code = await this.AppUserManager.GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(user.Id); var callbackUrl = new Uri(Url.Link("ConfirmEmailRoute", new { userId = user.Id, code = code })); await this.AppUserManager.SendEmailAsync(user.Id, "Confirm your account", "Please confirm your account by clicking <a href=\"" + callbackUrl + "\">here</a>"); Uri locationHeader = new Uri(Url.Link("GetUserById", new { id = user.Id })); return locationHeader; }