public Dota2ViewModel(MainManager main, IProfileEditorVmFactory pFactory, Dota2Model model) : base(main, model, pFactory) { DisplayName = "Dota 2"; FindGameDir(); PlaceConfigFile(); }
public OverwatchViewModel(MainManager main, IProfileEditorVmFactory pFactory, OverwatchModel model) : base(main, model, pFactory) { DisplayName = "Overwatch"; FindOverwatch(); }
public EurotruckSimulator2ViewModel(MainManager main, IProfileEditorVmFactory pFactory, EurotruckSimulator2Model model) : base(main, model, pFactory) { DisplayName = "ETS 2"; FindGameDir(); }
public RocketLeagueModel(MainManager mainManager) : base(mainManager, SettingsProvider.Load<RocketLeagueSettings>(), new RocketLeagueDataModel()) { Name = "RocketLeague"; ProcessName = "RocketLeague"; Scale = 4; Enabled = Settings.Enabled; Initialized = false; // Generate a new offset when the game is updated //var offset = new GamePointersCollection //{ // Game = "RocketLeague", // GameVersion = "1.24", // GameAddresses = new List<GamePointer> // { // new GamePointer // { // Description = "Boost", // BasePointer = new IntPtr(0x016BBFB4), // Offsets = new[] { 0xc4, 0x210, 0x320, 0x734, 0x224} // } // } //}; //var res = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(offset, Formatting.Indented); }
public VolumeDisplayModel(MainManager mainManager) : base(mainManager, SettingsProvider.Load<VolumeDisplaySettings>()) { Name = "VolumeDisplay"; Settings = (VolumeDisplaySettings) base.Settings; VolumeDisplay = new VolumeBar(MainManager.DeviceManager, Settings); }
public UnrealTournamentViewModel(MainManager main, IProfileEditorVmFactory pFactory, UnrealTournamentModel model) : base(main, model, pFactory) { DisplayName = "Unreal Tournament"; MainManager.EffectManager.EffectModels.Add(GameModel); FindGame(); InstallGif(); }
public VolumeDisplayViewModel(MainManager mainManager, VolumeDisplayModel model) : base(mainManager, model) { _model = model; DisplayName = "Volume Display"; MainColor = new SolidColorBrush(model.Settings.MainColor); SecondaryColor = new SolidColorBrush(model.Settings.SecondaryColor); }
public CounterStrikeViewModel(MainManager main, IProfileEditorVmFactory pFactory, CounterStrikeModel model) : base(main, model, pFactory) { DisplayName = "CS:GO"; FindGameDir(); PlaceConfigFile(); }
protected EffectModel(MainManager mainManager, EffectSettings settings, IDataModel dataModel) { MainManager = mainManager; Settings = settings; DataModel = dataModel; MainManager.EffectManager.EffectModels.Add(this); }
public Dota2Model(MainManager mainManager) : base(mainManager, SettingsProvider.Load<Dota2Settings>(), new Dota2DataModel()) { Name = "Dota2"; ProcessName = "dota2"; Enabled = Settings.Enabled; Initialized = false; Scale = 4; }
protected EffectViewModel(MainManager mainManager, EffectModel effectModel) { MainManager = mainManager; EffectModel = effectModel; EffectSettings = effectModel.Settings; MainManager.OnEnabledChangedEvent += MainManagerOnOnEnabledChangedEvent; MainManager.EffectManager.OnEffectChangedEvent += EffectManagerOnOnEffectChangedEvent; }
public CounterStrikeModel(MainManager mainManager) : base(mainManager, SettingsProvider.Load<CounterStrikeSettings>(), new CounterStrikeDataModel()) { Name = "CounterStrike"; ProcessName = "csgo"; Scale = 4; Enabled = Settings.Enabled; Initialized = false; }
public TheDivisionModel(MainManager mainManager) : base(mainManager, SettingsProvider.Load<TheDivisionSettings>(), new TheDivisionDataModel()) { Name = "TheDivision"; ProcessName = "TheDivision"; Scale = 4; Enabled = Settings.Enabled; Initialized = false; }
public EurotruckSimulator2Model(MainManager mainManager) : base(mainManager, SettingsProvider.Load<EurotruckSimulator2Settings>(), new EurotruckSimulator2DataModel() ) { Name = "EurotruckSimulator2"; ProcessName = "eurotrucks2"; Scale = 4; Enabled = Settings.Enabled; Initialized = false; }
public OverwatchModel(MainManager mainManager) : base(mainManager, SettingsProvider.Load<OverwatchSettings>(), new OverwatchDataModel()) { Name = "Overwatch"; ProcessName = "Overwatch"; Scale = 4; Enabled = Settings.Enabled; Initialized = false; LoadOverwatchCharacters(); }
protected GameViewModel(MainManager mainManager, GameModel gameModel, IProfileEditorVmFactory pFactory) { MainManager = mainManager; GameModel = gameModel; PFactory = pFactory; GameSettings = gameModel.Settings; ProfileEditor = PFactory.CreateProfileEditorVm(mainManager, gameModel, GameSettings.LastProfile); GameModel.Profile = ProfileEditor.SelectedProfile; ProfileEditor.PropertyChanged += ProfileUpdater; }
public Witcher3Model(MainManager mainManager) : base(mainManager, SettingsProvider.Load<Witcher3Settings>(), new Witcher3DataModel()) { Name = "Witcher3"; ProcessName = "witcher3"; Scale = 4; Enabled = Settings.Enabled; Initialized = false; _updateSw = new Stopwatch(); _configRegex = new Regex("\\[Artemis\\](.+?)\\[", RegexOptions.Singleline); }
public UnrealTournamentModel(MainManager mainManager) : base(mainManager, SettingsProvider.Load<UnrealTournamentSettings>(), new UnrealTournamentDataModel()) { Name = "UnrealTournament"; ProcessName = "UE4-Win64-Shipping"; Scale = 4; Enabled = Settings.Enabled; Initialized = false; _killTimer = new Timer(3500); _killTimer.Elapsed += KillTimerOnElapsed; }
public WindowsProfileViewModel(MainManager main, IProfileEditorVmFactory pFactory, ProfilePreviewModel profilePreviewModel, WindowsProfileModel model) : base(main, model) { DisplayName = "Windows Profile"; PFactory = pFactory; ProfilePreviewModel = profilePreviewModel; EffectSettings = ((WindowsProfileModel) EffectModel).Settings; ProfileEditor = PFactory.CreateProfileEditorVm(main, (WindowsProfileModel) EffectModel, ((WindowsProfileSettings) EffectSettings).LastProfile); ProfilePreviewModel.Profile = ProfileEditor.SelectedProfile; ProfileEditor.PropertyChanged += ProfileUpdater; MainManager.EffectManager.EffectModels.Add(EffectModel); }
public FlyoutSettingsViewModel(MainManager mainManager, ILogger logger, DebugViewModel debugViewModel) { _logger = logger; _debugViewModel = debugViewModel; MainManager = mainManager; Header = "Settings"; Position = Position.Right; GeneralSettings = SettingsProvider.Load<GeneralSettings>(); LogLevels = new BindableCollection<string>(); LogLevels.AddRange(LogLevel.AllLoggingLevels.Select(l => l.Name)); PropertyChanged += KeyboardUpdater; mainManager.OnEnabledChangedEvent += MainManagerOnOnEnabledChangedEvent; mainManager.EffectManager.OnEffectChangedEvent += EffectManagerOnOnEffectChangedEvent; }
public SystemTrayViewModel(IWindowManager windowManager, MetroDialogService dialogService, ShellViewModel shellViewModel, MainManager mainManager) { _windowManager = windowManager; _shellViewModel = shellViewModel; DialogService = dialogService; MainManager = mainManager; MainManager.EnableProgram(); MainManager.OnEnabledChangedEvent += MainManagerOnOnEnabledChangedEvent; var generalSettings = SettingsProvider.Load<GeneralSettings>(); Enabled = !generalSettings.Suspended; if (generalSettings.ShowOnStartup) ShowWindow(); }
public WoWModel(MainManager mainManager) : base(mainManager, SettingsProvider.Load<WoWSettings>(), new WoWDataModel()) { Name = "WoW"; ProcessName = "Wow-64"; Scale = 4; // Currently WoW is locked behind a hidden trigger (obviously not that hidden if you're reading this) // It is using memory reading and lets first try to contact Blizzard var settings = SettingsProvider.Load<GeneralSettings>(); Enabled = settings.GamestatePort == 62575 && Settings.Enabled; Initialized = false; _pointer = SettingsProvider.Load<OffsetSettings>().WorldOfWarcraft; //_pointer = new GamePointersCollection //{ // Game = "WorldOfWarcraft", // GameVersion = "", // GameAddresses = new List<GamePointer> // { // new GamePointer // { // Description = "ObjectManager", // BasePointer = new IntPtr(0x1578070) // }, // new GamePointer // { // Description = "LocalPlayer", // BasePointer = new IntPtr(0x169DF10) // }, // new GamePointer // { // Description = "NameCache", // BasePointer = new IntPtr(0x151DCE8) // }, // new GamePointer // { // Description = "TargetGuid", // BasePointer = new IntPtr(0x179C940) // } // } //}; //var res = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(_pointer, Formatting.Indented); }
public ProfileEditorViewModel(MainManager mainManager, EffectModel gameModel, ProfileViewModel profileViewModel, MetroDialogService dialogService, string lastProfile, ILayerEditorVmFactory layerEditorVmFactory) { _mainManager = mainManager; _gameModel = gameModel; _layerEditorVmFactory = layerEditorVmFactory; Profiles = new BindableCollection<ProfileModel>(); Layers = new BindableCollection<LayerModel>(); ProfileViewModel = profileViewModel; DialogService = dialogService; LastProfile = lastProfile; PropertyChanged += EditorStateHandler; ProfileViewModel.PropertyChanged += LayerSelectedHandler; mainManager.DeviceManager.OnKeyboardChangedEvent += DeviceManagerOnOnKeyboardChangedEvent; _saveTimer = new Timer(5000); _saveTimer.Elapsed += ProfileSaveHandler; LoadProfiles(); }
public BubblesModel(MainManager mainManager) : base(mainManager, SettingsProvider.Load<BubblesSettings>(), null) { Name = "Bubbles"; Initialized = false; Settings = (BubblesSettings) base.Settings; }
protected GameModel(MainManager mainManager, GameSettings settings, IDataModel dataModel): base(mainManager, settings, dataModel) { // Override settings to the GameSettings type Settings = settings; }
public BubblesViewModel(MainManager main, BubblesModel model) : base(main, model) { _model = model; DisplayName = "Bubbles"; BubbleColor = new SolidColorBrush(model.Settings.BubbleColor); }
public Witcher3ViewModel(MainManager main, IProfileEditorVmFactory pFactory, Witcher3Model model) : base(main, model, pFactory) { DisplayName = "The Witcher 3"; }
public TheDivisionViewModel(MainManager main, IProfileEditorVmFactory pFactory, TheDivisionModel model) : base(main, model, pFactory) { DisplayName = "The Division"; }
public KeyPressType(MainManager mainManager) { _mainManager = mainManager; KeyboardHook.KeyDownCallback += KeyboardHookOnKeyDownCallback; }
public WoWViewModel(MainManager main, IProfileEditorVmFactory pFactory, WoWModel model) : base(main, model, pFactory) { DisplayName = "WoW"; }