/// <summary>
        /// Load all the placemark objects that are within the specified radius.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="google">The Google helper class that does the database leg-work.</param>
        /// <returns>A collection of Placemark objects inside the radius.</returns>
        public override List <Placemark> LoadPlacemarks(Google google)
            List <Placemark> items = new List <Placemark>();

            if (PopulateWith == PopulationType.Individuals)
                foreach (Placemark p in google.PersonPlacemarksInRadius(Latitude, Longitude, Distance, 0, Int32.MaxValue))
            else if (PopulateWith == PopulationType.Families)
                foreach (Placemark p in google.FamilyPlacemarksInRadius(Latitude, Longitude, Distance, 0, Int32.MaxValue))
            else if (PopulateWith == PopulationType.SmallGroups)
                foreach (Placemark p in google.SmallGroupPlacemarksInRadius(Latitude, Longitude, Distance, 0, Int32.MaxValue))

        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize a new KML object. The object can be rendered right
        /// away but will be empty and not contain any relevent information.
        /// </summary>
        public KML(Google google)
            XmlDeclaration xDec;

            // Save the google reference as we will need it later.
            this.Google = google;
            pinStyles   = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            // Initialize the XML document object.
            xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
            xDec   = xmlDoc.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", "UTF-8", null);
            xmlDoc.InsertBefore(xDec, xmlDoc.DocumentElement);

            // Create the root KML element with the proper namespace.
            kmlRoot = xmlDoc.CreateElement("kml", "http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2");

            // The KML document element is the root of all KML data.
            kmlDocument = xmlDoc.CreateElement("Document");

        public List <SmallGroupPlacemark> LoadGroupsInArea(int areaid, String start, String count)
            Google google;

            google = new Google(ArenaContext.Current.User, HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath);

                                                     (String.IsNullOrEmpty(start) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(start)),
                                                     (String.IsNullOrEmpty(count) ? Int32.MaxValue : Convert.ToInt32(count))));
        public List <SmallGroupPlacemark> LoadGroupsInRadius(Double latitude, Double longitude, Double distance, String start, String count)
            Google google;

            google = new Google(ArenaContext.Current.User, HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath);

            return(google.SmallGroupPlacemarksInRadius(latitude, longitude, distance,
                                                       (String.IsNullOrEmpty(start) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(start)),
                                                       (String.IsNullOrEmpty(count) ? Int32.MaxValue : Convert.ToInt32(count))));
        public List <PersonPlacemark> LoadPeopleInReport(String reportid, String start, String count)
            Google google;

            google = new Google(ArenaContext.Current.User, HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath);

                                                   (String.IsNullOrEmpty(start) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(start)),
                                                   (String.IsNullOrEmpty(count) ? Int32.MaxValue : Convert.ToInt32(count))));
        public string GroupDetailsInfoWindow(String groupID)
            Group  g;
            Google google;

            google = new Google(ArenaContext.Current.User, HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath);

            // Load the person we are trying to retrieve details for.
            g = new Group(Convert.ToInt32(groupID));

            return(google.SmallGroupDetailsPopup(g, true, true));
        public string FamilyDetailsInfoWindow(String familyID)
            Family f;
            Google google;

            google = new Google(ArenaContext.Current.User, HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath);

            // Load the family we are trying to retrieve details for.
            f = new Family(Convert.ToInt32(familyID));

            return(google.FamilyDetailsPopup(f, true, true));
        public string PersonDetailsInfoWindow(String personID)
            Person p;
            Google google;

            google = new Google(ArenaContext.Current.User, HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath);

            // Load the person we are trying to retrieve details for.
            p = new Person(new Guid(personID));

            return(google.PersonDetailsPopup(p, true, true));
 /// <summary>
 /// This method must be overridden by subclasses. The LoadPopulation method is called
 /// to signal that the loader should return a list of all placemark objects that should
 /// go onto the map.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="google">The Google helper class that does the database leg-work.</param>
 /// <returns>A List of Placemark objects (or it's subclasses).</returns>
 public abstract List <Placemark> LoadPlacemarks(Google google);