public Viewport getPrimaryView(Document curDoc) { string viewName = this.cmbPrimary.SelectedItem.ToString(); //get view from view name string[] vpArray = Strings.Split(viewName, ", "); //get all viewports clsCollectors collectors = new clsCollectors(); List <Viewport> vpList = collectors.getAllViewports(curDoc); foreach (Viewport curVP in vpList) { ViewSheet tmpSheet = (ViewSheet)curDoc.GetElement(curVP.SheetId); View tmpView = (View)curDoc.GetElement(curVP.ViewId); if (tmpSheet.SheetNumber == vpArray[0] & tmpView.ViewName == vpArray[1]) { Debug.Print("found match"); return(curVP); } } return(null); }
public List <Viewport> getViewList(Document curDoc) { clsCollectors collectors = new clsCollectors(); List <Viewport> viewList = new List <Viewport>(); int i = 0; for (i = 0; i <= this.lbxViews.SelectedItems.Count - 1; i++) { string curItem = this.lbxViews.SelectedItems[i].ToString(); //get view from view name string[] vpArray = Strings.Split(curItem, ", "); //get all viewports List <Viewport> vpList = collectors.getAllViewports(curDoc); foreach (Viewport curVP in vpList) { ViewSheet tmpSheet = (ViewSheet)curDoc.GetElement(curVP.SheetId); View tmpView = (View)curDoc.GetElement(curVP.ViewId); if (tmpSheet.SheetNumber == vpArray[0] & tmpView.ViewName == vpArray[1]) { //add to list Debug.Print("found match"); viewList.Add(curVP); } } } return(viewList); }
private bool doesModelHaveViewports(Document curDoc) { //get all viewports clsCollectors collectors = new clsCollectors(); List <Viewport> vpList = collectors.getAllViewports(curDoc); //get vp count if (vpList.Count > 0) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
private bool doesModelHaveSheets(Document curDoc) { //get all sheets clsCollectors collectors = new clsCollectors(); List <ViewSheet> sheetList = collectors.getAllSheets(curDoc); //get sheet count if (sheetList.Count > 0) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public frmAlignViews(Document curDoc) { // The Me.InitializeComponent call is required for Windows Forms designer support. this.InitializeComponent(); // // TODO : Add constructor code after InitializeComponents // //loop through viewports and add to list of structures List <structVP> vpList = new List <structVP>(); clsCollectors collectors = new clsCollectors(); foreach (Viewport curVP in collectors.getAllViewports(curDoc)) { structVP tmpVP = default(structVP); View tmpView = (View)curDoc.GetElement(curVP.ViewId); ViewSheet tmpSheet = (ViewSheet)curDoc.GetElement(curVP.SheetId); tmpVP.vport = curVP; tmpVP.vpViewName = tmpView.Name; tmpVP.vpSheetNum = tmpSheet.SheetNumber; //add to list vpList.Add(tmpVP); } //order list by sheet # vpList = vpList.OrderBy(x => x.vpSheetNum).ToList(); //output to form foreach (structVP tmpVP in vpList) { this.cmbPrimary.Items.Add(tmpVP.vpSheetNum + ", " + tmpVP.vpViewName); this.lbxViews.Items.Add(tmpVP.vpSheetNum + ", " + tmpVP.vpViewName); } //preselect primary and alignment this.cmbPrimary.SelectedIndex = 0; this.cmbAlignType.SelectedItem = "Center"; }