public static void AddComponent(this @class theClass, component component) { if (theClass.Items == null) { theClass.Items = new object[0]; } object[] items = theClass.Items; Array.Resize(ref items, theClass.Items.Length + 1); items[items.Length - 1] = component; theClass.Items = items; }
private IEnumerable<component> ProcessComponent(IEnumerable<Component> components) { foreach (var component in components.OrderBy(c => c.Name)) { var componentNode = new component(); componentNode.@class = component.Specification.Name; = component.Name; foreach (var property in component.Properties.OrderBy(p => p.PropertyName)) { ComponentProperty representedProperty = property.RepresentedProperty; var propertyNode = new property(); = representedProperty.Name; propertyNode.type1 = representedProperty.Type; propertyNode.column = property.MappedColumn().Name.BackTick(); propertyNode.notnull = true; // This must be true for Component Properties. componentNode.AddProperty(propertyNode); } yield return componentNode; } }
private void ProcessComponent(component hComponent, Entity newEntity, ITable mappedTable, Dictionary<Class, ComponentSpecification> specifications, string hmNamespace, ParseResults parseResults) { if (hComponent.@class == null) { log.ErrorFormat("Could not load component named {0} on class {1} because it does not have a class attribute.",, newEntity.Name); return; } var possibleClasses = GetPossibleClasses(hComponent.@class, hmNamespace, mappedTable.Schema, parseResults); if (possibleClasses.Count == 0) { log.ErrorFormat("Could not load component named {0} on class {1} because we could not find the class named {2}.",, newEntity.Name, hComponent.@class); return; } ComponentSpecification spec = null; foreach (var possibleClass in possibleClasses) { spec = specifications.GetValueOrDefault(possibleClass); if (spec != null) break; } bool createProperties = false; if (spec == null) { // Create a new spec from these. spec = new ComponentSpecificationImpl(GetShortClassName(hComponent.@class)); newEntity.EntitySet.AddComponentSpecification(spec); createProperties = true; } Component component = spec.CreateImplementedComponentFor(newEntity,; newEntity.Key.Component = component; var mapping = new ComponentMappingImpl(); foreach (var prop in hComponent.Properties()) { if (createProperties) { ComponentProperty idProperty = new ComponentPropertyImpl(; idProperty.Type = prop.type1; idProperty.ValidationOptions.MaximumLength = prop.length.As<int>(); SetPropertyInfoFromParsedCode(possibleClasses, idProperty); spec.AddProperty(idProperty); } var compProperty = component.GetProperty(; var column = mappedTable.GetColumn(prop.column.UnBackTick()); if (column == null) { // Create the column column = entityProcessor.CreateColumn(compProperty.RepresentedProperty); mapping.FromTable.AddColumn(column); } mapping.AddPropertyAndColumn(compProperty, column); } newEntity.EntitySet.MappingSet.AddMapping(mapping); }