 // This method will be called for each input received from the pipeline to this cmdlet; if no input is received, this method is not called
 protected override void ProcessRecord()
     // TODO: custom events as json input, ex. Found 960 users in AAD should be - EventName = Found users in AAD and a custom input @{"UsersFound" = 960}
     MyTelemetryClient.PopulateProperties(_properties, _functionName);
         EventName, _properties
        } // end ExceptionMessage

        // This method will be called for each input received from the pipeline to this cmdlet; if no input is received, this method is not called
        protected override void ProcessRecord()
            WriteVerbose("Populating properties...");
            MyTelemetryClient.PopulateProperties(_properties, _scriptName, _scriptLineNumber, _functionName, _stackTrace, _exception);

            string msg = ExceptionMessage();

            WriteVerbose("\nException message:\n" + msg);

            // often of type RuntimeException in PowerShell?
            WriteVerbose("Exception is of type " + _exception.GetType());

             * TODO: look at type of ErrorRecord.Exception and create exception of same type.
             * Can maybe use some reflection to do this?
             * Activator.CreateInstance ?
             * maybe cast to the respective type?
             * If we just use ErrorRecord.Exception instead of creating a new Exception
             * it is always System.Exception in the AI portal
             * and the message is: Exception of type 'System.Exception' was thrown
             * this is why we are rolling our own here
            Exception exception = new Exception(

             * TODO:
             * Failed method - is in the portal, how do we input that?

            WriteVerbose("Tracking exception");
        } // end ProcessRecord
        } // end PopulateProperties

        public static void PopulateProperties(IDictionary <string, string> properties, String functionName)
            MyTelemetryClient.PopulateProperties(properties, null, -1, functionName, null, null);
        } // end PopulateProperties