private void SearchTextInPage(string text) { IWebElement body = driver.FindElement(By.TagName("body")); if (body.Text.Contains(text)) { tts.Speak("A palavra " + text + " existe!"); } else { tts.Speak("A palavra " + text + " não existe!"); } }
public Form2() { InitializeComponent(); t.Speak("Olá, bem vindo ao Web browser!"); t.Speak("Vamos começar!"); t.Speak("Em que posso ajudar?"); webBrowser1.ScriptErrorsSuppressed = true; webBrowser1.GoHome(); mmiC = new MmiCommunication("localhost", 8000, "User1", "GUI"); mmiC.Message += MmiC_Message; mmiC.Start(); }
public void getExpression(dynamic json) { expression = (string)json.recognized[0].ToString(); switch (expression) { case "goodbye": _t.Speak(chooseRandomSpeech("goodbye")); break; case "help": _t.Speak(chooseRandomSpeech("help")); break; default: if (CheckCorrectness(expression)) { _t.Speak("O resultado da operação é " + _calc.makeCalculation(expression).ToString()); } else { _t.Speak(chooseRandomSpeech("incorreta")); } break; } }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); _t = new Tts(); _calc = new Calculator(); _t.Speak(chooseRandomSpeech("greeting")); mmiC = new MmiCommunication("localhost", 8000, "User1", "GUI"); mmiC.Message += MmiC_Message; mmiC.Start(); }
void OnNewGameState(GameState gs) { if (!gamestate.IsPlanted && gs.Round.Phase == RoundPhase.Live && gs.Round.Bomb == BombState.Planted && gs.Previously.Round.Bomb == BombState.Undefined) { Console.WriteLine("Bomb has been planted."); t.Speak("A bomba foi plantada, explodirá em 45 segundos"); gamestate.IsPlanted = true; } else if (gamestate.IsPlanted && gs.Round.Phase == RoundPhase.FreezeTime) { gamestate.IsPlanted = false; } = gs.Player.State.Money; gamestate.round_number = gs.Map.Round; gamestate.bullets = gs.Player.Weapons.ActiveWeapon.AmmoClip; gamestate.max_bullets = gs.Player.Weapons.ActiveWeapon.AmmoClipMax; = gs.Player.State.Health; gamestate.armour = gs.Player.State.Armor; gamestate.roundkills = gs.Player.State.RoundKills; gamestate.total_kills = gs.Player.MatchStats.Kills; gamestate.total_deaths = gs.Player.MatchStats.Deaths; gamestate.spectators = gs.Map.CurrentSpectators; if (gamestate.round_counter < gamestate.round_number) { Thread.Sleep(17000); gamestate.round_counter = gamestate.round_number; if (gamestate.armour <= 70) { // t.Speak("Aconselho-te a comprar um capacete"); } if ( >= 4500) { // t.Speak("Podes comprar um kit..."); } } }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); _t = new Tts(); _calc = new Calculator(); _t.Speak(chooseRandomSpeech("greeting")); _beggining = true; _confirmation = false; _lastNum1 = ""; _lastNum2 = ""; _lastOp = ""; confidence = 0; InitializeComponent(); mmiC = new MmiCommunication("localhost", 8000, "User1", "GUI"); mmiC.Message += MmiC_Message; mmiC.Start(); }
public void handleIMcommand(string command) { foreach (var t in specialCharacters) { command = command.Replace(t.Item2, t.Item1); } dynamic json = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(command); if (((string)json.type.ToString()).Equals("NORMAL")) { switch ((string)json.confidence.ToString()) { case "GOOD": lastCommand = json.recognized; handleRecognized(json.recognized); break; case "MEDIUM": lastCommand = json.recognized; lastCommandInputText = (string)json.inputText.ToString(); foreach (var t in specialCharacters) { lastCommandInputText = lastCommandInputText.Replace(t.Item2, t.Item1); } //dizer que nao percebeu t.Speak(answers.getNormalConfidenceTypeNormal(lastCommandInputText), false); break; case "BAD": t.Speak(answers.getLowConfidenceTypeNormal()); break; } } else if (((string)json.type.ToString()).Equals("YESNO")) { switch ((string)json.confidence.ToString()) { case "GOOD": if (((string)json.recognized[0].ToString()).Equals("YES")) { Console.WriteLine("Execute " + lastCommand); handleRecognized(lastCommand); } else { t.Speak(answers.getOk(), false); } break; case "BAD": t.Speak(answers.getLowConfidenceTypeYesNo(lastCommandInputText), false); break; } } }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); t.Speak("Wait a few seconds, we are just getting everything ready for you!"); SpotifyAPI spotifyAPI = new SpotifyAPI(); webSpotify = spotifyAPI.getAPI(); spotify = new SpotifyLocalAPI(new SpotifyLocalAPIConfig { Port = 4381, HostUrl = "http://localhost" }); if (!SpotifyLocalAPI.IsSpotifyRunning()) { t.Speak("Spotify is not running, can you please turn it on ?"); return; //Make sure the spotify client is running } if (!SpotifyLocalAPI.IsSpotifyWebHelperRunning()) { t.Speak("Spotify WebHelper is not running"); return; //Make sure the WebHelper is running } if (!spotify.Connect()) { t.Speak("Spotify is not connected."); return; //We need to call Connect before fetching infos, this will handle Auth stuff } StatusResponse status = spotify.GetStatus(); //status contains infos t.Speak("You can close the browser now, hope you have a good time with our application"); mmiC = new MmiCommunication("localhost", 8000, "User1", "GUI"); mmiC.Message += MmiC_Message; mmiC.Start(); }
private void createEvent(CalendarService service, String summary, String location, EventDateTime start, EventDateTime end, String desc) { // Refer to the .NET quickstart on how to setup the environment: // // Change the scope to CalendarService.Scope.Calendar and delete any stored // credentials. Event newEvent = new Event() { Summary = summary, Location = location, Description = desc, Start = start, End = end, }; String calendarId = "primary"; EventsResource.InsertRequest request = service.Events.Insert(newEvent, calendarId); Event createdEvent = request.Execute(); Console.WriteLine("Event created: {0}", createdEvent.HtmlLink); String startDate = start.DateTime.ToString().Split(' ')[0]; String startTime = start.DateTime.ToString().Split(' ')[1]; Console.WriteLine("Summary: " + summary + "\nLocation: " + location + "\nDescription: " + desc + "\nStart: " + start.DateTime.ToString() + "\nEnd: " + end.Date); t.Speak("Evento " + summary + " criado no dia " + startDate + " às " + startTime); }
private void sayHello() { //rnd = new Random(); t.Speak(".Olá sou o teu assistente, acêna-me para me conhecêres"); //return; }
private void MmiC_Message(object sender, MmiEventArgs e) { var doc = XDocument.Parse(e.Message); var com = doc.Descendants("command").FirstOrDefault().Value; dynamic json = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(com); Console.WriteLine(json.recognized); switch ((string)json.recognized[1].ToString()) { case "muteR": _client.SendMessageAsync("!MUTEALL"); t.Speak("Todos os utilizadores levaram mute."); break; case "unmuteR": _client.SendMessageAsync("!UNMUTEALL"); t.Speak("Todos os utilizadores levaram unmute."); break; case "leave": _client.SendMessageAsync("!MOVEAFKALL"); t.Speak("Todos os utilizadores foram retirados da sala."); break; case "invite": _client.SendMessageAsync("!UNMOVEAFKALL"); t.Speak("Todos os utilizadores foram repostos na sala."); break; case "bola": string url = ""; XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(url); SyndicationFeed feed = SyndicationFeed.Load(reader); reader.Close(); String subject = ""; int i = 0; foreach (SyndicationItem item in feed.Items) { subject += item.Title.Text + ".\n"; i++; if (i == 5) { break; } } t.Speak(subject); break; case "tempo": string URL = ""; Console.WriteLine(URL); HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(URL); request.Method = "GET"; request.ContentType = "application/json"; try { String temperatura = ""; String info = ""; WebResponse webResponse = request.GetResponse(); using (Stream webStream = webResponse.GetResponseStream() ?? Stream.Null) using (StreamReader responseReader = new StreamReader(webStream)) { string response = responseReader.ReadToEnd(); dynamic tojson2 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(response); Console.Out.WriteLine((string)tojson2.main.temp.ToString()); temperatura = (string)tojson2.main.temp.ToString(); info = translate((string)[0].description.ToString()); } t.Speak("Meteorologia em Aveiro.\n" + info + ".\n " + temperatura + " graus Celcius."); } catch (Exception es) { Console.Out.WriteLine("-----------------"); Console.Out.WriteLine(es.Message); t.Speak("Algo de errado aconteceu"); } break; } }
private void MmiC_Message(object sender, MmiEventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); var doc = XDocument.Parse(e.Message); var com = doc.Descendants("command").FirstOrDefault().Value; dynamic json = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(com); Console.WriteLine(json); Console.WriteLine((string)json.recognized[0].ToString()); Console.WriteLine((string)json.keys[0].ToString()); Tts t = new Tts(); //TODO: See where should have the method cleanAllConfirmations() // switch ((string)json.keys[0].ToString()) { //TODO: pôr tudo o que está para baixo aqui dentro case "openPowerPoint": oPowerPoint = new PowerPoint.Application(); oPresentation = oPowerPoint.Presentations.Add(); break; case "slide": switch ((string)json.recognized[0].ToString()) { case "NEXT_PRESENTATION": oPresentation.SlideShowWindow.View.Next(); break; case "PREVIOUS_PRESENTATION": oPresentation.SlideShowWindow.View.Previous(); break; case "NEXT": oPresentation.Slides[oPowerPoint.ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange.SlideIndex + 1].Select(); break; case "PREVIOUS": oPresentation.Slides[oPowerPoint.ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange.SlideIndex - 1].Select(); break; case "JUMP_TO": oPresentation.Slides[Int32.Parse(json.recognized[1].ToString())].Select(); break; case "JUMP_TO_SLIDE_PRESENTATION": oPresentation.SlideShowWindow.View.GotoSlide(Int32.Parse(json.recognized[1].ToString())); break; case "NEW_SLIDE": if (oPresentation.Slides.Count == 0) { oPresentation.Slides.Add(1, PowerPoint.PpSlideLayout.ppLayoutTitle).Select(); } else { oPresentation.Slides.Add(oPowerPoint.ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange.SlideIndex + 1, PowerPoint.PpSlideLayout.ppLayoutTitle).Select();; } break; case "REMOVE_SLIDE": if (oPresentation.Slides.Count > 0) { oPresentation.Slides[oPowerPoint.ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange.SlideIndex].Delete(); t.Speak("Slide removido!"); } else { t.Speak("Não existe nenhum slide."); } break; } break; case "read": switch ((string)json.recognized[0].ToString()) { case "TITLE": var title = oPresentation.Slides[oPowerPoint.ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange.SlideIndex].Shapes.Title.TextFrame.TextRange.Text; t.Speak(title); break; case "TEXT": var text = oPresentation.Slides[oPowerPoint.ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange.SlideIndex].Shapes[2].TextFrame.TextRange.Text; t.Speak(text); break; case "NOTE": var notas = oPresentation.Slides[oPowerPoint.ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange.SlideIndex].NotesPage.Shapes[2].TextFrame.TextRange.Text; t.Speak(notas); break; case "TITLE_PRESENTATION": var title_pres = oPresentation.SlideShowWindow.View.Slide.Shapes.Title.TextFrame.TextRange.Text; t.Speak(title_pres); break; case "TEXT_PRESENTATION": var text_pres = oPresentation.SlideShowWindow.View.Slide.Shapes[2].TextFrame.TextRange.Text; t.Speak(text_pres); break; case "NOTE_PRESENTATION": var note_pres = oPresentation.SlideShowWindow.View.Slide.NotesPage.Shapes[2].TextFrame.TextRange.Text; t.Speak(note_pres); break; } break; case "theme": switch ((string)json.recognized[0].ToString()) { case "1": string dir = @"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\"; if (Directory.Exists(dir)) { oPresentation.ApplyTheme(@"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Document Themes 16\Facet.thmx"); } else { oPresentation.ApplyTheme(@"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Document Themes 16\Facet.thmx"); } break; case "2": string dir1 = @"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\"; if (Directory.Exists(dir1)) { oPresentation.ApplyTheme(@"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Document Themes 16\Gallery.thmx"); } else { oPresentation.ApplyTheme(@"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Document Themes 16\Gallery.thmx"); } break; case "3": string dir2 = @"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\"; if (Directory.Exists(dir2)) { oPresentation.ApplyTheme(@"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Document Themes 16\Ion.thmx"); } else { oPresentation.ApplyTheme(@"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Document Themes 16\Ion.thmx"); } break; } break; case "save": oPresentation.Save(); break; case "color": Slide activeSlide = oPresentation.Slides[oPowerPoint.ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange.SlideIndex];; TextRange textRange = activeSlide.Shapes.Title.TextFrame.TextRange;; if (json.recognized.Count > 1) { switch ((string)json.recognized[0].ToString()) { /*case "TITLE": * activeSlide = oPresentation.Slides[oPowerPoint.ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange.SlideIndex]; * textRange = activeSlide.Shapes.Title.TextFrame.TextRange; * break;*/ case "TEXT": activeSlide = oPresentation.Slides[oPowerPoint.ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange.SlideIndex]; textRange = activeSlide.Shapes[2].TextFrame.TextRange; break; } } switch ((string)json.recognized[1].ToString()) { case "YELLOW": textRange.Font.Color.RGB = 379903; t.Speak("Mudado para Amarelo"); break; case "RED": textRange.Font.Color.RGB = 255; t.Speak("Mudado para Vermelho"); break; case "BLUE": textRange.Font.Color.RGB = 16711680; t.Speak("Mudado para Azul"); break; case "GREEN": textRange.Font.Color.RGB = 2540123; t.Speak("Mudado para Verde"); break; case "BLACK": textRange.Font.Color.RGB = 0; t.Speak("Mudado para Preto"); break; } break; case "example": String presentationTitle = "Proposta de Trabalho 2"; //Save the file //oPresentation.SaveAs(presentationTitle, PowerPoint.PpSaveAsFileType.ppSaveAsPresentation); //Add a new slide with Title Layout oSlide = oPresentation.Slides.Add(oPresentation.Slides.Count + 1, PowerPoint.PpSlideLayout.ppLayoutTitle); tShape = oSlide.Shapes.Title; tShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = presentationTitle; tShape = oSlide.Shapes[2]; tShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "Carlos Ribeiro\nGisela Pinto"; oSlide = oPresentation.Slides.Add(oPresentation.Slides.Count + 1, PowerPoint.PpSlideLayout.ppLayoutText); tShape = oSlide.Shapes.Title; tShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "Tema"; tShape = oSlide.Shapes[2]; tShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "Interação por voz do Powerpoint"; //Add Image //tShape = oSlide.Shapes.AddPicture("imagePowerPoint.png", Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState.msoTrue, Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState.msoTrue, 0, 0); oSlide = oPresentation.Slides.Add(oPresentation.Slides.Count + 1, PowerPoint.PpSlideLayout.ppLayoutText); tShape = oSlide.Shapes.Title; tShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "Features para utilizar durante uma apresentação"; tShape = oSlide.Shapes[2]; tShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "Avançar slide.\n" + "Recuar slide.\n" + "Saltar slides, por exemplo mudar do slide 2 para o 5.\n" + "Ler texto de um slide.\n" + "Ler notas de um slide fazendo assim a apresentação completa.\n" + "Terminar a apresentação.\n" + "Controlar um video que esteja integrado no slide(Iniciar/ parar)."; oSlide.NotesPage.Shapes[2].TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "Eu, Salvador, estou a ler notas do slide 3, beijinhos e abraços"; //oSlide = oPresentation.Slides.Add(oPresentation.Slides.Count + 1, PowerPoint.PpSlideLayout.ppLayoutText); //tShape = oSlide.Shapes.AddMediaObject2(@"C:\Users\Gisela Pinto\Documents\IM\Trabalho1\im_2019_2020\Basis4Assignment2\ppt.mp4", MsoTriState.msoTrue, MsoTriState.msoTrue, 8, 8, 530, 530); oSlide = oPresentation.Slides.Add(oPresentation.Slides.Count + 1, PowerPoint.PpSlideLayout.ppLayoutText); tShape = oSlide.Shapes.Title; tShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "Features para construção de uma apresentação"; tShape = oSlide.Shapes[2]; tShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "Iniciar a criação da apresentação com um dos temas sugeridos.\n" + "Acrescentar um novo slide em branco/ duplicado.\n" + "Remover determinado slide.\n" + "Escrever o que o utilizador ditar.\n" + "Guardar alterações.\n" + "Mudar cor do texto(algumas cores mais usadas)."; oPresentation.Slides[oSlide.SlideIndex].Select(); break; case "presentation": switch ((string)json.recognized[0].ToString()) { case "START": oPresentation.SlideShowSettings.Run(); break; case "STOP_PRESENTATION": oPresentation.SlideShowWindow.View.Exit(); break; } break; case "close": oPowerPoint.Quit(); System.Diagnostics.Process[] pros = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcesses(); for (int i = 0; i < pros.Count(); i++) { if (pros[i].ProcessName.ToLower().Contains("powerpnt")) { pros[i].Kill(); } } break; } /* * * * //Edition * * * case "COLOR_TITLE": * var activeSlide = oPresentation.Slides[oPowerPoint.ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange.SlideIndex]; * rangeTitle = activeSlide.Shapes.Title.TextFrame.TextRange; * if (json.recognized.Count > 1) { * switch ((string)json.recognized[1].ToString()) { * case "YELLOW": * rangeTitle.Font.Color.RGB = 379903; * t.Speak("Mudado para Amarelo"); * break; * case "RED": * rangeTitle.Font.Color.RGB = 255; * t.Speak("Mudado para Vermelho"); * break; * case "BLUE": * rangeTitle.Font.Color.RGB = 16711680; * t.Speak("Mudado para Azul"); * break; * case "GREEN": * rangeTitle.Font.Color.RGB = 2540123; * t.Speak("Mudado para Verde"); * break; * case "BLACK": * rangeTitle.Font.Color.RGB = 0; * t.Speak("Mudado para Preto"); * break; * } * }else { * t.Speak("Deseja mudar para que cor?"); * selectColorTitle = true; * } * break; * * case "COLOR_TEXT": * t.Speak("Deseja mudar para que cor?"); * var activeSlide2 = oPresentation.Slides[oPowerPoint.ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange.SlideIndex]; * rangeShape = activeSlide2.Shapes[2].TextFrame.TextRange; * if (json.recognized.Count > 1) { * switch ((string)json.recognized[1].ToString()) { * case "YELLOW": * rangeTitle.Font.Color.RGB = 379903; * t.Speak("Mudado para Amarelo"); * break; * case "RED": * rangeTitle.Font.Color.RGB = 255; * t.Speak("Mudado para Vermelho"); * break; * case "BLUE": * rangeTitle.Font.Color.RGB = 16711680; * t.Speak("Mudado para Azul"); * break; * case "GREEN": * rangeTitle.Font.Color.RGB = 2540123; * t.Speak("Mudado para Verde"); * break; * case "BLACK": * rangeTitle.Font.Color.RGB = 0; * t.Speak("Mudado para Preto"); * break; * } * } else { * t.Speak("Deseja mudar para que cor?"); * selectColorText = true; * } * break; * * case "YELLOW": * if (selectColorTitle == true) { * selectColorTitle = false; * rangeTitle.Font.Color.RGB = 379903; * t.Speak("Mudado para Amarelo"); * } else if (selectColorText == true) { * selectColorText = false; * rangeShape.Font.Color.RGB = 379903; * t.Speak("Mudado para Amarelo"); * } else { * t.Speak("Devo ter percebido mal."); * * } * break; * * case "RED": * if (selectColorTitle == true) { * selectColorTitle = false; * rangeTitle.Font.Color.RGB = 255; * t.Speak("Mudado para Vermelho"); * } else if (selectColorText == true) { * selectColorText = false; * rangeShape.Font.Color.RGB = 255; * t.Speak("Mudado para Vermelho"); * } else { * t.Speak("Devo ter percebido mal."); * } * break; * * case "BLUE": * if (selectColorTitle == true) { * selectColorTitle = false; * rangeTitle.Font.Color.RGB = 16711680; * t.Speak("Mudado para Azul"); * } else if (selectColorText == true) { * selectColorText = false; * rangeShape.Font.Color.RGB = 16711680; * t.Speak("Mudado para Azul"); * } else { * * t.Speak("Devo ter percebido mal."); * * } * break; * * case "GREEN": * if (selectColorTitle == true) { * selectColorTitle = false; * rangeTitle.Font.Color.RGB = 2540123; * t.Speak("Mudado para Verde"); * } else if (selectColorText == true) { * selectColorText = false; * rangeShape.Font.Color.RGB = 2540123; * t.Speak("Mudado para Verde"); * } else { * t.Speak("Devo ter percebido mal."); * } * break; * * case "BLACK": * if (selectColorTitle == true) { * selectColorTitle = false; * rangeTitle.Font.Color.RGB = 0; * t.Speak("Mudado para Preto"); * } else if (selectColorText == true) { * selectColorTitle = false; * rangeShape.Font.Color.RGB = 0; * t.Speak("Mudado para Preto"); * } else { * t.Speak("Devo ter percebido mal."); * } * break; * */ }
private static void warnUserTimeout() { rnd = new Random(); t.Speak(_timeoutMessages[rnd.Next(0, _timeoutMessages.Length)]); }
private async void MmiC_Message(object sender, MmiEventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); var doc = XDocument.Parse(e.Message); var com = doc.Descendants("command").FirstOrDefault().Value; dynamic json = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(com); //double confidence = Double.Parse((string)json.recognized[0].ToString()); String command = (string)json.recognized[0].ToString(); String movie = (string)json.recognized[1].ToString(); String number = (string)json.recognized[2].ToString(); String time = (string)json.recognized[3].ToString(); var info = await mpcHomeCinema.GetInfo(); Console.WriteLine($"{info.FileName} is playing"); Console.WriteLine($"{info.State} is its state"); switch (command) { case "HELP": if (movie == "EMP" && number == "EMP" && time == "EMP") { t.Speak("Hello. You can play or pause movie, change volume, mute or unmute, skip movie or play last one, skip or rewind given time stamp, or open new movie."); } else { t.Speak("This command is forbidden"); } break; case "PLAY": if (movie == "EMP" && number == "EMP" && time == "EMP") { await mpcHomeCinema.PlayAsync(); } else { t.Speak("This command is forbidden"); } break; case "PAUSE": if (movie == "EMP" && number == "EMP" && time == "EMP") { await mpcHomeCinema.PauseAsync(); } else { t.Speak("This command is forbidden"); } break; case "NEXT": if (movie == "EMP" && number == "EMP" && time == "EMP") { await mpcHomeCinema.NextAsync(); } else { t.Speak("This command is forbidden"); } break; case "BACK": if (movie == "EMP" && number == "EMP" && time == "EMP") { await mpcHomeCinema.PrevAsync(); } else { t.Speak("This command is forbidden"); } break; case "MOVEFWD": info = await mpcHomeCinema.GetInfo(); if (movie == "EMP" && number != "EMP" && time != "EMP") { await App.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(async() => { if (time == "HOUR") { await mpcHomeCinema.SetPosition(new TimeSpan(info.Position.Hours + int.Parse(number), info.Position.Minutes, info.Position.Seconds)); } else if (time == "MINUTE") { await mpcHomeCinema.SetPosition(new TimeSpan(info.Position.Hours, info.Position.Minutes + int.Parse(number), info.Position.Seconds)); } else if (time == "SECOND") { await mpcHomeCinema.SetPosition(new TimeSpan(info.Position.Hours, info.Position.Minutes, info.Position.Seconds + int.Parse(number))); } }); } else { t.Speak("This command is forbidden"); } break; case "MOVEBWD": info = await mpcHomeCinema.GetInfo(); if (movie == "EMP" && number != "EMP" && time != "EMP") { await App.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(async() => { if (time == "HOUR") { await mpcHomeCinema.SetPosition(new TimeSpan(info.Position.Hours - int.Parse(number), info.Position.Minutes, info.Position.Seconds)); } else if (time == "MINUTE") { await mpcHomeCinema.SetPosition(new TimeSpan(info.Position.Hours, info.Position.Minutes - int.Parse(number), info.Position.Seconds)); } else if (time == "SECOND") { await mpcHomeCinema.SetPosition(new TimeSpan(info.Position.Hours, info.Position.Minutes, info.Position.Seconds - int.Parse(number))); } }); } else { t.Speak("This command is forbidden"); } break; case "SETTIME": if (movie == "EMP" && number != "EMP" && time != "EMP") { await App.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(async() => { if (time == "HOUR") { await mpcHomeCinema.SetPosition(new TimeSpan(int.Parse(number), 0, 0)); } else if (time == "MINUTE") { await mpcHomeCinema.SetPosition(new TimeSpan(0, int.Parse(number), 0)); } else if (time == "SECOND") { await mpcHomeCinema.SetPosition(new TimeSpan(0, 0, int.Parse(number))); } }); } else { t.Speak("This command is forbidden"); } break; case "MUTE": if (movie == "EMP" && number == "EMP" && time == "EMP") { await mpcHomeCinema.MuteAsync(); } else { t.Speak("This command is forbidden"); } break; case "UNMUTE": if (movie == "EMP" && number == "EMP" && time == "EMP") { await mpcHomeCinema.UnMuteAsync(); } else { t.Speak("This command is forbidden"); } break; case "SETVOL": if (number == "EMP" && time != "EMP" && movie != "EMP") { t.Speak("This command is forbidden"); } else { info = await mpcHomeCinema.GetInfo(); await App.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(async() => { await mpcHomeCinema.SetVolumeLevel(int.Parse(number)); }); } break; case "VUP": info = await mpcHomeCinema.GetInfo(); if (movie == "EMP" && number == "EMP" && time == "EMP") { if (info.VolumeLevel <= 80) { await mpcHomeCinema.SetVolumeLevel(info.VolumeLevel + 20); } else { t.Speak("You can only increase volume by 20 points with this command. If you want to do it with custom number of points, please use set volume command,"); } } else { t.Speak("This command is forbidden"); } break; case "VDOWN": info = await mpcHomeCinema.GetInfo(); if (movie == "EMP" && number == "EMP" && time == "EMP") { if (info.VolumeLevel >= 20) { await mpcHomeCinema.SetVolumeLevel(info.VolumeLevel - 20); } else { t.Speak("You can only decrease volume by 20 points with this command. If you want to do it with custom number of points, please use set volume command,"); } } else { t.Speak("This command is forbidden"); } break; case "OPENFILE": if (movie == "EMP" || number != "EMP" || time != "EMP") { t.Speak("This command is forbidden"); } else { await App.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(async() => { switch (movie) { case "ANIMALS": await mpcHomeCinema.OpenFileAsync("C:\\Users\\Public\\Videos\\SampleVideos\\Animals.wmv"); break; case "ODYSSEY": await mpcHomeCinema.OpenFileAsync("C:\\Users\\Public\\Videos\\SampleVideos\\2001_ A SPACE ODYSSEY - Trailer.mp4"); break; case "BLUEPLANET": await mpcHomeCinema.OpenFileAsync("C:\\Users\\Public\\Videos\\SampleVideos\\Blue Planet II The Prequel.wmv"); break; case "PLANETEARTH": await mpcHomeCinema.OpenFileAsync("C:\\Users\\Public\\Videos\\SampleVideos\\Planet Earth II Official Extended Trailer BBC Earth.wmv"); break; } }); } break; } }
private void MmiC_Message(object sender, MmiEventArgs e) { if (!_t.getSpeaking()) { var doc = XDocument.Parse(e.Message); var com = doc.Descendants("command").FirstOrDefault().Value; dynamic json = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(com); fillValuesWithMessage(json); string numberOne = "", numberTwo = "", operation = ""; _calc.resetValues(); if (_beggining == true && confidence < 0.40) { _t.Speak(chooseRandomSpeech("help")); _beggining = false; } else if (_confirmation == true) { if (confirmation.Equals("sim")) { _t.Speak("O resultado da operação é " + _calc.makeCalculation(_lastNum1 + _lastOp + _lastNum2).ToString()); _confirmation = false; } else if (confirmation.Equals("nao")) { _t.Speak(chooseRandomSpeech("repetition")); _confirmation = false; } } else { if (_beggining == true) { _beggining = false; } if (confidence > 0.7 && goodbye.Equals("goodbye")) { _t.Speak(chooseRandomSpeech("goodbye")); } if (confidence > 0.7 && ajuda.Equals("ajuda")) { _t.Speak(chooseRandomSpeech("help")); } else if (confidence >= 0.90) { numberOne = getNumberTranslated(1); numberTwo = getNumberTranslated(2); if (!oprt.Equals("")) { operation = oprt + ","; } _t.Speak("O resultado da operação é " + _calc.makeCalculation(numberOne + operation + numberTwo).ToString()); } else if (confidence >= 0.80 && confidence < 0.90) { numberOne = getNumberTranslated(1); numberTwo = getNumberTranslated(2); if (!oprt.Equals("")) { operation = oprt + ","; } if (numberTwo.Equals("") || numberOne.Equals("")) { if (oprt.Equals("raiz")) { _t.Speak("O resultado de raiz de " + numberTwo.ToString() + "é de " + _calc.makeCalculation(numberOne + operation + numberTwo).ToString()); } else if (oprt.Equals("^,2")) { _t.Speak("O resultado de " + numberOne.ToString() + "ao quadrado é de: " + _calc.makeCalculation(numberOne + operation + numberTwo).ToString()); } else { _t.Speak("O resultado de " + numberOne.ToString() + "ao cubo é de: " + _calc.makeCalculation(numberOne + operation + numberTwo).ToString()); } } else { _t.Speak("O resultado de " + numberOne.ToString() + " " + getOperador(oprt) + " " + numberTwo.ToString() + " é " + _calc.makeCalculation(numberOne + operation + numberTwo).ToString()); } } else if (confidence >= 0.45 && confidence < 0.8) { numberOne = getNumberTranslated(1); numberTwo = getNumberTranslated(2); if (!oprt.Equals("")) { operation = oprt + ","; } if (numberTwo.Equals("") || numberOne.Equals("")) { if (oprt.Equals("raiz")) { _t.Speak("Deseja saber o resultado de raiz de " + numberTwo.ToString() + "certo?"); } else if (oprt.Equals("^,2")) { _t.Speak("Deseja saber o resultado de " + numberOne.ToString() + "ao quadrado certo?"); } else { _t.Speak("Deseja saber o resultado de " + numberOne.ToString() + "ao cubo certo?"); } } else { _t.Speak("Deseja saber o resultado de " + numberOne.ToString() + " " + getOperador(oprt) + " " + numberTwo.ToString() + " certo?"); } _lastNum1 = numberOne; _lastNum2 = numberTwo; _lastOp = operation; _confirmation = true; } else if (confidence < 0.45) { _t.Speak(chooseRandomSpeech("repetition")); } } } }
private void MmiC_Message(object sender, MmiEventArgs e) { var doc = XDocument.Parse(e.Message); var com = doc.Descendants("command").FirstOrDefault().Value; dynamic json = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(com); int sizeJson = com.Split(',').Length; var gesto = (string)json.recognized[1].ToString(); switch (gesto) //confimation { case "scrollDownRapido": velocidade = 5; direcao = "baixo"; break; case "scrollDownDevagar": velocidade = 1; direcao = "baixo"; break; case "scrollUpRapido": velocidade = 5; direcao = "cima"; break; case "scrollUpDevagar": velocidade = 1; direcao = "cima"; break; case "esvaziarC": if (orderStart == true) { if (produtos > 0) { verCarrinho(); t.Speak("Tem a certeza que deseja apagar o carrinho de compras?"); esvaziar = true; try { esvaziarCarrinho(); } catch { } } else { t.Speak("O carrinho está vazio"); } } break; case "RecuarR": driver.Navigate().Back(); break; case "AvancarL": driver.Navigate().Forward(); break; case "StopS": direcao = "parado"; break; case "ScrollDR": direcao = "baixo"; break; case "ScrollU": direcao = "cima"; break; case "verC": if (produtos > 0) { try { verCarrinho(); } catch { } t.Speak("Aqui tem o seu carrinho!"); } else { t.Speak("O carrinho está vazio"); } break; case "homePC": homepage(); break; default: break; } confirmationValue = (string)json.recognized[7].ToString(); if (esvaziar == true) { switch (confirmationValue) //confimation { case "": break; case "sim": esvaziarCarrinho(); break; case "nao": t.Speak("O carrinho de compras não foi apagado!"); esvaziar = false; break; default: t.Speak("Não percebi"); break; } } if (sizeJson > 3) { if ((string)json.recognized[0].ToString() == "KEY") { orderStart = true; t.Speak("Olá! O que gostaria de fazer?"); } else if ((string)json.recognized[0].ToString() == "EXIT") { t.Speak("Tem a certeza que deseja sair?"); leaving = true; } confirmationValue = (string)json.recognized[7].ToString(); if (leaving == true) { switch (confirmationValue) //confimation { case "": break; case "sim": sairAplicacao(); break; case "nao": leaving = false; t.Speak("Ok!"); break; default: t.Speak("Não percebi"); break; } } if (orderStart) { switch ((string)json.recognized[1].ToString()) { case "scroll": scrollSmooth(); break; case "search": if ((string)json.recognized[2].ToString() == "") { t.Speak("O que deseja procurar?"); } break; case "return": homepage(); break; case "addtocart": adicionarCarrinho(); t.Speak("Adicionado ao carrinho com sucesso!"); break; case "changedate": changeDate(); t.Speak("Ok, a data de entrega foi alterada!"); break; case "viewcart": if (produtos > 0) { verCarrinho(); t.Speak("Aqui tem o seu carrinho!"); } else { t.Speak("O carrinho está vazio"); } break; case "closecart": fecharCarrinho(); t.Speak("O carrinho foi fechado com sucesso!"); break; case "emptycart": if (produtos > 0) { verCarrinho(); t.Speak("Tem a certeza que deseja apagar o carrinho de compras?"); esvaziar = true; } else { t.Speak("O carrinho está vazio"); } break; default: break; } confirmationValue = (string)json.recognized[7].ToString(); if (esvaziar == true) { switch (confirmationValue) //confimation { case "": break; case "sim": esvaziarCarrinho(); break; case "nao": t.Speak("O carrinho de compras não foi apagado!"); esvaziar = false; break; default: t.Speak("Não percebi"); break; } } string place; switch ((string)json.recognized[2].ToString()) //restaurants { case "MCDONALDS": //search mcdonalds driver.FindElementByXPath("//div[contains(text(), 'Procurar')]/parent::button").Click(); wait.Until(SeleniumExtras.WaitHelpers.ExpectedConditions.ElementIsVisible(By.XPath("//input[@placeholder='O que deseja?']"))); var searchBox = driver.FindElementByXPath("//input[@placeholder='O que deseja?']"); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { searchBox.SendKeys(Keys.Backspace); } searchBox.SendKeys("mcdonalds "); switch ((string)json.recognized[3].ToString()) //place { case "UNIVERSIDADE": place = "(Aveiro Universidade)"; searchBox.SendKeys("universidade"); searchBox.SendKeys(Keys.Enter); wait.Until(SeleniumExtras.WaitHelpers.ExpectedConditions.ElementIsVisible(By.XPath("//div/*[contains(text(), '" + place + "')]"))); driver.FindElementByXPath("//div/*[contains(text(), '" + place + "')]").Click(); if (pedidoGrupo == false) { wait.Until(SeleniumExtras.WaitHelpers.ExpectedConditions.ElementIsVisible(By.XPath("//a[contains(text(), 'Entendido')]"))); driver.FindElementByXPath("//a[contains(text(), 'Entendido')]").Click(); pedidoGrupo = true; } break; case "FORUM": place = "(Aveiro Fórum)"; searchBox.SendKeys("fórum"); searchBox.SendKeys(Keys.Enter); wait.Until(SeleniumExtras.WaitHelpers.ExpectedConditions.ElementIsVisible(By.XPath("//div/*[contains(text(), '" + place + "')]"))); driver.FindElementByXPath("//div/*[contains(text(), '" + place + "')]").Click(); if (pedidoGrupo == false) { wait.Until(SeleniumExtras.WaitHelpers.ExpectedConditions.ElementIsVisible(By.XPath("//a[contains(text(), 'Entendido')]"))); driver.FindElementByXPath("//a[contains(text(), 'Entendido')]").Click(); pedidoGrupo = true; } break; case "GLICINIAS": place = "(Aveiro Glicinias)"; searchBox.SendKeys("glicinias"); searchBox.SendKeys(Keys.Enter); wait.Until(SeleniumExtras.WaitHelpers.ExpectedConditions.ElementIsVisible(By.XPath("//div/*[contains(text(), '" + place + "')]"))); driver.FindElementByXPath("//div/*[contains(text(), '" + place + "')]").Click(); if (pedidoGrupo == false) { wait.Until(SeleniumExtras.WaitHelpers.ExpectedConditions.ElementIsVisible(By.XPath("//a[contains(text(), 'Entendido')]"))); driver.FindElementByXPath("//a[contains(text(), 'Entendido')]").Click(); pedidoGrupo = true; } break; case "": searchBox.SendKeys(Keys.Enter); break; } if ((string)json.recognized[3].ToString() == "") { t.Speak("De qual restaurante?"); } else { t.Speak("Que produto quer adquirir?"); } break; case "MONTADITOS": driver.FindElementByXPath("//div[contains(text(), 'Procurar')]/parent::button").Click(); wait.Until(SeleniumExtras.WaitHelpers.ExpectedConditions.ElementIsVisible(By.XPath("//input[@placeholder='O que deseja?']"))); searchBox = driver.FindElementByXPath("//input[@placeholder='O que deseja?']"); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { searchBox.SendKeys(Keys.Backspace); } searchBox.SendKeys("100 montaditos "); searchBox.SendKeys(Keys.Enter); place = "100 Montaditos"; wait.Until(SeleniumExtras.WaitHelpers.ExpectedConditions.ElementIsVisible(By.XPath("//div/*[contains(text(), '" + place + "')]"))); driver.FindElementByXPath("//div/*[contains(text(), '" + place + "')]").Click(); if (pedidoGrupo == false) { wait.Until(SeleniumExtras.WaitHelpers.ExpectedConditions.ElementIsVisible(By.XPath("//a[contains(text(), 'Entendido')]"))); driver.FindElementByXPath("//a[contains(text(), 'Entendido')]").Click(); pedidoGrupo = true; } break; case "PIZZAHUT": driver.FindElementByXPath("//div[contains(text(), 'Procurar')]/parent::button").Click(); wait.Until(SeleniumExtras.WaitHelpers.ExpectedConditions.ElementIsVisible(By.XPath("//input[@placeholder='O que deseja?']"))); searchBox = driver.FindElementByXPath("//input[@placeholder='O que deseja?']"); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { searchBox.SendKeys(Keys.Backspace); } searchBox.SendKeys("pizza hut "); searchBox.SendKeys(Keys.Enter); place = "Pizza Hut"; wait.Until(SeleniumExtras.WaitHelpers.ExpectedConditions.ElementIsVisible(By.XPath("//div/*[contains(text(), '" + place + "')]"))); driver.FindElementByXPath("//div/*[contains(text(), '" + place + "')]").Click(); if (pedidoGrupo == false) { wait.Until(SeleniumExtras.WaitHelpers.ExpectedConditions.ElementIsVisible(By.XPath("//a[contains(text(), 'Entendido')]"))); driver.FindElementByXPath("//a[contains(text(), 'Entendido')]").Click(); pedidoGrupo = true; } break; } switch ((string)json.recognized[4].ToString()) //options { case "": break; case ".": //search mcdonalds //pergunta ao user o que quer? break; case "-": break; case "-.": break; } switch ((string)json.recognized[5].ToString()) //food on mcdonalds { case "": break; default: var food = (string)json.recognized[5].ToString(); foodRestaurant(food); break; } string itemName = ""; switch ((string)json.recognized[6].ToString()) //food options on mcdonalds { case "": break; default: itemName = (string)json.recognized[6].ToString(); foodOptions(itemName); break; } } } }