public ProductType Add(ProductType data) { var maxId = ProductTypeDAO.SelectSpecificType(null, Projections.Max("TypeId")); data.TypeId = maxId == null ? 1 : (Int64.Parse(maxId.ToString()) + 1); ProductTypeDAO.Add(data); return data; }
public void universalMasterSaveView_SaveUniversalMasterEvent(object sender, UniversalMasterSaveEventArgs e) { object obj = null; switch (e.MasterType) { case MasterType.PRODUCT_TYPE: if (e.Id != 0) { obj = new ProductType{TypeId = e.Id, TypeName = e.Name, UpdateDate = DateTime.Now}; ProductTypeLogic.Update((ProductType)obj); } else { var criteria = new ObjectCriteria(); criteria.AddEqCriteria("TypeName", e.Name).AddEqCriteria("DelFlg", CommonConstants.DEL_FLG_NO); IList list = ProductTypeLogic.FindAll(criteria); if (list.Count == 0) { obj = new ProductType { TypeName = e.Name, UpdateDate = DateTime.Now, CreateDate = DateTime.Now }; ProductTypeLogic.Add((ProductType)obj); } else { obj = list[0]; } } break; case MasterType.PRODUCT_SIZE: if (e.Id != 0) { obj = new ProductSize { SizeId = e.Id, SizeName = e.Name }; ProductSizeLogic.Update((ProductSize)obj); } else { var criteria = new ObjectCriteria(); criteria.AddEqCriteria("SizeName", e.Name).AddEqCriteria("DelFlg", CommonConstants.DEL_FLG_NO); IList list = ProductSizeLogic.FindAll(criteria); if (list.Count == 0) { obj = new ProductSize { SizeName = e.Name }; ProductSizeLogic.Add((ProductSize)obj); } else { obj = list[0]; } } break; case MasterType.PRODUCT_COLOR: if (e.Id != 0) { obj = new ProductColor { ColorId = e.Id, ColorName = e.Name }; ProductColorLogic.Update((ProductColor)obj); } else { var criteria = new ObjectCriteria(); criteria.AddEqCriteria("ColorName", e.Name).AddEqCriteria("DelFlg", CommonConstants.DEL_FLG_NO); IList list = ProductColorLogic.FindAll(criteria); if (list.Count == 0) { obj = new ProductColor { ColorName = e.Name }; ProductColorLogic.Add((ProductColor)obj); } else { obj = list[0]; } } break; case MasterType.COUNTRY: if (e.Id != 0) { obj = new Country { CountryId = e.Id, CountryName = e.Name }; CountryLogic.Update((Country)obj); } else { var criteria = new ObjectCriteria(); criteria.AddEqCriteria("CountryName", e.Name).AddEqCriteria("DelFlg", CommonConstants.DEL_FLG_NO); IList list = CountryLogic.FindAll(criteria); if (list.Count == 0) { obj = new Country { CountryName = e.Name }; CountryLogic.Add((Country)obj); } else { obj = list[0]; } } break; case MasterType.DISTRIBUTOR: if (e.Id != 0) { obj = new Distributor { DistributorId = e.Id, DistributorName = e.Name }; DistributorLogic.Update((Distributor)obj); } else { var criteria = new ObjectCriteria(); criteria.AddEqCriteria("DistributorName", e.Name).AddEqCriteria("DelFlg", CommonConstants.DEL_FLG_NO); IList list = DistributorLogic.FindAll(criteria); if (list.Count == 0) { obj = new Distributor { DistributorName = e.Name }; DistributorLogic.Add((Distributor)obj); } else { obj = list[0]; } } break; case MasterType.MANUFACTURER: if (e.Id != 0) { obj = new Manufacturer { ManufacturerId = e.Id, ManufacturerName = e.Name }; ManufacturerLogic.Update((Manufacturer)obj); } else { var criteria = new ObjectCriteria(); criteria.AddEqCriteria("ManufacturerName", e.Name).AddEqCriteria("DelFlg", CommonConstants.DEL_FLG_NO); IList list = ManufacturerLogic.FindAll(criteria); if (list.Count == 0) { obj = new Manufacturer { ManufacturerName = e.Name }; ManufacturerLogic.Add((Manufacturer)obj); } else { obj = list[0]; } } break; case MasterType.PACKAGER: if (e.Id != 0) { obj = new Packager { PackagerId = e.Id, PackagerName = e.Name }; PackagerLogic.Update((Packager)obj); } else { var criteria = new ObjectCriteria(); criteria.AddEqCriteria("PackagerName", e.Name).AddEqCriteria("DelFlg", CommonConstants.DEL_FLG_NO); IList list = PackagerLogic.FindAll(criteria); if (list.Count == 0) { obj = new Packager { PackagerName = e.Name }; PackagerLogic.Add((Packager)obj); } else { obj = list[0]; } } break; default: break; } e.CreatedData = obj; }
private void InitTypeList() { // TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'masterDB2.product_type' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed. this.product_typeTableAdapter.Fill(this.masterDB2.product_type); cboTypeBds.Clear(); ProductType allTypes = new ProductType { TypeId = 0, TypeName = "-- TẤT CẢ MẶT HÀNG --" }; cboTypeBds.Add(allTypes); foreach (MasterDB.product_typeRow row in masterDB2.product_type) { ProductType productType = new ProductType { TypeId = row.TYPE_ID, TypeName = row.TYPE_NAME }; cboTypeBds.Add(productType); } cboTypeBds.ResetBindings(false); }
private bool ExistInReviewTypeList(IList list, ProductType type) { bool found = false; foreach (string typeId in list) { if(typeId.Equals(type.TypeId.ToString())) { found = true; } } return found; }
private void CreateTypeList(IList list) { // TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'masterDB2.product_type' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed. this.product_typeTableAdapter.Fill(this.masterDB2.product_type); cboTypeBds.Clear(); ProductType allTypes = new ProductType { TypeId = 0, TypeName = "-- TẤT CẢ MẶT HÀNG --" }; cboTypeBds.Add(allTypes); ProductType unknownType = new ProductType { TypeId = 9999, TypeName = "++ UNKNOWN TYPE ++" }; cboTypeBds.Add(unknownType); foreach (MasterDB.product_typeRow row in masterDB2.product_type) { ProductType productType = new ProductType { TypeId = row.TYPE_ID, TypeName = row.TYPE_NAME }; if (ExistInReviewTypeList(ReviewTypeList, productType)) { cboTypeBds.Add(productType); } } cboTypeBds.ResetBindings(false); }
/// <summary> /// Delete ProductType from database. /// </summary> /// <param name="data"></param> /// <returns></returns> public void Delete(ProductType data) { HibernateTemplate.Delete(data); }
/// <summary> /// Add ProductType to database. /// </summary> /// <param name="data"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ProductType Add(ProductType data) { HibernateTemplate.Save(data); return data; }
/// <summary> /// Update ProductType to database. /// </summary> /// <param name="data"></param> /// <returns></returns> public void Update(ProductType data) { HibernateTemplate.Update(data); }
public void Delete(ProductType data) { ProductTypeDAO.Delete(data); }
public void Update(ProductType data) { ProductTypeDAO.Update(data); }