        private void ReceiveCallback(Socket socket, SocketAsyncEventArgs socketAsyncEventArgs)
            // Check for error
            if (socketAsyncEventArgs.SocketError != SocketError.Success)
                HandleCommunicationError(socket, new Exception("Receive failed, error = " + socketAsyncEventArgs.SocketError));

            // Get the message state
            int bytesRead = socketAsyncEventArgs.BytesTransferred;

            // Read the data
            if (bytesRead > 0)
                // Add to receive queue
                BlockingQueue <SocketAsyncEventArgs> receiveBufferQueue = null;
                    if (!_currentlyConnectedClientsReceiveQueues.TryGetValue(socket, out receiveBufferQueue))
                        // Peace out!

                // 0 bytes means disconnect
                HandleCommunicationError(socket, new Exception("Received 0 bytes (graceful disconnect)"));


            socketAsyncEventArgs = _socketAsyncEventArgsReceivePool.Pop();

            // Post a receive to the socket as the client will be continuously receiving messages to be pushed to the queue
            TryUnsafeSocketOperation(socket, SocketAsyncOperation.Receive, socketAsyncEventArgs);
        private void ProcessReceivedMessage(ConnectedClient connectedClient)
            int bytesToRead = -1;
            int threadId    = -1;

            int availableTest      = 0;
            int controlBytesOffset = 0;

            byte[] protocolBuffer = new byte[ProtocolHelper.ControlBytesPlaceholder.Length];
            byte[] resultBuffer   = null;

            var handler = connectedClient.Socket;

            BlockingQueue <SocketAsyncEventArgs> receiveBufferQueue = null;

                if (!_currentlyConnectedClientsReceiveQueues.TryGetValue(handler, out receiveBufferQueue))
                    // Peace out!

            // Loop until socket is done
            while (_isListening)
                // If the socket is disposed, we're done
                    availableTest = handler.Available;
                catch (ObjectDisposedException)
                    // Peace out!

                // Get the next buffer from the queue
                var socketAsyncEventArgs = receiveBufferQueue.Dequeue();
                if (socketAsyncEventArgs == null)

                var buffer    = socketAsyncEventArgs.Buffer;
                int bytesRead = socketAsyncEventArgs.BytesTransferred;

                int currentOffset = 0;

                while (currentOffset < bytesRead)
                    // Check if we need to get our control byte values
                    if (bytesToRead == -1)
                        var controlBytesNeeded    = ProtocolHelper.ControlBytesPlaceholder.Length - controlBytesOffset;
                        var controlBytesAvailable = bytesRead - currentOffset;

                        var controlBytesToCopy = Math.Min(controlBytesNeeded, controlBytesAvailable);

                        // Copy bytes to control buffer
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, currentOffset, protocolBuffer, controlBytesOffset, controlBytesToCopy);

                        controlBytesOffset += controlBytesToCopy;
                        currentOffset      += controlBytesToCopy;

                        // Check if done
                        if (controlBytesOffset == ProtocolHelper.ControlBytesPlaceholder.Length)
                            // Parse out control bytes
                            ProtocolHelper.ExtractControlBytes(protocolBuffer, out bytesToRead, out threadId);

                            // Reset control bytes offset
                            controlBytesOffset = 0;

                            // Ensure message is not larger than maximum message size
                            if (bytesToRead > _maxMessageSize)
                                HandleCommunicationError(handler, new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("message of length {0} exceeds maximum message length of {1}", bytesToRead, _maxMessageSize)));

                        // Continue the loop

                    // Have control bytes, get message bytes

                    // SPECIAL CASE: if empty message, skip a bunch of stuff
                    if (bytesToRead != 0)
                        // Initialize buffer if needed
                        if (resultBuffer == null)
                            resultBuffer = new byte[bytesToRead];

                        var bytesAvailable = bytesRead - currentOffset;

                        var bytesToCopy = Math.Min(bytesToRead, bytesAvailable);

                        // Copy bytes to buffer
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, currentOffset, resultBuffer, resultBuffer.Length - bytesToRead, bytesToCopy);

                        currentOffset += bytesToCopy;
                        bytesToRead   -= bytesToCopy;

                    // Check if we're done
                    if (bytesToRead == 0)
                        if (resultBuffer != null)
                            // Done, add to complete received messages
                            CompleteMessage(handler, threadId, resultBuffer);

                            // Reset message state
                            resultBuffer = null;

                        bytesToRead = -1;
                        threadId    = -1;

                        connectedClient.LastResponse = DateTime.UtcNow;

                // Push the buffer back onto the pool
        /// <summary>
        /// The constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="socketFunc">The function that creates a new socket. Use this to specify your socket constructor and initialize settings.</param>
        /// <param name="messageBufferSize">The message buffer size to use for send/receive.</param>
        /// <param name="communicationTimeout">The communication timeout, in milliseconds.</param>
        /// <param name="maxMessageSize">The maximum message size.</param>
        /// <param name="useNagleAlgorithm">Whether or not to use the Nagle algorithm.</param>
        public SimplSocketClient(Func <Socket> socketFunc, int messageBufferSize = 65536, int communicationTimeout = 10000, int maxMessageSize = 10 * 1024 * 1024, bool useNagleAlgorithm = false)
            // Sanitize
            if (socketFunc == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("socketFunc");
            if (messageBufferSize < 512)
                throw new ArgumentException("must be >= 512", "messageBufferSize");
            if (communicationTimeout < 5000)
                throw new ArgumentException("must be >= 5000", "communicationTimeout");
            if (maxMessageSize < 1024)
                throw new ArgumentException("must be >= 1024", "maxMessageSize");

            _socketFunc           = socketFunc;
            _messageBufferSize    = messageBufferSize;
            _communicationTimeout = communicationTimeout;
            _maxMessageSize       = maxMessageSize;
            _useNagleAlgorithm    = useNagleAlgorithm;

            _sendBufferQueue    = new BlockingQueue <SocketAsyncEventArgs>();
            _receiveBufferQueue = new BlockingQueue <SocketAsyncEventArgs>();

            // Initialize the client multiplexer
            _clientMultiplexer = new Dictionary <int, MultiplexerData>(PREDICTED_THREAD_COUNT);

            // Create the pools
            _multiplexerDataPool = new Pool <MultiplexerData>(PREDICTED_THREAD_COUNT, () => new MultiplexerData {
                ManualResetEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false)
            }, multiplexerData =>
                multiplexerData.Message = null;
            _socketAsyncEventArgsSendPool = new Pool <SocketAsyncEventArgs>(PREDICTED_THREAD_COUNT, () =>
                var poolItem        = new SocketAsyncEventArgs();
                poolItem.Completed += OperationCallback;
            _socketAsyncEventArgsReceivePool = new Pool <SocketAsyncEventArgs>(PREDICTED_THREAD_COUNT, () =>
                var poolItem = new SocketAsyncEventArgs();
                poolItem.SetBuffer(new byte[messageBufferSize], 0, messageBufferSize);
                poolItem.Completed += OperationCallback;
            _socketAsyncEventArgsKeepAlivePool = new Pool <SocketAsyncEventArgs>(PREDICTED_THREAD_COUNT, () =>
                var poolItem = new SocketAsyncEventArgs();
                poolItem.SetBuffer(ProtocolHelper.ControlBytesPlaceholder, 0, ProtocolHelper.ControlBytesPlaceholder.Length);
                poolItem.Completed += OperationCallback;
            _receivedMessagePool = new Pool <ReceivedMessage>(PREDICTED_THREAD_COUNT, () => new ReceivedMessage(), receivedMessage =>
                receivedMessage.Message = null;
                receivedMessage.Socket  = null;
            _messageReceivedArgsPool = new Pool <MessageReceivedArgs>(PREDICTED_THREAD_COUNT, () => new MessageReceivedArgs(), messageReceivedArgs => { messageReceivedArgs.ReceivedMessage = null; });
            _socketErrorArgsPool     = new Pool <SocketErrorArgs>(PREDICTED_THREAD_COUNT, () => new SocketErrorArgs(), socketErrorArgs => { socketErrorArgs.Exception = null; });