/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MainViewModel"/> class. /// </summary> public MainViewModel() { // Get the vendor strings. OpenGLVendor = ApplicationState.Instance.OpenGL.Vendor; OpenGLVersion = ApplicationState.Instance.OpenGL.Version; OpenGLRenderer = ApplicationState.Instance.OpenGL.Renderer; OpenGLShadingLanguageVersion = ApplicationState.Instance.OpenGL.GetString(OpenGL.GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION); // If the strings are empty, set them to something more descriptive. if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(OpenGLVendor)) OpenGLVendor = "<none>"; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(OpenGLVersion)) OpenGLVersion = "<none>"; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(OpenGLRenderer)) OpenGLRenderer = "<none>"; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(OpenGLShadingLanguageVersion)) OpenGLShadingLanguageVersion = "<none>"; // Create the commands. FileNewCommand = new Command(DoFileNewCommand); FileOpenCommand = new Command(DoFileOpenCommand); FileSaveCommand = new Command(DoFileSaveCommand); FileSaveAsCommand = new Command(DoFileSaveAsCommand); FileExitCommand = new Command(DoFileExitCommand); ViewShowOutputWindowCommand = new Command(DoViewShowOutputWindowCommand); BuildCompileCommand = new Command(DoBuildCompileCommand); BuildLinkCommand = new Command(DoBuildLinkCommand); BuildBuildCommand = new Command(DoBuildBuildCommand); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MainViewModel"/> class. /// </summary> public MainViewModel() { StartCommandPromptCommand = new Command(() => { }); StartNewProcessCommand = new Command(() => { }); StopProcessCommand = new Command(() => { }); ClearOutputCommand = new Command(() => { }); }
public ImageTileViewModel(wndMainViewModel viewModel, int index) { this.viewModel = viewModel; GetUriToClipboardCommand = new Command(GetUriToClipboard); this.AddDownloadQueryItemCommand = new AddDownloadQueryItemCommand(this, viewModel); this.CallFullsizeModeCommand = new CallFullsizeModeCommand(viewModel, index); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TheShellViewModel"/> class. /// </summary> public TheShellViewModel() { Title = "The Shell"; // Create the show popup command. It actually won't do anything in the // view model, but a view can still handle it. ShowPopupCommand = new Command(() => { }); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ListTscViewModel"/> class. /// </summary> public LightCheckViewModel() { // TODO: Use the following snippets to help build viewmodels: // apexnp - Creates a Notifying Property // apexc - Creates a Command. Title = "灯泡检测"; SaveLightCheck = new Command(DoSaveLightCheck); ResetLightCheck = new Command(DoSaveLightCheck); }
public RibbonViewModel() { loadSceneCommand = new Command(DoLoadSceneCommand); addCubeCommand = new Command(() => Scene.SceneContainer.AddChild(new SharpGL.SceneGraph.Primitives.Cube())); addSphereCommand = new Command(() => Scene.SceneContainer.AddChild(new SharpGL.SceneGraph.Quadrics.Sphere())); addCylinderCommand = new Command(() => Scene.SceneContainer.AddChild(new SharpGL.SceneGraph.Quadrics.Cylinder() { Name = "Cylinder", TopRadius = 1, Height = 2 })); addConeCommand = new Command(() => Scene.SceneContainer.AddChild(new SharpGL.SceneGraph.Quadrics.Cylinder() { Name = "Cone", TopRadius = 0, Height = 2 })); addDiskCommand = new Command(() => Scene.SceneContainer.AddChild(new SharpGL.SceneGraph.Quadrics.Disk())); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PhaseViewModel"/> class. /// </summary> public PhaseViewModel() { Title = "相位"; ShowPopupCommandSouthLeft = new Command(DoShowPopupCommandSouthLeft); ShowPopupCommandSouthStaight = new Command(DoShowPopupCommandSouthStaight); ShowPopupCommandSouthRight = new Command(DoShowPopupCommandSouthRight); ShowPopupCommandSouthOther = new Command(DoShowPopupCommandSouthOther); ShowFailePopup = new Command(DoShowFailePopup); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DetectorViewModel"/> class. /// </summary> public DetectorViewModel() { // TODO: Use the following snippets to help build viewmodels: // apexnp - Creates a Notifying Property // apexc - Creates a Command. Title = "检测器"; ShowPopupCommandDetector1 = new Command(DoShowPopupCommandDetector1); ShowPopupCommandDetector2 = new Command(DoShowPopupCommandDetector2); ShowPopupCommandDetector3 = new Command(DoShowPopupCommandDetector3); ShowPopupCommandDetector4 = new Command(DoShowPopupCommandDetector4); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="VariableSignViewModel"/> class. /// </summary> public ConfigViewModel() { // TODO: Use the following snippets to help build viewmodels: // apexnp - Creates a Notifying Property // apexc - Creates a Command. Title = "系统配置"; SaveYellowFlashCommand = new Command(DoSaveYellowFlashCommand); BuildSNCommand = new Command(DoBuildSNCommand); SetLampCheckCommand = new Command(DoSetLampCheckCommand); SetCountDownCommand = new Command(DoSetCountDownCommand); }
public RssViewModel(string rssDbConnectionString) { _parseRss = new ParseRss(this); _rssDb = new BaseDataContext(rssDbConnectionString); _addChannelCommand = new Command(DoAddChanel); AllArticles = new ObservableCollection<Article>(); NewArticles = new ObservableCollection<Article>(); StaredArticles = new ObservableCollection<Article>(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MainViewModel"/> class. /// </summary> public MainViewModel() { // TODO: Use the following snippets to help build viewmodels: // apexnp - Creates a Notifying Property // apexc - Creates a Command. AddContactCommand = new Command(DoAddContactCommand); DeleteContactCommand = new Command(DoDeleteContactCommand, false); /*Contacts.Add(new ContactViewModel() { Name = "Homer" }); Contacts.Add(new ContactViewModel() { Name = "Marge" }); Contacts.Add(new ContactViewModel() { Name = "Maggie" });*/ }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MainViewModel"/> class. /// </summary> public MainViewModel() { loadDataCommand = new Command(DoLoadData, true); saveCommand = new Command(DoSaveCommand, true); rotateXCommand = new Command( () => { foreach (var polygon in Scene.SceneContainer.Traverse<Polygon>()) polygon.Transformation.RotateX += 90f; }, true); rotateYCommand = new Command( () => { foreach (var polygon in Scene.SceneContainer.Traverse<Polygon>()) polygon.Transformation.RotateY += 90f; }, true); rotateZCommand = new Command( () => { foreach (var polygon in Scene.SceneContainer.Traverse<Polygon>()) polygon.Transformation.RotateZ += 90f; }, true); CreateScene(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ThePagesViewModel"/> class. /// </summary> public DegradationViewModel() { Title = "联网降级"; DegradationCommand = new Command(DoDegradationCommand); }
public ShaderViewModel() { CompileCommand = new Command(DoCompileCommand, true); }
public ImageTileViewModel() { GetUriToClipboardCommand = new Command(GetUriToClipboard); }