private static void addValuetoOutput(HtmlNodeCollection content, ref ApacheIssueContent result, bool isRemoveContentInnerSpace, bool isReplaceInnerSemicolon) { string outputValue = ""; if (content != null) { foreach (var item in content) { outputValue += item.InnerText.ToString().Replace("\n", "").Trim(); if (isReplaceInnerSemicolon) { outputValue = outputValue.Replace(";", " "); } } if (isRemoveContentInnerSpace) { outputValue = outputValue.Replace(" ", ""); } } else { outputValue = "None"; } result.contents.Add(outputValue += ";"); }
/// <summary> /// Export conetnt to CSV file. /// </summary> /// <param name="directory">target directory.</param> /// <param name="fileName">target file name.</param> /// <param name="data">output data.</param> static void exportToCSV(string directory, string fileName, ApacheIssueContent data, bool isExportTitle) { // Checking whether the directory exist or not. string directoryName = directory; if (!Directory.Exists(directoryName)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(directoryName); } // Checking whether the fileName exist or not. string fileFullPath = directory + @"\" + fileName; if (File.Exists(fileFullPath)) { File.Create(fileFullPath); } // Export the contents to target file. using (var sm = new StreamWriter(fileFullPath)) { string title = ""; string content = ""; if (isExportTitle) { foreach (var item in data.titles) { title += item; } } foreach (var item in data.contents) { content += item; } // remove the last comma of titles and contents. title = title.Substring(0, title.Length - 1); content = content.Substring(0, content.Length - 1); sm.WriteLine(title); sm.WriteLine(content); sm.Close(); } }
/// <summary> /// Set the titles. /// </summary> /// <param name="apacheIssueContent"></param> private static void setTitleforOutput(ref ApacheIssueContent apacheIssueContent) { apacheIssueContent.titles.Add($"Issue No;"); apacheIssueContent.titles.Add($"Type;"); apacheIssueContent.titles.Add($"Status;"); apacheIssueContent.titles.Add($"Priority;"); apacheIssueContent.titles.Add($"Resolution;"); apacheIssueContent.titles.Add($"Affects Version/s;"); apacheIssueContent.titles.Add($"Fix Version/ s;"); apacheIssueContent.titles.Add($"Component;"); apacheIssueContent.titles.Add($"Labels;"); apacheIssueContent.titles.Add($"Patch Info;"); apacheIssueContent.titles.Add($"Estimated Complexity;"); apacheIssueContent.titles.Add($"Assignee;"); apacheIssueContent.titles.Add($"Reporter;"); apacheIssueContent.titles.Add($"Votes;"); apacheIssueContent.titles.Add($"Watchers;"); apacheIssueContent.titles.Add($"Created;"); apacheIssueContent.titles.Add($"Updated;"); apacheIssueContent.titles.Add($"Resolved;"); apacheIssueContent.titles.Add($"Description;"); apacheIssueContent.titles.Add($"Comment;"); }
private static void processIssue(int issueNo, string exportFileName, bool isExportCSV, ref ApacheIssueContent apacheIssueContent) { HtmlWeb webClient = new HtmlWeb(); // Set the target url that we desire to crawl. string urlforOtherFields = $"{issueNo}"; string urlforComment = $"{issueNo}/CAMEL-{issueNo}.xml"; // Add issue no to output. apacheIssueContent.contents.Add($"{issueNo};"); #region Step 01:get the raw data from the URL. HtmlDocument doc = webClient.Load(urlforOtherFields); #region Details HtmlNodeCollection title = null; HtmlNodeCollection content = null; // Type. content = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes($"//*[@id='type-val']/text()"); addValuetoOutput(content, ref apacheIssueContent, true, true); // Status. content = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes($"//*[@id='status-val']/span"); addValuetoOutput(content, ref apacheIssueContent, true, true); // Priority. content = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes($"//*[@id='priority-val']/text()"); addValuetoOutput(content, ref apacheIssueContent, true, true); // Resolution. content = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes($"//*[@id='resolution-val']/text()"); addValuetoOutput(content, ref apacheIssueContent, true, true); // Affects Version. content = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes($"//*[@id='versions-field']/span"); addValuetoOutput(content, ref apacheIssueContent, true, true); // Fix Version. content = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes($"//*[@id='fixVersions-field']"); addValuetoOutput(content, ref apacheIssueContent, true, true); // Component. content = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes($"//*[@id='components-field']/a"); addValuetoOutput(content, ref apacheIssueContent, true, true); // Labels. content = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes($"//*[@id='labels-13028113-value']"); addValuetoOutput(content, ref apacheIssueContent, true, true); // Patch Info. content = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes($"//*[@id='customfield_12310041-field']/span"); addValuetoOutput(content, ref apacheIssueContent, true, true); // Estimated Complexity. content = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes($"//*[@id='customfield_12310060-val']"); addValuetoOutput(content, ref apacheIssueContent, true, true); #endregion #region People. // Assingee content = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes($"//*[@id='issue_summary_assignee_davsclaus']/text()"); addValuetoOutput(content, ref apacheIssueContent, false, true); // Reporter content = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes($"//*[@id='issue_summary_reporter_bobpaulin']/text()"); addValuetoOutput(content, ref apacheIssueContent, false, true); // Votes: content = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes($"//*[@id='vote-data']"); addValuetoOutput(content, ref apacheIssueContent, false, true); // Watchers: content = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes($"//*[@id='watcher-data']"); addValuetoOutput(content, ref apacheIssueContent, false, true); #endregion #region Dates // Create date. content = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes($"//*[@id='created-val']/time"); addValuetoOutput(content, ref apacheIssueContent, false, true); // Update date. content = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes($"//*[@id='updated-val']/time"); addValuetoOutput(content, ref apacheIssueContent, false, true); //title = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes($"//*[@id='datesmodule']/div[2]/ul/li/dl[3]/dt"); content = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes($"//*[@id='resolutiondate-val']/time"); addValuetoOutput(content, ref apacheIssueContent, false, true); #endregion #region Description // Description. content = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes($"//*[@id='description-val']/div"); addValuetoOutput(content, ref apacheIssueContent, false, true); #endregion #region Comment // Retrieve the content of comment field. XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(urlforComment); string outComment = ""; bool isStartOutComment = false; try { while (reader.Read()) { switch (reader.NodeType) { case XmlNodeType.Element: // The node is an element. if (string.Equals(reader.Name, "comment")) { isStartOutComment = true; } if (isStartOutComment) { var author = reader.GetAttribute("author"); var createTime = reader.GetAttribute("createTime"); outComment += $"{author} added a comment - {createTime}:"; } //Console.Write("<" + reader.Name); //Console.WriteLine(">"); break; case XmlNodeType.Text: //Display the text in each element. //Console.WriteLine(reader.Value); if (isStartOutComment) { outComment += $"{reader.Value}"; } break; case XmlNodeType.EndElement: //Display the end of the element. //Console.Write("</" + reader.Name); //Console.WriteLine(">"); if (string.Equals(reader.Name, "comment")) { isStartOutComment = false; } break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { outComment = "Privacy issue: This issue need to login first."; } finally { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(outComment)) { outComment = "No comment"; } apacheIssueContent.contents.Add($"{outComment.Replace("\n", "").Replace(";", ".")}\n"); Console.WriteLine($"Issue:{issueNo} process completed!"); } #endregion #endregion #region Step 02: export to CSV file. if (isExportCSV) { string directory = @"c:\tmp";; exportToCSV(directory, exportFileName, apacheIssueContent, isExportCSV); } #endregion }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Let's begin to crawl!"); int startNumber = 0; int maxNumber = 0; while (true) { ApacheIssueContent apacheIssueContent = new ApacheIssueContent(); while (startNumber == 0) { Console.Write("Please enter the start number of issue (-9999 to end):"); var inputNumber = Console.ReadLine(); Int32.TryParse(inputNumber, out startNumber); if (startNumber == -9999) { Environment.Exit(-1); } if (startNumber == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Please input number, thanks!"); } } while (maxNumber == 0 || (maxNumber < startNumber)) { Console.Write("Please enter the end number of issue (-9999 to end):"); var inputNumber = Console.ReadLine(); Int32.TryParse(inputNumber, out maxNumber); if (maxNumber == -9999) { Environment.Exit(-1); } if (maxNumber == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Please input number, thanks!"); continue; } if (maxNumber < startNumber) { Console.WriteLine("MaxNumber need to be smaller than startNumber, please input again!"); } } string fileName = $"result_{DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss")}.csv"; // Set titles. setTitleforOutput(ref apacheIssueContent); for (int issueNo = startNumber; issueNo <= maxNumber; issueNo++) { bool isExportCSV = (issueNo == maxNumber) ? true : false; processIssue(issueNo, fileName, isExportCSV, ref apacheIssueContent); } Console.WriteLine($"Process issues from {startNumber} to {maxNumber} completed, fileName:{fileName}"); // Reset control parameters. apacheIssueContent.titles.Clear(); apacheIssueContent.contents.Clear(); startNumber = 0; maxNumber = 0; } }