        public void TestPredsUsedAfterRecursionOverflow() /*throws Exception*/
            // analysis must bail out due to non-LL(*) nature (ovf)
            // retries with k=1 (but with LL(*) algorithm not optimized version
            // as it has preds)
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "parser grammar P;\n" +
                "s : {p1}? e '.' | {p2}? e ':' ;\n" +
                "e : '(' e ')' | INT ;\n");
            string expecting =
                ".s0-'('->.s1" + NewLine +
                ".s0-INT->.s4" + NewLine +
                ".s1-{p1}?->:s2=>1" + NewLine +
                ".s1-{p2}?->:s3=>2" + NewLine +
                ".s4-{p1}?->:s2=>1" + NewLine +
                ".s4-{p2}?->:s3=>2" + NewLine;

            DecisionProbe.verbose = true; // make sure we get all error info
            ErrorQueue equeue = new ErrorQueue();

            CodeGenerator generator = new CodeGenerator(newTool(), g, "Java");

            g.CodeGenerator = generator;
            if (g.NumberOfDecisions == 0)

            Assert.AreEqual(0, equeue.size(), "unexpected number of expected problems");
            checkDecision(g, 1, expecting, null, null, null, null, null, 0, false);
        public void TestIdenticalRules() /*throws Exception*/
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "lexer grammar t;\n" +
                "A : 'a' ;\n" +
                "B : 'a' ;\n");  // can't reach this
            string expecting =
                ".s0-'a'->.s1\n" +

            ErrorQueue equeue = new ErrorQueue();


            checkDecision(g, 1, expecting, new int[] { 2 });

            assertEquals("unexpected number of expected problems",
                         1, equeue.size());
            Message msg = (Message)equeue.errors[0];

            assertTrue("warning must be an unreachable alt",
                       msg is GrammarUnreachableAltsMessage);
            GrammarUnreachableAltsMessage u = (GrammarUnreachableAltsMessage)msg;

            assertEquals("[2]", u.alts.ToElementString());
        public void TestLeftRecursivePred() /*throws Exception*/
            // No analysis possible. but probably good to fail.  Not sure we really want
            // left-recursion even if guarded with pred.
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "parser grammar P;\n" +
                "s : a ;\n" +
                "a : {p1}? a | ID ;\n");

            DecisionProbe.verbose = true; // make sure we get all error info
            ErrorQueue equeue = new ErrorQueue();

            CodeGenerator generator = new CodeGenerator(newTool(), g, "Java");

            g.CodeGenerator = generator;
            if (g.NumberOfDecisions == 0)

            DFA dfa = g.GetLookaheadDFA(1);

            assertEquals(null, dfa);   // can't analyze.

             * String expecting =
             *  ".s0-ID->.s1\n" +
             *  ".s1-{p1}?->:s2=>1\n" +
             *  ".s1-{true}?->:s3=>2\n";
             * String result = serializer.serialize(dfa.startState);
             * assertEquals(expecting, result);

            assertEquals("unexpected number of expected problems", 1, equeue.size());
            Message msg = equeue.errors[0];

            assertTrue("warning must be a left recursion msg",
                       msg is LeftRecursionCyclesMessage);
        public void TestNonGreedyLoopThatNeverLoops() /*throws Exception*/
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "lexer grammar t;\n" +
                "DUH : (options {greedy=false;}:'x')+ ;");  // loop never matched
            string expecting =
                ":s0=>2" + NewLine;

            ErrorQueue equeue = new ErrorQueue();


            checkDecision(g, 1, expecting, new int[] { 1 });

            Assert.AreEqual(1, equeue.size(), "unexpected number of expected problems");
            Message msg = (Message)equeue.errors[0];

            Assert.IsTrue(msg is GrammarUnreachableAltsMessage, "warning must be an unreachable alt");
            GrammarUnreachableAltsMessage u = (GrammarUnreachableAltsMessage)msg;

            Assert.AreEqual("[1]", u.alts.ToElementString());
        public void TestNonGreedyLoopThatNeverLoops()
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "lexer grammar t;\n" +
                "DUH : (options {greedy=false;}:'x')+ ;" ); // loop never matched
            string expecting =
                ":s0=>2" + NewLine;

            ErrorQueue equeue = new ErrorQueue();
            ErrorManager.SetErrorListener( equeue );

            checkDecision( g, 1, expecting, new int[] { 1 } );

            Assert.AreEqual(1, equeue.size(), "unexpected number of expected problems");
            Message msg = (Message)equeue.errors[0];
            Assert.IsTrue(msg is GrammarUnreachableAltsMessage, "warning must be an unreachable alt");
            GrammarUnreachableAltsMessage u = (GrammarUnreachableAltsMessage)msg;
            Assert.AreEqual( "[1]", u.alts.ToElementString() );
        public void TestIdenticalRules()
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "lexer grammar t;\n" +
                "A : 'a' ;\n" +
                "B : 'a' ;\n" ); // can't reach this
            string expecting =
                ".s0-'a'->.s1" + NewLine +
                ".s1-<EOT>->:s2=>1" + NewLine;

            ErrorQueue equeue = new ErrorQueue();
            ErrorManager.SetErrorListener( equeue );

            checkDecision( g, 1, expecting, new int[] { 2 } );

            Assert.AreEqual(1, equeue.size(), "unexpected number of expected problems");
            Message msg = (Message)equeue.errors[0];
            Assert.IsTrue( msg is GrammarUnreachableAltsMessage, "warning must be an unreachable alt" );
            GrammarUnreachableAltsMessage u = (GrammarUnreachableAltsMessage)msg;
            Assert.AreEqual( "[2]", u.alts.ToElementString() );
        protected void checkDecision(Grammar g,
                                     int decision,
                                     string expecting,
                                     int[] expectingUnreachableAlts,
                                     int[] expectingNonDetAlts,
                                     string expectingAmbigInput,
                                     int[] expectingInsufficientPredAlts,
                                     int[] expectingDanglingAlts,
                                     int expectingNumWarnings,
                                     bool hasPredHiddenByAction)
        //throws Exception
            DecisionProbe.verbose = true; // make sure we get all error info
            ErrorQueue equeue = new ErrorQueue();

            CodeGenerator generator = new CodeGenerator(newTool(), g, "Java");

            g.CodeGenerator = generator;
            // mimic actions of org.antlr.Tool first time for grammar g
            if (g.NumberOfDecisions == 0)

            if (equeue.size() != expectingNumWarnings)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Warnings issued: " + equeue);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectingNumWarnings, equeue.size(), "unexpected number of expected problems");

            DFA          dfa        = g.GetLookaheadDFA(decision);
            FASerializer serializer = new FASerializer(g);
            string       result     = serializer.Serialize(dfa.StartState);
            var unreachableAlts = dfa.UnreachableAlts;

            // make sure unreachable alts are as expected
            if (expectingUnreachableAlts != null)
                BitSet s = new BitSet();
                BitSet s2 = new BitSet();
                Assert.AreEqual(s, s2, "unreachable alts mismatch");
                Assert.AreEqual(0, unreachableAlts != null ? unreachableAlts.Count : 0, "unreachable alts mismatch");

            // check conflicting input
            if (expectingAmbigInput != null)
                // first, find nondet message
                Message msg = getNonDeterminismMessage(equeue.warnings);
                Assert.IsNotNull(msg, "no nondeterminism warning?");
                Assert.IsTrue(msg is GrammarNonDeterminismMessage, "expecting nondeterminism; found " + msg.GetType().Name);
                GrammarNonDeterminismMessage nondetMsg =
                var labels =
                string input = nondetMsg.probe.GetInputSequenceDisplay(labels);
                Assert.AreEqual(expectingAmbigInput, input);

            // check nondet alts
            if (expectingNonDetAlts != null)
                GrammarNonDeterminismMessage nondetMsg =
                Assert.IsNotNull(nondetMsg, "found no nondet alts; expecting: " + str(expectingNonDetAlts));
                var nonDetAlts =
                // compare nonDetAlts with expectingNonDetAlts
                BitSet s = new BitSet();
                BitSet s2 = new BitSet();
                Assert.AreEqual(s, s2, "nondet alts mismatch");
                Assert.AreEqual(hasPredHiddenByAction, nondetMsg.problemState.Dfa.HasPredicateBlockedByAction, "mismatch between expected hasPredHiddenByAction");
                // not expecting any nondet alts, make sure there are none
                GrammarNonDeterminismMessage nondetMsg =
                Assert.IsNull(nondetMsg, "found nondet alts, but expecting none");

            if (expectingInsufficientPredAlts != null)
                GrammarInsufficientPredicatesMessage insuffPredMsg =
                Assert.IsNotNull(insuffPredMsg, "found no GrammarInsufficientPredicatesMessage alts; expecting: " + str(expectingNonDetAlts));
                var    locations  = insuffPredMsg.altToLocations;
                var    actualAlts = locations.Keys;
                BitSet s          = new BitSet();
                BitSet s2 = new BitSet();
                Assert.AreEqual(s, s2, "mismatch between insufficiently covered alts");
                Assert.AreEqual(hasPredHiddenByAction, insuffPredMsg.problemState.Dfa.HasPredicateBlockedByAction, "mismatch between expected hasPredHiddenByAction");
                // not expecting any nondet alts, make sure there are none
                GrammarInsufficientPredicatesMessage nondetMsg =
                if (nondetMsg != null)
                Assert.IsNull(nondetMsg, "found insufficiently covered alts, but expecting none");

            Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);
        //throws Exception
        protected void checkDecision( Grammar g,
                                     int decision,
                                     string expecting,
                                     int[] expectingUnreachableAlts,
                                     int[] expectingNonDetAlts,
                                     string expectingAmbigInput,
                                     int[] expectingInsufficientPredAlts,
                                     int[] expectingDanglingAlts,
                                     int expectingNumWarnings,
                                     bool hasPredHiddenByAction )
            DecisionProbe.verbose = true; // make sure we get all error info
            ErrorQueue equeue = new ErrorQueue();
            ErrorManager.SetErrorListener( equeue );
            CodeGenerator generator = new CodeGenerator( newTool(), g, "Java" );
            g.CodeGenerator = generator;
            // mimic actions of org.antlr.Tool first time for grammar g
            if ( g.NumberOfDecisions == 0 )
                g.CreateLookaheadDFAs( false );

            if ( equeue.size() != expectingNumWarnings )
                Console.Error.WriteLine( "Warnings issued: " + equeue );

            Assert.AreEqual(expectingNumWarnings, equeue.size(), "unexpected number of expected problems");

            DFA dfa = g.GetLookaheadDFA( decision );
            FASerializer serializer = new FASerializer( g );
            string result = serializer.Serialize( dfa.StartState );
            var unreachableAlts = dfa.UnreachableAlts;

            // make sure unreachable alts are as expected
            if ( expectingUnreachableAlts != null )
                BitSet s = new BitSet();
                s.AddAll( expectingUnreachableAlts );
                BitSet s2 = new BitSet();
                s2.AddAll( unreachableAlts );
                Assert.AreEqual(s, s2, "unreachable alts mismatch");
                Assert.AreEqual(0, unreachableAlts != null ? unreachableAlts.Count : 0, "unreachable alts mismatch");

            // check conflicting input
            if ( expectingAmbigInput != null )
                // first, find nondet message
                Message msg = getNonDeterminismMessage( equeue.warnings );
                Assert.IsNotNull(msg, "no nondeterminism warning?");
                Assert.IsTrue(msg is GrammarNonDeterminismMessage, "expecting nondeterminism; found " + msg.GetType().Name);
                GrammarNonDeterminismMessage nondetMsg =
                    getNonDeterminismMessage( equeue.warnings );
                var labels =
                    nondetMsg.probe.GetSampleNonDeterministicInputSequence( nondetMsg.problemState );
                string input = nondetMsg.probe.GetInputSequenceDisplay( labels );
                Assert.AreEqual( expectingAmbigInput, input );

            // check nondet alts
            if ( expectingNonDetAlts != null )
                GrammarNonDeterminismMessage nondetMsg =
                    getNonDeterminismMessage( equeue.warnings );
                Assert.IsNotNull(nondetMsg, "found no nondet alts; expecting: " + str(expectingNonDetAlts));
                var nonDetAlts =
                    nondetMsg.probe.GetNonDeterministicAltsForState( nondetMsg.problemState );
                // compare nonDetAlts with expectingNonDetAlts
                BitSet s = new BitSet();
                s.AddAll( expectingNonDetAlts );
                BitSet s2 = new BitSet();
                s2.AddAll( nonDetAlts );
                Assert.AreEqual(s, s2, "nondet alts mismatch");
                Assert.AreEqual(hasPredHiddenByAction, nondetMsg.problemState.Dfa.HasPredicateBlockedByAction, "mismatch between expected hasPredHiddenByAction");
                // not expecting any nondet alts, make sure there are none
                GrammarNonDeterminismMessage nondetMsg =
                    getNonDeterminismMessage( equeue.warnings );
                Assert.IsNull(nondetMsg, "found nondet alts, but expecting none");

            if ( expectingInsufficientPredAlts != null )
                GrammarInsufficientPredicatesMessage insuffPredMsg =
                    getGrammarInsufficientPredicatesMessage( equeue.warnings );
                Assert.IsNotNull(insuffPredMsg, "found no GrammarInsufficientPredicatesMessage alts; expecting: " + str(expectingNonDetAlts));
                var locations = insuffPredMsg.altToLocations;
                var actualAlts = locations.Keys;
                BitSet s = new BitSet();
                s.AddAll( expectingInsufficientPredAlts );
                BitSet s2 = new BitSet();
                s2.AddAll( actualAlts );
                Assert.AreEqual(s, s2, "mismatch between insufficiently covered alts");
                Assert.AreEqual(hasPredHiddenByAction, insuffPredMsg.problemState.Dfa.HasPredicateBlockedByAction, "mismatch between expected hasPredHiddenByAction");
                // not expecting any nondet alts, make sure there are none
                GrammarInsufficientPredicatesMessage nondetMsg =
                    getGrammarInsufficientPredicatesMessage( equeue.warnings );
                if ( nondetMsg != null )
                    Console.Out.WriteLine( equeue.warnings );
                Assert.IsNull(nondetMsg, "found insufficiently covered alts, but expecting none");

            Assert.AreEqual( expecting, result );
        public void TestPredsUsedAfterRecursionOverflow()
            // analysis must bail out due to non-LL(*) nature (ovf)
            // retries with k=1 (but with LL(*) algorithm not optimized version
            // as it has preds)
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "parser grammar P;\n" +
                "s : {p1}? e '.' | {p2}? e ':' ;\n" +
                "e : '(' e ')' | INT ;\n" );
            string expecting =
                ".s0-'('->.s1" + NewLine +
                ".s0-INT->.s4" + NewLine +
                ".s1-{p1}?->:s2=>1" + NewLine +
                ".s1-{p2}?->:s3=>2" + NewLine +
                ".s4-{p1}?->:s2=>1" + NewLine +
                ".s4-{p2}?->:s3=>2" + NewLine;
            DecisionProbe.verbose = true; // make sure we get all error info
            ErrorQueue equeue = new ErrorQueue();
            ErrorManager.SetErrorListener( equeue );
            CodeGenerator generator = new CodeGenerator( newTool(), g, "Java" );
            g.CodeGenerator = generator;
            if ( g.NumberOfDecisions == 0 )
                g.CreateLookaheadDFAs( false );

            Assert.AreEqual(0, equeue.size(), "unexpected number of expected problems");
            checkDecision( g, 1, expecting, null, null, null, null, null, 0, false );
        public void TestLeftRecursivePred()
            // No analysis possible. but probably good to fail.  Not sure we really want
            // left-recursion even if guarded with pred.
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "parser grammar P;\n" +
                "s : a ;\n" +
                "a : {p1}? a | ID ;\n" );

            DecisionProbe.verbose = true; // make sure we get all error info
            ErrorQueue equeue = new ErrorQueue();
            ErrorManager.SetErrorListener( equeue );
            CodeGenerator generator = new CodeGenerator( newTool(), g, "Java" );
            g.CodeGenerator = generator;
            if ( g.NumberOfDecisions == 0 )
                g.CreateLookaheadDFAs( false );

            DFA dfa = g.GetLookaheadDFA( 1 );
            Assert.AreEqual( null, dfa ); // can't analyze.

            String expecting =
                ".s0-ID->.s1" + NewLine +
                ".s1-{p1}?->:s2=>1" + NewLine +
                ".s1-{true}?->:s3=>2" + NewLine;
            String result = serializer.serialize(dfa.startState);
            Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, equeue.size(), "unexpected number of expected problems");
            Message msg = equeue.errors[0];
            Assert.IsTrue(msg is LeftRecursionCyclesMessage, "warning must be a left recursion msg");
        //throws Exception
        protected void checkDecision( Grammar g,
                                     int decision,
                                     string expecting,
                                     int[] expectingUnreachableAlts,
                                     int[] expectingNonDetAlts,
                                     string expectingAmbigInput,
                                     int[] expectingDanglingAlts,
                                     int expectingNumWarnings )
            DecisionProbe.verbose = true; // make sure we get all error info
            ErrorQueue equeue = new ErrorQueue();
            ErrorManager.SetErrorListener( equeue );

            // mimic actions of org.antlr.Tool first time for grammar g
            if ( g.NumberOfDecisions == 0 )
                g.CreateLookaheadDFAs( false );
            CodeGenerator generator = new CodeGenerator( newTool(), g, "Java" );
            g.CodeGenerator = generator;

            if ( equeue.size() != expectingNumWarnings )
                Console.Error.WriteLine( "Warnings issued: " + equeue );

            Assert.AreEqual(expectingNumWarnings, equeue.size(), "unexpected number of expected problems");

            DFA dfa = g.GetLookaheadDFA( decision );
            Assert.IsNotNull( dfa, "no DFA for decision " + decision );
            FASerializer serializer = new FASerializer( g );
            string result = serializer.Serialize( dfa.StartState );

            var unreachableAlts = dfa.UnreachableAlts;

            // make sure unreachable alts are as expected
            if ( expectingUnreachableAlts != null )
                BitSet s = new BitSet();
                s.AddAll( expectingUnreachableAlts );
                BitSet s2 = new BitSet();
                s2.AddAll( unreachableAlts );
                Assert.AreEqual(s, s2, "unreachable alts mismatch");
                Assert.AreEqual(0, unreachableAlts != null ? unreachableAlts.Count : 0, "number of unreachable alts");

            // check conflicting input
            if ( expectingAmbigInput != null )
                // first, find nondet message
                Message msg = (Message)equeue.warnings[0];
                Assert.IsTrue(msg is GrammarNonDeterminismMessage, "expecting nondeterminism; found " + msg.GetType().Name);
                GrammarNonDeterminismMessage nondetMsg =
                    getNonDeterminismMessage( equeue.warnings );
                var labels =
                    nondetMsg.probe.GetSampleNonDeterministicInputSequence( nondetMsg.problemState );
                string input = nondetMsg.probe.GetInputSequenceDisplay( labels );
                Assert.AreEqual( expectingAmbigInput, input );

            // check nondet alts
            if ( expectingNonDetAlts != null )
                RecursionOverflowMessage recMsg = null;
                GrammarNonDeterminismMessage nondetMsg =
                    getNonDeterminismMessage( equeue.warnings );
                IList<int> nonDetAlts = null;
                if ( nondetMsg != null )
                    nonDetAlts =
                        nondetMsg.probe.GetNonDeterministicAltsForState( nondetMsg.problemState );
                    recMsg = getRecursionOverflowMessage( equeue.warnings );
                    if ( recMsg != null )
                        //nonDetAlts = new ArrayList(recMsg.alts);
                // compare nonDetAlts with expectingNonDetAlts
                BitSet s = new BitSet();
                s.AddAll( expectingNonDetAlts );
                BitSet s2 = new BitSet();
                s2.AddAll( nonDetAlts );
                Assert.AreEqual(s, s2, "nondet alts mismatch");
                Assert.IsTrue(nondetMsg != null || recMsg != null, "found no nondet alts; expecting: " + str(expectingNonDetAlts));
                // not expecting any nondet alts, make sure there are none
                GrammarNonDeterminismMessage nondetMsg =
                    getNonDeterminismMessage( equeue.warnings );
                Assert.IsNull(nondetMsg, "found nondet alts, but expecting none");

            Assert.AreEqual( expecting, result );