GetLocallyDefinedRule() public method

public GetLocallyDefinedRule ( string ruleName ) : Antlr3.Tool.Rule
ruleName string
return Antlr3.Tool.Rule
 public ActionAnalysisLexer(Grammar grammar, string ruleName, GrammarAST actionAST)
     : this(new ANTLRStringStream(actionAST.Token.Text))
     this.grammar = grammar;
     this.enclosingRule = grammar.GetLocallyDefinedRule(ruleName);
     this.actionToken = actionAST.Token;
     this.outerAltNum = actionAST.outerAltNum;
        /** Get set of rules for grammar g that need to have manual delegation
         *  methods.  This is the list of rules collected from all direct/indirect
         *  delegates minus rules overridden in grammar g.
         *  This returns null except for the delegate root because it is the only
         *  one that has to have a complete grammar rule interface.  The delegates
         *  should not be instantiated directly for use as parsers (you can create
         *  them to pass to the root parser's ctor as arguments).
        public virtual HashSet<Rule> GetDelegatedRules( Grammar g )
            if ( g != delegateGrammarTreeRoot.Grammar )
                return null;

            HashSet<Rule> rules = GetAllImportedRules( g );
            foreach ( Rule r in rules.ToArray() )
                Rule localRule = g.GetLocallyDefinedRule( r.Name );
                // if locally defined or it's not local but synpred, don't make a delegation method
                if ( localRule != null || r.IsSynPred )
                    // kill overridden rules
                    rules.Remove( r );
            return rules;