private static List <Rect> GetBelowHorizontalFlagRect(Rect belowFlgRect, Bitmap image) { List <Rect> result = new List <Rect>(); Rect rect; bool[,] marker = new bool[image.Width, image.Height]; int y = belowFlgRect.GetCenterPoint().y; int x = belowFlgRect.GetCenterPoint().x; int totalFlgRect = Constant.BELOW_HORIZONTAL_FLAG_RECT; Point p; while (result.Count < totalFlgRect) { p = new Point(x, y); if (!p.IsValidPoint()) { throw new Exception(ErrorUtils.getError(ErrorUtils.CAN_NOT_GET_ENOUGH_HORIZONTAL_FLAG_RECT, "Can not get enough horizontal flag rect!!")); } if (!marker[x, y] && CommonImageProcessing.IsBlackColor(new Point(x, y), image)) { rect = CommonImageProcessing.ExpandTheRectBlackPixel(new Point(x, y), image, ref marker); if (rect == null) { throw new Exception(ErrorUtils.getError(ErrorUtils.CAN_NOT_GET_ENOUGH_HORIZONTAL_FLAG_RECT, "Can not get enough horizontal flag rect!!")); } if (CommonImageProcessing.IsFlagRectangle(rect)) { result.Add(rect); } } x--; } return(result); }
private static Rect DetectBottomRightCorner(Bitmap image) { var marker = new bool[image.Width, image.Height]; Point p = CommonImageProcessing.FindDifferentColorPoint(new Point(Constant.AS_RIGHT_BORDER, Constant.AS_BOTTOM_BORDER), image, Constant.WHITE, ref marker); Rect bottomRightRect = CommonImageProcessing.ExpandTheRectBlackPixel(p, image, ref marker); if (bottomRightRect == null) { p = CommonImageProcessing.FindDifferentColorPoint(new Point(Constant.AS_RIGHT_BORDER, Constant.AS_BOTTOM_BORDER), image, Constant.WHITE, ref marker); bottomRightRect = CommonImageProcessing.ExpandTheRectBlackPixel(p, image, ref marker); if (bottomRightRect == null) { throw new Exception(ErrorUtils.getError(ErrorUtils.CAN_NOT_FIND_THE_TOP_RIGHT_FLAG_RECT, "Can not detect the top right flag rectangle. Tried 2 attempts!!")); } else { ValidateBottomRightFlagRect(bottomRightRect); return(bottomRightRect); } } else { ValidateBottomRightFlagRect(bottomRightRect); return(bottomRightRect); } }
private static Rect DetectTopRightFlagRect(Bitmap image) { //In case the points expanded not match the template rectangle. We need to mark the visited point, so we don't go to these point again var marker = new bool[image.Width, image.Height]; Point p = CommonImageProcessing.FindDifferentColorPoint(new Point(Constant.AS_RIGHT_BORDER, Constant.AS_TOP_BORDER), image, Constant.WHITE, ref marker); Rect topRightFlagRect = CommonImageProcessing.ExpandTheRectBlackPixel(p, image, ref marker); if (topRightFlagRect == null) { p = CommonImageProcessing.FindDifferentColorPoint(new Point(Constant.AS_RIGHT_BORDER, Constant.AS_TOP_BORDER), image, Constant.WHITE, ref marker); topRightFlagRect = CommonImageProcessing.ExpandTheRectBlackPixel(p, image, ref marker); if (topRightFlagRect == null) { throw new Exception(ErrorUtils.getError(ErrorUtils.CAN_NOT_FIND_THE_TOP_RIGHT_FLAG_RECT, "Can not detect the top right flag rectangle. Tried 2 attempts!!")); } else { ValidateTopRightFlagRect(topRightFlagRect); return(topRightFlagRect); } } else { ValidateTopRightFlagRect(topRightFlagRect); return(topRightFlagRect); } }
private static List <Rect> GetVerticalFlagRect(Rect aboveFlgRect, Bitmap image) { List <Rect> result = new List <Rect>(); Rect rect; bool[,] marker = new bool[image.Width, image.Height]; int y = aboveFlgRect.GetCenterPoint().y; int x = aboveFlgRect.GetCenterPoint().x; int totalFlgRect = TemplateUtils.GetNumberOfVerticalFLagRect(Globals.currentTemplate); Point p; while (result.Count < totalFlgRect) { p = new Point(x, y); if (!p.IsValidPoint()) { throw new Exception(ErrorUtils.getError(ErrorUtils.CAN_NOT_GET_ENOUGH_VERTICAL_FLAG_RECT, "Can not get enough vertical flag rect!!")); } if (!marker[x, y] && CommonImageProcessing.IsBlackColor(new Point(x, y), image)) { rect = CommonImageProcessing.ExpandTheRectBlackPixel(new Point(x, y), image, ref marker); if (rect == null) { throw new Exception(ErrorUtils.getError(ErrorUtils.CAN_NOT_GET_ENOUGH_VERTICAL_FLAG_RECT, "Can not get enough vertical flag rect!!")); } if (CommonImageProcessing.IsFlagRectangle(rect)) { result.Add(rect); } } y++; } return(result); }
private static Tuple <String, List <Circle> > DetectExamCode(Bitmap img, List <Rect> horizontalFlgRects, List <Rect> verticalFlgRects) { string examId = ""; List <Circle> lstCircles = new List <Circle>(); Circle c; bool found; for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { found = false; for (int j = 1; j < 11; j++) { Rect r1 = horizontalFlgRects[i]; Rect r2 = verticalFlgRects[j]; Point c1 = r1.GetCenterPoint(); Point c2 = r2.GetCenterPoint(); c = new Circle(new Point(c1.x, c2.y), Constant.DEFAULT_CIRCLE_RADIUS); int nOfBlackInCircle = CommonImageProcessing.CountNumberOfBlackPixelInCircle(img, c, -5); if (nOfBlackInCircle >= Constant.NUMBER_OF_CIRCLE_BLACK_PIXEL_TO_BE_CONSIDERED_INFO_AS_CHOOSEN) { if (found) { examId = "-"; } else { found = true; if (examId != "-") { examId = (j - 1).ToString() + examId; } } lstCircles.Add(c); } } if (!found) { examId = examId + "*"; } } return(new Tuple <string, List <Circle> >(examId, lstCircles)); }
private static Bitmap PreProcess(Bitmap img) { i++; //img.Save(@"D:\hello.jpg"); img = CommonImageProcessing.SmoothImage(img); //img.Save(@"D:\hello_smooth.jpg"); img = CommonImageProcessing.ConvertToBinary(img); img.Save(@"D:\hello_smooth_black1.jpg"); Rect topRightRect = DetectTopRightFlagRect(img); Rect bottomRightRect = DetectBottomRightCorner(img); double angle = calculateRotateAngle(topRightRect, bottomRightRect); if (Math.Abs(topRightRect.bottomRight.x - bottomRightRect.bottomRight.x) > Constant.ACCEPTABLE_DIFF_BETWEEN_TOP_RIGHT_FLG_RECT_AND_BOTTOM_RIGHT_FLG_RECT) { img = CommonImageProcessing.RotateImage(img, angle - 90); } img.Save(@"D:\" + i + ".jpg"); return(img); }
public static ProcessedAS ProcessAS(Bitmap img) { if (img.Width != Constant.AS_WIDTH || img.Height != Constant.AS_HEIGHT) { img = CommonImageProcessing.ResizeImage(img, Constant.AS_WIDTH, Constant.AS_HEIGHT); } Bitmap orgImg = img; img = PreProcess(img); Rect topRightRect = DetectTopRightFlagRect(img); Rect bottomRightRect = DetectBottomRightCorner(img); List <Rect> verticalFlagRects = GetVerticalFlagRect(topRightRect, img); List <Rect> aboveHorizontalFlagRects = GetAboveHorizontalFlagRect(topRightRect, img); List <Rect> belowHorizontalFlagRects = GetBelowHorizontalFlagRect(bottomRightRect, img); Tuple <String, List <Circle> > studentCodeResult = DetectStudentCode(img, belowHorizontalFlagRects, verticalFlagRects); Tuple <String, List <Circle> > examCodeResult = DetectExamCode(img, belowHorizontalFlagRects, verticalFlagRects); Tuple <List <Char>, List <Circle>, List <Point> > studentAnswersResult = DetectStudentAnswer(img, aboveHorizontalFlagRects, verticalFlagRects); String examId = examCodeResult.Item1; String studentId = studentCodeResult.Item1; ProcessedAS processedAS = new ProcessedAS(); processedAS.examId = examId; processedAS.studentId = studentId; StudentAnswer studentAnswer; int numberOfQuestion = Globals.numberOfQuestion; List <Char> answerText = studentAnswersResult.Item1; List <Point> positions = studentAnswersResult.Item3; List <StudentAnswer> studentAnswers = new List <StudentAnswer>(); for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfQuestion; i++) { Point p = positions[i]; // 300 x 38 // CvInvoke.Rectangle(outputImg, rect, new MCvScalar(255, 0, 255), 2); studentAnswer = new StudentAnswer(answerText[i], new Point(p.x - 45, p.y - 18)); studentAnswers.Add(studentAnswer); } processedAS.answers = studentAnswers; //List<Circle> tmp; //tmp = studentCodeResult.Item2; //Image<Bgr, Byte> outputImg = new Image<Bgr, Byte>(img); //foreach (Circle circle in tmp) //{ // CvInvoke.Circle(outputImg, new System.Drawing.Point(,, circle.radius - 2, new MCvScalar(0, 255, 0), 2); //} //tmp = examCodeResult.Item2; //foreach (Circle circle in tmp) //{ // CvInvoke.Circle(outputImg, new System.Drawing.Point(,, circle.radius - 2, new MCvScalar(0, 255, 0), 2); //} //tmp = studentAnswersResult.Item2; //foreach (Circle circle in tmp) //{ // CvInvoke.Circle(outputImg, new System.Drawing.Point(,, circle.radius-2, new MCvScalar(0, 255, 0), 2); //} processedAS.processedAnswerSheetImage = orgImg; return(processedAS); }
private static Tuple <List <Char>, List <Circle>, List <Point> > DetectStudentAnswer(Bitmap img, List <Rect> horizontalFlgRects, List <Rect> verticalFlgRects) { int numberOfQuestion = Globals.numberOfQuestion; List <Char> answers = new List <Char>(); List <Circle> lstCircles = new List <Circle>(); List <Point> borderPoints = new List <Point>(); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfQuestion + 1; i++) { answers.Add('*'); borderPoints.Add(new Point(-100, -100)); } int nHorizontalRect = horizontalFlgRects.Count; int nVerticalRect = verticalFlgRects.Count; Char currentAns = 'A'; int currentQuestion; int colStartQuestion = 1; int numberOfRow = (nVerticalRect - 12); Circle c; for (int i = nHorizontalRect - 1; i >= 1; i--) { currentQuestion = colStartQuestion; for (int j = 11; j < nVerticalRect - 1; j++) { if (currentQuestion > numberOfQuestion) { break; } Rect r1 = horizontalFlgRects[i]; Rect r2 = verticalFlgRects[j]; Point c1 = r1.GetCenterPoint(); Point c2 = r2.GetCenterPoint(); if (currentAns == 'A') { borderPoints[currentQuestion] = new Point(c1.x, c2.y); } c = new Circle(new Point(c1.x, c2.y), Constant.DEFAULT_CIRCLE_RADIUS); int nOfBlackInCircle = CommonImageProcessing.CountNumberOfBlackPixelInCircle(img, c, 8); if (nOfBlackInCircle >= Constant.NUMBER_OF_CIRCLE_BLACK_PIXEL_TO_BE_CONSIDERED_ANSWER_AS_CHOOSEN) { if (answers[currentQuestion] == '*') { answers[currentQuestion] = currentAns; } else { answers[currentQuestion] = '-'; } lstCircles.Add(c); } currentQuestion++; if (currentQuestion > numberOfQuestion) { break; } } if (currentAns == 'E') { currentAns = 'A'; colStartQuestion += numberOfRow; } else { currentAns++; } } return(new Tuple <List <char>, List <Circle>, List <Point> >(answers, lstCircles, borderPoints)); }