protected void PopulateTimeline() { foreach (var kvp in this.mappedDevices) { AddEffectData(kvp.Key, kvp.Value, ChannelEffectInstance.DeviceType.Brightness); } foreach (var kvp in this.mappedRgbDevices) { var id = kvp.Key; AddEffectData(id.R, kvp.Value, ChannelEffectInstance.DeviceType.ColorR); AddEffectData(id.G, kvp.Value, ChannelEffectInstance.DeviceType.ColorG); AddEffectData(id.B, kvp.Value, ChannelEffectInstance.DeviceType.ColorB); } timeline.Setup(() => { if (this.token == null) { this.token = new GroupControlToken(this.devices.Select(x => x.Device), null,, this.priority); foreach (var device in this.devices) { device.Observer = device.Device.GetDataObserver(this.token); device.Observer.SetDataFromIData(device.AdditionalData); } } //foreach (var device in this.mappedDevices.SelectMany(x => x.Value)) //{ // if (!this.brightnessObservers.ContainsKey(device)) // { // var observer = device.GetBrightnessObserver(); // this.brightnessObservers.Add(device, observer); // } //} //foreach (var device in this.mappedRgbDevices.SelectMany(x => x.Value)) //{ // if (!this.rgbObservers.ContainsKey(device)) // { // var observer = device.GetRgbObserver(); // this.rgbObservers.Add(device, observer); // } //} }); timeline.TearDown(() => { foreach (var device in this.devices) { device.Observer = null; } if (this.token != null) { this.token.Dispose(); this.token = null; } //foreach (var controlledDevice in this.controlledDevices) // controlledDevice.TurnOff(); //// Release locks //foreach (var observer in this.brightnessObservers.Values) // observer.Dispose(); //this.brightnessObservers.Clear(); //foreach (var observer in this.rgbObservers.Values) // observer.Dispose(); //this.rgbObservers.Clear(); }); timeline.MultiTimelineTrigger += (sender, e) => { if ((e.ElapsedMs - this.lastProgressReport) > 1000) { // Update progress this.lastProgressReport = e.ElapsedMs; this.progress.OnNext(e.ElapsedMs); } foreach (var controlledDevice in this.controlledDevices) controlledDevice.Suspend(); try { foreach (var effectInstance in e.Code) { if (effectInstance.Type == ChannelEffectInstance.DeviceType.Brightness) { foreach (var device in effectInstance.Devices) { var receivesBrightness = device.Device as IReceivesBrightness; if (receivesBrightness != null) effectInstance.Effect.Execute(receivesBrightness, this.token); } } else if (effectInstance.Type == ChannelEffectInstance.DeviceType.ColorR) { foreach (var device in effectInstance.Devices) { var receivesColor = device.Device as IReceivesColor; if (receivesColor != null) effectInstance.Effect.Execute(receivesColor, effectInstance.Type, this.token); } } else if (effectInstance.Type == ChannelEffectInstance.DeviceType.ColorG) { foreach (var device in effectInstance.Devices) { var receivesColor = device.Device as IReceivesColor; if (receivesColor != null) effectInstance.Effect.Execute(receivesColor, effectInstance.Type, this.token); } } else if (effectInstance.Type == ChannelEffectInstance.DeviceType.ColorB) { foreach (var device in effectInstance.Devices) { var receivesColor = device.Device as IReceivesColor; if (receivesColor != null) effectInstance.Effect.Execute(receivesColor, effectInstance.Type, this.token); } } } } finally { foreach (var controlledDevice in this.controlledDevices) controlledDevice.Resume(); } }; }
private void Release() { if (this.groupControlToken != null) { this.groupControlToken.Dispose(); this.groupControlToken = null; } }
public IControlToken TakeControl(int priority = 1, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string name = "") { lock (this.members) { var memberTokens = new Dictionary <IOwnedDevice, IControlToken>(); foreach (var device in this.members) { memberTokens.Add(device, device.TakeControl(priority, name)); } var ownerCandidate = new GroupControlToken( memberTokens, true, cToken => { IControlToken nextOwner; lock (this.members) { this.owners.Remove(cToken); nextOwner = this.owners.LastOrDefault(); this.currentOwner = nextOwner; Executor.Current.SetControlToken(this, nextOwner); } }, priority); // Insert new owner lock (this) { int pos = -1; for (int i = 0; i < this.owners.Count; i++) { if (this.owners[i].Priority < priority) { continue; } pos = i; break; } if (pos == -1) { this.owners.Add(ownerCandidate); } else { this.owners.Insert(pos, ownerCandidate); } } // Grab the owner with the highest priority (doesn't have to be the candidate) var newOwner = this.owners.Last(); this.currentOwner = newOwner; Executor.Current.SetControlToken(this, newOwner); return(ownerCandidate); } }
private void Lock() { var heldLocks = new Dictionary<IOwnedDevice, IControlToken>(); foreach (var handleLock in this.handleLocks) { var control = handleLock.TakeControl(priority: this.lockPriority, name: Name); heldLocks.Add(handleLock, control); } this.groupControlToken = new GroupControlToken(heldLocks, disposeLocks: true, priority: this.lockPriority); this.groupControlToken.AutoAddDevices = this.autoAddDevices; }