protected override void OnDraw(ACanvas canvas) { if (Element == null) { return; } var pancake = Element as PancakeView; SetClipChildren(true); //Create path to clip the child if (pancake.Sides != 4) { using (var path = DrawingExtensions.CreatePolygonPath(Width, Height, pancake.Sides, pancake.CornerRadius.TopLeft, pancake.OffsetAngle)) { canvas.Save(); canvas.ClipPath(path); } } else { using (var path = DrawingExtensions.CreateRoundedRectPath(Width, Height, Context.ToPixels(pancake.CornerRadius.TopLeft), Context.ToPixels(pancake.CornerRadius.TopRight), Context.ToPixels(pancake.CornerRadius.BottomRight), Context.ToPixels(pancake.CornerRadius.BottomLeft))) { canvas.Save(); canvas.ClipPath(path); } } DrawBorder(canvas, pancake); }
protected override void OnDraw(ACanvas canvas) { if (Element == null) { return; } var control = (PancakeView)Element; SetClipChildren(true); //Create path to clip the child if (control.Sides != 4) { using (var path = ShapeUtils.CreatePolygonPath(Width, Height, control.Sides, control.CornerRadius.TopLeft, control.OffsetAngle)) { canvas.Save(); canvas.ClipPath(path); } } else { using (var path = ShapeUtils.CreateRoundedRectPath(Width, Height, Context.ToPixels(control.CornerRadius.TopLeft), Context.ToPixels(control.CornerRadius.TopRight), Context.ToPixels(control.CornerRadius.BottomRight), Context.ToPixels(control.CornerRadius.BottomLeft))) { canvas.Save(); canvas.ClipPath(path); } } DrawBorder(canvas, control); }
protected override void OnDraw(ACanvas canvas) { if (Element == null) { return; } var control = (CanvasView)Element; SetClipChildren(true); //Create path to clip the child if (control.Sides != 4) { using (var path = PolygonUtils.GetPolygonCornerPath(Width, Height, control.Sides, control.CornerRadius.TopLeft, control.OffsetAngle)) { canvas.Save(); canvas.ClipPath(path); } } else { using (var path = new Path()) { path.AddRoundRect(new RectF(0, 0, Width, Height), GetRadii(control), Path.Direction.Ccw); canvas.Save(); canvas.ClipPath(path); } } DrawBorder(canvas, control); }
/// <Docs>The Canvas to which the View is rendered.</Docs> /// <summary> /// Draw the specified canvas. /// </summary> /// <param name="canvas">Canvas.</param> public override void Draw (Canvas canvas) { try { var element = Element as RoundCornerView; var cornerRadius = (float)element.CornerRadius*Resources.DisplayMetrics.Density; // Paint rounded rect itself canvas.Save(); var paint = new Paint(); paint.AntiAlias = true; var strokeWidth = (((float)element.BorderWidth)*Resources.DisplayMetrics.Density); paint.StrokeWidth = strokeWidth; if(element.BackgroundColor != Xamarin.Forms.Color.Transparent) { paint.SetStyle(Paint.Style.Fill); paint.Color = element.BackgroundColor.ToAndroid(); canvas.DrawRoundRect(new RectF(0, 0, Width, Height), cornerRadius, cornerRadius, paint); } if(element.BorderColor != Xamarin.Forms.Color.Transparent) { paint.SetStyle(Paint.Style.Stroke); paint.Color = element.BorderColor.ToAndroid(); canvas.DrawRoundRect(new RectF(0, 0, Width, Height), cornerRadius, cornerRadius, paint); } //Properly dispose paint.Dispose(); canvas.Restore(); // Create clip path var path = new Path(); path.AddRoundRect(new RectF(0.0f + (strokeWidth/2), 0.0f + (strokeWidth/2), Width - (strokeWidth/2), Height - (strokeWidth/2)), cornerRadius, cornerRadius, Path.Direction.Cw); canvas.Save(); canvas.ClipPath(path); // Do base drawing for(var i=0; i<ChildCount; i++) GetChildAt(i).Draw(canvas); canvas.Restore(); path.Dispose(); } catch (Exception) { } }
protected override void Draw(Canvas canvas, Rect bounds) { int saveCount = canvas.Save(); for (int i = 1; i < mBallCount - 1; i++) { mPaint.Alpha = MAX_ALPHA; canvas.DrawCircle(mBallRadius * (i * 2 - 1) + mBallSideOffsets, mBallCenterY, mBallRadius, mPaint); mOvalRect.Set(mBallRadius * (i * 2 - 2) + mBallSideOffsets, Height - mOvalVerticalRadius * 2, mBallRadius * (i * 2) + mBallSideOffsets, Height); mPaint.Alpha = OVAL_ALPHA; canvas.DrawOval(mOvalRect, mPaint); } //draw the first ball mPaint.Alpha = MAX_ALPHA; canvas.DrawCircle(mBallSideOffsets - mBallRadius - mLeftBallMoveXOffsets, mBallCenterY - mLeftBallMoveYOffsets, mBallRadius, mPaint); mOvalRect.Set(mBallSideOffsets - mBallRadius - mBallRadius * mLeftOvalShapeRate - mLeftBallMoveXOffsets, Height - mOvalVerticalRadius - mOvalVerticalRadius * mLeftOvalShapeRate, mBallSideOffsets - mBallRadius + mBallRadius * mLeftOvalShapeRate - mLeftBallMoveXOffsets, Height - mOvalVerticalRadius + mOvalVerticalRadius * mLeftOvalShapeRate); mPaint.Alpha = OVAL_ALPHA; canvas.DrawOval(mOvalRect, mPaint); //draw the last ball mPaint.Alpha = MAX_ALPHA; canvas.DrawCircle(mBallRadius * (mBallCount * 2 - 3) + mBallSideOffsets + mRightBallMoveXOffsets, mBallCenterY - mRightBallMoveYOffsets, mBallRadius, mPaint); mOvalRect.Set(mBallRadius * (mBallCount * 2 - 3) - mBallRadius * mRightOvalShapeRate + mBallSideOffsets + mRightBallMoveXOffsets, Height - mOvalVerticalRadius - mOvalVerticalRadius * mRightOvalShapeRate, mBallRadius * (mBallCount * 2 - 3) + mBallRadius * mRightOvalShapeRate + mBallSideOffsets + mRightBallMoveXOffsets, Height - mOvalVerticalRadius + mOvalVerticalRadius * mRightOvalShapeRate); mPaint.Alpha = OVAL_ALPHA; canvas.DrawOval(mOvalRect, mPaint); canvas.RestoreToCount(saveCount); }
protected override bool DrawChild(Android.Graphics.Canvas canvas, Android.Views.View child, long drawingTime) { try { var element = (RoundedImage)Element; var radius = Math.Min(Width, Height) / 2; var strokeWidth = 10; radius -= strokeWidth / 2; var path = new Path(); path.AddCircle(Width / 2, Height / 2, radius, Path.Direction.Ccw); canvas.Save(); canvas.ClipPath(path); var result = base.DrawChild(canvas, child, drawingTime); canvas.Restore(); path = new Path(); path.AddCircle(Width / 2, Height / 2, radius, Path.Direction.Ccw); var paint = new Paint(); paint.AntiAlias = true; paint.StrokeWidth = (float)element.BorderWidth; paint.SetStyle(Paint.Style.Stroke); paint.Color = element.BorderColor.ToAndroid(); canvas.DrawPath(path, paint); paint.Dispose(); path.Dispose(); return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } return(base.DrawChild(canvas, child, drawingTime)); }
protected override void DispatchDraw(Android.Graphics.Canvas canvas) { base.DispatchDraw(canvas); if (opened || isTracking || animator != null) { // Draw inset shadow on the menu canvas.Save(); shadowDrawable.SetBounds(0, 0, Context.ToPixels(8), Height); canvas.Translate(ContentView.Left - shadowDrawable.Bounds.Width(), 0); shadowDrawable.Draw(canvas); canvas.Restore(); if (contentOffsetX != 0) { // Cover the area with a black overlay to display openess graphically var openness = ((float)(MaxOffset - contentOffsetX)) / MaxOffset; overlayPaint.Alpha = Math.Max(0, (int)(MaxOverlayAlpha * openness)); if (overlayPaint.Alpha > 0) { canvas.DrawRect(0, 0, ContentView.Left, Height, overlayPaint); } } } }
public void DrawStopwatch(Canvas canvas) { canvas.Save(); canvas.Translate(Width / 2F, Height / 2F); var tickMarks = new Path(); tickMarks.AddCircle(0, 0, 90, Path.Direction.Cw); var scale = Math.Min(Width, Height) / 2F / 120; canvas.Scale(scale, scale); var paint = new Paint { StrokeCap = Paint.Cap.Square, Color = new Color(240, 240, 240) }; paint.SetStyle(Paint.Style.Stroke); paint.StrokeWidth = 3; paint.SetPathEffect(MinuteDashEffect); canvas.DrawPath(tickMarks, paint); paint.Color = new Color(240, 240, 240); paint.StrokeWidth = 4; paint.SetPathEffect(FifthMinuteDashEffect); canvas.DrawPath(tickMarks, paint); }
private void drawPorcentajeOnCanvas(Canvas canvas) { base.OnDraw (canvas); canvas.Save (); canvas.DrawColor(Android.Graphics.Color.White); //Obtenemos el centro de nuesto canvas float x = this.MeasuredWidth / 2; float y = this.MeasuredHeight / 2; //Obtenemos el radio R1 //Obtenemos el radio R2 float R1 = 0; float R2 = 0; //if (canvas.Width < canvas.Height) { if (this.MeasuredWidth < this.MeasuredHeight) { R1 = x;//Obtenemos el radio R1 R2 = x-(x*por_rango/100); } else { R1 = y ;//Obtenemos el radio R1 R2 = y-(y *por_rango/100);//Obtenemos el radio R2 que dejamos un 20% de margen } //Dibujamos el fondo de nuestro grafico que va ir creciendo de acuerdo al porcentaje descargado RectF rectF2 = new RectF(x-R1, y-R1,x+R1, y+R1); mPaintFondo.Color= Android.Graphics.Color.Rgb(19,184,213); int grados = 0; grados = 360 * porcentaje / 100; canvas.DrawArc(rectF2, 270, grados, true, mPaintFondo); //Fondo superior de nuestro texto mPaintSuperior.Color= Android.Graphics.Color.Rgb(50,58,69); canvas.DrawCircle(x,y , R2, mPaintSuperior); //Texto que nos indica el procentaje descargado mPaintTexto.SetTypeface (mFace); mPaintTexto.Color = Color.White; //Obtenemos el 30 % de radio de nuestro circulo de fondo, el cual sera el tamaño de letra utilzar; float MYTEXTSIZE = R2 *30/100; // Get the screen's density scale float scale = Application.Context.Resources.DisplayMetrics.Density; //Convert the dps to pixels, based on density scale int textSizePx = (int) (MYTEXTSIZE * scale + 0.5f); mPaintTexto.TextSize = textSizePx; //Obtenemos la posicion para centrar adecuadamente nuesto texto int xPos = (this.MeasuredWidth / 2); int yPos = (int) ((this.MeasuredHeight / 2) - ((mPaintTexto.Descent() + mPaintTexto.Ascent()) / 2)) ; string Texto_Porcentaje =porcentaje.ToString(); canvas.DrawText (Texto_Porcentaje+" %", xPos,yPos, mPaintTexto); canvas.Restore(); }
protected override void DispatchDraw(Android.Graphics.Canvas canvas) { // Draw interior shadow canvas.Save(); canvas.ClipRect(0, 0, Width, Height); canvas.DrawPaint(shadow); canvas.Restore(); base.DispatchDraw(canvas); // Draw custom list separator canvas.Save(); canvas.ClipRect(0, Height - 2, Width, Height); canvas.DrawColor(Android.Graphics.Color.Rgb(LightTone, LightTone, LightTone)); canvas.Restore(); }
protected override bool DrawChild(ACanvas canvas, global::Android.Views.View child, long drawingTime) { if (Element == null) { return(false); } var control = (PancakeView)Element; SetClipChildren(true); //Create path to clip the child using (var path = new Path()) { path.AddRoundRect(new RectF(0, 0, Width, Height), GetRadii(control), Path.Direction.Ccw); canvas.Save(); canvas.ClipPath(path); } // Draw the child first so that the border shows up above it. var result = base.DrawChild(canvas, child, drawingTime); canvas.Restore(); DrawBorder(canvas, control); return(result); }
protected override bool DrawChild(ACanvas canvas, global::Android.Views.View child, long drawingTime) { if (this.Element == null) { return(false); } CorneredContentView control = (CorneredContentView)this.Element; this.SetClipChildren(true); //Create path to clip the child using (Path path = new Path()) { path.AddRoundRect(new RectF(0, 0, this.Width, this.Height), this.GetRadii(control), Path.Direction.Ccw); canvas.Save(); canvas.ClipPath(path); } // Draw the child first so that the border shows up above it. bool result = base.DrawChild(canvas, child, drawingTime); canvas.Restore(); this.DrawBorder(canvas, control); return(result); }
protected override void OnDraw(Canvas canvas) { base.OnDraw (canvas); if (mBlurredView != null) { if (prepare()) { // If the background of the blurred view is a color drawable, we use it to clear // the blurring canvas, which ensures that edges of the child views are blurred // as well; otherwise we clear the blurring canvas with a transparent color. if (mBlurredView.Background != null && mBlurredView.Background is ColorDrawable){ mBitmapToBlur.EraseColor(((ColorDrawable) mBlurredView.Background).Color); }else { mBitmapToBlur.EraseColor(Color.Transparent); } mBlurredView.Draw(mBlurringCanvas); blur(); canvas.Save(); canvas.Translate(mBlurredView.GetX() - GetX(), mBlurredView.GetY() - GetY()); canvas.Scale(mDownsampleFactor, mDownsampleFactor); canvas.DrawBitmap(mBlurredBitmap, 0, 0, null); canvas.Restore(); } canvas.DrawColor(mOverlayColor); } }
protected override bool DrawChild(Canvas canvas, global::Android.Views.View child, long drawingTime) { try { var radius = Math.Min(Width, Height) / 2; var strokeWidth = 10; radius -= strokeWidth / 2; //Create path to clip var path = new Path(); path.AddCircle(Width / 2, Height / 2, radius, Path.Direction.Ccw); canvas.Save(); canvas.ClipPath(path); var result = base.DrawChild(canvas, child, drawingTime); canvas.Restore(); // Create path for circle border path = new Path(); path.AddCircle(Width / 2, Height / 2, radius, Path.Direction.Ccw); var paint = new Paint(); paint.AntiAlias = true; paint.StrokeWidth = 5; paint.SetStyle(Paint.Style.Stroke); paint.Color = global::Android.Graphics.Color.White; canvas.DrawPath(path, paint); //Properly dispose paint.Dispose(); path.Dispose(); return result; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to create circle image: " + ex); } return base.DrawChild(canvas, child, drawingTime); }
protected override void Draw(Canvas canvas, Rect bounds) { int saveCount = canvas.Save(); for (int i = 0; i < mBallCount; i++) { if (i == mSwapIndex) { mPaint.SetStyle(Paint.Style.Fill); canvas.DrawCircle(mBallSideOffsets + mBallRadius * (i * 2 + 1) + i * mBallInterval + mSwapBallOffsetX, mBallCenterY - mSwapBallOffsetY, mBallRadius, mPaint); } else if (i == (mSwapIndex + 1) % mBallCount) { mPaint.SetStyle(Paint.Style.Stroke); canvas.DrawCircle(mBallSideOffsets + mBallRadius * (i * 2 + 1) + i * mBallInterval - mSwapBallOffsetX, mBallCenterY + mSwapBallOffsetY, mBallRadius - mStrokeWidth / 2, mPaint); } else { mPaint.SetStyle(Paint.Style.Stroke); canvas.DrawCircle(mBallSideOffsets + mBallRadius * (i * 2 + 1) + i * mBallInterval, mBallCenterY, mBallRadius - mStrokeWidth / 2, mPaint); } } canvas.RestoreToCount(saveCount); }
protected override void OnDraw(Android.Graphics.Canvas canvas) { canvas.Save(); canvas.Translate(_width, _height); canvas.Rotate(-90); TextPaint paint = this.Paint; //Android.Graphics.Color Colorr = Color. //this.TextColors.DefaultColor; // //var defcolor = this.TextColors.DefaultColor; //var Redd = Color.GetRedComponent(defcolor); //var Blue = Color.GetBlueComponent(defcolor); //var Greenn = Color.GetGreenComponent(defcolor); //var Birlestir = Color.Rgb(Redd, Greenn, Blue); //ColorFilter cf = new PorterDuffColorFilter(Birlestir, PorterDuff.Mode.SrcAtop); //paint.SetColorFilter(cf); paint.Color = Color.White; String text = getTextt(); paint.GetTextBounds(text, 0, text.Length, _bounds); canvas.DrawText(text, this.CompoundPaddingLeft, (_bounds.Height() - _width) / 2, paint); canvas.Restore(); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="canvas"></param> /// <param name="child"></param> /// <param name="drawingTime"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected override bool DrawChild(Canvas canvas, Android.Views.View child, long drawingTime) { try { var radius = Math.Min(Width, Height) / 2; var strokeWidth = ((CircleImage)Element).BorderThickness; radius -= strokeWidth / 2; var path = new Path(); path.AddCircle(Width / 2, Height / 2, radius, Path.Direction.Ccw); canvas.Save(); canvas.ClipPath(path); var paint = new Paint(); paint.AntiAlias = true; paint.SetStyle(Paint.Style.Fill); paint.Color = ((CircleImage)Element).FillColor.ToAndroid(); canvas.DrawPath(path, paint); paint.Dispose(); var result = base.DrawChild(canvas, child, drawingTime); canvas.Restore(); path = new Path(); path.AddCircle(Width / 2, Height / 2, radius, Path.Direction.Ccw); var thickness = ((CircleImage)Element).BorderThickness; if(thickness > 0.0f) { paint = new Paint(); paint.AntiAlias = true; paint.StrokeWidth = thickness; paint.SetStyle(Paint.Style.Stroke); paint.Color = ((CircleImage)Element).BorderColor.ToAndroid(); canvas.DrawPath(path, paint); paint.Dispose(); } path.Dispose(); return result; } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Unable to create circle image: " + ex); } return base.DrawChild(canvas, child, drawingTime); }
public void Draw(Canvas canvas) { canvas.Save(); canvas.Translate((float)Position.X, (float)Position.Y); canvas.Rotate((float)Acceleration.Direction + ROTATION_OFFSET); mDrawable.Draw(canvas); canvas.Restore(); }
protected override bool DrawChild(Canvas canvas, View child, long drawingTime) { try { var radius = Math.Min(Width, Height) / 2; var borderThickness = (float)((CircleImage)Element).BorderThickness; int strokeWidth = 0; if (borderThickness > 0) { var logicalDensity = Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Context.Resources.DisplayMetrics.Density; strokeWidth = (int)Math.Ceiling(borderThickness * logicalDensity + .5f); } radius -= strokeWidth / 2; var path = new Path(); path.AddCircle(Width / 2.0f, Height / 2.0f, radius, Path.Direction.Ccw); canvas.Save(); canvas.ClipPath(path); var paint = new Paint(); paint.AntiAlias = true; paint.SetStyle(Paint.Style.Fill); paint.Color = ((CircleImage)Element).FillColor.ToAndroid(); canvas.DrawPath(path, paint); paint.Dispose(); var result = base.DrawChild(canvas, child, drawingTime); canvas.Restore(); path = new Path(); path.AddCircle((float) Width / 2, (float) Height / 2, radius, Path.Direction.Ccw); if (strokeWidth > 0.0f) { paint = new Paint {AntiAlias = true, StrokeWidth = strokeWidth}; paint.SetStyle(Paint.Style.Stroke); paint.Color = ((CircleImage)Element).BorderColor.ToAndroid(); canvas.DrawPath(path, paint); paint.Dispose(); } path.Dispose(); return result; } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Unable to create circle image: " + ex); } return base.DrawChild(canvas, child, drawingTime); }
// Rotate the canvas before drawing protected override void DispatchDraw(Canvas canvas) { canvas.Save (SaveFlags.Matrix); canvas.Rotate (-heading, Width * 0.5f, Height * 0.5f); base.DispatchDraw (canvas); canvas.Restore (); }
protected override void OnDraw (Canvas canvas) { base.OnDraw (canvas); canvas.Save (); canvas.Translate (_posX, _posY); canvas.Scale (_scaleFactor, _scaleFactor); _icon.Draw (canvas); canvas.Restore (); }
private void ShowPath(Canvas canvas, int x, int y, Path.FillType ft, Paint paint) { canvas.Save(); canvas.Translate(x, y); canvas.ClipRect(0, 0, 120, 120); canvas.DrawColor(Color.White); mPath.SetFillType(ft); canvas.DrawPath(mPath, paint); canvas.Restore(); }
protected override void OnDraw(Canvas canvas) { base.OnDraw(canvas); DrawHexagon(canvas); canvas.Save(); canvas.Scale(.4f, .5f, Width / 2, Height / 2); DrawCross(canvas); canvas.Restore(); }
protected override bool DrawChild(ACanvas canvas, global::Android.Views.View child, long drawingTime) { if (Element == null) { return(false); } var pancake = Element as PancakeView; SetClipChildren(true); //Create path to clip the child if (pancake.Sides != 4) { using (var path = DrawingExtensions.CreatePolygonPath(Width, Height, pancake.Sides, pancake.CornerRadius.TopLeft, pancake.OffsetAngle)) { canvas.Save(); canvas.ClipPath(path); } } else { using (var path = DrawingExtensions.CreateRoundedRectPath(Width, Height, Context.ToPixels(pancake.CornerRadius.TopLeft), Context.ToPixels(pancake.CornerRadius.TopRight), Context.ToPixels(pancake.CornerRadius.BottomRight), Context.ToPixels(pancake.CornerRadius.BottomLeft))) { canvas.Save(); canvas.ClipPath(path); } } // Draw the child first so that the border shows up above it. var result = base.DrawChild(canvas, child, drawingTime); canvas.Restore(); DrawBorder(canvas, pancake); return(result); }
protected override void OnDraw(Canvas canvas) { canvas.Save(); if (RotationPivotPoint != null) { canvas.Rotate(RotationDegress, RotationPivotPoint.X, RotationPivotPoint.Y); } else { canvas.Rotate(RotationDegress); } base.OnDraw(canvas); }
protected override void OnDraw(Canvas canvas) { for (int i = 0; i < balls.Count; ++i) { ShapeHolder shapeHolder = balls[i]; canvas.Save(); canvas.Translate(shapeHolder.X, shapeHolder.Y); shapeHolder.Shape.Draw(canvas); canvas.Restore(); } }
public override void Draw(Canvas canvas, ICharSequence text, int start, int end, float x, int top, int y, int bottom, Paint paint) { PrepView(); canvas.Save(); //Centering the token looks like a better strategy that aligning the bottom int padding = (bottom - top - View.Bottom) / 2; canvas.Translate(x, bottom - View.Bottom - padding); View.Draw(canvas); canvas.Restore(); }
protected override bool DrawChild(ACanvas canvas, global::Android.Views.View child, long drawingTime) { if (Element == null) { return(false); } var control = (CanvasView)Element; SetClipChildren(true); //Create path to clip the child if (control.Sides != 4) { using (var path = PolygonUtils.GetPolygonCornerPath(Width, Height, control.Sides, control.CornerRadius.TopLeft, control.OffsetAngle)) { canvas.Save(); canvas.ClipPath(path); } } else { using (var path = new Path()) { path.AddRoundRect(new RectF(0, 0, Width, Height), GetRadii(control), Path.Direction.Ccw); canvas.Save(); canvas.ClipPath(path); } } // Draw the child first so that the border shows up above it. var result = base.DrawChild(canvas, child, drawingTime); canvas.Restore(); DrawBorder(canvas, control); return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Redraws the child. /// </summary> protected override bool DrawChild(Canvas canvas, global::Android.Views.View child, long drawingTime) { try { var radius = (float)((RoundedImage)Element).BorderRadius; var stroke = (float)((RoundedImage)Element).BorderThickness; var delta = (float)stroke / 2.0f; if (radius < 0) { radius = Math.Min(Width, Height) / 2.0f; } radius -= delta; // Clip with rounded rect var path = new Path(); path.AddRoundRect(new RectF(delta, delta, Width - stroke, Height - stroke), radius, radius, Path.Direction.Ccw); canvas.Save(); canvas.ClipPath(path); path.Dispose(); var result = base.DrawChild(canvas, child, drawingTime); canvas.Restore(); // Add stroke for smoother border path = new Path(); path.AddRoundRect(new RectF(delta, delta, Width - stroke, Height - stroke), radius, radius, Path.Direction.Ccw); var paint = new Paint(); paint.AntiAlias = true; paint.StrokeWidth = stroke; paint.SetStyle(Paint.Style.Stroke); paint.Color = ((RoundedImage)Element).BorderColor.ToAndroid(); canvas.DrawPath(path, paint); paint.Dispose(); // Clean up path.Dispose(); return result; } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Unable to create circle image: " + ex); } return base.DrawChild(canvas, child, drawingTime); }
protected override void Draw(Canvas canvas, Rect bounds) { int SaveCount = canvas.Save(); RectF arcBounds = mCurrentBounds; arcBounds.Set(bounds); //Draw background canvas.DrawColor(new Color(mCurrentBackgroundColor)); //Draw reveal circle if (mRevealCircleRadius > 0) { mPaint.Color = new Color(mCurrentBackgroundColor == mBackgroundColor ? mBackgroundDeepColor : mBackgroundColor); canvas.DrawCircle(arcBounds.CenterX(), arcBounds.CenterY(), mRevealCircleRadius, mPaint); } //Draw mother oval mPaint.Color = new Color(mCurrentOvalColor); int motherSaveCount = canvas.Save(); canvas.Rotate(mRotateDegrees, mMotherPosition[0], mMotherPosition[1]); canvas.DrawPath(CreateMotherPath(), mPaint); canvas.DrawPath(CreateLinkPath(), mPaint); canvas.RestoreToCount(motherSaveCount); int childSaveCount = canvas.Save(); canvas.Rotate(mRotateDegrees, mChildPosition[0], mChildPosition[1]); canvas.DrawPath(CreateChildPath(), mPaint); canvas.RestoreToCount(childSaveCount); canvas.RestoreToCount(SaveCount); // canvas.DrawPath(mMotherMovePath, mPaint); // canvas.DrawPath(mChildMovePath, mPaint); // canvas.DrawLine(mMotherPosition[0], mMotherPosition[1], mChildPosition[0], mChildPosition[1], mPaint); }
protected override void OnDraw(Android.Graphics.Canvas canvas) { base.OnDraw(canvas); // Fill the background canvas.DrawPaint(mBackgroundPaint); // Test Text canvas.Save(); var textWidth = mTextPaint.MeasureText("Hello"); Rect textBounds = new Rect(); mTextPaint.GetTextBounds("Hello", 0, 1, textBounds); canvas.DrawText("Hello", canvas.Width / 2 - textWidth / 2, canvas.Height / 2 - textBounds.Height() / 2, mTextPaint); textWidth = mTextPaint.MeasureText("World"); textBounds = new Rect(); mTextPaint.GetTextBounds("World", 0, 1, textBounds); mTextPaint.Color = Color.Green; canvas.DrawText("World", (canvas.Width / 2 - textWidth / 2) + 100, (canvas.Height / 2 - textBounds.Height() / 2) + 100, mTextPaint); canvas.Restore(); foreach (Box box in mBoxes) { float left = Math.Min(box.Origin.X, box.Current.X); float right = Math.Max(box.Origin.X, box.Current.X); float top = Math.Min(box.Origin.Y, box.Current.Y); float bottom = Math.Max(box.Origin.Y, box.Current.Y); canvas.Save(); canvas.Rotate(box.Rotation, (box.Origin.X + box.Current.X) / 2, (box.Origin.Y + box.Current.Y) / 2); canvas.DrawRect(left, top, right, bottom, mBoxPaint); canvas.Restore(); } }
/// <summary> /// Draw one child of this View Group. /// </summary> /// <param name="canvas">The canvas on which to draw the child</param> /// <param name="child">Who to draw</param> /// <param name="drawingTime">The time at which draw is occurring</param> /// <returns>To be added.</returns> /// <since version="Added in API level 1" /> /// <remarks><para tool="javadoc-to-mdoc">Draw one child of this View Group. This method is responsible for getting /// the canvas in the right state. This includes clipping, translating so /// that the child's scrolled origin is at 0, 0, and applying any animation /// transformations.</para> /// <para tool="javadoc-to-mdoc"> /// <format type="text/html"> /// <a href=", android.view.View, long)" target="_blank">[Android Documentation]</a> /// </format> /// </para></remarks> protected override bool DrawChild(Canvas canvas, global::Android.Views.View child, long drawingTime) { if (this.Element.Aspect != Aspect.AspectFit) { return base.DrawChild(canvas, child, drawingTime); } using (var path = new Path()) { path.AddCircle(Width / 2, Height / 2, (Math.Min(Width, Height) - 10) / 2, Path.Direction.Ccw); canvas.Save(); canvas.ClipPath(path); } return base.DrawChild(canvas, child, drawingTime); }
public override void Draw(Canvas canvas, ICharSequence text, Int32 start, Int32 end, Single x, Int32 top, Int32 y, Int32 bottom, Paint paint) { ApplyCustomTypeFace(paint, _type); paint.GetTextBounds(_icon, 0, 1, TEXT_BOUNDS); canvas.Save(); var baselineRatio = _baselineAligned ? 0f : BASELINE_RATIO; if (_rotate) { var rotation = (SystemClock.CurrentThreadTimeMillis() - _rotationStartTime) / (Single)ROTATION_DURATION * 360f; var centerX = x + TEXT_BOUNDS.Width() / 2f; var centerY = y - TEXT_BOUNDS.Height() / 2f + TEXT_BOUNDS.Height() * baselineRatio; canvas.Rotate(rotation, centerX, centerY); } canvas.DrawText(_icon, x - TEXT_BOUNDS.Left, y - TEXT_BOUNDS.Bottom + TEXT_BOUNDS.Height() * baselineRatio, paint); canvas.Restore(); }
protected override void Draw(Canvas canvas, Rect bounds) { int saveCount = canvas.Save(); mTempBounds.Set(Bounds); mTempBounds.Inset(mStrokeInset, mStrokeInset); canvas.Rotate(mGroupRotation, mTempBounds.CenterX(), mTempBounds.CenterY()); if (mSwipeDegrees != 0) { mPaint.Color = new Color(mCurrentColor); canvas.DrawArc(mTempBounds, mStartDegrees, mSwipeDegrees, false, mPaint); } canvas.RestoreToCount(saveCount); }
public static Bitmap ToRotatedBitmap(this Bitmap sourceBitmap, int rotationDegrees) { if (rotationDegrees == 0) return sourceBitmap; int width = sourceBitmap.Width; int height = sourceBitmap.Height; if (rotationDegrees == 90 || rotationDegrees == 270) { width = sourceBitmap.Height; height = sourceBitmap.Width; } Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.CreateBitmap(width, height, sourceBitmap.GetConfig()); using (Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bitmap)) using (Paint paint = new Paint()) using (BitmapShader shader = new BitmapShader(sourceBitmap, Shader.TileMode.Clamp, Shader.TileMode.Clamp)) using (Matrix matrix = new Matrix()) { // paint.AntiAlias = true; // paint.Dither = true; // paint.FilterBitmap = true; canvas.Save(Android.Graphics.SaveFlags.Matrix); if (rotationDegrees == 90) canvas.Rotate(rotationDegrees, width / 2, width / 2); else if (rotationDegrees == 270) canvas.Rotate(rotationDegrees, height / 2, height / 2); else canvas.Rotate(rotationDegrees, width / 2, height / 2); canvas.DrawBitmap(sourceBitmap, matrix, paint); canvas.Restore(); } if (sourceBitmap != null && sourceBitmap.Handle != IntPtr.Zero && !sourceBitmap.IsRecycled) { sourceBitmap.Recycle(); sourceBitmap.Dispose(); } return bitmap; }
protected override bool DrawChild(Canvas canvas, View child, long drawingTime) { if(!ClipOutlines && Target != null) return base.DrawChild(canvas, child, drawingTime); var state = canvas.Save(); RevealPath.Reset(); RevealPath.AddCircle(CentreX, CentreY, getRadius(), Path.Direction.Cw); canvas.ClipPath(RevealPath); var isInvalid = base.DrawChild(canvas, child, drawingTime); canvas.RestoreToCount(state); return isInvalid; }
public override void Draw(Canvas canvas) { // Draw background canvas.Save (); canvas.ClipPath (clipMask); canvas.DrawColor (bgColor); canvas.Restore (); // Draw labels var middleX = Width / 2; var selectedIndex = SelectedIndex; float deltaY = PaddingTop; for (int i = 0; i < words.Length; i++) { var word = words [i]; var layout = textLayouts [word]; var colorRatio = Math.Abs (i - selectedIndex) > 1 ? 0 : 1 - Math.Abs (i - scrollPosition); textPaint.Color = ImageUtils.InterpolateColor (colorRatio, normalColor, selectedColor); canvas.Save (SaveFlags.Matrix); canvas.Translate (middleX, deltaY); layout.Draw (canvas); canvas.Restore (); deltaY += layout.Height + spacing; } // Draw knob canvas.Save (); var top = selectedIndex * spacing + words.Take (selectedIndex).Select (w => textLayouts[w].Height).Sum () - knobPadding + PaddingTop; var selectedWordHeight = textLayouts [words [selectedIndex]].Height; var bottom = top + selectedWordHeight + 2 * knobPadding; var offset = scrollPosition - SelectedIndex; if (offset > 0 && selectedIndex < words.Length - 1) { var extraY = offset * (spacing + selectedWordHeight); var nextWordHeight = textLayouts [words [selectedIndex + 1]].Height; top += extraY; bottom += extraY; bottom += offset * (nextWordHeight - selectedWordHeight); } canvas.ClipRect (0, top, knobWidth, bottom); canvas.DrawColor (Color.White); canvas.Restore (); }
protected override bool DrawChild(Canvas canvas, global::Android.Views.View child, long drawingTime) { try { // Extract properties var source = (CircularImage)Element; var borderWidth = source.BorderWidth; var borderColor = source.BorderColor.ToAndroid(); var radius = Math.Min(Width, Height) / 2; var strokeWidth = 10; radius -= strokeWidth / 2; //Create path to clip var path = new Path(); path.AddCircle(Width / 2, Height / 2, radius, Path.Direction.Ccw); canvas.Save(); canvas.ClipPath(path); var result = base.DrawChild(canvas, child, drawingTime); canvas.Restore(); // Create path for circle border path = new Path(); path.AddCircle(Width / 2, Height / 2, radius, Path.Direction.Ccw); var paint = new Paint(); paint.AntiAlias = true; paint.StrokeWidth = borderWidth; paint.SetStyle(Paint.Style.Stroke); paint.Color = borderColor; canvas.DrawPath(path, paint); //Properly dispose paint.Dispose(); path.Dispose(); return result; } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Unable to create circle image: " + ex); } return base.DrawChild(canvas, child, drawingTime); }
protected override void Draw(Canvas canvas, Rect bounds) { RectF arcBounds = mTempBounds; arcBounds.Set(bounds); arcBounds.Inset(mStrokeInset, mStrokeInset); mCurrentBounds.Set(arcBounds); int saveCount = canvas.Save(); //draw circle trim float startAngle = (mStartTrim + mRotation) * 360; float endAngle = (mEndTrim + mRotation) * 360; float sweepAngle = endAngle - startAngle; if (sweepAngle != 0) { mPaint.Color = new Color(mColor); mPaint.SetStyle(Paint.Style.Stroke); canvas.DrawArc(arcBounds, startAngle, sweepAngle, false, mPaint); } //draw water wave if (mWaveProgress < 1.0f) { var nColor = new Color(mColor); mPaint.Color = Color.Argb((int)(Color.GetAlphaComponent(mColor) * (1.0f - mWaveProgress)), Color.GetRedComponent(mColor), Color.GetGreenComponent(mColor), Color.GetBlueComponent(mColor)); mPaint.SetStyle(Paint.Style.Stroke); float radius = Math.Min(arcBounds.Width(), arcBounds.Height()) / 2.0f; canvas.DrawCircle(arcBounds.CenterX(), arcBounds.CenterY(), radius * (1.0f + mWaveProgress), mPaint); } //draw ball bounce if (mPathMeasure != null) { mPaint.Color = new Color(mBallColor); mPaint.SetStyle(Paint.Style.Fill); canvas.DrawCircle(mCurrentPosition[0], mCurrentPosition[1], mSkipBallSize * mScale, mPaint); } canvas.RestoreToCount(saveCount); }
protected override void OnDraw(Canvas canvas) { if (_image != null && _filter != null) { var cFilter = new ColorMatrixColorFilter (_filter); Paint paint = new Paint (); paint.SetColorFilter (cFilter); Matrix matrix = new Matrix (); canvas.Save (); float horizotalScale = (Right - Left) / (float)_image.Width; float verticalScale = (Bottom - Top) / (float)_image.Height; float scale = horizotalScale < verticalScale ? horizotalScale : verticalScale; matrix.SetScale (scale,scale); canvas.DrawBitmap (_image, matrix, paint); canvas.Restore (); } }
protected override void Draw(Canvas canvas, Rect bounds) { int saveCount = canvas.Save(); mTempBounds.Set(Bounds); mTempBounds.Inset(mStrokeInset, mStrokeInset); canvas.Rotate(mGroupRotation, mTempBounds.CenterX(), mTempBounds.CenterY()); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (mLevelSwipeDegrees[i] != 0) { mPaint.Color = new Color(mLevelColors[i]); canvas.DrawArc(mTempBounds, mEndDegrees, mLevelSwipeDegrees[i], false, mPaint); } } canvas.RestoreToCount(saveCount); }
public override void Draw(Canvas canvas, ICharSequence text, int start, int end, float x, int top, int y, int bottom, Paint paint) { ApplyCustomTypeFace(paint, _typeface); paint.GetTextBounds(_icon, 0, 1, TextBounds); canvas.Save(); if (_rotate) { var rotation = (DateTimeHelpers.CurrentUnixTimeMillis() - _rotationStartTime)/(float) RotationDuration* 360f; var centerX = x + TextBounds.Width()/2f; var centerY = y - TextBounds.Height()/2f + TextBounds.Height()*BaselineRatio; canvas.Rotate(rotation, centerX, centerY); } canvas.DrawText(_icon, x - TextBounds.Left, y - TextBounds.Bottom + TextBounds.Height()*BaselineRatio, paint); canvas.Restore(); }
protected override void OnDraw(Android.Graphics.Canvas canvas) { var rect = new Rect(); this.GetDrawingRect(rect); Paint paint; // circleDotFill if (Element.Active) { RectF circleDotFillRect = new RectF( rect.Left + 1f, rect.Top + 1f, rect.Right - 1f, rect.Bottom - 1f); Path circleDotFillPath = new Path(); circleDotFillPath.AddOval(circleDotFillRect, Path.Direction.Cw); paint = new Paint(PaintFlags.AntiAlias); paint.SetStyle(Paint.Style.Fill); paint.Color = Element.FillColor.ToAndroid(); canvas.DrawPath(circleDotFillPath, paint); } // circleDotStroke RectF circleDotStrokeRect = new RectF( rect.Left + 1f, rect.Top + 1f, rect.Right - 1f, rect.Bottom - 1f); Path circleDotStrokePath = new Path(); circleDotStrokePath.AddOval(circleDotStrokeRect, Path.Direction.Cw); paint = new Paint(PaintFlags.AntiAlias); paint.StrokeWidth = 2.5f; paint.StrokeMiter = 10f; canvas.Save(); paint.SetStyle(Paint.Style.Stroke); paint.Color = Element.StrokeColor.ToAndroid(); canvas.DrawPath(circleDotStrokePath, paint); canvas.Restore(); }
public override void Draw(Canvas canvas, ICharSequence text, int start, int end, float x, int top, int y, int bottom, Paint paint) { ApplyCustomTypeFace(paint, type); paint.GetTextBounds(icon, 0, 1, TEXT_BOUNDS); canvas.Save(); float baselineRatio = baselineAligned ? 0f : BASELINE_RATIO; if (rotate) { long time = DateTime.Now.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond; float rotation = (time - rotationStartTime) / (float)ROTATION_DURATION * 360f; float centerX = x + TEXT_BOUNDS.Width() / 2f; float centerY = y - TEXT_BOUNDS.Height() / 2f + TEXT_BOUNDS.Height() * baselineRatio; canvas.Rotate(rotation, centerX, centerY); } canvas.DrawText(icon, x - TEXT_BOUNDS.Left, y - TEXT_BOUNDS.Bottom + TEXT_BOUNDS.Height() * baselineRatio, paint); canvas.Restore(); }
protected override bool DrawChild(Android.Graphics.Canvas canvas, Android.Views.View child, long drawingTime) { try { var radius = Math.Min(Width, Height) / 2; var strokeWidth = 10; radius -= strokeWidth / 2; //Create path to clip var path = new Path(); path.AddCircle(Width / 2, Height / 2, radius, Path.Direction.Ccw); canvas.Save(); canvas.ClipPath(path); var result = base.DrawChild(canvas, child, drawingTime); canvas.Restore(); // Create path for circle border path = new Path(); path.AddCircle(Width / 2, Height / 2, radius, Path.Direction.Ccw); var paint = new Paint(); paint.AntiAlias = true; paint.StrokeWidth = 5; paint.SetStyle(Paint.Style.Stroke); paint.Color = global::Android.Graphics.Color.White; canvas.DrawPath(path, paint); //Properly dispose paint.Dispose(); path.Dispose(); return(result); } catch (Exception) { } return(base.DrawChild(canvas, child, drawingTime)); }
protected override void OnDraw(Android.Graphics.Canvas canvas) { var rect = new Rect(); this.GetDrawingRect(rect); Paint paint; var halfThickness = Element.StrokeThickness / 2f; var ellipseRect = new RectF( rect.Left + halfThickness, rect.Top + halfThickness, rect.Right - halfThickness, rect.Bottom - halfThickness); // circleDotFill if (Element.Fill.A != 0) { var circleDotFillPath = new Path(); circleDotFillPath.AddOval(ellipseRect, Path.Direction.Cw); paint = new Paint(PaintFlags.AntiAlias); paint.SetStyle(Paint.Style.Fill); paint.Color = Element.Fill.ToAndroid(); canvas.DrawPath(circleDotFillPath, paint); } // circleDotStroke Path circleDotStrokePath = new Path(); circleDotStrokePath.AddOval(ellipseRect, Path.Direction.Cw); paint = new Paint(PaintFlags.AntiAlias); paint.StrokeWidth = Element.StrokeThickness; paint.StrokeMiter = 10f; canvas.Save(); paint.SetStyle(Paint.Style.Stroke); paint.Color = Element.Stroke.ToAndroid(); canvas.DrawPath(circleDotStrokePath, paint); canvas.Restore(); }
protected override void Draw(Canvas canvas, Rect bounds) { int saveCount = canvas.Save(); mTempBounds.Set(bounds); mTempBounds.Inset(mStrokeInset, mStrokeInset); mCurrentBounds.Set(mTempBounds); float outerCircleRadius = Math.Min(mTempBounds.Height(), mTempBounds.Width()) / 2.0f; float interCircleRadius = outerCircleRadius / 2.0f; float centerRingWidth = interCircleRadius - mStrokeWidth / 2; mPaint.SetStyle(Paint.Style.Stroke); mPaint.Color = new Color(mColor); mPaint.StrokeWidth = mStrokeWidth; canvas.DrawCircle(mTempBounds.CenterX(), mTempBounds.CenterY(), outerCircleRadius, mPaint); mPaint.SetStyle(Paint.Style.Fill); canvas.DrawCircle(mTempBounds.CenterX(), mTempBounds.CenterY(), interCircleRadius * mScale, mPaint); if (mRotation != 0) { mPaint.Color = new Color(mArcColor); mPaint.SetStyle(Paint.Style.Stroke); //strokeWidth / 2.0f + mStrokeWidth / 2.0f is the center of the inter circle width mTempBounds.Inset(centerRingWidth / 2.0f + mStrokeWidth / 2.0f, centerRingWidth / 2.0f + mStrokeWidth / 2.0f); mPaint.StrokeWidth = centerRingWidth; canvas.DrawArc(mTempBounds, RING_START_ANGLE, mRotation, false, mPaint); } mPaint.Color = new Color(mColor); mPaint.SetStyle(Paint.Style.Fill); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_POINTS; i++) { canvas.Rotate(i * DANCE_INTERVAL_ANGLE, POINT_X[i], POINT_Y[i]); RectF rectF = new RectF(POINT_X[i] - mDanceBallRadius - mShapeChangeWidth / 2.0f, POINT_Y[i] - mDanceBallRadius - mShapeChangeHeight / 2.0f, POINT_X[i] + mDanceBallRadius + mShapeChangeWidth / 2.0f, POINT_Y[i] + mDanceBallRadius + mShapeChangeHeight / 2.0f); canvas.DrawOval(rectF, mPaint); canvas.Rotate(-i * DANCE_INTERVAL_ANGLE, POINT_X[i], POINT_Y[i]); } canvas.RestoreToCount(saveCount); }
protected override void Draw(Canvas canvas, Rect bounds) { int saveCount = canvas.Save(); RectF arcBounds = mTempBounds; arcBounds.Set(bounds); mPaint.Color = new Color(mColor); mPaint.SetStyle(Paint.Style.Stroke); canvas.DrawPath(CreateLeftEyeCircle(arcBounds, mLeftEyeCircleOffsetY), mPaint); canvas.DrawPath(CreateRightEyeCircle(arcBounds, mRightEyeCircleOffsetY), mPaint); mPaint.SetStyle(Paint.Style.Fill); //create left eye ball canvas.DrawOval(CreateLeftEyeBall(arcBounds, mLeftEyeBallOffsetY), mPaint); //create right eye ball canvas.DrawOval(CreateRightEyeBall(arcBounds, mRightEyeBallOffsetY), mPaint); canvas.RestoreToCount(saveCount); }
protected override void Draw(Canvas canvas, Rect bounds) { int saveCount = canvas.Save(); mTempBounds.Set(Bounds); mTempBounds.Inset(mStrokeInSet, mStrokeInSet); canvas.Rotate(mGroupRotation, mTempBounds.CenterX(), mTempBounds.CenterY()); if (mSwipeDegrees != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < mColors.Length; i++) { mPaint.StrokeWidth = mStrokeWidth / (i + 1); mPaint.Color = new Color(mColors[i]); canvas.DrawArc(CreateArcBounds(mTempBounds, i), mStartDegrees + DEGREE_180 * (i % 2), mSwipeDegrees, false, mPaint); } } canvas.RestoreToCount(saveCount); }
protected override void Draw(Canvas canvas, Rect bounds) { int saveCount = canvas.Save(); RectF arcBounds = mCurrentBounds; arcBounds.Set(bounds); //draw draw gas tube mPaint.Color = new Color(mGasTubeColor); mPaint.SetStyle(Paint.Style.Stroke); mPaint.StrokeWidth = mStrokeWidth; canvas.DrawPath(CreateGasTubePath(mGasTubeBounds), mPaint); //draw balloon mPaint.Color = new Color(mBalloonColor); mPaint.SetStyle(Paint.Style.FillAndStroke); canvas.DrawPath(CreateBalloonPath(mBalloonBounds, mProgress), mPaint); //draw progress mPaint.Color = new Color(mGasTubeColor); mPaint.TextSize = mTextSize; mPaint.StrokeWidth = mStrokeWidth / 5.0f; canvas.DrawText(mProgressText, arcBounds.CenterX() - mProgressBounds.Width() / 2.0f, mGasTubeBounds.CenterY() + mProgressBounds.Height() / 2.0f, mPaint); //draw cannula mPaint.Color = new Color(mCannulaColor); mPaint.SetStyle(Paint.Style.Stroke); mPaint.StrokeWidth = mStrokeWidth; canvas.DrawPath(CreateCannulaHeadPath(mCannulaBounds), mPaint); mPaint.SetStyle(Paint.Style.Fill); canvas.DrawPath(CreateCannulaBottomPath(mCannulaBounds), mPaint); //draw pipe body mPaint.Color = new Color(mPipeBodyColor); mPaint.SetStyle(Paint.Style.Fill); canvas.DrawRoundRect(mPipeBodyBounds, mRectCornerRadius, mRectCornerRadius, mPaint); canvas.RestoreToCount(saveCount); }
protected override bool DrawChild(Android.Graphics.Canvas canvas, Android.Views.View child, long drawingTime) { try { var radius = Math.Min(Width, Height) / 2; var strokeWidth = Convert.ToInt32(element.BorderWidth); radius -= strokeWidth / 2; Path path = new Path(); path.AddCircle(Width / 2, Height / 2, radius, Path.Direction.Ccw); canvas.Save(); canvas.ClipPath(path); var result = base.DrawChild(canvas, child, drawingTime); canvas.Restore(); path = new Path(); path.AddCircle(Width / 2, Height / 2, radius, Path.Direction.Ccw); var paint = new Paint(); paint.AntiAlias = true; paint.StrokeWidth = element.BorderWidth; paint.SetStyle(Paint.Style.Stroke); paint.Color = global::Android.Graphics.Color.White; canvas.DrawPath(path, paint); paint.Dispose(); path.Dispose(); return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { var msg = ex.Message; } return(base.DrawChild(canvas, child, drawingTime)); }
protected override bool DrawChild(Canvas canvas, global::Android.Views.View child, long drawingTime) { try { var radius = Math.Min(Width, Height) / 2; var strokeWidth = 10; radius -= strokeWidth / 2; Path path = new Path(); path.AddCircle(Width / 2, Height / 2, radius, Path.Direction.Ccw); canvas.Save(); canvas.ClipPath(path); var result = base.DrawChild(canvas, child, drawingTime); canvas.Restore(); path = new Path(); path.AddCircle(Width / 2, Height / 2, radius, Path.Direction.Ccw); var paint = new Paint(); paint.AntiAlias = true; paint.StrokeWidth = 5; paint.SetStyle(Paint.Style.Stroke); paint.Color = global::Android.Graphics.Color.White; canvas.DrawPath(path, paint); paint.Dispose(); path.Dispose(); return result; } catch (Exception ex) { } return base.DrawChild(canvas, child, drawingTime); }
protected override void OnDraw(ACanvas canvas) { if (this.Element == null) { return; } CorneredContentView control = (CorneredContentView)this.Element; this.SetClipChildren(true); //Create path to clip the child using (Path path = new Path()) { path.AddRoundRect(new RectF(0, 0, this.Width, this.Height), this.GetRadii(control), Path.Direction.Ccw); canvas.Save(); canvas.ClipPath(path); } this.DrawBorder(canvas, control); }
protected override bool DrawChild(Canvas canvas, global::Android.Views.View child, long drawingTime) { try { var path = new Path (); path.AddRoundRect (new RectF (0, 0, Width, Height), 15f, 15f, Path.Direction.Ccw); canvas.Save (); canvas.ClipPath (path); var result = base.DrawChild(canvas, child, drawingTime); canvas.Restore(); path.Dispose(); return result; } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Unable to create rounded rectangle image: " + ex); } return base.DrawChild(canvas, child, drawingTime); }
protected override void OnDraw(Android.Graphics.Canvas canvas) { var textPaint = this.Paint; textPaint.Color = new Color(this.CurrentTextColor); canvas.Save(); if (m_TopDown) { canvas.Translate(this.Width, 0); canvas.Rotate(90.0f); } else { canvas.Translate(0, this.Height); canvas.Rotate(-90.0f); } canvas.Translate(this.CompoundPaddingLeft, this.ExtendedPaddingTop); this.Layout.Draw(canvas); canvas.Restore(); }
protected override void Draw(Canvas canvas, Rect bounds) { int saveCount = canvas.Save(); mTempBounds.Set(Bounds); mTempBounds.Inset(mStrokeInset, mStrokeInset); mTempBounds.Inset(mTempBounds.Width() * (1.0f - mScale) / 2.0f, mTempBounds.Width() * (1.0f - mScale) / 2.0f); canvas.Rotate(mGroupRotation, mTempBounds.CenterX(), mTempBounds.CenterY()); mPaint.Color = new Color(mColor); mPaint.Alpha = (int)(MAX_ALPHA * mScale); mPaint.StrokeWidth = mStrokeWidth * mScale; if (mSwipeDegrees != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < mGearCount; i++) { canvas.DrawArc(mTempBounds, mStartDegrees + DEGREE_360 / mGearCount * i, mSwipeDegrees, false, mPaint); } } canvas.RestoreToCount(saveCount); }
protected void DrawAt(Canvas canvas, Drawable drawable, int x, int y, bool shadow) { try { canvas.Save(); canvas.Translate(x, y); if (shadow) { drawable.SetColorFilter(Util.Int32ToColor(2130706432), PorterDuff.Mode.SrcIn); canvas.Skew(-0.9F, 0.0F); canvas.Scale(1.0F, 0.5F); } drawable.Draw(canvas); if (shadow) { drawable.ClearColorFilter(); } } finally { canvas.Restore(); } }
protected override void DispatchDraw(Canvas canvas) { base.DispatchDraw(canvas); if (mDrag && (mShadowBuilder != null)) { Point size = new Point(); Point touchPoint = new Point(); mShadowBuilder.OnProvideShadowMetrics(size, touchPoint); canvas.Save(); canvas.Translate(mX - touchPoint.X, mY - touchPoint.Y); mShadowBuilder.OnDraw(canvas); canvas.Restore(); } }
protected override void OnDraw (Canvas canvas) { base.OnDraw (canvas); // Clear screen to pink. paint.Color = new Color (255, 204, 204); canvas.DrawPaint (paint); // Overall transforms to shift (0, 0) to center and scale. canvas.Translate (this.Width / 2, this.Height / 2); float scale = Math.Min (this.Width, this.Height) / 2.0f / 100; canvas.Scale (scale, scale); // Attributes for tick marks. paint.Color = Color.Black; paint.StrokeCap = Paint.Cap.Round; paint.SetStyle (Paint.Style.Stroke); // Set line dash to draw tick marks for every minute. paint.StrokeWidth = 3; paint.SetPathEffect (minuteTickDashEffect); canvas.DrawPath (tickMarks, paint); // Set line dash to draw tick marks for every hour. paint.StrokeWidth = 6; paint.SetPathEffect (hourTickDashEffect); canvas.DrawPath (tickMarks, paint); // Set attributes common to all clock hands. Color strokeColor = Color.Black; Color fillColor = Color.Blue; paint.StrokeWidth = 2; paint.SetPathEffect (null); // Draw hour hand. canvas.Save (); canvas.Rotate (this.hourAngle); paint.Color = fillColor; paint.SetStyle (Paint.Style.Fill); canvas.DrawPath (hourHand, paint); paint.Color = strokeColor; paint.SetStyle (Paint.Style.Stroke); canvas.DrawPath (hourHand, paint); canvas.Restore (); // Draw minute hand. canvas.Save (); canvas.Rotate (this.minuteAngle); paint.Color = fillColor; paint.SetStyle (Paint.Style.Fill); canvas.DrawPath (minuteHand, paint); paint.Color = strokeColor; paint.SetStyle (Paint.Style.Stroke); canvas.DrawPath (minuteHand, paint); canvas.Restore (); // Draw second hand. canvas.Save (); canvas.Rotate (this.secondAngle); paint.Color = strokeColor; paint.SetStyle (Paint.Style.Stroke); canvas.DrawPath (secondHand, paint); canvas.Restore (); }
protected override bool DrawChild(Android.Graphics.Canvas canvas, Android.Views.View child, long drawingTime) { var fImage = (CircularImage)this.Element; try { var radius = (float)Math.Min(Width, Height) / 2f; var borderThickness = fImage.BorderWidth; float strokeWidth = 0f; if (borderThickness > 0) { var logicalDensity = Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Context.Resources.DisplayMetrics.Density; strokeWidth = (float)Math.Ceiling(borderThickness * logicalDensity + .5f); } radius -= strokeWidth / 2f; var path = new Path(); path.AddCircle(Width / 2.0f, Height / 2.0f, radius, Path.Direction.Ccw); canvas.Save(); canvas.ClipPath(path); var paint = new Paint { AntiAlias = true }; paint.SetStyle(Paint.Style.Fill); paint.Color = fImage.BorderColor.ToAndroid(); canvas.DrawPath(path, paint); paint.Dispose(); var result = base.DrawChild(canvas, child, drawingTime); path.Dispose(); canvas.Restore(); path = new Path(); path.AddCircle(Width / 2f, Height / 2f, radius, Path.Direction.Ccw); if (strokeWidth > 0.0f) { paint = new Paint(); paint.AntiAlias = true; paint.StrokeWidth = strokeWidth; paint.SetStyle(Paint.Style.Stroke); paint.Color = fImage.BorderColor.ToAndroid(); canvas.DrawPath(path, paint); paint.Dispose(); } path.Dispose(); return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Unable to create circle image: " + ex); } return(base.DrawChild(canvas, child, drawingTime)); }