        public static GatedDetectorData ExtractFromBlock(Block b, GatedDetectorExtractSpec gate)
            GatedDetectorData            gd = new GatedDetectorData();
            GatedDetectorExtractFunction f;

            if (gate.Integrate)
                f = new GatedDetectorExtractFunction(b.GetTOFIntegralArray);
                f = new GatedDetectorExtractFunction(b.GetTOFMeanArray);
            double[] rawData = f(gate.Index, gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            //if (gate.BackgroundSubtract)
            //TOFFitResults results = (new TOFFitter()).FitTOF(b.GetAverageTOF(gate.Index));
            //double bg = results.Background * (gate.GateHigh - gate.GateLow);
            //double[] bgSubData = new double[rawData.Length];
            //for (int i = 0; i < rawData.Length; i++) bgSubData[i] = rawData[i] - bg;
            //gd.SubtractedBackground = bg;
            gd.Gate = gate;
        //public void FitToTOF(TOF t)
        //    TOFFitter fitter = new TOFFitter();
        //    TOFFitResults results = fitter.FitTOF(t);
        //    GateLow = (int)(results.Centre - (0.5 * WidthFWHM * results.Width) + (OffsetFWHM * results.Width));
        //    GateHigh = (int)(results.Centre + (0.5 * WidthFWHM * results.Width) + (OffsetFWHM * results.Width));
        //    Background = results.Background;

        //public static GatedDetectorExtractSpec MakeGateFWHM(Block b, int detector, double offset, double width)
        //    GatedDetectorExtractSpec dg = new GatedDetectorExtractSpec();
        //    dg.Index = detector;
        //    dg.OffsetFWHM = offset;
        //    dg.WidthFWHM = width;
        //    dg.FitToTOF(b.GetAverageTOF(detector));
        //    return dg;

        public static GatedDetectorExtractSpec MakeWideGate(int detector)
            GatedDetectorExtractSpec dg = new GatedDetectorExtractSpec();

            dg.Index    = detector;
            dg.GateLow  = 0;
            dg.GateHigh = 100000000;
        static DemodulationConfig()
            // here we stock the class' static library of configs up with some standard configs

            // a wide gate - integrate everything
            DemodulationConfigBuilder wide = delegate(Block b)
                DemodulationConfig       dc;
                GatedDetectorExtractSpec dg0, dg1, dg2, dg3, dg4, dg5, dg6, dg7;

                dc             = new DemodulationConfig();
                dc.AnalysisTag = "wide";
                dg0            = GatedDetectorExtractSpec.MakeWideGate(0);
                dg0.Name       = "bottomProbe";
                dg1            = GatedDetectorExtractSpec.MakeWideGate(1);
                dg1.Name       = "topProbe";
                dg2            = GatedDetectorExtractSpec.MakeWideGate(2);
                dg2.Name       = "magnetometer";
                dg2.Integrate  = false;
                dg3            = GatedDetectorExtractSpec.MakeWideGate(3);
                dg3.Name       = "gnd";
                dg3.Integrate  = false;
                dg4            = GatedDetectorExtractSpec.MakeWideGate(4);
                dg4.Name       = "battery";
                dg5            = GatedDetectorExtractSpec.MakeWideGate(5);
                dg5.Name       = "rfCurrent";
                dg5.Integrate  = false;
                dg6            = GatedDetectorExtractSpec.MakeWideGate(6);
                dg6.Name       = "reflectedrf1Amplitude";
                dg7            = GatedDetectorExtractSpec.MakeWideGate(7);
                dg7.Name       = "reflectedrf2Amplitude";

                dc.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs.Add(dg0.Name, dg0);
                dc.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs.Add(dg1.Name, dg1);
                dc.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs.Add(dg2.Name, dg2);
                dc.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs.Add(dg3.Name, dg3);
                dc.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs.Add(dg4.Name, dg4);
                dc.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs.Add(dg5.Name, dg5);
                dc.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs.Add(dg6.Name, dg6);
                dc.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs.Add(dg7.Name, dg7);



            standardConfigs.Add("wide", wide);

            //// fwhm of the tof pulse for top and norm, wide gates for everything else.
            //AddSliceConfig("fwhm", 0, 1);
            //// narrower than fwhm, takes only the center hwhm
            //AddSliceConfig("hwhm", 0, 0.5);
            //// only the fast half of the fwhm (NOT TRUE - 01Jul08JH)
            //AddSliceConfig("fast", -0.5, 0.5);
            //// the slow half of the fwhm (NOT TRUE - 01Jul08 JH)
            //AddSliceConfig("slow", 0.5, 0.5);
            //// the fastest and slowest molecules, used for estimating any tof related systematic.
            //// these gates don't overlap with the usual centred analysis gates (fwhm and cgate11).
            //AddSliceConfig("vfast", -0.85, 0.5);
            //AddSliceConfig("vslow", 0.85, 0.5);

            // for testing out different centred-gate widths
            for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++)
                AddFixedSliceConfig("wgate" + i, 2440, i * 20);

            for (int i = 1; i < 14; i++)
                AddFixedSliceConfig("shiftgate" + i, 1850 + i * 50, 65);

            for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++)
                AddFixedSliceConfig("slicegate" + i, 2050 + i * 50, 25);

            for (int i = 1; i < 30; i++)
                AddFixedSliceConfig("pgate" + i, 2090 + i * 10, 10);

            //// testing different gate centres. "slide0" is centred at -0.7 fwhm, "slide14"
            //// is centred and +0.7 fwhm.
            //for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
            //    AddSliceConfig("slide" + i, (((double)i) / 10.0) - 0.7, 1);

            //// now some finer slices
            //double d = -1.4;
            //for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
            //    AddSliceConfig("slice" + i, d, 0.2);
            //    d += 0.2;

            //// optimised gates for spring 2009 run
            //AddSliceConfig("optimum1", 0.3, 1.1);
            //AddSliceConfig("optimum2", 0.2, 1.1);

            // "background" gate
            DemodulationConfigBuilder background = delegate(Block b)
                DemodulationConfig       dc;
                GatedDetectorExtractSpec dg0, dg1;

                dc             = new DemodulationConfig();
                dc.AnalysisTag = "background";
                dg0            = GatedDetectorExtractSpec.MakeWideGate(0);
                dg0.GateLow    = 2550;
                dg0.GateHigh   = 2600;
                dg0.Name       = "top";
                dg1            = GatedDetectorExtractSpec.MakeWideGate(1);
                dg1.Name       = "norm";
                dg1.GateLow    = 750;
                dg1.GateHigh   = 800;

                dc.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs.Add(dg0.Name, dg0);
                dc.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs.Add(dg1.Name, dg1);


            standardConfigs.Add("background", background);

            // add some fixed gate slices - the first three are the 1.1 sigma centre portion and two
            // non-overlapping portions either side.
            AddFixedSliceConfig("cgate11Fixed", 2156, 90); // This is normally ("cgate11Fixed", 2156, 90)
            AddFixedSliceConfig("vfastFixed", 2025, 41);
            AddFixedSliceConfig("vslowFixed", 2286, 41);
            // these "nudge" gates are chosen to, hopefully, tweak the 09_10 dataset so that the
            // RF1F channel, DB-normed in the non-linear way, is reduced to near zero
            AddFixedSliceConfig("nudgeGate1", 2161, 90);
            AddFixedSliceConfig("nudgeGate2", 2169, 90);
            AddFixedSliceConfig("nudgeGate3", 2176, 90);
            AddFixedSliceConfig("nudgeGate4", 2174, 90);
            AddFixedSliceConfig("nudgeGate5", 2188, 90);
            AddFixedSliceConfig("nudgeGate6", 2198, 90);
            AddFixedSliceConfig("nudgeGate7", 2208, 90);
            AddFixedSliceConfig("nudgeGate8", 2228, 90);
            AddFixedSliceConfig("wideNudgeGate1", 2198, 100);
            AddFixedSliceConfig("narrowNudgeGate1", 2198, 75);
            AddFixedSliceConfig("narrowNudgeGate2", 2198, 65);
            AddFixedSliceConfig("narrowNudgeGate3", 2198, 55);
            AddFixedSliceConfig("narrowNudgeGate4", 2198, 45);

            // these two are the fast and slow halves of the 1.1 sigma central gate.
            AddFixedSliceConfig("fastFixed", 2110, 45);
            AddFixedSliceConfig("slowFixed", 2201, 45);
            // two fairly wide gates that take in most of the slow and fast molecules.
            // They've been chosed to try and capture the wiggliness of our fast-slow
            // wiggles.
            AddFixedSliceConfig("widefastFixed", 1950, 150);
            AddFixedSliceConfig("wideslowFixed", 2330, 150);
            // A narrow centre gate for correlation analysis
            AddFixedSliceConfig("cgateNarrowFixed", 2175, 25);
            // A gate containing no molecules to look for edms caused by rf pickup
            AddFixedSliceConfig("preMolecularBackground", 1850, 50);
            // A demodulation config for Kr
            AddFixedSliceConfig("centreFixedKr", 2950, 90);
        //private static void AddSliceConfig(string name, double offset, double width)
        //    // the slow half of the fwhm
        //    DemodulationConfigBuilder dcb = delegate(Block b)
        //    {
        //        DemodulationConfig dc;
        //        GatedDetectorExtractSpec dg0, dg1, dg2, dg3, dg4;

        //        dc = new DemodulationConfig();
        //        dc.AnalysisTag = name;
        //        dg0 = GatedDetectorExtractSpec.MakeGateFWHM(b, 0, offset, width);
        //        dg0.Name = "top";
        //        dg0.BackgroundSubtract = true;
        //        dg1 = GatedDetectorExtractSpec.MakeGateFWHM(b, 1, offset, width);
        //        dg1.Name = "norm";
        //        dg1.BackgroundSubtract = true;
        //        dg2 = GatedDetectorExtractSpec.MakeWideGate(2);
        //        dg2.Name = "mag1";
        //        dg2.Integrate = false;
        //        dg3 = GatedDetectorExtractSpec.MakeWideGate(3);
        //        dg3.Name = "short";
        //        dg3.Integrate = false;
        //        dg4 = GatedDetectorExtractSpec.MakeWideGate(4);
        //        dg4.Name = "battery";

        //        dc.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs.Add(dg0.Name, dg0);
        //        dc.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs.Add(dg1.Name, dg1);
        //        dc.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs.Add(dg2.Name, dg2);
        //        dc.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs.Add(dg3.Name, dg3);
        //        dc.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs.Add(dg4.Name, dg4);

        //        dc.PointDetectorChannels.Add("MiniFlux1");
        //        dc.PointDetectorChannels.Add("MiniFlux2");
        //        dc.PointDetectorChannels.Add("MiniFlux3");
        //        dc.PointDetectorChannels.Add("NorthCurrent");
        //        dc.PointDetectorChannels.Add("SouthCurrent");
        //        dc.PointDetectorChannels.Add("PumpPD");
        //        dc.PointDetectorChannels.Add("ProbePD");

        //        return dc;
        //    };
        //    standardConfigs.Add(name, dcb);

        private static void AddFixedSliceConfig(string name, double centre, double width)
            // the slow half of the fwhm
            DemodulationConfigBuilder dcb = delegate(Block b)
                DemodulationConfig       dc;
                GatedDetectorExtractSpec dg0, dg1, dg2, dg3, dg4, dg5, dg6, dg7;

                //This dodgy bit of code is to make sure that the reflected rf power meters
                // only select a single point in the centre of the rf pulse. It won't work
                // if either of the rf pulses is centred at a time not divisible w/o rem. by 10us

                int rf1CT  = (int)b.Config.Settings["rf1CentreTime"];
                int rf2CT  = (int)b.Config.Settings["rf2CentreTime"];
                int clock  = (int)b.Config.Settings["clockFrequency"];
                int conFac = clock / 1000000;

                dc                     = new DemodulationConfig();
                dc.AnalysisTag         = name;
                dg0                    = new GatedDetectorExtractSpec();
                dg0.Index              = 0;
                dg0.Name               = "bottomProbe";
                dg0.BackgroundSubtract = false;
                dg0.GateLow            = (int)(centre - width);
                dg0.GateHigh           = (int)(centre + width);
                dg1                    = new GatedDetectorExtractSpec();
                dg1.Index              = 1;
                dg1.Name               = "topProbe";
                dg1.BackgroundSubtract = false;
                dg1.GateLow            = (int)((centre - width) * kDetectorDistanceRatio);
                dg1.GateHigh           = (int)((centre + width) * kDetectorDistanceRatio);
                dg2                    = GatedDetectorExtractSpec.MakeWideGate(2);
                dg2.Name               = "magnetometer";
                dg2.Integrate          = false;
                dg3                    = GatedDetectorExtractSpec.MakeWideGate(3);
                dg3.Name               = "gnd";
                dg3.Integrate          = false;
                dg4                    = GatedDetectorExtractSpec.MakeWideGate(4);
                dg4.Name               = "battery";
                dg4.Integrate          = false; //Add this in to analyse By in 3 axis internal magnetometer tests
                dg5                    = GatedDetectorExtractSpec.MakeWideGate(5);
                dg5.Name               = "rfCurrent";
                dg5.Integrate          = false;
                dg6                    = new GatedDetectorExtractSpec();
                dg6.Index              = 6;
                dg6.Name               = "reflectedrf1Amplitude";
                dg6.BackgroundSubtract = false;
                dg6.GateLow            = 800;
                dg6.GateHigh           = 1800;
                //dg6.GateLow = (rf1CT / conFac) - 1;
                //dg6.GateHigh = (rf1CT / conFac) + 1;
                dg7       = new GatedDetectorExtractSpec();
                dg7.Index = 7;
                dg7.Name  = "reflectedrf2Amplitude";
                dg7.BackgroundSubtract = false;
                //dg7.GateLow = (rf2CT / conFac) - 1;
                //dg7.GateHigh = (rf2CT / conFac) + 1;
                dg7.GateLow  = 800;
                dg7.GateHigh = 1800;

                dc.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs.Add(dg0.Name, dg0);
                dc.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs.Add(dg1.Name, dg1);

                dc.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs.Add(dg2.Name, dg2);
                dc.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs.Add(dg3.Name, dg3);
                dc.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs.Add(dg4.Name, dg4);
                dc.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs.Add(dg5.Name, dg5);
                dc.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs.Add(dg6.Name, dg6);
                dc.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs.Add(dg7.Name, dg7);



            standardConfigs.Add(name, dcb);
        // DemodulateBlockNL augments the channel values returned by DemodulateBlock
        // with several non-linear combinations of channels (E.B/DB, the correction, etc).
        // These non-linear channels are calculated point-by-point for the TOF and then
        // integrated according to the Demodulation config. This is calculated for top and
        // topNormed detectors only for speed.
        public DemodulatedBlock DemodulateBlockNL(Block b, DemodulationConfig config)
            // we start with the standard demodulated block
            DemodulatedBlock dblock = DemodulateBlock(b, config);
            // First do everything for the un-normalised top detector
            int tdi = dblock.DetectorIndices["top"];
            // TOF demodulate the block to get the channel wiggles
            // the BlockTOFDemodulator only demodulates the PMT detector
            BlockTOFDemodulator btdt = new BlockTOFDemodulator();
            TOFChannelSet       tcst = btdt.TOFDemodulateBlock(b, tdi, false);

            // now repeat having normed the block
            // normalise the PMT signal
            int tndi = dblock.DetectorIndices["topNormed"];
            // TOF demodulate the block to get the channel wiggles
            // the BlockTOFDemodulator only demodulates the PMT detector
            BlockTOFDemodulator btd = new BlockTOFDemodulator();
            TOFChannelSet       tcs = btd.TOFDemodulateBlock(b, tndi, false);

            // get hold of the gating data
            GatedDetectorExtractSpec gate = config.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs["top"];

            // gate the special channels
            TOFChannel edmDB          = (TOFChannel)tcs.GetChannel("EDMDB");
            double     edmDBG         = edmDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel corrDB         = (TOFChannel)tcs.GetChannel("CORRDB");
            double     corrDBG        = corrDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel edmCorrDB      = (TOFChannel)tcs.GetChannel("EDMCORRDB");
            double     edmCorrDBG     = edmCorrDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel corrDB_old     = (TOFChannel)tcs.GetChannel("CORRDB_OLD");
            double     corrDBG_old    = corrDB_old.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel edmCorrDB_old  = (TOFChannel)tcs.GetChannel("EDMCORRDB_OLD");
            double     edmCorrDBG_old = edmCorrDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel rf1fDB         = (TOFChannel)tcs.GetChannel("RF1FDB");
            double     rf1fDBG        = rf1fDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel rf2fDB         = (TOFChannel)tcs.GetChannel("RF2FDB");
            double     rf2fDBG        = rf2fDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel rf1fDBDB       = (TOFChannel)tcs.GetChannel("RF1FDBDB");
            double     rf1fDBDBG      = rf1fDBDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel rf2fDBDB       = (TOFChannel)tcs.GetChannel("RF2FDBDB");
            double     rf2fDBDBG      = rf2fDBDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel rf1aDB         = (TOFChannel)tcs.GetChannel("RF1ADB");
            double     rf1aDBG        = rf1aDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel rf2aDB         = (TOFChannel)tcs.GetChannel("RF2ADB");
            double     rf2aDBG        = rf2aDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel rf1aDBDB       = (TOFChannel)tcs.GetChannel("RF1ADBDB");
            double     rf1aDBDBG      = rf1aDBDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel rf2aDBDB       = (TOFChannel)tcs.GetChannel("RF2ADBDB");
            double     rf2aDBDBG      = rf2aDBDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel lf1DB          = (TOFChannel)tcs.GetChannel("LF1DB");
            double     lf1DBG         = lf1DB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel lf1DBDB        = (TOFChannel)tcs.GetChannel("LF1DBDB");
            double     lf1DBDBG       = lf1DBDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel lf2DB          = (TOFChannel)tcs.GetChannel("LF2DB");
            double     lf2DBG         = lf2DB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel lf2DBDB        = (TOFChannel)tcs.GetChannel("LF2DBDB");
            double     lf2DBDBG       = lf2DBDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel BDB            = (TOFChannel)tcs.GetChannel("BDB");
            double     BDBG           = BDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel erf1fDB        = (TOFChannel)tcs.GetChannel("ERF1FDB");
            double     erf1fDBG       = erf1fDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel erf2fDB        = (TOFChannel)tcs.GetChannel("ERF2FDB");
            double     erf2fDBG       = erf2fDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel erf1fDBDB      = (TOFChannel)tcs.GetChannel("ERF1FDBDB");
            double     erf1fDBDBG     = erf1fDBDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel erf2fDBDB      = (TOFChannel)tcs.GetChannel("ERF2FDBDB");
            double     erf2fDBDBG     = erf2fDBDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel brf1fCorrDB    = (TOFChannel)tcs.GetChannel("BRF1FCORRDB");
            double     brf1fCorrDBG   = brf1fCorrDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel brf2fCorrDB    = (TOFChannel)tcs.GetChannel("BRF2FCORRDB");
            double     brf2fCorrDBG   = brf2fCorrDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);

            //Repeat for top

            TOFChannel edmDBtop          = (TOFChannel)tcst.GetChannel("EDMDB");
            double     edmDBGtop         = edmDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel corrDBtop         = (TOFChannel)tcst.GetChannel("CORRDB");
            double     corrDBGtop        = corrDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel edmCorrDBtop      = (TOFChannel)tcst.GetChannel("EDMCORRDB");
            double     edmCorrDBGtop     = edmCorrDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel corrDB_oldtop     = (TOFChannel)tcst.GetChannel("CORRDB_OLD");
            double     corrDBG_oldtop    = corrDB_old.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel edmCorrDB_oldtop  = (TOFChannel)tcst.GetChannel("EDMCORRDB_OLD");
            double     edmCorrDBG_oldtop = edmCorrDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel rf1fDBtop         = (TOFChannel)tcst.GetChannel("RF1FDB");
            double     rf1fDBGtop        = rf1fDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel rf2fDBtop         = (TOFChannel)tcst.GetChannel("RF2FDB");
            double     rf2fDBGtop        = rf2fDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel rf1fDBDBtop       = (TOFChannel)tcst.GetChannel("RF1FDBDB");
            double     rf1fDBDBGtop      = rf1fDBDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel rf2fDBDBtop       = (TOFChannel)tcst.GetChannel("RF2FDBDB");
            double     rf2fDBDBGtop      = rf2fDBDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel rf1aDBtop         = (TOFChannel)tcst.GetChannel("RF1ADB");
            double     rf1aDBGtop        = rf1aDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel rf2aDBtop         = (TOFChannel)tcst.GetChannel("RF2ADB");
            double     rf2aDBGtop        = rf2aDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel rf1aDBDBtop       = (TOFChannel)tcst.GetChannel("RF1ADBDB");
            double     rf1aDBDBGtop      = rf1aDBDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel rf2aDBDBtop       = (TOFChannel)tcst.GetChannel("RF2ADBDB");
            double     rf2aDBDBGtop      = rf2aDBDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel lf1DBtop          = (TOFChannel)tcst.GetChannel("LF1DB");
            double     lf1DBGtop         = lf1DB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel lf1DBDBtop        = (TOFChannel)tcst.GetChannel("LF1DBDB");
            double     lf1DBDBGtop       = lf1DBDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel lf2DBtop          = (TOFChannel)tcst.GetChannel("LF2DB");
            double     lf2DBGtop         = lf2DB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel lf2DBDBtop        = (TOFChannel)tcst.GetChannel("LF2DBDB");
            double     lf2DBDBGtop       = lf2DBDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel BDBtop            = (TOFChannel)tcst.GetChannel("BDB");
            double     BDBGtop           = BDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel erf1fDBtop        = (TOFChannel)tcst.GetChannel("ERF1FDB");
            double     erf1fDBGtop       = erf1fDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel erf2fDBtop        = (TOFChannel)tcst.GetChannel("ERF2FDB");
            double     erf2fDBGtop       = erf2fDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel erf1fDBDBtop      = (TOFChannel)tcst.GetChannel("ERF1FDBDB");
            double     erf1fDBDBGtop     = erf1fDBDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel erf2fDBDBtop      = (TOFChannel)tcst.GetChannel("ERF2FDBDB");
            double     erf2fDBDBGtop     = erf2fDBDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel brf1fCorrDBtop    = (TOFChannel)tcst.GetChannel("BRF1FCORRDB");
            double     brf1fCorrDBGtop   = brf1fCorrDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
            TOFChannel brf2fCorrDBtop    = (TOFChannel)tcst.GetChannel("BRF2FCORRDB");
            double     brf2fCorrDBGtop   = brf2fCorrDB.Difference.GatedMean(gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);

            // we bodge the errors, which aren't really used for much anyway
            // by just using the error from the normal dblock. I ignore the error in DB.
            // I use the simple correction error for the full correction. Doesn't much matter.
            DetectorChannelValues dcv = dblock.ChannelValues[tndi];
            double edmDBE             = dcv.GetError(new string[] { "E", "B" }) / dcv.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double corrDBE            = Math.Sqrt(
                Math.Pow(dcv.GetValue(new string[] { "E", "DB" }) * dcv.GetError(new string[] { "B" }), 2) +
                Math.Pow(dcv.GetValue(new string[] { "B" }) * dcv.GetError(new string[] { "E", "DB" }), 2))
                                        / Math.Pow(dcv.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" }), 2);
            double edmCorrDBE = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(edmDBE, 2) + Math.Pow(corrDBE, 2));

            double rf1fDBE   = dcv.GetError(new string[] { "RF1F" }) / dcv.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double rf2fDBE   = dcv.GetError(new string[] { "RF2F" }) / dcv.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double rf1fDBDBE = dcv.GetError(new string[] { "DB", "RF1F" }) / dcv.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double rf2fDBDBE = dcv.GetError(new string[] { "DB", "RF2F" }) / dcv.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });

            double rf1aDBE   = dcv.GetError(new string[] { "RF1A" }) / dcv.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double rf2aDBE   = dcv.GetError(new string[] { "RF2A" }) / dcv.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double rf1aDBDBE = dcv.GetError(new string[] { "DB", "RF1A" }) / dcv.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double rf2aDBDBE = dcv.GetError(new string[] { "DB", "RF2A" }) / dcv.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });

            double lf1DBE   = dcv.GetError(new string[] { "LF1" }) / dcv.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double lf1DBDBE = dcv.GetError(new string[] { "DB", "LF1" }) / dcv.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double lf2DBE   = dcv.GetError(new string[] { "LF2" }) / dcv.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double lf2DBDBE = dcv.GetError(new string[] { "DB", "LF2" }) / dcv.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });

            double brf1fDBE   = dcv.GetError(new string[] { "B", "RF1F" }) / dcv.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double brf2fDBE   = dcv.GetError(new string[] { "B", "RF2F" }) / dcv.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double erf1fDBE   = dcv.GetError(new string[] { "E", "RF1F" }) / dcv.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double erf2fDBE   = dcv.GetError(new string[] { "E", "RF2F" }) / dcv.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double erf1fDBDBE = dcv.GetError(new string[] { "E", "DB", "RF1F" }) / dcv.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double erf2fDBDBE = dcv.GetError(new string[] { "E", "DB", "RF2F" }) / dcv.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double BDBE       = dcv.GetError(new string[] { "B" }) / dcv.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });

            //repeat for top
            DetectorChannelValues dcvt = dblock.ChannelValues[tdi];
            double lf2DBEtop           = dcvt.GetError(new string[] { "LF2" }) / dcvt.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });       //Change the db channel back to topNormed
            double lf2DBDBEtop         = dcvt.GetError(new string[] { "DB", "LF2" }) / dcvt.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" }); //Change the db channel back to topNormed

            double edmDBEtop  = dcvt.GetError(new string[] { "E", "B" }) / dcvt.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double corrDBEtop = Math.Sqrt(
                Math.Pow(dcvt.GetValue(new string[] { "E", "DB" }) * dcvt.GetError(new string[] { "B" }), 2) +
                Math.Pow(dcvt.GetValue(new string[] { "B" }) * dcvt.GetError(new string[] { "E", "DB" }), 2))
                                / Math.Pow(dcvt.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" }), 2);
            double edmCorrDBEtop = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(edmDBEtop, 2) + Math.Pow(corrDBEtop, 2));

            double rf1fDBEtop   = dcvt.GetError(new string[] { "RF1F" }) / dcvt.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double rf2fDBEtop   = dcvt.GetError(new string[] { "RF2F" }) / dcvt.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double rf1fDBDBEtop = dcvt.GetError(new string[] { "DB", "RF1F" }) / dcvt.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double rf2fDBDBEtop = dcvt.GetError(new string[] { "DB", "RF2F" }) / dcvt.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });

            double rf1aDBEtop   = dcvt.GetError(new string[] { "RF1A" }) / dcvt.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double rf2aDBEtop   = dcvt.GetError(new string[] { "RF2A" }) / dcvt.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double rf1aDBDBEtop = dcvt.GetError(new string[] { "DB", "RF1A" }) / dcvt.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double rf2aDBDBEtop = dcvt.GetError(new string[] { "DB", "RF2A" }) / dcvt.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });

            double lf1DBEtop   = dcvt.GetError(new string[] { "LF1" }) / dcvt.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double lf1DBDBEtop = dcvt.GetError(new string[] { "DB", "LF1" }) / dcvt.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });

            double brf1fDBEtop   = dcvt.GetError(new string[] { "B", "RF1F" }) / dcvt.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double brf2fDBEtop   = dcvt.GetError(new string[] { "B", "RF2F" }) / dcvt.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double erf1fDBEtop   = dcvt.GetError(new string[] { "E", "RF1F" }) / dcvt.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double erf2fDBEtop   = dcvt.GetError(new string[] { "E", "RF2F" }) / dcvt.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double erf1fDBDBEtop = dcvt.GetError(new string[] { "E", "DB", "RF1F" }) / dcvt.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double erf2fDBDBEtop = dcvt.GetError(new string[] { "E", "DB", "RF2F" }) / dcvt.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });
            double BDBEtop       = dcvt.GetError(new string[] { "B" }) / dcvt.GetValue(new string[] { "DB" });

            // stuff the data into the dblock
            dblock.ChannelValues[tndi].SpecialValues["EDMDB"]         = new double[] { edmDBG, edmDBE };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tndi].SpecialValues["CORRDB"]        = new double[] { corrDBG, corrDBE };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tndi].SpecialValues["EDMCORRDB"]     = new double[] { edmCorrDBG, edmCorrDBE };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tndi].SpecialValues["CORRDB_OLD"]    = new double[] { corrDBG_old, corrDBE };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tndi].SpecialValues["EDMCORRDB_OLD"] = new double[] { edmCorrDBG_old, edmCorrDBE };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tndi].SpecialValues["RF1FDB"]        = new double[] { rf1fDBG, rf1fDBE };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tndi].SpecialValues["RF2FDB"]        = new double[] { rf2fDBG, rf2fDBE };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tndi].SpecialValues["RF1FDBDB"]      = new double[] { rf1fDBDBG, rf1fDBDBE };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tndi].SpecialValues["RF2FDBDB"]      = new double[] { rf2fDBDBG, rf2fDBDBE };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tndi].SpecialValues["RF1ADB"]        = new double[] { rf1aDBG, rf1aDBE };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tndi].SpecialValues["RF2ADB"]        = new double[] { rf2aDBG, rf2aDBE };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tndi].SpecialValues["RF1ADBDB"]      = new double[] { rf1aDBDBG, rf1aDBDBE };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tndi].SpecialValues["RF2ADBDB"]      = new double[] { rf2aDBDBG, rf2aDBDBE };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tndi].SpecialValues["BRF1FCORRDB"]   = new double[] { brf1fCorrDBG, brf1fDBE };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tndi].SpecialValues["BRF2FCORRDB"]   = new double[] { brf2fCorrDBG, brf2fDBE };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tndi].SpecialValues["ERF1FDB"]       = new double[] { erf1fDBG, erf1fDBE };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tndi].SpecialValues["ERF2FDB"]       = new double[] { erf2fDBG, erf2fDBE };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tndi].SpecialValues["ERF1FDBDB"]     = new double[] { erf1fDBDBG, erf1fDBDBE };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tndi].SpecialValues["ERF2FDBDB"]     = new double[] { erf2fDBDBG, erf2fDBDBE };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tndi].SpecialValues["LF1DB"]         = new double[] { lf1DBG, lf1DBE };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tndi].SpecialValues["LF1DBDB"]       = new double[] { lf1DBDBG, lf1DBDBE };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tndi].SpecialValues["LF2DB"]         = new double[] { lf2DBG, lf2DBE };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tndi].SpecialValues["LF2DBDB"]       = new double[] { lf2DBDBG, lf2DBDBE };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tndi].SpecialValues["BDB"]           = new double[] { BDBG, BDBE };

            dblock.ChannelValues[tdi].SpecialValues["EDMDB"]         = new double[] { edmDBGtop, edmDBEtop };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tdi].SpecialValues["CORRDB"]        = new double[] { corrDBGtop, corrDBEtop };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tdi].SpecialValues["EDMCORRDB"]     = new double[] { edmCorrDBGtop, edmCorrDBEtop };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tdi].SpecialValues["CORRDB_OLD"]    = new double[] { corrDBG_oldtop, corrDBEtop };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tdi].SpecialValues["EDMCORRDB_OLD"] = new double[] { edmCorrDBG_oldtop, edmCorrDBEtop };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tdi].SpecialValues["RF1FDB"]        = new double[] { rf1fDBGtop, rf1fDBEtop };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tdi].SpecialValues["RF2FDB"]        = new double[] { rf2fDBGtop, rf2fDBEtop };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tdi].SpecialValues["RF1FDBDB"]      = new double[] { rf1fDBDBGtop, rf1fDBDBEtop };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tdi].SpecialValues["RF2FDBDB"]      = new double[] { rf2fDBDBGtop, rf2fDBDBEtop };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tdi].SpecialValues["RF1ADB"]        = new double[] { rf1aDBGtop, rf1aDBEtop };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tdi].SpecialValues["RF2ADB"]        = new double[] { rf2aDBGtop, rf2aDBEtop };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tdi].SpecialValues["RF1ADBDB"]      = new double[] { rf1aDBDBGtop, rf1aDBDBEtop };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tdi].SpecialValues["RF2ADBDB"]      = new double[] { rf2aDBDBGtop, rf2aDBDBEtop };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tdi].SpecialValues["BRF1FCORRDB"]   = new double[] { brf1fCorrDBGtop, brf1fDBEtop };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tdi].SpecialValues["BRF2FCORRDB"]   = new double[] { brf2fCorrDBGtop, brf2fDBEtop };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tdi].SpecialValues["ERF1FDB"]       = new double[] { erf1fDBGtop, erf1fDBEtop };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tdi].SpecialValues["ERF2FDB"]       = new double[] { erf2fDBGtop, erf2fDBEtop };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tdi].SpecialValues["ERF1FDBDB"]     = new double[] { erf1fDBDBGtop, erf1fDBDBEtop };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tdi].SpecialValues["ERF2FDBDB"]     = new double[] { erf2fDBDBGtop, erf2fDBDBEtop };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tdi].SpecialValues["LF1DB"]         = new double[] { lf1DBGtop, lf1DBEtop };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tdi].SpecialValues["LF1DBDB"]       = new double[] { lf1DBDBGtop, lf1DBDBEtop };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tdi].SpecialValues["LF2DB"]         = new double[] { lf2DBGtop, lf2DBEtop };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tdi].SpecialValues["LF2DBDB"]       = new double[] { lf2DBDBGtop, lf2DBDBEtop };
            dblock.ChannelValues[tdi].SpecialValues["BDB"]           = new double[] { BDBGtop, BDBEtop };

        //private static void AddSliceConfig(string name, double offset, double width)
        //    // the slow half of the fwhm
        //    DemodulationConfigBuilder dcb = delegate(Block b)
        //    {
        //        DemodulationConfig dc;
        //        GatedDetectorExtractSpec dg0, dg1, dg2, dg3, dg4;

        //        dc = new DemodulationConfig();
        //        dc.AnalysisTag = name;
        //        dg0 = GatedDetectorExtractSpec.MakeGateFWHM(b, 0, offset, width);
        //        dg0.Name = "top";
        //        dg0.BackgroundSubtract = true;
        //        dg1 = GatedDetectorExtractSpec.MakeGateFWHM(b, 1, offset, width);
        //        dg1.Name = "norm";
        //        dg1.BackgroundSubtract = true;
        //        dg2 = GatedDetectorExtractSpec.MakeWideGate(2);
        //        dg2.Name = "mag1";
        //        dg2.Integrate = false;
        //        dg3 = GatedDetectorExtractSpec.MakeWideGate(3);
        //        dg3.Name = "short";
        //        dg3.Integrate = false;
        //        dg4 = GatedDetectorExtractSpec.MakeWideGate(4);
        //        dg4.Name = "battery";

        //        dc.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs.Add(dg0.Name, dg0);
        //        dc.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs.Add(dg1.Name, dg1);
        //        dc.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs.Add(dg2.Name, dg2);
        //        dc.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs.Add(dg3.Name, dg3);
        //        dc.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs.Add(dg4.Name, dg4);

        //        dc.PointDetectorChannels.Add("MiniFlux1");
        //        dc.PointDetectorChannels.Add("MiniFlux2");
        //        dc.PointDetectorChannels.Add("MiniFlux3");
        //        dc.PointDetectorChannels.Add("NorthCurrent");
        //        dc.PointDetectorChannels.Add("SouthCurrent");
        //        dc.PointDetectorChannels.Add("PumpPD");
        //        dc.PointDetectorChannels.Add("ProbePD");

        //        return dc;
        //    };
        //    standardConfigs.Add(name, dcb);

        private static void AddFixedSliceConfig(string name, double centre, double width)
            // the slow half of the fwhm
            DemodulationConfigBuilder dcb = delegate(Block b)
                DemodulationConfig       dc;
                GatedDetectorExtractSpec dg0, dg1, dg2, dg3, dg4, dg5, dg6, dg7;

                dc                     = new DemodulationConfig();
                dc.AnalysisTag         = name;
                dg0                    = new GatedDetectorExtractSpec();
                dg0.Index              = 0;
                dg0.Name               = "top";
                dg0.BackgroundSubtract = false;
                dg0.GateLow            = (int)(centre - width);
                dg0.GateHigh           = (int)(centre + width);
                dg1                    = new GatedDetectorExtractSpec();
                dg1.Index              = 1;
                dg1.Name               = "norm";
                dg1.BackgroundSubtract = false;
                dg1.GateLow            = (int)((centre - width) / kDetectorDistanceRatio);
                dg1.GateHigh           = (int)((centre + width) / kDetectorDistanceRatio);
                dg2                    = GatedDetectorExtractSpec.MakeWideGate(2);
                dg2.Name               = "magnetometer";
                dg2.Integrate          = false;
                dg3                    = GatedDetectorExtractSpec.MakeWideGate(3);
                dg3.Name               = "gnd";
                dg3.Integrate          = false;
                dg4                    = GatedDetectorExtractSpec.MakeWideGate(4);
                dg4.Name               = "battery";
                dg5                    = GatedDetectorExtractSpec.MakeWideGate(5);
                dg5.Name               = "rfCurrent";
                dg5.Integrate          = false;
                dg6                    = new GatedDetectorExtractSpec();
                dg6.Index              = 6;
                dg6.Name               = "reflectedrf1Amplitude";
                dg6.BackgroundSubtract = false;
                dg6.GateLow            = 819;
                dg6.GateHigh           = 821;
                dg7                    = new GatedDetectorExtractSpec();
                dg7.Index              = 7;
                dg7.Name               = "reflectedrf2Amplitude";
                dg7.BackgroundSubtract = false;
                dg7.GateLow            = 1799;
                dg7.GateHigh           = 1801;

                dc.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs.Add(dg0.Name, dg0);
                dc.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs.Add(dg1.Name, dg1);
                dc.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs.Add(dg2.Name, dg2);
                dc.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs.Add(dg3.Name, dg3);
                dc.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs.Add(dg4.Name, dg4);
                dc.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs.Add(dg5.Name, dg5);
                dc.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs.Add(dg6.Name, dg6);
                dc.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs.Add(dg7.Name, dg7);



            standardConfigs.Add(name, dcb);