public SkipperMDI(string path, string version, string aboutLicense) { _version = version; _aboutLicense = aboutLicense; Splash s = new Splash(_version, _aboutLicense); s.ShowDialog(); InitializeComponent(); mainDP.ActiveAutoHideContent = null; mainDP.Name = "mainDP"; mainDP.BringToFront(); BusyDialogManager.SetParent(this); BusyDialogManager.Hide(); this.Text = "VisualSail " + _version; this.Show(); saveFD.InitialDirectory = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal); openFD.InitialDirectory = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal); if (path.EndsWith(".sail")) { _loadedFile = path; TryLoadFile(); } else { //setting this value invokes special code in LoadFile() which //will try to import it List <string> files = new List <string>(); files.Add(path); NewFromGpsFiles(files); } }
private void TryLoadFile() { try { BusyDialogManager.Show("Loading " + BusyDialog.CleanPath(_loadedFile)); Persistance.LoadFromFile(_loadedFile); LoadFile(); ConfigureMenu(true); HideGettingStarted(); } catch (Exception ex) { #if NOLICENSE throw; #else ConfigureMenu(false); _loadedFile = string.Empty; MessageBox.Show("A problem occured loading the file." + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); ShowGettingStarted(); #endif } finally { BusyDialogManager.Hide(); } }
private void editCourseBTN_Click_2(object sender, EventArgs e) { BusyDialogManager.Show("Loading Course"); EditCourses ec = new EditCourses(_race); BusyDialogManager.Hide(); ec.ShowDialog(this.Parent); LoadCourses(); }
private void saveAsToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (saveFD.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { BusyDialogManager.Show("Saving"); _loadedFile = saveFD.FileName; Persistance.SaveToFile(_loadedFile); BusyDialogManager.Hide(); } }
private void racesToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { _replay.Stop(); DateTime currentTime = _replay.SimulationTime; double currentSpeed = _replay.Speed; if (currentSpeed == 0.0) { currentSpeed = 1.0; } EditRace er = new EditRace(_replay.Race); er.ShowPlayButton = false; er.Owner = this; er.ShowDialog(); if (er.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { BusyDialogManager.Show("Restarting Race"); _replay.Reset(); _statisticsForm.Reset(); foreach (DockContent dc in mainDP.Contents) { if (dc is GraphForm) { ((GraphForm)dc).Reset(); } } _replay.Start(); if (currentTime >= _replay.Race.UtcCountdownStart && currentTime <= _replay.Race.UtcEnd) { _replay.TargetTime = currentTime; } else if (currentTime < _replay.Race.UtcCountdownStart) { _replay.TargetTime = _replay.Race.UtcCountdownStart; } else if (currentTime > _replay.Race.UtcEnd) { _replay.TargetTime = _replay.Race.UtcEnd; } _replay.Speed = currentSpeed; _replay.Play(); _replay.RefreshViewports(); BusyDialogManager.Hide(); } else { _replay.Start(); _replay.TargetTime = currentTime; _replay.Speed = currentSpeed; _replay.Play(); } }
private void importBTN_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { openFD.ShowDialog(); string path = openFD.FileName; if (File.Exists(path)) { try { FileImporter fi = FileImporter.DetectFileType(path); BusyDialogManager.Show("Importing Data"); BackgroundWorker bw = new BackgroundWorker(); bw.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true; bw.WorkerReportsProgress = false; bw.DoWork += (s, args) => { fi.ImportFile(((AddFileToBoatArgument)args.Argument).Path, ((AddFileToBoatArgument)args.Argument).Boat); }; bw.RunWorkerCompleted += (s, args) => { if (args.Error != null) { } else { LoadFiles(); BusyDialogManager.Hide(); } }; bw.RunWorkerAsync(new AddFileToBoatArgument() { Boat = _boat, Path = path }); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Failed to import file." + ex.Message); } } }
private void LoadFileInfo(FileInfo[] files) { //BusyDialogManager.Show("Importing and resizing pictures",this); foreach (FileInfo f in files) { BusyDialogManager.Show("Importing and resizing " + f.Name); Photo p = new Photo(); p.Name = f.Name; //TimeZoneInfo tzi = _lake.TimeZone; //p.Time = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc(f.LastWriteTime, tzi); ReadExif(f.FullName, p); p.Jpg = ConvertAndResize(f.FullName, 640, 480); p.Save(); } LoadPhotos(); BusyDialogManager.Hide(); }
public SkipperMDI(string version, string aboutLicense) { _version = version; _aboutLicense = aboutLicense; Splash s = new Splash(_version, _aboutLicense); s.ShowDialog(); InitializeComponent(); mainDP.ActiveAutoHideContent = null; mainDP.Name = "mainDP"; mainDP.BringToFront(); BusyDialogManager.SetParent(this); BusyDialogManager.Hide(); this.Text = "VisualSail " + _version; this.Show(); saveFD.InitialDirectory = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal); openFD.InitialDirectory = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal); ShowGettingStarted(); }
private void LoadFile() { //_busy.Show(); SelectRace sr = new SelectRace(); sr.Owner = this; //BusyDialogManager.HideAll(); DialogResult editResult = DialogResult.Cancel; DialogResult selectResult = sr.ShowDialog(this); Race race = sr.SelectedRace; //kindof a hack, but it gets file one click file loading working if (race.Boats.Count == 0 && _gpsDataFileParameters != null) { AutoImportGpsDataFileParameters(race); } while (selectResult != DialogResult.Yes && editResult != DialogResult.Yes && selectResult != DialogResult.Cancel) { if (selectResult == DialogResult.OK) { BusyDialogManager.Show("Loading Race"); EditRace er = new EditRace(race); er.Owner = this; BusyDialogManager.Hide(); editResult = er.ShowDialog(this); } if (editResult == DialogResult.OK || (editResult == DialogResult.Cancel && Persistance.Data.Race.Count > 0))//go back to the select dialog { selectResult = sr.ShowDialog(this); race = sr.SelectedRace; } else if (editResult == DialogResult.Cancel && Persistance.Data.Race.Count == 0) { //if there's no other races just cancel everything selectResult = DialogResult.Cancel; break; } } if (selectResult != DialogResult.Cancel) { BusyDialogManager.Show("Starting Race"); #if RENDERER_AUTO || (!RENDERER_GDI && !RENDERER_XNA && !RENDERER_NULL && !RENDERER_AUTO) try { _replay = new Replay(race, new XnaRenderer(), new Notify(this.UpdateStatistics), new Notify(this.UpdateTime)); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("VisualSail encountered an exception intializing the 3D renderer. " + e.Message + Environment.NewLine + "Switching to 2D Renderer"); _replay = new Replay(race, new GdiRenderer(), new Notify(this.UpdateStatistics), new Notify(this.UpdateTime)); } #endif #if RENDERER_GDI _replay = new Replay(race, new GdiRenderer(), new Notify(this.UpdateStatistics), new Notify(this.UpdateTime)); #endif #if RENDERER_XNA _replay = new Replay(race, new XnaRenderer(), new Notify(this.UpdateStatistics), new Notify(this.UpdateTime)); #endif #if RENDERER_NULL _replay = new Replay(race, new NullRenderer(), new Notify(this.UpdateStatistics), new Notify(this.UpdateTime)); #endif _statisticsForm = new StatisticsForm(_replay); _timeForm = new TimeForm(_replay); _bookmarkForm = new BookMarksForm(_replay); _replay.Start(); _statisticsForm.Show(mainDP, DockState.DockBottom); double prop = (double)_timeForm.Width / (double)_statisticsForm.Width; _bookmarkForm.Show(_statisticsForm.Pane, DockAlignment.Left, prop); _timeForm.Show(_bookmarkForm.PanelPane, _bookmarkForm); ViewForm vf = (ViewForm)OpenNewViewport(); vf.DockState = DockState.Document; _statisticsForm.CreateDefaultGraphs(); BusyDialogManager.Hide(); } else { ShowGettingStarted(); } }