        public static double HaversineDistance(CoordinatePoint pa, CoordinatePoint pb)
            double R    = 6371;//kilometers, otherwise 6371 for miles
            double dLat = toRadian(pa.Latitude.Value - pb.Latitude.Value);
            double dLon = toRadian(pa.Longitude.Value - pb.Longitude.Value);
            double a    = Math.Sin(dLat / 2) * Math.Sin(dLat / 2) +
                          Math.Cos(toRadian(pa.Latitude.Value)) * Math.Cos(toRadian(pb.Latitude.Value)) *
                          Math.Sin(dLon / 2) * Math.Sin(dLon / 2);
            double c = 2 * Math.Asin(Math.Min(1, Math.Sqrt(a)));
            double d = R * c;

            return(d * 1000); //convert to meters
 public double DistanceTo(ProjectedPoint point)
     if (Bouys.Count == 1)
         CoordinatePoint bp = new CoordinatePoint(Bouys[0].Latitude, Bouys[0].Longitude, 0);
         return(CoordinatePoint.TwoDimensionalDistance(point.Easting, point.Northing, bp.Project().Easting, bp.Project().Northing));
     else if (Bouys.Count == 2)
         CoordinatePoint a = new CoordinatePoint(Bouys[0].Latitude, Bouys[0].Longitude, 0);
         CoordinatePoint b = new CoordinatePoint(Bouys[1].Latitude, Bouys[1].Longitude, 0);
         return(GeometryHelper.DistancePointToLineSegment(a.Project().Easting, a.Project().Northing, b.Project().Easting, b.Project().Northing, point.Easting, point.Northing));
         throw new Exception("Not Implemented");
 private void LoadPaths(Race race)
     DateTime start = race.UtcStart;
     DateTime end = race.UtcEnd;
     _paths = new List<List<ColoredCoordinatePoint>>();
     foreach (Boat b in race.Boats)
         List<ColoredCoordinatePoint> points = new List<ColoredCoordinatePoint>();
         Color c = Color.FromArgb(b.Color);
         SkipperDataSet.SensorReadingsDataTable dt = b.GetSensorReadings(start, end);
         for(int i=0;i<dt.Rows.Count;i++)
             CoordinatePoint cp = new CoordinatePoint(new Coordinate(((SkipperDataSet.SensorReadingsRow)dt.Rows[i]).latitude), new Coordinate(((SkipperDataSet.SensorReadingsRow)dt.Rows[i]).longitude), ((SkipperDataSet.SensorReadingsRow)dt.Rows[i]).altitude);
             points.Add(new ColoredCoordinatePoint(cp, c));
        private void LoadBoatTracks()
            _boatTracks = new Dictionary<ReplayBoat, SortedList<DateTime, ProjectedPoint>>();

            foreach (ReplayBoat boat in Replay.Boats)
                var points = from r in boat.SensorReadings
                             orderby r.datetime ascending
                             select r;
                SortedList<DateTime, ProjectedPoint> linePoints = new SortedList<DateTime, ProjectedPoint>();
                foreach (var point in points)
                    CoordinatePoint cp = new CoordinatePoint(new Coordinate(point.latitude), new Coordinate(point.longitude), 0);
                    ProjectedPoint pp = cp.Project();
                    if (!linePoints.ContainsKey(point.datetime))
                        linePoints.Add(point.datetime, pp);
                _boatTracks.Add(boat, linePoints);
        public void Move(DateTime time,Course course,float windDirection,DateTime raceStart)
            //cheat and jump to the time for the very first move.
            //kindof hacky, but it keeps the user from having to wait for the boats to get 
            //intialized when the race starts.  Also, we probably don't want stats for <race time
            if (!_positionInitialized)
                while (_boatDataRows[_currentBoatDataRow].datetime < raceStart && _currentBoatDataRow < _boatDataRows.Count - 2)
                //if (_currentBoatDataRow > 0)
                //    _currentBoatDataRow = _currentBoatDataRow - 1;
                _positionInitialized = true;

            windAngle = windDirection;

            if (_lastUpdate == null)
                _lastUpdate = time;
            CoordinatePoint cp;
            ProjectedPoint current=null;

            CoordinatePoint np;
            ProjectedPoint next=null;

            long ticksBetween;
            long actualTicks;
            double percent=0.0;

            //bool changedIndex = false;
            bool doMove = false;
            if (_lastUpdate.Ticks < time.Ticks && _currentBoatDataRow < _boatDataRows.Count - 2)
                doMove = true;
                direction = BoatDirection.Forward;
                while (_boatDataRows[_currentBoatDataRow].datetime < time && _currentBoatDataRow < _boatDataRows.Count - 2)
                    //changedIndex = true;

                    if ((_lowWaterMark == null || _highWaterMark == null) || (time < _lowWaterMark || time > _highWaterMark))

                        cp = new CoordinatePoint(new Coordinate(_boatDataRows[_currentBoatDataRow + 1].latitude), new Coordinate(_boatDataRows[_currentBoatDataRow + 1].longitude), 0);
                        current = cp.Project();

                        np = new CoordinatePoint(new Coordinate(_boatDataRows[_currentBoatDataRow].latitude), new Coordinate(_boatDataRows[_currentBoatDataRow].longitude), 0);
                        next = np.Project();

                        ProjectedPoint = current;

                        if (_currentMarkIndex.GetValue(_boatDataRows[_currentBoatDataRow].datetime) < course.Route.Count)
                            NavigateCourse(_boatDataRows[_currentBoatDataRow].datetime, course, cp, np);
                        double distance = CoordinatePoint.TwoDimensionalDistance(current.Easting, current.Northing, next.Easting, next.Northing);
                        TimeSpan ts = _boatDataRows[_currentBoatDataRow + 1].datetime - _boatDataRows[_currentBoatDataRow].datetime;
                        double kmh = ((distance / 1000.0) / ts.TotalHours);
                        speed = (float)kmh;
                        //float oldWindAngle = RelativeAngleToWind;
                        arrowAngle = (float)AngleHelper.FindAngle(current, next);
                        float newWindAngle = RelativeAngleToWind;
                        if (CurrentRacingStatus == RacingStatus.Racing)
                            float deadZone = MathHelper.PiOver4 / 2f;//use to be /4f;
                            Tack.TackDirection newTack = Tack.TackDirection.Undetermined;
                            if (newWindAngle < -deadZone && newWindAngle > -MathHelper.Pi + deadZone)
                                newTack = Tack.TackDirection.Starboard;
                            else if (newWindAngle > deadZone && newWindAngle < MathHelper.Pi - deadZone)
                                newTack = Tack.TackDirection.Port;

                            if (newTack != Tack.TackDirection.Undetermined && (_tacks.Count - 1 < _currentTackIndex.GetValue(_boatDataRows[_currentBoatDataRow].datetime) || _tacks[_currentTackIndex.GetValue(_boatDataRows[_currentBoatDataRow].datetime)].Direction != newTack))
                        //set the current and previous marks
                        if (_currentMarkIndex.GetValue(_boatDataRows[_currentBoatDataRow].datetime) < course.Route.Count)
                            _currentMark = course.Route[_currentMarkIndex.GetValue(_boatDataRows[_currentBoatDataRow].datetime)];
                            _currentMark = null;
                        if (_currentMarkIndex.GetValue(_boatDataRows[_currentBoatDataRow].datetime) > 0 && course.Route.Count > 0)
                            _previousMark = course.Route[_currentMarkIndex.GetValue(_boatDataRows[_currentBoatDataRow].datetime) - 1];
                            _previousMark = null;
                        UpdateStatistics(_boatDataRows[_currentBoatDataRow].datetime, distance / 1000.0);
            else if (_lastUpdate.Ticks > time.Ticks && _currentBoatDataRow > 0)
                doMove = true;
                direction = BoatDirection.Backwards;
                while (_boatDataRows[_currentBoatDataRow].datetime > time && _currentBoatDataRow > 1)
                    //changedIndex = true;

                    if ((_lowWaterMark == null || _highWaterMark == null) || (time < _lowWaterMark || time > _highWaterMark))

                        cp = new CoordinatePoint(new Coordinate(_boatDataRows[_currentBoatDataRow - 1].latitude), new Coordinate(_boatDataRows[_currentBoatDataRow - 1].longitude), 0);
                        current = cp.Project();

                        np = new CoordinatePoint(new Coordinate(_boatDataRows[_currentBoatDataRow].latitude), new Coordinate(_boatDataRows[_currentBoatDataRow].longitude), 0);
                        next = np.Project();

                        //ProjectedPoint = cp.Project();

                        //double distance = CoordinatePoint.TwoDimensionalDistance(current.easting, current.northing, next.easting, next.northing);
                        //TimeSpan ts = _boatDataRows[_currentBoatDataRow].datetime - _boatDataRows[_currentBoatDataRow - 1].datetime;
                        //double kmh = ((distance / 1000.0) / ts.TotalHours);
                        //speed = (float)kmh;
                        arrowAngle = (float)AngleHelper.FindAngle(current, next);
                        //UpdateStatistics(_boatDataRows[_currentBoatDataRow].datetime, distance / 1000.0);

            //set the current and previous marks
            if (_currentMarkIndex.GetValue(_boatDataRows[_currentBoatDataRow].datetime) < course.Route.Count)
                _currentMark = course.Route[_currentMarkIndex.GetValue(_boatDataRows[_currentBoatDataRow].datetime)];
                _currentMark = null;
            if (_currentMarkIndex.GetValue(_boatDataRows[_currentBoatDataRow].datetime) > 0 && course.Route.Count > 0)
                _previousMark = course.Route[_currentMarkIndex.GetValue(_boatDataRows[_currentBoatDataRow].datetime) - 1];
                _previousMark = null;
            if (doMove && _currentBoatDataRow > 0 && _currentBoatDataRow < _boatDataRows.Count - 2)
                int currentOffset;
                if (direction == BoatDirection.Forward)
                    currentOffset = -1;
                    currentOffset = 1;

                cp = new CoordinatePoint(new Coordinate(_boatDataRows[_currentBoatDataRow + currentOffset].latitude), new Coordinate(_boatDataRows[_currentBoatDataRow + currentOffset].longitude), 0);
                current = cp.Project();

                np = new CoordinatePoint(new Coordinate(_boatDataRows[_currentBoatDataRow].latitude), new Coordinate(_boatDataRows[_currentBoatDataRow].longitude), 0);
                next = np.Project();

                CoordinatePoint pp = new CoordinatePoint(new Coordinate(_boatDataRows[_currentBoatDataRow - currentOffset].latitude), new Coordinate(_boatDataRows[_currentBoatDataRow - currentOffset].longitude), 0);
                ProjectedPoint previous = pp.Project();

                ticksBetween = _boatDataRows[_currentBoatDataRow].datetime.Ticks - _boatDataRows[_currentBoatDataRow + currentOffset].datetime.Ticks;
                actualTicks = time.Ticks - _boatDataRows[_currentBoatDataRow + currentOffset].datetime.Ticks;
                percent = (double)actualTicks / (double)ticksBetween;

                double northingDiff = next.Northing - current.Northing;
                double eastingDiff = next.Easting - current.Easting;

                double northing = current.Northing + (northingDiff * percent);
                double easting = current.Easting + (eastingDiff * percent);

                ProjectedPoint actual = new ProjectedPoint();
                actual.Easting = easting;
                actual.Northing = northing;

                ProjectedPoint = actual;

                double distance = CoordinatePoint.TwoDimensionalDistance(current.Easting, current.Northing, next.Easting, next.Northing);
                TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan(ticksBetween);
                double kmh = ((distance / 1000.0) / ts.TotalHours);
                speed = (float)kmh;

                if (Math.Abs(kmh) > 2)
                    float startingAngle = (float)AngleHelper.FindAngle(previous, current);
                    float desiredAngle = (float)AngleHelper.FindAngle(next, current);
                    desiredAngle = AngleHelper.NormalizeAngle(desiredAngle);
                    float deltaAngle = AngleHelper.AngleDifference(startingAngle, desiredAngle);
                    arrowAngle = startingAngle + (deltaAngle * (float)percent);
                    arrowAngle = AngleHelper.NormalizeAngle(arrowAngle);

                //if (changedIndex)
                //    _updateStatistics();
                _lastUpdate = time;
            else if(_currentBoatDataRow==0||_currentBoatDataRow==_boatDataRows.Count-1)
                ProjectedPoint = new CoordinatePoint(new Coordinate(_boatDataRows[_currentBoatDataRow].latitude), new Coordinate(_boatDataRows[_currentBoatDataRow].longitude), 0).Project();

            if (_lowWaterMark==null||time < _lowWaterMark)
                _lowWaterMark = time;
            if (_highWaterMark == null || time > _highWaterMark)
                _highWaterMark = time;

        private void NavigateCourse(DateTime time, Course course,CoordinatePoint a,CoordinatePoint b)
            //if (course.Route[CurrentMarkIndex.GetValue(time)].DistanceTo(location.Project()) < _markRoundDistance)
            //    CurrentMarkIndex.AddValue(time, CurrentMarkIndex.GetValue(time) + 1);
            //    #warning possible bad increment of tack count
            //    //not sure this should increment tack count, technically rounding a mark is not a tack.
            //    if (CurrentMarkIndex.GetValue(time) < course.Route.Count)
            //    {
            //        PerformTack(time);
            //    }

            Mark previous = null;
            Mark next = null;
            if (CurrentMarkIndex.GetValue(time) > 0)
                previous = course.Route[CurrentMarkIndex.GetValue(time) - 1];
            if (CurrentMarkIndex.GetValue(time) < course.Route.Count - 1)
                next = course.Route[CurrentMarkIndex.GetValue(time) + 1];

            if (course.Route[CurrentMarkIndex.GetValue(time)].IsRounding(a.Project(),b.Project(),previous,next))
                CurrentMarkIndex.AddValue(time, CurrentMarkIndex.GetValue(time) + 1);
                if (CurrentMarkIndex.GetValue(time) < course.Route.Count)
        private void LakeResizeControl_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
            e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, 0, 0, this.Width, this.Height);
            if (_lake != null)
                CoordinatePoint a2 = new CoordinatePoint(new Coordinate(_lake.South), new Coordinate(_lake.East), 0);
                CoordinatePoint b2 = new CoordinatePoint(new Coordinate(_lake.North), new Coordinate(_lake.West), 0);
                //Point br = this.CoordinatesToScreen(new CoordinatePoint(new Coordinate(_lake.South), new Coordinate(_lake.East), 0));
                Point tl = CoordinatesToScreen(b2);
                Point br = CoordinatesToScreen(a2);

                Point tr = new Point(br.X, tl.Y);
                Point bl = new Point(tl.X, br.Y);

                Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(tl.X, tl.Y, br.X - tl.X, br.Y - tl.Y);

                e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.DarkBlue, bounds);
                if (_satelite != null)
                    e.Graphics.DrawImage(_satelite, bounds);
                if (_gpsBoundsNorthWest != null && _gpsBoundsSouthEast != null)
                    Point gpsTl = CoordinatesToScreen(_gpsBoundsNorthWest);
                    Point gpsBr = CoordinatesToScreen(_gpsBoundsSouthEast);
                    e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, gpsTl.X, gpsTl.Y, gpsBr.X - gpsTl.X, gpsBr.Y - gpsTl.Y);

                if (_mouseDown)
                    CoordinatePoint p = ScreenToCoordinates(_mousePosition);
                    Point test = CoordinatesToScreen(p);
                    e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.Red, test.X - 1, test.Y - 1, 2, 2);

                    switch (_selectedCorner)
                        case SelectedCorner.BottomLeft:
                            bl = _mousePosition;
                            tl.X = _mousePosition.X;
                            br.Y = _mousePosition.Y;
                        case SelectedCorner.BottomRight:
                            br = _mousePosition;
                            tr.X = _mousePosition.X;
                            bl.Y = _mousePosition.Y;
                        case SelectedCorner.TopLeft:
                            tl = _mousePosition;
                            bl.X = _mousePosition.X;
                            tr.Y = _mousePosition.Y;
                        case SelectedCorner.TopRight:
                            tr = _mousePosition;
                            br.X = _mousePosition.X;
                            tl.Y = _mousePosition.Y;
                    bounds = new Rectangle(tl.X, tl.Y, tr.X - tl.X, br.Y - tl.Y);

                Pen outlinePen = new Pen(Brushes.Blue, 2);
                e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(outlinePen, bounds);
                e.Graphics.FillEllipse(Brushes.Orange, tl.X - 3, tl.Y - 3, 6, 6);
                e.Graphics.FillEllipse(Brushes.Orange, br.X - 3, br.Y - 3, 6, 6);
                e.Graphics.FillEllipse(Brushes.Orange, tr.X - 3, tr.Y - 3, 6, 6);
                e.Graphics.FillEllipse(Brushes.Orange, bl.X - 3, bl.Y - 3, 6, 6);
 public void SetGpsBounds(CoordinatePoint northWest, CoordinatePoint southEast)
     _gpsBoundsNorthWest = northWest;
     _gpsBoundsSouthEast = southEast;
        private void lakePNL_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
            CoordinatePoint a2 = new CoordinatePoint(new Coordinate(_lake.South), new Coordinate(_lake.East),0);
            CoordinatePoint b2 = new CoordinatePoint(new Coordinate(_lake.North), new Coordinate(_lake.West),0);
            Point br=this.CoordinatesToScreen(a2);
            Point tl = this.CoordinatesToScreen(b2);

            if (_cachedPanel == null)
                _cachedPanel = new Bitmap(lakePNL.Width, lakePNL.Height);
                _cachedPanelWithBoats = new Bitmap(lakePNL.Width, lakePNL.Height);
                Graphics pg = Graphics.FromImage(_cachedPanel);
                Graphics pgwb = Graphics.FromImage(_cachedPanelWithBoats);

                pg.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, 0, 0, lakePNL.Width, lakePNL.Height);

                if (_image == null)
                    pg.FillRectangle(Brushes.DarkBlue, tl.X, tl.Y, br.X - tl.X, br.Y - tl.Y);
                    pg.DrawImage(_image, tl.X, tl.Y, br.X - tl.X, br.Y - tl.Y);

                pgwb.DrawImage(_cachedPanel, 0, 0);

                foreach (List<ColoredCoordinatePoint> points in _paths)
                    int skip = 1;
                    if (points.Count >= skip + 1)
                        Color c = points[0].Color;
                        for (int i = 0; i < points.Count - skip; i = i + skip)
                            pgwb.DrawLine(new Pen(c), CoordinatesToScreen(points[i].Point), CoordinatesToScreen(points[i + skip].Point));

            Bitmap temp = new Bitmap(lakePNL.Width, lakePNL.Height);
            Graphics gt = Graphics.FromImage(temp);

            if (showBoatsCB.Checked)
                gt.DrawImage(_cachedPanel, 0, 0);

            if (_mouseDown && zoomInCB.Checked)
                int lowX, highX, lowY, highY;
                if (_zoomFirstPoint.X < _zoomSecondPoint.X)
                    lowX = _zoomFirstPoint.X;
                    highX = _zoomSecondPoint.X;
                    highX = _zoomFirstPoint.X;
                    lowX = _zoomSecondPoint.X;
                if (_zoomFirstPoint.Y < _zoomSecondPoint.Y)
                    lowY = _zoomFirstPoint.Y;
                    highY = _zoomSecondPoint.Y;
                    highY = _zoomFirstPoint.Y;
                    lowY = _zoomSecondPoint.Y;

                Pen ZoomPen = new Pen(Color.Green, 2f);

                gt.DrawRectangle(ZoomPen, new Rectangle(lowX, lowY, highX - lowX, highY - lowY));

            List<Bouy> bouys = new List<Bouy>();
            foreach (object o in marksLB.Items)

            Point? previous = null;
            foreach (object o in routeLB.Items)
                Mark currentMark = (Mark)o;
                int xSum = 0;
                int ySum = 0;
                List<Point> bouyPoints = new List<Point>();
                foreach (Bouy b in currentMark.Bouys)
                    Point p = CoordinatesToScreen(new CoordinatePoint(b.Latitude, b.Longitude, 0));
                    xSum = xSum + p.X;
                    ySum = ySum + p.Y;
                Point current = new Point(xSum / currentMark.Bouys.Count, ySum / currentMark.Bouys.Count);

                if (bouyPoints.Count > 1)
                    foreach (Point p in bouyPoints)
                        gt.DrawLine(Pens.Green, current, p);

                if (previous != null)
                    gt.DrawLine(Pens.Yellow, current, (Point)previous);
                previous = current;

            foreach (Bouy b in bouys)
                Point p=CoordinatesToScreen(new CoordinatePoint(b.Latitude,b.Longitude,0));
                if (_selectedBouy != null && b.Id == _selectedBouy.Id)
                    gt.FillEllipse(Brushes.Red, new Rectangle(p.X - 5, p.Y - 5, 10, 10));
                    gt.FillEllipse(Brushes.Orange, new Rectangle(p.X - 4, p.Y - 4, 8, 8));

            e.Graphics.DrawImage(temp, 0, 0);
        private void SetOffsets()

            _placeHolderCP = new CoordinatePoint(new Coordinate(Replay.Race.Lake.South), new Coordinate(Replay.Race.Lake.West), 0.0);
            _xOffset = 0f;
            _zOffset = 0f;
            //ProjectedPoint.projectedPointToWorld = new ProjectedPointToWorld(this.ProjectedPointToWorld);
            //CoordinatePoint.ProjectedPoint.projectedPointFromWorld = new ProjectedPointFromWorld(this.ProjectedPointFromWorld);

            if (this.Race.Lake.BottomLeftInMeters.Zone != this.Race.Lake.TopRightInMeters.Zone)
                double zoneSize = this.Race.Lake.East - this.Race.Lake.West;
                if (zoneSize > 6.0)
                    CoordinatePoint.LongitudeZoneSize = zoneSize;
                CoordinatePoint.LongitudeOffset = this.Race.Lake.West;

            if (ProjectedPointToWorld(this.Race.Lake.BottomLeftInMeters).X < 0 && ProjectedPointToWorld(this.Race.Lake.TopRightInMeters).X < 0)
                _xOffset = -(ProjectedPointToWorld(this.Race.Lake.TopRightInMeters).X * 2f);
            else if (ProjectedPointToWorld(this.Race.Lake.BottomLeftInMeters).X > 0 && ProjectedPointToWorld(this.Race.Lake.TopRightInMeters).X > 0)
                _xOffset = ProjectedPointToWorld(this.Race.Lake.BottomLeftInMeters).X;

            if (ProjectedPointToWorld(this.Race.Lake.BottomLeftInMeters).Z < 0 && ProjectedPointToWorld(this.Race.Lake.TopRightInMeters).Z < 0)
                _zOffset = -(ProjectedPointToWorld(this.Race.Lake.TopRightInMeters).Z * 2f);
            else if (ProjectedPointToWorld(this.Race.Lake.BottomLeftInMeters).Z > 0 && ProjectedPointToWorld(this.Race.Lake.TopRightInMeters).Z > 0)
                _zOffset = ProjectedPointToWorld(this.Race.Lake.BottomLeftInMeters).Z;
 private Point CoordinatesToScreen(CoordinatePoint point)
     Point off = Offset;
     Point p = ScaleCoordinatesToScreen(point);
     p.X = p.X + off.X;
     p.Y = p.Y + off.Y;
     return p;
        //private void DrawMouseInstructions(TimeSpan time, float viewportWidth, float viewportHeight)
        //    //if (time < new TimeSpan(0, 0, 12) && viewportWidth >= 320 && viewportHeight >= 240)
        //    //{
        //    //    _batch.Begin(SpriteBlendMode.AlphaBlend, SpriteSortMode.Deferred, SaveStateMode.SaveState);

        //    //    string instructions;
        //    //    Texture2D texture;

        //    //    float maxBackgroundAlpha = 0.3f;
        //    //    float backgroundAlpha = maxBackgroundAlpha;
        //    //    float messageAlpha = 1f;

        //    //    if (time < new TimeSpan(0, 0, 4))
        //    //    {
        //    //        if (time < new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1))
        //    //        {
        //    //            backgroundAlpha = ((float)time.Milliseconds / 1000) * maxBackgroundAlpha;
        //    //            messageAlpha = ((float)time.Milliseconds / 1000);
        //    //        }
        //    //        else if (time > new TimeSpan(0, 0, 3))
        //    //        {
        //    //            messageAlpha = ((float)(1000 - time.Milliseconds) / 1000);
        //    //        }

        //    //        //left click
        //    //        instructions = "Left click and drag to rotate the camera.";
        //    //        texture = _mouseLeftTexture;
        //    //    }
        //    //    else if (time < new TimeSpan(0, 0, 8))
        //    //    {
        //    //        if (time < new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5))
        //    //        {
        //    //            messageAlpha = ((float)time.Milliseconds / 1000);
        //    //        }
        //    //        else if (time > new TimeSpan(0, 0, 7))
        //    //        {
        //    //            messageAlpha = ((float)(1000 - time.Milliseconds) / 1000);
        //    //        }

        //    //        //right click
        //    //        instructions = "Right click and drag to zoom in and out.";
        //    //        texture = _mouseRightTexture;
        //    //    }
        //    //    else if (time < new TimeSpan(0, 0, 12))
        //    //    {
        //    //        if (time < new TimeSpan(0, 0, 9))
        //    //        {
        //    //            messageAlpha = ((float)time.Milliseconds / 1000);
        //    //        }
        //    //        else if (time > new TimeSpan(0, 0, 11))
        //    //        {
        //    //            backgroundAlpha = ((float)(1000 - time.Milliseconds) / 1000) * maxBackgroundAlpha;
        //    //            messageAlpha = ((float)(1000 - time.Milliseconds) / 1000);
        //    //        }

        //    //        //double click
        //    //        instructions = "Double click on a boat to follow it.";
        //    //        if (time.Seconds % 2 == 0)
        //    //        {
        //    //            texture = _mouseLeftTexture;
        //    //        }
        //    //        else
        //    //        {
        //    //            texture = _mouseTexture;
        //    //        }
        //    //    }
        //    //    else
        //    //    {
        //    //        throw new Exception("Unknown instruction state");
        //    //    }

        //    //    //find the dimensions of the text and image
        //    //    float imageWidth = (float)texture.Width;
        //    //    float imageHeight = (float)texture.Height;
        //    //    float fontScale = ScaleFontToFitWidth(instructions, viewportWidth - imageWidth - 50);
        //    //    float instructionsWidth = _font.MeasureString(instructions).X * fontScale;
        //    //    float instructionsHeight = _font.MeasureString(instructions).Y * fontScale;
        //    //    //find the height and width of our message box
        //    //    float height = imageHeight * 1.5f;
        //    //    float width = viewportWidth;

        //    //    //draw the gray background
        //    //    _line.ClearVectors();
        //    //    _line.Colour = new Color(new Vector4(1f, 1f, 1f, backgroundAlpha));
        //    //    _line.Thickness = height;
        //    //    _line.AddVector(new Vector2(0, viewportHeight - height));
        //    //    _line.AddVector(new Vector2(viewportWidth, viewportHeight - height));
        //    //    _line.Render(_batch);
        //    //    //draw thew mouse texture
        //    //    _batch.Draw(texture, new Vector2(25, (viewportHeight - height) + (height - imageHeight) / 2), new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, messageAlpha));
        //    //    //draw the instructions text
        //    //    _batch.DrawString(_font, instructions, new Vector2(25 + imageWidth + 25, (viewportHeight - height) + (height - instructionsHeight) / 2), new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, messageAlpha), 0.0f, new Vector2(0, 0), fontScale, SpriteEffects.None, 0);
        //    //    _batch.End();
        //    //}
        //private void DrawLabelBox(Vector2 boatLocation, SpriteBatch batch, System.Drawing.Color color, List<string> text, ref List<BoundingBox> otherBoxes, float viewportWidth, float viewportHieght)
        //    //float hpad = 5;
        //    //float vpad = 2.5f;
        //    //float width = 0;
        //    //float height = 0;
        //    //float lineHeight = 0;
        //    //Color normalTextColor = Color.Black;

        //    //float fontScale = 0.5f;

        //    //foreach (string s in text)
        //    //{
        //    //    Vector2 size = _font.MeasureString(s);
        //    //    size = size * fontScale;
        //    //    if (size.X + (2 * hpad) > width)
        //    //    {
        //    //        width = size.X + (2 * hpad);
        //    //    }
        //    //    if (size.Y + (2 * vpad) > lineHeight)
        //    //    {
        //    //        lineHeight = size.Y + (2 * vpad);
        //    //    }
        //    //}
        //    //height = lineHeight * text.Count;

        //    ////find an appropriate offset so that the label is towards the outer edge of the viewport
        //    //Vector2 labelLocation = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
        //    //Vector2 labelOffset = boatLocation - new Vector2(viewportWidth / 2f, viewportHieght / 2f);
        //    //labelOffset.X = (labelOffset.X / (viewportWidth / 2f)) * 200f;
        //    //labelOffset.Y = (labelOffset.Y / (viewportHieght / 2f)) * 200f;
        //    ////use the offset to figure out where we would LIKE to put the label
        //    //labelLocation.X = boatLocation.X + labelOffset.X - (width / 2f);
        //    //labelLocation.Y = boatLocation.Y + labelOffset.Y - (height / 2f) - 50;

        //    ////check and make sure we're not drawing the label off the screen
        //    ////if we are, fix it
        //    //if (labelLocation.X < 0)
        //    //    labelLocation.X = 0;
        //    //if (labelLocation.X + width > viewportWidth)
        //    //    labelLocation.X = viewportWidth - width;
        //    //if (labelLocation.Y > viewportHieght)
        //    //    labelLocation.Y = viewportHieght;
        //    //if (labelLocation.Y - height < 0)
        //    //    labelLocation.Y = height;

        //    //////see if it's a valid place to put it
        //    //bool locationSet = CheckBounds(otherBoxes, labelLocation, width, height, viewportWidth, viewportWidth);
        //    //float offset = 5;

        //    ////we intentionally exhause all possibilities looking "up" before we look "down"
        //    ////to avoid the labels jumping around when it gets stuck on another label
        //    ////if it's not valid, look "up" for a clear spot
        //    //if (!locationSet)
        //    //{
        //    //    while (offset < viewportHieght)
        //    //    {
        //    //        if (CheckBounds(otherBoxes, labelLocation + new Vector2(0, -offset), width, height, viewportWidth, viewportWidth))
        //    //        {
        //    //            labelLocation = labelLocation + new Vector2(0, -offset);
        //    //            locationSet = true;
        //    //            break;
        //    //        }
        //    //        offset = offset + 5;
        //    //    }
        //    //}
        //    ////if it's still not valid, look "down" for a clear spot
        //    //if (!locationSet)
        //    //{
        //    //    offset = 5;
        //    //    while (offset < viewportHieght)
        //    //    {
        //    //        //up
        //    //        if (CheckBounds(otherBoxes, labelLocation + new Vector2(0, offset), width, height, viewportWidth, viewportWidth))
        //    //        {
        //    //            labelLocation = labelLocation + new Vector2(0, offset);
        //    //            locationSet = true;
        //    //            break;
        //    //        }
        //    //        offset = offset + 5;
        //    //    }
        //    //}

        //    ////if we found a spot draw the label
        //    //if (locationSet)
        //    //{
        //    //    //figure out where the line should hit the label box, and what borders to draw
        //    //    Vector2 labelConnectPoint = new Vector2();
        //    //    if (boatLocation.X < labelLocation.X)
        //    //    {
        //    //        labelConnectPoint.X = labelLocation.X;
        //    //    }
        //    //    else if (boatLocation.X >= labelLocation.X && boatLocation.X <= labelLocation.X + width)
        //    //    {
        //    //        labelConnectPoint.X = boatLocation.X;
        //    //    }
        //    //    else if (boatLocation.X > labelLocation.X)
        //    //    {
        //    //        labelConnectPoint.X = labelLocation.X + width;
        //    //    }

        //    //    if (boatLocation.Y < labelLocation.Y - height)
        //    //    {
        //    //        labelConnectPoint.Y = labelLocation.Y - height;
        //    //    }
        //    //    else if (boatLocation.Y >= labelLocation.Y - height && boatLocation.Y <= labelLocation.Y)
        //    //    {
        //    //        labelConnectPoint.Y = boatLocation.Y;
        //    //    }
        //    //    else if (boatLocation.Y > labelLocation.Y)
        //    //    {
        //    //        labelConnectPoint.Y = labelLocation.Y;
        //    //    }

        //    //    //background
        //    //    _line.ClearVectors();
        //    //    _line.Colour = new Color(new Vector4(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.4f));
        //    //    _line.Thickness = height;
        //    //    _line.AddVector(labelLocation + new Vector2(0, -height));
        //    //    _line.AddVector(labelLocation + new Vector2(width, -height));
        //    //    _line.Render(batch);

        //    //    //pointer
        //    //    _line.ClearVectors();
        //    //    _line.Colour = color;
        //    //    _line.Thickness = 1f;
        //    //    _line.AddVector(boatLocation);
        //    //    _line.AddVector(labelConnectPoint);
        //    //    _line.Render(batch);

        //    //    //border
        //    //    _line.ClearVectors();
        //    //    _line.Colour = color;
        //    //    _line.Thickness = 2f;
        //    //    _line.AddVector(labelLocation);
        //    //    _line.AddVector(new Vector2(labelLocation.X, labelLocation.Y - height));
        //    //    _line.AddVector(new Vector2(labelLocation.X + width, labelLocation.Y - height));
        //    //    _line.Render(batch);

        //    //    //draw our text
        //    //    for (int i = 0; i < text.Count; i++)
        //    //    {
        //    //        Color c;
        //    //        if (i == 0)
        //    //        {
        //    //            c = color;
        //    //        }
        //    //        else
        //    //        {
        //    //            c = normalTextColor;
        //    //        }
        //    //        Vector2 pos = new Vector2(labelLocation.X + hpad, (labelLocation.Y - height) + (i * lineHeight) + vpad);
        //    //        _batch.DrawString(_font, text[i], pos, c, 0.0f, new Vector2(0, 0), fontScale, SpriteEffects.None, 0);
        //    //    }

        //    //    //add the bounding box for this label to the collection so other labels can avoid us
        //    //    BoundingBox b = new BoundingBox();
        //    //    b.Min = new Vector3(labelLocation.X, labelLocation.Y, -1);
        //    //    b.Max = new Vector3(labelLocation.X + width, labelLocation.Y + height, 1);
        //    //    otherBoxes.Add(b);
        //    //}
        //private bool CheckBounds(List<BoundingBox> obstacles, Vector2 position, float width, float height, float viewportWidth, float viewportHeight)
        //    if (position.X >= 0 && position.X <= viewportWidth && position.Y >= 0 && position.Y <= viewportHeight && position.X + width >= 0 && position.X + width <= viewportWidth && position.Y - height >= 0 && position.Y <= viewportHeight)
        //    {
        //        BoundingBox pb = new BoundingBox();
        //        pb.Min = new Vector3(position.X, position.Y, -1);
        //        pb.Max = new Vector3(position.X + width, position.Y + height, 1);

        //        foreach (BoundingBox b in obstacles)
        //        {
        //            if (b.Contains(pb) != ContainmentType.Disjoint)
        //            {
        //                return false;
        //            }
        //        }
        //        return true;
        //    }
        //    else
        //    {
        //        //bounds go off the screen
        //        return false;
        //    }
        //private void DrawInstrument(InstrumentDrawing drawingType, System.Drawing.Color color, Vector3 location, float rotation, float startDistance, float length)
        //    //float tipSize = 0.05f;
        //    //_instruments.World = Matrix.CreateRotationY(rotation) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(location);
        //    //_instruments.Begin();
        //    //foreach (EffectPass pass in _instruments.CurrentTechnique.Passes)
        //    //{
        //    //    pass.Begin();

        //    //    VertexPositionColor[] vs;
        //    //    vs = new VertexPositionColor[6];
        //    //    vs[0].Position = new Vector3(startDistance, 0, 0);
        //    //    vs[0].Color = color;
        //    //    vs[1].Position = new Vector3(startDistance + length, 0, 0);
        //    //    vs[1].Color = color;

        //    //    if (drawingType == InstrumentDrawing.InwardArrow)
        //    //    {
        //    //        vs[2].Position = new Vector3(startDistance, 0, 0);
        //    //        vs[2].Color = color;
        //    //        vs[3].Position = new Vector3(startDistance + (tipSize * 2), 0, tipSize);
        //    //        vs[3].Color = color;

        //    //        vs[4].Position = new Vector3(startDistance, 0, 0);
        //    //        vs[4].Color = color;
        //    //        vs[5].Position = new Vector3(startDistance + (tipSize * 2), 0, -tipSize);
        //    //        vs[5].Color = color;
        //    //    }
        //    //    else if (drawingType == InstrumentDrawing.OutwardArrow)
        //    //    {
        //    //        vs[2].Position = new Vector3(startDistance + length, 0, 0);
        //    //        vs[2].Color = color;
        //    //        vs[3].Position = new Vector3(startDistance + length - (tipSize * 2), 0, tipSize);
        //    //        vs[3].Color = color;

        //    //        vs[4].Position = new Vector3(startDistance + length, 0, 0);
        //    //        vs[4].Color = color;
        //    //        vs[5].Position = new Vector3(startDistance + length - (tipSize * 2), 0, -tipSize);
        //    //        vs[5].Color = color;
        //    //    }
        //    //    _device.RenderState.DepthBufferEnable = false;
        //    //    _device.VertexDeclaration = VertexDeclarationHelper.Get(typeof(VertexPositionColor));
        //    //    _device.DrawUserPrimitives<VertexPositionColor>(PrimitiveType.LineList, vs, 0, 3);
        //    //    _device.RenderState.DepthBufferEnable = true;

        //    //    pass.End();
        //    //}
        //    //_instruments.End();
        //private bool IsBoatOnScreen(Vector2 b, IViewPort vp)
        //    return (b.X > 0 && b.X < vp.RenderTarget.Width && b.Y > 0 && b.Y < vp.RenderTarget.Height);
        private void SetOffsets()
            _placeHolderCP = new CoordinatePoint(new Coordinate(Replay.Race.Lake.South), new Coordinate(Replay.Race.Lake.West), 0.0);
            _eastingOffset = 0;
            _northingOffset = 0;
            if (this.Race.Lake.BottomLeftInMeters.Zone != this.Race.Lake.TopRightInMeters.Zone)
                double zoneSize = this.Race.Lake.East - this.Race.Lake.West;
                if (zoneSize > 6.0)
                    CoordinatePoint.LongitudeZoneSize = zoneSize;
                CoordinatePoint.LongitudeOffset = this.Race.Lake.West;

            if (this.Race.Lake.BottomLeftInMeters.Northing < 0 && this.Race.Lake.TopRightInMeters.Northing < 0)
                _northingOffset = -(this.Race.Lake.TopRightInMeters.Northing * 2.0);
            else if (this.Race.Lake.BottomLeftInMeters.Northing > 0 && this.Race.Lake.TopRightInMeters.Northing > 0)
                _northingOffset = this.Race.Lake.BottomLeftInMeters.Northing;

            if (this.Race.Lake.BottomLeftInMeters.Easting < 0 && this.Race.Lake.TopRightInMeters.Easting < 0)
                _eastingOffset = -(this.Race.Lake.TopRightInMeters.Easting * 2.0);
            else if (this.Race.Lake.BottomLeftInMeters.Easting > 0 && this.Race.Lake.TopRightInMeters.Easting > 0)
                _eastingOffset = this.Race.Lake.BottomLeftInMeters.Easting;
 public ColoredCoordinatePoint(CoordinatePoint point, Color color)
     Point = point;
     Color = color;
        private Point CoordinatesToScreen(CoordinatePoint point)
            Lake lake = _lake;
            if (_zoomed&&_zoomedLake!=null)
                lake = _zoomedLake;

            //find length and width of the scaled area
            double scaleWidth = Math.Abs(lake.West - lake.East);
            double scaleHeight = Math.Abs(lake.North - lake.South);

            double scale; //the ratio of panel width to scaled width
            int dimension = 0; //the smallest dimension of the panel

            //set the scale based on whichever dimension is the longest
            //(if they are equal it doesn't matter)

            if (scaleWidth > scaleHeight)
                if ((lakePNL.Width / scaleWidth) * scaleHeight <= lakePNL.Height)
                    dimension = lakePNL.Width;
                    scale = (double)dimension / scaleWidth;
                    dimension = lakePNL.Height;
                    scale = (double)dimension / scaleHeight;
                if (((double)lakePNL.Height / scaleHeight) * scaleWidth <= lakePNL.Width)
                    dimension = lakePNL.Height;
                    scale = (double)dimension / scaleHeight;
                    dimension = lakePNL.Width;
                    scale = (double)dimension / scaleWidth;

            Point output = new Point();
            output.X = (int)((point.Longitude.Value - lake.West) * scale);
            output.Y = (int)(scaleHeight * scale) - (int)((point.Latitude.Value - lake.South) * scale);
            return output;
 public static double HaversineDistance(CoordinatePoint pa, CoordinatePoint pb)
     double R = 6371;//kilometers, otherwise 6371 for miles
     double dLat = toRadian(pa.Latitude.Value - pb.Latitude.Value);
     double dLon = toRadian(pa.Longitude.Value - pb.Longitude.Value);
     double a = Math.Sin(dLat / 2) * Math.Sin(dLat / 2) +
         Math.Cos(toRadian(pa.Latitude.Value)) * Math.Cos(toRadian(pb.Latitude.Value)) *
         Math.Sin(dLon / 2) * Math.Sin(dLon / 2);
     double c = 2 * Math.Asin(Math.Min(1, Math.Sqrt(a)));
     double d = R * c;
     return d*1000; //convert to meters
        private Point ScaleCoordinatesToScreen(CoordinatePoint point)
            //find length and width of the scaled area
            double scaleWidth = Math.Abs(_lake.West - _lake.East);
            double scaleHeight = Math.Abs(_lake.North - _lake.South);

            double scale; //the ratio of panel width to scaled width
            int dimension = 0; //the smallest dimension of the panel

            //set the scale based on whichever dimension is the longest
            //(if they are equal it doesn't matter)

            if (scaleWidth > scaleHeight)
                if ((this.Width / scaleWidth) * scaleHeight <= this.Height)
                    dimension = this.Width;
                    scale = (double)dimension / scaleWidth;
                    dimension = this.Height;
                    scale = (double)dimension / scaleHeight;
                if (((double)this.Height / scaleHeight) * scaleWidth <= this.Width)
                    dimension = this.Height;
                    scale = (double)dimension / scaleHeight;
                    dimension = this.Width;
                    scale = (double)dimension / scaleWidth;

            scale = scale / 1.5;

            Point output = new Point();
            output.X = (int)((point.Longitude.Value - _lake.West) * scale);
            output.Y = (int)(scaleHeight * scale) - (int)((point.Latitude.Value - _lake.South) * scale);
            return output;
        public void BuildBoatPathCurve(ReplayBoat boat)
            SortedList<int, int> tempBoatDataRowsCurveMap = new SortedList<int, int>();
            List<Vector3> tempControlPoints = new List<Vector3>();
            List<float> tempDistances = new List<float>();

            List<Vector3> controlPoints = new List<Vector3>();
            for (int i = 0; i < boat.SensorReadings.Count; i++)
                CoordinatePoint cp = new CoordinatePoint(new Coordinate(boat.SensorReadings[i].latitude), new Coordinate(boat.SensorReadings[i].longitude), 0);
            List<Vector3> curvePoints = BezierHelper.CreateSmoothedLine(controlPoints, out tempBoatDataRowsCurveMap, out tempControlPoints, out tempDistances);
            _boatDataRowsCurveMap[boat] = tempBoatDataRowsCurveMap;
            _boatPathCurve[boat] = new VertexPositionColor[(curvePoints.Count * 2) - 2];
            _boatPathControlPoints[boat] = tempControlPoints;
            _boatDataRowsDistances[boat] = tempDistances;

            float maxWidth = 0.2f;//meters/coord divisor
            float minWidth = 0.01f;//meters/coord divisor
            float maxSpeed = 20f;//kmh
            //float minSpeed = 0f;//kmh

            int vertexIndex = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < boat.SensorReadings.Count - 2; i++)
                int curveStart = _boatDataRowsCurveMap[boat][i];
                int curveEnd = _boatDataRowsCurveMap[boat][i + 1];

                float startDistance = _boatDataRowsDistances[boat][i];
                float endDistance = _boatDataRowsDistances[boat][i + 1];

                float startSpeed = (startDistance / 1000) / (float)(boat.SensorReadings[i + 1].datetime - boat.SensorReadings[i].datetime).TotalHours;
                float endSpeed = (endDistance / 1000) / (float)(boat.SensorReadings[i + 2].datetime - boat.SensorReadings[i + 1].datetime).TotalHours;

                float speedDelta = endSpeed - startSpeed;
                int curvePointCount = curveEnd - curveStart;

                for (int c = curveStart; c < curveEnd; c++)
                    float percentThrough = ((float)c - (float)curveStart) / (float)curvePointCount;
                    float speed = startSpeed + (percentThrough * speedDelta);

                    float width = minWidth + ((speed / maxSpeed) * (maxWidth - minWidth));

                    width = maxWidth - width;

                    float angleToNext = -(float)Math.Atan2(curvePoints[c + 1].Z - curvePoints[c].Z, curvePoints[c + 1].X - curvePoints[c].X);
                    float angleRight = angleToNext + MathHelper.PiOver2;
                    float angleLeft = angleToNext - MathHelper.PiOver2;

                    float rightX = curvePoints[c].X + (float)Math.Cos(angleRight) * (width / 2f);
                    float rightZ = curvePoints[c].Z - (float)Math.Sin(angleRight) * (width / 2f);
                    VertexPositionColor right = new VertexPositionColor();
                    right.Position = new Vector3(rightX, 0, rightZ);
                    _boatPathCurve[boat][vertexIndex] = right;

                    float leftX = curvePoints[c].X + (float)Math.Cos(angleLeft) * (width / 2f);
                    float leftZ = curvePoints[c].Z - (float)Math.Sin(angleLeft) * (width / 2f);
                    VertexPositionColor left = new VertexPositionColor();
                    left.Position = new Vector3(leftX, 0, leftZ);
                    _boatPathCurve[boat][vertexIndex] = left;
        private void LakeResizeControl_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            if (_lake != null)
                _mousePosition = new Point(e.X, e.Y);
                if (_mouseDown && _selectedCorner.HasValue)
                    double minDistance = 25.0;

                    CoordinatePoint a2 = new CoordinatePoint(new Coordinate(_lake.South), new Coordinate(_lake.East), 0);
                    CoordinatePoint b2 = new CoordinatePoint(new Coordinate(_lake.North), new Coordinate(_lake.West), 0);
                    Point tl = CoordinatesToScreen(b2);
                    Point br = CoordinatesToScreen(a2);
                    Point tr = new Point(br.X, tl.Y);
                    Point bl = new Point(tl.X, br.Y);

                    double tlDistance = CoordinatePoint.TwoDimensionalDistance(_mousePosition.X, _mousePosition.Y, tl.X, tl.Y);
                    double brDistance = CoordinatePoint.TwoDimensionalDistance(_mousePosition.X, _mousePosition.Y, br.X, br.Y);
                    double trDistance = CoordinatePoint.TwoDimensionalDistance(_mousePosition.X, _mousePosition.Y, tr.X, tr.Y);
                    double blDistance = CoordinatePoint.TwoDimensionalDistance(_mousePosition.X, _mousePosition.Y, bl.X, bl.Y);

                    if (tlDistance <= brDistance && tlDistance <= trDistance && tlDistance <= blDistance && tlDistance<minDistance)
                        _selectedCorner = SelectedCorner.TopLeft;
                        this.Cursor = Cursors.PanNW;
                    else if (brDistance <= tlDistance && brDistance <= trDistance && brDistance <= blDistance && brDistance<minDistance)
                        _selectedCorner = SelectedCorner.BottomRight;
                        this.Cursor = Cursors.PanSE;
                    else if (trDistance <= tlDistance && trDistance <= brDistance && trDistance <= blDistance && trDistance<minDistance)
                        _selectedCorner = SelectedCorner.TopRight;
                        this.Cursor = Cursors.PanNE;
                    else if (blDistance <= tlDistance && blDistance <= brDistance && blDistance <= trDistance && blDistance < minDistance)
                        _selectedCorner = SelectedCorner.BottomLeft;
                        this.Cursor = Cursors.PanSW;
                        _selectedCorner = null;
                        this.Cursor = Cursors.No;
        private bool FindGpsBounds(ref CoordinatePoint nw, ref CoordinatePoint se, ref double alt)
            double? minLat=null;// = double.MaxValue;
            double? maxLat = null;// = double.MinValue;
            double? minLong = null;// = double.MaxValue;
            double? maxLong = null;// = double.MinValue;
            //double altitude = 0;
            //int altcount = 0;
            foreach (AmphibianSoftware.VisualSail.Data.Boat b in _boats)
                //bool increment=false;
                if (b.GpsMinimumLatitude!=null && (minLat==null || b.GpsMinimumLatitude < minLat))
                    minLat = b.GpsMinimumLatitude;
                if (b.GpsMaximumLatitude!=null && (maxLat==null || b.GpsMaximumLatitude > maxLat))
                    maxLat = b.GpsMaximumLatitude;
                if (b.GpsMinimumLongitude!=null && (minLong==null || b.GpsMinimumLongitude < minLong))
                    minLong = b.GpsMinimumLongitude;
                if (b.GpsMaximumLongitude!=null && (maxLong==null || b.GpsMaximumLongitude > maxLong))
                    maxLong = b.GpsMaximumLongitude;
                //if (r.altitude != 0)
                //    if (altitude == 0)
                //    {
                //        altitude = r.altitude;
                //    }
                //    else
                //    {
                //        altitude = ((altitude * altcount) + r.altitude) / (altcount + 1);
                //    }
                //    altcount++;

            if (minLat!=null&&maxLat!=null&&minLong!=null&&maxLong!=null)
                //alt = altitude;
                nw = new CoordinatePoint(new Coordinate((double)maxLat), new Coordinate((double)minLong), alt);
                se = new CoordinatePoint(new Coordinate((double)minLat), new Coordinate((double)maxLong), alt);
                return true;
                return false;
 public double DistanceTo(ProjectedPoint point)
     if (Bouys.Count == 1)
         CoordinatePoint bp = new CoordinatePoint(Bouys[0].Latitude, Bouys[0].Longitude, 0);
         return CoordinatePoint.TwoDimensionalDistance(point.Easting, point.Northing, bp.Project().Easting, bp.Project().Northing);
     else if (Bouys.Count == 2)
         CoordinatePoint a = new CoordinatePoint(Bouys[0].Latitude, Bouys[0].Longitude, 0);
         CoordinatePoint b = new CoordinatePoint(Bouys[1].Latitude, Bouys[1].Longitude, 0);
         return GeometryHelper.DistancePointToLineSegment(a.Project().Easting, a.Project().Northing, b.Project().Easting, b.Project().Northing, point.Easting, point.Northing);
         throw new Exception("Not Implemented");