private string makeSignedUrl(string wsPage) { string requestString = "Service=AWSECommerceService" + "&Version=2009-03-31" + "&Operation=ItemSearch" + "&AssociateTag=proovitoo-20" + "&SearchIndex=Books" + "&ResponseGroup=Small,OfferSummary" + "&Keywords=" + this.fWord + "&ItemPage=" + wsPage ; AmazonProductAdvtApi.SignedRequestHelper srh = new AmazonProductAdvtApi.SignedRequestHelper(AWS_KEY, AWS_SECRET, destination); string requestUrl = srh.Sign(requestString); return(requestUrl); }
public static void Main() { SignedRequestHelper helper = new SignedRequestHelper(MY_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, MY_AWS_SECRET_KEY, DESTINATION); /* * The helper supports two forms of requests - dictionary form and query string form. */ String requestUrl; String title; /* * Here is an ItemLookup example where the request is stored as a dictionary. */ IDictionary <string, string> r1 = new Dictionary <string, String>(); r1["Service"] = "AWSECommerceService"; r1["Version"] = "2009-03-31"; r1["Operation"] = "ItemLookup"; r1["ItemId"] = ITEM_ID; r1["ResponseGroup"] = "Small"; /* Random params for testing */ r1["AnUrl"] = ""; r1["AnEmailAddress"] = "*****@*****.**"; r1["AUnicodeString"] = "αβγδεٵٶٷٸٹٺチャーハン叉焼"; r1["Latin1Chars"] = "ĀāĂ㥹ĆćĈĉĊċČčĎďĐđĒēĔĕĖėĘęĚěĜĝĞğĠġĢģĤĥĦħĨĩĪīĬĭĮįİıIJij"; requestUrl = helper.Sign(r1); title = FetchTitle(requestUrl); System.Console.WriteLine("Method 1: ItemLookup Dictionary form."); System.Console.WriteLine("Title is \"" + title + "\""); System.Console.WriteLine(); /* * Here is a CartCreate example where the request is stored as a dictionary. */ IDictionary <string, string> r2 = new Dictionary <string, String>(); r2["Service"] = "AWSECommerceService"; r2["Version"] = "2009-03-31"; r2["Operation"] = "CartCreate"; r2["Item.1.OfferListingId"] = "Ho46Hryi78b4j6Qa4HdSDD0Jhan4MILFeRSa9mK+6ZTpeCBiw0mqMjOG7ZsrzvjqUdVqvwVp237ZWaoLqzY11w=="; r2["Item.1.Quantity"] = "1"; requestUrl = helper.Sign(r2); title = FetchTitle(requestUrl); System.Console.WriteLine("Method 1: CartCreate Dictionary form."); System.Console.WriteLine("Cart Item Title is \"" + title + "\""); System.Console.WriteLine(); /* * Here is an example where the request is stored as a query-string: */ /* * string requestString = "Service=AWSECommerceService&Version=2009-03-31&Operation=ItemLookup&ResponseGroup=Small&ItemId=" + ITEM_ID; */ System.Console.WriteLine("Method 2: Query String form."); String[] Keywords = new String[] { "surprise!", "café", "black~berry", "James (Jim) Collins", "münchen", "harry potter (paperback)", "black*berry", "finger lickin' good", "!\"#$%'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~", "αβγδε", "ٵٶٷٸٹٺ", "チャーハン", "叉焼", }; foreach (String keyword in Keywords) { String requestString = "Service=AWSECommerceService" + "&Version=2009-03-31" + "&Operation=ItemSearch" + "&SearchIndex=Books" + "&ResponseGroup=Small" + "&Keywords=" + keyword ; requestUrl = helper.Sign(requestString); title = FetchTitle(requestUrl); System.Console.WriteLine("Keyword=\"" + keyword + "\"; Title=\"" + title + "\""); System.Console.WriteLine(); } String cartCreateRequestString = "Service=AWSECommerceService" + "&Version=2009-03-31" + "&Operation=CartCreate" + "&Item.1.OfferListingId=Ho46Hryi78b4j6Qa4HdSDD0Jhan4MILFeRSa9mK%2B6ZTpeCBiw0mqMjOG7ZsrzvjqUdVqvwVp237ZWaoLqzY11w%3D%3D" + "&Item.1.Quantity=1" ; requestUrl = helper.Sign(cartCreateRequestString); title = FetchTitle(requestUrl); System.Console.WriteLine("Cart Item Title=\"" + title + "\""); System.Console.WriteLine(); System.Console.WriteLine("Hit Enter to end"); System.Console.ReadLine(); }
private const string ITEM_ID = "B00URGA106"; // testing public static void Main() { SignedRequestHelper helper = new SignedRequestHelper(MY_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, MY_AWS_SECRET_KEY, DESTINATION); /* * The helper supports two forms of requests - dictionary form and query string form. */ String requestUrl; String title; /* * Here is an ItemLookup example where the request is stored as a dictionary. */ IDictionary <string, string> r1 = new Dictionary <string, String>(); //r1["Service"] = "AWSECommerceService"; //r1["Version"] = "2009-03-31"; //r1["Operation"] = "ItemLookup"; //r1["ItemId"] = ITEM_ID; //r1["ResponseGroup"] = "Small"; r1["Service"] = "AWSECommerceService"; r1["Operation"] = "ItemSearch"; r1["AssociateTag"] = MY_ASSOCIATE_ID; r1["SearchIndex"] = "All"; r1["ResponseGroup"] = "Images,ItemAttributes,OfferListings,Offers,Reviews"; r1["Keywords"] = "irulu tablet"; // for testing r1["IncludeReviewsSummary"] = "true"; /* Random params for testing */ //r1["AnUrl"] = ""; //r1["AnEmailAddress"] = "*****@*****.**"; //r1["AUnicodeString"] = "αβγδεٵٶٷٸٹٺチャーハン叉焼"; //r1["Latin1Chars"] = "ĀāĂ㥹ĆćĈĉĊċČčĎďĐđĒēĔĕĖėĘęĚěĜĝĞğĠġĢģĤĥĦħĨĩĪīĬĭĮįİıIJij"; requestUrl = helper.Sign(r1); title = FetchTitle(requestUrl); System.Console.WriteLine("Method 1: ItemLookup Dictionary form."); System.Console.WriteLine("Title is \"" + title + "\""); System.Console.WriteLine(); /* * Here is a CartCreate example where the request is stored as a dictionary. */ //IDictionary<string, string> r2 = new Dictionary<string, String>(); //r2["Service"] = "AWSECommerceService"; //r2["Version"] = "2009-03-31"; //r2["Operation"] = "CartCreate"; //r2["Item.1.OfferListingId"] = "B2xd2%2FB6LiwfnK%2BL1TLgKiClW1M4f7l2Hp2uRloaw%2FqtnH9cn5Xggq%2B8dmR4bOjPC6qZzMsxnHDorc8np4ETEmKSIiZwPCkXQR3GgqA5uFkInSRu8borpemtfBJ%2BjhFEnxHJLaE2UkXIrjJm6jqi1RdLVM8yLGEo"; //r2["Item.1.Quantity"] = "1"; //requestUrl = helper.Sign(r2); //title = FetchTitle(requestUrl); //System.Console.WriteLine("Method 1: CartCreate Dictionary form."); //System.Console.WriteLine("Cart Item Title is \"" + title + "\""); //System.Console.WriteLine(); /* * Here is an example where the request is stored as a query-string: */ /* * string requestString = "Service=AWSECommerceService&Version=2009-03-31&Operation=ItemLookup&ResponseGroup=Small&ItemId=" + ITEM_ID; */ //System.Console.WriteLine("Method 2: Query String form."); //String[] Keywords = new String[] { // "surprise!", // "café", // "black~berry", // "James (Jim) Collins", // "münchen", // "harry potter (paperback)", // "black*berry", // "finger lickin' good", // "!\"#$%'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~", // "αβγδε", // "ٵٶٷٸٹٺ", // "チャーハン", // "叉焼", //}; //foreach (String keyword in Keywords) //{ // String requestString = "Service=AWSECommerceService" // + "&Version=2009-03-31" // + "&Operation=ItemSearch" // + "&SearchIndex=Books" // + "&ResponseGroup=Small" // + "&Keywords=" + keyword // ; // requestUrl = helper.Sign(requestString); // title = FetchTitle(requestUrl); // System.Console.WriteLine("Keyword=\"" + keyword + "\"; Title=\"" + title + "\""); // System.Console.WriteLine(); //} //String cartCreateRequestString = // "Service=AWSECommerceService" // + "&Version=2009-03-31" // + "&Operation=CartCreate" // + "&Item.1.OfferListingId=Ho46Hryi78b4j6Qa4HdSDD0Jhan4MILFeRSa9mK%2B6ZTpeCBiw0mqMjOG7ZsrzvjqUdVqvwVp237ZWaoLqzY11w%3D%3D" // + "&Item.1.Quantity=1" // ; //requestUrl = helper.Sign(cartCreateRequestString); //title = FetchTitle(requestUrl); //System.Console.WriteLine("Cart Item Title=\"" + title + "\""); //System.Console.WriteLine(); System.Console.WriteLine("Hit Enter to end"); System.Console.ReadLine(); }