protected override void PreExecutionContextLoad(ExecutorContext context)
     if (this.SourceTemplateData != null)
         this.LaunchTemplateData = AmazonEC2Helper.FromResponseTemplateData(this.SourceTemplateData);
        protected override void ProcessRecord()

            var resourceIdentifiersText = FormatParameterValuesForConfirmationMsg(nameof(this.InstanceEventWindowId), MyInvocation.BoundParameters);

            if (!ConfirmShouldProceed(this.Force.IsPresent, resourceIdentifiersText, "Register-EC2InstanceEventWindow (AssociateInstanceEventWindow)"))

            var context = new CmdletContext();

            // allow for manipulation of parameters prior to loading into context

            #pragma warning disable CS0618, CS0612 //A class member was marked with the Obsolete attribute
            if (ParameterWasBound(nameof(this.Select)))
                context.Select = CreateSelectDelegate <Amazon.EC2.Model.AssociateInstanceEventWindowResponse, RegisterEC2InstanceEventWindowCmdlet>(Select) ??
                                 throw new System.ArgumentException("Invalid value for -Select parameter.", nameof(this.Select));
                if (this.PassThru.IsPresent)
                    throw new System.ArgumentException("-PassThru cannot be used when -Select is specified.", nameof(this.Select));
            else if (this.PassThru.IsPresent)
                context.Select = (response, cmdlet) => this.InstanceEventWindowId;
            #pragma warning restore CS0618, CS0612 //A class member was marked with the Obsolete attribute
            if (this.AssociationTarget_DedicatedHostId != null)
                context.AssociationTarget_DedicatedHostId = new List <System.String>(this.AssociationTarget_DedicatedHostId);
            if (this.AssociationTarget_InstanceId != null)
                context.AssociationTarget_InstanceId = AmazonEC2Helper.InstanceParamToIDs(this.AssociationTarget_InstanceId);

            if (this.AssociationTarget_InstanceTag != null)
                context.AssociationTarget_InstanceTag = new List <Amazon.EC2.Model.Tag>(this.AssociationTarget_InstanceTag);
            context.InstanceEventWindowId = this.InstanceEventWindowId;
            #if MODULAR
            if (this.InstanceEventWindowId == null && ParameterWasBound(nameof(this.InstanceEventWindowId)))
                WriteWarning("You are passing $null as a value for parameter InstanceEventWindowId which is marked as required. In case you believe this parameter was incorrectly marked as required, report this by opening an issue at");

            // allow further manipulation of loaded context prior to processing

            var output = Execute(context) as CmdletOutput;
        protected override void PostExecutionContextLoad(ExecutorContext context)
            var cmdletContext = context as CmdletContext;

            if (this.AssociatePublicIp.HasValue)
                if (cmdletContext.NetworkInterface == null)
                    // Else initialize the NetworkInterfaceSet property,
                    // create an InstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecification with DeviceIndex 0 and
                    // set the flag.
                    var netInterface = new InstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecification
                        DeviceIndex = 0,
                        AssociatePublicIpAddress = this.AssociatePublicIp.Value,
                        SubnetId         = cmdletContext.SubnetId,
                        PrivateIpAddress = cmdletContext.PrivateIpAddress,

                    if (cmdletContext.SecurityGroupId != null)
                        netInterface.Groups = cmdletContext.SecurityGroupId;

                    cmdletContext.NetworkInterface = new List <InstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecification>

                    // Set SubnetId and PrivateIpAddress to null as we have processed these parameters
                    // at NIC level.
                    cmdletContext.SubnetId         = null;
                    cmdletContext.PrivateIpAddress = null;
                    cmdletContext.SecurityGroupId  = null;
                    // Set the flag on the Network Interface with Deviceindex 0 if Network Interfaces are specified.
                    var networkInterface0 = cmdletContext.NetworkInterface.SingleOrDefault(
                        n => n.DeviceIndex == 0);
                    if (networkInterface0 != null)
                        networkInterface0.AssociatePublicIpAddress = this.AssociatePublicIp.Value;

                cmdletContext.UserData = AmazonEC2Helper.LoadUserData(this.UserData, this.UserDataFile, this.EncodeUserData);
            catch (IOException e)
                ThrowArgumentError("Error attempting to access UserDataFile.", UserDataFile, e);
        protected override void ProcessRecord()

            var context = new CmdletContext();

            // allow for manipulation of parameters prior to loading into context

            #pragma warning disable CS0618, CS0612 //A class member was marked with the Obsolete attribute
            if (ParameterWasBound(nameof(this.Select)))
                context.Select = CreateSelectDelegate <Amazon.EC2.Model.DescribeInstanceStatusResponse, GetEC2InstanceStatusCmdlet>(Select) ??
                                 throw new System.ArgumentException("Invalid value for -Select parameter.", nameof(this.Select));
                if (this.PassThru.IsPresent)
                    throw new System.ArgumentException("-PassThru cannot be used when -Select is specified.", nameof(this.Select));
            else if (this.PassThru.IsPresent)
                context.Select = (response, cmdlet) => this.InstanceId;
            #pragma warning restore CS0618, CS0612 //A class member was marked with the Obsolete attribute
            if (this.Filter != null)
                context.Filter = new List <Amazon.EC2.Model.Filter>(this.Filter);
            context.IncludeAllInstance = this.IncludeAllInstance;
            if (this.InstanceId != null)
                context.InstanceId = AmazonEC2Helper.InstanceParamToIDs(this.InstanceId);

            context.MaxResult = this.MaxResult;
            #if !MODULAR
            if (ParameterWasBound(nameof(this.MaxResult)) && this.MaxResult.HasValue)
                WriteWarning("AWSPowerShell and AWSPowerShell.NetCore use the MaxResult parameter to limit the total number of items returned by the cmdlet." +
                             " This behavior is obsolete and will be removed in a future version of these modules. Pipe the output of this cmdlet into Select-Object -First to terminate" +
                             " retrieving data pages early and control the number of items returned. AWS.Tools already implements the new behavior of simply passing MaxResult" +
                             " to the service to specify how many items should be returned by each service call.");
            context.NextToken = this.NextToken;

            // allow further manipulation of loaded context prior to processing

            var output = Execute(context) as CmdletOutput;
        protected override void ProcessRecord()

            var resourceIdentifiersText = FormatParameterValuesForConfirmationMsg(nameof(this.InstanceId), MyInvocation.BoundParameters);

            if (!ConfirmShouldProceed(this.Force.IsPresent, resourceIdentifiersText, "Stop-EC2Instance (StopInstances)"))

            var context = new CmdletContext();

            // allow for manipulation of parameters prior to loading into context

            #pragma warning disable CS0618, CS0612 //A class member was marked with the Obsolete attribute
            if (ParameterWasBound(nameof(this.Select)))
                context.Select = CreateSelectDelegate <Amazon.EC2.Model.StopInstancesResponse, StopEC2InstanceCmdlet>(Select) ??
                                 throw new System.ArgumentException("Invalid value for -Select parameter.", nameof(this.Select));
                if (this.PassThru.IsPresent)
                    throw new System.ArgumentException("-PassThru cannot be used when -Select is specified.", nameof(this.Select));
            else if (this.PassThru.IsPresent)
                context.Select = (response, cmdlet) => this.InstanceId;
            #pragma warning restore CS0618, CS0612 //A class member was marked with the Obsolete attribute
            context.Enforce   = this.Enforce;
            context.Hibernate = this.Hibernate;
            if (this.InstanceId != null)
                context.InstanceId = AmazonEC2Helper.InstanceParamToIDs(this.InstanceId);

            // allow further manipulation of loaded context prior to processing

            var output = Execute(context) as CmdletOutput;
        protected override void ProcessRecord()

            var context = new CmdletContext();

            // allow for manipulation of parameters prior to loading into context

            #pragma warning disable CS0618, CS0612 //A class member was marked with the Obsolete attribute
            if (ParameterWasBound(nameof(this.Select)))
                context.Select = CreateSelectDelegate <Amazon.EC2.Model.DescribeInstancesResponse, GetEC2InstanceCmdlet>(Select) ??
                                 throw new System.ArgumentException("Invalid value for -Select parameter.", nameof(this.Select));
                if (this.PassThru.IsPresent)
                    throw new System.ArgumentException("-PassThru cannot be used when -Select is specified.", nameof(this.Select));
            else if (this.PassThru.IsPresent)
                context.Select = (response, cmdlet) => this.InstanceId;
            #pragma warning restore CS0618, CS0612 //A class member was marked with the Obsolete attribute
            if (this.Filter != null)
                context.Filter = new List <Amazon.EC2.Model.Filter>(this.Filter);
            if (this.InstanceId != null)
                context.InstanceId = AmazonEC2Helper.InstanceParamToIDs(this.InstanceId);

            context.MaxResult = this.MaxResult;
            context.NextToken = this.NextToken;

            // allow further manipulation of loaded context prior to processing

            var output = Execute(context) as CmdletOutput;