Encapsulates the information needed to notify errors of Mobile Analytics Manager.
Inheritance: System.EventArgs
 /// <summary>
 /// Resume the current session.
 /// ResumeSession() is the entry point into the Amazon Mobile Analytics SDK where sessions can be resumed. Session is created and started immediately
 /// after instantiating the MobileAnalyticsManager object. The session remains active until it is paused. When in a paused state, the session time will
 /// not accumulate. When resuming a session, if enough time has elapsed from when the session is paused to when it's resumed, the session is ended and
 /// a new session is created and started. Otherwise, the paused session is resumed and the session time continues to accumulate. Currently session
 /// time out default value is 5 seconds.
 /// For example, on Android platform, when MobileAnalyticsManager is first instantiated, it creates Session 1. As the user transitions from activity to activity, the old
 /// activity will pause the current session, and the new activity will immediately resume the current session. In this case, Session 1 remains active
 /// and accumulates session time. The user continues to use the App for a total of 3 minutes, at which point, the user receives a phone call.
 /// When transitioning to the phone call, the current activity will pause the session and then transition to the phone app. In this case Session 1
 /// remains paused while the phone call is in progress and session time does not accumulate. After completing the phone call a few minutes later,
 /// the user returns to the App and the activity will resume Session 1. Since enough time has elapsed since resuming Session 1, Session 1 will be ended
 /// with a play time of 3 minutes. Session 2 will then be immediately created and started.
 /// In order for MobileAnalyticsManager to track sessions, you must call the PauseSession() and ResumeSession() in each activity of your app.
 /// <example>
 /// The example below shows how to pause and resume session in Xamarin Android
 /// <code>
 ///public class MainActivity : Activity
 ///    private static MobileAnalyticsManager _manager = null;
 ///    protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)
 ///    {
 ///        _manager = MobileAnalyticsManager.GetOrCreateInstance(YourAppId, YourCredential, RegionEndpoint.USEast1, YourConfig);
 ///        base.OnCreate(bundle);
 ///    }
 ///    protected override void OnResume()
 ///    {
 ///        await _manager.ResumeSession();
 ///        base.OnResume();
 ///    }
 ///    protected override void OnPause()
 ///    {
 ///        await _manager.PauseSession();
 ///        base.OnPause();
 ///    }
 /// </code>
 /// </example>
 /// </summary>
 public void ResumeSession()
     catch (Exception e)
         _logger.Error(e, "An exception occurred when resume session.");
         MobileAnalyticsErrorEventArgs eventArgs = new MobileAnalyticsErrorEventArgs(this.GetType().Name, "An exception occurred when resuming session.", e, new List <Amazon.MobileAnalytics.Model.Event>());
 internal void OnRaiseErrorEvent(MobileAnalyticsErrorEventArgs eventArgs)
     AWSSDKUtils.InvokeInBackground(MobileAnalyticsErrorEvent, eventArgs, this);
 internal void OnRaiseErrorEvent(MobileAnalyticsErrorEventArgs eventArgs)
     AWSSDKUtils.InvokeInBackground(MobileAnalyticsErrorEvent, eventArgs, this);
 /// <summary>
 /// Resume the current session.
 /// ResumeSession() is the entry point into the Amazon Mobile Analytics SDK where sessions can be resumed. Session is created and started immediately 
 /// after instantiating the MobileAnalyticsManager object. The session remains active until it is paused. When in a paused state, the session time will 
 /// not accumulate. When resuming a session, if enough time has elapsed from when the session is paused to when it's resumed, the session is ended and 
 /// a new session is created and started. Otherwise, the paused session is resumed and the session time continues to accumulate. Currently session 
 /// time out default value is 5 seconds.
 /// For example, on Android platform, when MobileAnalyticsManager is first instantiated, it creates Session 1. As the user transitions from activity to activity, the old 
 /// activity will pause the current session, and the new activity will immediately resume the current session. In this case, Session 1 remains active 
 /// and accumulates session time. The user continues to use the App for a total of 3 minutes, at which point, the user receives a phone call. 
 /// When transitioning to the phone call, the current activity will pause the session and then transition to the phone app. In this case Session 1 
 /// remains paused while the phone call is in progress and session time does not accumulate. After completing the phone call a few minutes later, 
 /// the user returns to the App and the activity will resume Session 1. Since enough time has elapsed since resuming Session 1, Session 1 will be ended 
 /// with a play time of 3 minutes. Session 2 will then be immediately created and started.
 /// In order for MobileAnalyticsManager to track sessions, you must call the PauseSession() and ResumeSession() in each activity of your app.
 /// <example>
 /// The example below shows how to pause and resume session in Xamarin Android
 /// <code>
 ///public class MainActivity : Activity
 ///    private static MobileAnalyticsManager _manager = null;
 ///    protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)
 ///    {
 ///        _manager = MobileAnalyticsManager.GetOrCreateInstance(YourAppId, YourCredential, RegionEndpoint.USEast1, YourConfig);
 ///        base.OnCreate(bundle);
 ///    }
 ///    protected override void OnResume()
 ///    {
 ///        await _manager.ResumeSession();
 ///        base.OnResume();
 ///    }
 ///    protected override void OnPause()
 ///    {
 ///        await _manager.PauseSession();
 ///        base.OnPause();
 ///    }
 /// </code>  
 /// </example> 
 /// </summary>
 public void ResumeSession()
     catch (Exception e)
         _logger.Error(e, "An exception occurred when resume session.");
         MobileAnalyticsErrorEventArgs eventArgs = new MobileAnalyticsErrorEventArgs(this.GetType().Name, "An exception occurred when resuming session.", e, new List<Amazon.MobileAnalytics.Model.Event>());
        /// <summary>
        /// Enqueues the events for delivery. The event is stored in an instance of <see cref="Amazon.MobileAnalytics.MobileAnalyticsManager.Internal.IEventStore"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="eventObject">Event object.<see cref="Amazon.MobileAnalytics.Model.Event"/></param>
        public void EnqueueEventsForDelivery(Amazon.MobileAnalytics.Model.Event eventObject)
#if BCL35            
            ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(delegate
#elif PCL || BCL45
            Task.Run(() =>
                string eventString = null;
                    eventString = JsonMapper.ToJson(eventObject);
                catch (Exception e)
                    _logger.Error(e, "An exception occurred when converting low level client event to json string.");
                    List<Amazon.MobileAnalytics.Model.Event> eventList = new List<Amazon.MobileAnalytics.Model.Event>();
                    MobileAnalyticsErrorEventArgs eventArgs = new MobileAnalyticsErrorEventArgs(this.GetType().Name, "An exception occurred when converting low level client event to json string.", e, eventList);

                if (null != eventString)
                        _eventStore.PutEvent(eventString, _appID);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        _logger.Error(e, "Event {0} was not stored.", eventObject.EventType);
                        MobileAnalyticsErrorEventArgs eventArgs = new MobileAnalyticsErrorEventArgs(this.GetType().Name, "An exception occurred when storing event into event store.", e, new List<Amazon.MobileAnalytics.Model.Event>());
                    _logger.DebugFormat("Event {0} is queued for delivery", eventObject.EventType);
#if BCL35
#elif PCL || BCL45
        private async Task SubmitEvents(List<string> rowIds, List<Amazon.MobileAnalytics.Model.Event> eventList)

            PutEventsRequest putRequest = new PutEventsRequest();
            putRequest.Events = eventList;
            putRequest.ClientContext = Convert.ToBase64String(
            putRequest.ClientContextEncoding = "base64";
            _logger.DebugFormat("Client Context is : {0}", _clientContext.ToJsonString());

            PutEventsResponse resp = null;

#if BCL35                
                resp = _mobileAnalyticsLowLevelClient.PutEvents(putRequest);
#elif PCL || BCL45
                resp = await _mobileAnalyticsLowLevelClient.PutEventsAsync(putRequest).ConfigureAwait(false);
            catch (AmazonMobileAnalyticsException e)
                _logger.Error(e, "An AmazonMobileAnalyticsException occurred while sending Amazon Mobile Analytics request: error code is {0} ; error type is {1} ; request id is {2} ; status code is {3} ; error message is {4}", e.ErrorCode, e.ErrorType, e.RequestId, e.StatusCode, e.Message);
                // Delete events in any of the three error codes.
                if (e.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.BadRequest &&
                     (e.ErrorCode.Equals("ValidationException", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) ||
                      e.ErrorCode.Equals("SerializationException", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) ||
                      e.ErrorCode.Equals("BadRequestException", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)))
                    MobileAnalyticsErrorEventArgs eventArgs = new MobileAnalyticsErrorEventArgs(this.GetType().Name, "Amazon Mobile Analytics Service returned an error.", e, eventList);

                    _logger.InfoFormat("The error code is not retriable. Delete {0} events from local storage.", rowIds.Count);
                    MobileAnalyticsErrorEventArgs eventArgs = new MobileAnalyticsErrorEventArgs(this.GetType().Name, "Amazon Mobile Analytics Service returned an error.", e, new List<Amazon.MobileAnalytics.Model.Event>());
            catch (AmazonServiceException e)
                _logger.Error(e, "An AmazonServiceException occurred while sending Amazon Mobile Analytics request:  error code is {0} ; error type is {1} ; request id is {2} ; status code is {3} ; error message is {4} ", e.ErrorCode, e.ErrorType, e.RequestId, e.StatusCode, e.Message);
                MobileAnalyticsErrorEventArgs eventArgs = new MobileAnalyticsErrorEventArgs(this.GetType().Name, "Amazon Web Service returned an error.", e, new List<Amazon.MobileAnalytics.Model.Event>());
            catch (Exception e)
                _logger.Error(e, "An exception occurred while sending Amazon Mobile Analytics request.");
                MobileAnalyticsErrorEventArgs eventArgs = new MobileAnalyticsErrorEventArgs(this.GetType().Name, "An exception occurred when sending request to Amazon Mobile Analytics.", e, new List<Amazon.MobileAnalytics.Model.Event>());
                if (resp != null && resp.HttpStatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Accepted)
                    _logger.InfoFormat("Mobile Analytics client successfully delivered {0} events to service. Delete those events from local storage.", rowIds.Count);
        private void EnqueueEventsHelper(Amazon.MobileAnalytics.Model.Event eventObject)
            string eventString = null;
                eventString = JsonMapper.ToJson(eventObject);
            catch (Exception e)
                _logger.Error(e, "An exception occurred when converting low level client event to json string.");
                List<Amazon.MobileAnalytics.Model.Event> eventList = new List<Amazon.MobileAnalytics.Model.Event>();
                MobileAnalyticsErrorEventArgs eventArgs = new MobileAnalyticsErrorEventArgs(this.GetType().Name, "An exception occurred when converting low level client event to json string.", e, eventList);

            if (null != eventString)
                    _eventStore.PutEvent(eventString, _appID);
                catch (Exception e)
                    _logger.Error(e, "Event {0} was not stored.", eventObject.EventType);
                    MobileAnalyticsErrorEventArgs eventArgs = new MobileAnalyticsErrorEventArgs(this.GetType().Name, "An exception occurred when storing event into event store.", e, new List<Amazon.MobileAnalytics.Model.Event>());
                _logger.DebugFormat("Event {0} is queued for delivery", eventObject.EventType);