/// <summary>
 /// Copies the data of the column (columns have same type, index is inside bounds), or replaces 
 /// the column (columns of different types, index inside bounds), or adds the column (index outside bounds).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="index">The column position where to replace or add.</param>
 /// <param name="datac">The column from which the data should be copied or which should replace the existing column or which should be added.</param>
 /// <param name="name">The name under which the column should be stored.</param>
 public void CopyOrReplaceOrAdd(int index, DataColumn datac, string name)
       // if the column to add has a parent, we can not add the column directly (we are then not the owner), so we clone it
       Replace(index,datac.ParentObject==null ? datac : (DataColumn)datac.Clone());
     // if the column to add has a parent, we can not add the column directly (we are then not the owner), so we clone it
     Add(datac.ParentObject==null ? datac : (DataColumn)datac.Clone(), name);