private bool RunSyntaxLinter(A3Log log) { Process process = new Process(); process.StartInfo.FileName = "yamllint"; process.StartInfo.Arguments = string.Concat("-c \"", A3Environment.YAML_LINT_CONFIG, "\" -f parsable \"", Path.Trim().Replace("\"", ""), "\""); process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; process.Start(); string text = process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(); process.WaitForExit(); bool error = false; text.Split(new[] { "\r\n", "\r", "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None).ToList().ForEach(l => { if (l.Contains("[error]")) { log.Write(A3Log.Level.Error, l); error = true; } else if (l.Contains("[warning]")) { log.Write(A3Log.Level.Warn, l); } }); return(error); }
private (string name, string filename, bool haslabs, bool hasslides, bool hasvideos, string weburl) GetCourseInfo(A3Log log) { // Set the default values for the course info (string name, string filename, bool haslabs, bool hasslides, bool hasvideos, string weburl) = (null, null, false, false, false, null); // Find the course slide and log errors A3Slide course = GetCourse(log); // Split the notes section by the lines and then look for the specified metadata keys List <string> noteLines = new List <string>(course.Notes.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.None)); foreach (string line in noteLines) { List <string> map = new List <string>(line.Trim().Split(':')); if (Enum.TryParse(map[0].Remove('-').Trim().ToUpper(), out A3Outline.Metadata enumValue) && map.Count > 1) { switch (enumValue) { case A3Outline.Metadata.NAME: name = map[1]; break; case A3Outline.Metadata.FILENAME: filename = map[1]; break; case A3Outline.Metadata.HASLABS: try { haslabs = Convert.ToBoolean(map[1].ToLower()); } catch { log.Write(A3Log.Level.Warn, "Failed to convert has-labs value to a boolean. -- Defaulting to false."); } break; case A3Outline.Metadata.HASSLIDES: try { hasslides = Convert.ToBoolean(map[1].ToLower()); } catch { log.Write(A3Log.Level.Warn, "Failed to convert has-slides value to a boolean. -- Defaulting to false."); } break; case A3Outline.Metadata.HASVIDEOS: try { hasvideos = Convert.ToBoolean(map[1].ToLower()); } catch { log.Write(A3Log.Level.Warn, "Failed to convert has-videos value to a boolean. -- Defaulting to false."); } break; case A3Outline.Metadata.WEBURL: weburl = map[1]; break; } } } return(name, filename, haslabs, hasslides, hasvideos, weburl); }
public A3Outline Deserialize(A3Log log) { IDeserializer deserializer = new DeserializerBuilder().WithNamingConvention(new CamelCaseNamingConvention()).Build(); A3Outline outline = new A3Outline(); try { outline = deserializer.Deserialize <A3Outline>(Text); return(outline); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Write(A3Log.Level.Error, ex.Message); Process.Start(log.Path); Process.Start(Path); DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show(AlertMessages[Alerts.DeserializationError].Replace("{}", ex.Message), "DESERIALIZATION ERROR!", MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Retry) { A3Yaml a3Yaml = new A3Yaml(Path); a3Yaml.Lint(log); return(Deserialize(log)); } A3Environment.QUIT_FROM_CURRENT_LOOP = true; return(outline); } }
public string FillSubchapter(A3Log log, A3Slide slide, string subchapter, int count) { switch (slide.Type) { case Types.CHAPTER: log.Write(A3Log.Level.Info, "Slide number {} was identified as a Chapter slide.".Replace("{}", count.ToString())); subchapter = "Contents"; A3Environment.AFTER_CHAPTER = true; break; case Types.CONTENT: if (slide.Subchapter != subchapter && A3Environment.AFTER_CHAPTER) { if (string.Equals(slide.Subchapter, "Contents")) { slide.Subchapter = subchapter; slide.WriteTag(Tags.CHAPSUB); log.Write(A3Log.Level.Info, "Slide number {N} was identified as a Content slide which has a unique subchapter name: {SC}, which has overwritten the current \"Contents\" subchapter name.".Replace("{N}", count.ToString()).Replace("{SC}", subchapter)); } else { subchapter = slide.Subchapter; log.Write(A3Log.Level.Info, "Slide number {N} was identified as a Content slide which has a new subchapter name: {SC}.".Replace("{N}", count.ToString()).Replace("{SC}", subchapter)); } } else { log.Write(A3Log.Level.Info, "Slide number {N} was identified as a Content slide which matched the prvious subchapter: {SC}.".Replace("{N}", count.ToString()).Replace("{SC}", subchapter)); } break; case Types.QUESTION: A3Environment.Clean(); log.Write(A3Log.Level.Info, "Slide number {} was identified as a Question slide, no more slides will be parsed.".Replace("{}", count.ToString())); break; } return subchapter; }
public void FixMetadata(A3Log log, bool alert) { List<Alerts> alerts = AlertOrDefaultMetadataValues(); while (alerts.Count > 0 && A3Environment.QUIT_FROM_CURRENT_LOOP is false) { alerts.Insert(0, Alerts.SlideInfo); string message = string.Join(" ", alerts.Select(a => AlertMessages[a].Replace("{SN}", Slide.SlideNumber.ToString()) .Replace("{GUID}", Guid)) .ToList()); log.Write(A3Log.Level.Warn, message); if (alerts.All(a => a is Alerts.TypeDefaultInfered)) return; else if (alert) { Slide.Select(); message = string.Concat(message, AlertMessages[Alerts.Continue]); DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show(message, AlertMessages[Alerts.MessageInfo], MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.No) return; } ShowMetadataForm(); FixMetadata(log, true); } }
private void ConvertIncomingYamlKeys(A3Log log) { List <string> convertedLines = new List <string>() { }; for (int i = 0; i < Lines.Count; i++) { string line = Lines[i]; string word = line.Trim().TrimStart('-').Split(' ')[0]; if (KeyMappings.TryGetValue(word.ToLower(), out string replace)) { convertedLines.Add(ReplaceFirstOccurance(line, word, replace)); } else if (line.Split(':').Length > 1) { log.Write(A3Log.Level.Warn, AlertMessages[Alerts.YamlIncomingKeyMapWarn].Replace("{}", i.ToString())); } convertedLines.Add(line); } Lines = convertedLines; UpdateTextFromLines(); }