        private DirectoryInfo CreateSubdirectoryCore(string path, string templatePath, ObjectSecurity directorySecurity, bool compress)
            string pathLp         = Path.CombineCore(false, LongFullName, path);
            string templatePathLp = templatePath == null ? null :
                                    Path.GetExtendedLengthPathCore(Transaction, templatePath, PathFormat.RelativePath, GetFullPathOptions.TrimEnd | GetFullPathOptions.RemoveTrailingDirectorySeparator);

            if (string.Compare(LongFullName, 0, pathLp, 0, LongFullName.Length, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.Invalid_Subpath, "path");

            return(Directory.CreateDirectoryCore(Transaction, pathLp, templatePathLp, directorySecurity, compress, PathFormat.LongFullPath));
        private T NewFileSystemEntryType <T>(NativeMethods.WIN32_FIND_DATA win32FindData, string fileName, string pathLp, bool isFolder)
            // Determine yield.
            if (FileSystemObjectType != null && (!(bool)FileSystemObjectType || !isFolder) && (!(bool)!FileSystemObjectType || isFolder))

            var fullPathLp = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}{1}", pathLp, fileName ?? string.Empty);

            // Return object instance FullPath property as string, optionally in long path format.
            if (AsString)
               ? fullPathLp
               : (AsLongPath ? fullPathLp : Path.GetRegularPathCore(fullPathLp, GetFullPathOptions.None, false))));

            // Make sure the requested file system object type is returned.
            // null = Return files and directories.
            // true = Return only directories.
            // false = Return only files.

            var fsei = new FileSystemEntryInfo(win32FindData)
                FullPath = !fullPathLp.StartsWith(Path.CurrentDirectoryPrefix, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
               ? fullPathLp
               : Path.CombineCore(false, InputPath, fileName)

                   // Return object instance of type FileSystemInfo.
            ? (T)(object)(fsei.IsDirectory
               ? (FileSystemInfo)
                          new DirectoryInfo(Transaction, fsei.LongFullPath, PathFormat.LongFullPath)
                EntryInfo = fsei
               : new FileInfo(Transaction, fsei.LongFullPath, PathFormat.LongFullPath)
                EntryInfo = fsei

                   // Return object instance of type FileSystemEntryInfo.
            : (T)(object)fsei);