public void Init()
     string baseUrl = "";
     string username = "******";
     string password = "******";
     testCatalogName = "chainyi";
     testRepositoryName = "TestCsharpclient";
     tempRepositoryName = "TempRepositoryForCSharpClientTest";
     server = new AGServerInfo(baseUrl, username, password);
     catalog = new AGCatalog(server, testCatalogName);
 public void init()
     BaseUrl = "";
     Username = "******";
     Password = "******";
     server = new AGServerInfo(BaseUrl, Username, Password);
     catalog = new AGCatalog(server, "chainyi");
     TestRepositoryName = "TestCsharpclient";
     repository = new AGRepository(catalog, TestRepositoryName);
     Testnamespace = new Namespace("rdf", "");
     TestIndexName = "gospi";
     statement = new Statement("<http://example/test?abc=1&def=2>", "<>", "<http://example/test?abc=1&def=2>", "<http://example/test?client=Csharp>", "85");
 public Catalog(AGCatalog catalog)
     _agCatalog = catalog;
 public void TestSameObject()
     AGCatalog catalog1 = new AGCatalog(server, testCatalogName);
     AGCatalog catalog2 = new AGCatalog(server, testCatalogName);
     Assert.AreNotSame(catalog1, catalog2);
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor for OpenSession
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="repoUrl">Session URL</param>
 /// <param name="userName">User name</param>
 /// <param name="password">Password</param>
 public AGRepository(string repoUrl, string userName, string password)
     this.RepoUrl = repoUrl;
     this.Catalog = new AGCatalog(new AGServerInfo(repoUrl, userName, password), null);
 /// <summary>
 /// Construct a repository from the catalog it belongs to
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Catalog"></param>
 /// <param name="Name"></param>
 public AGRepository(AGCatalog Catalog, string Name)
     RepoUrl = Catalog.Url + "/repositories/" + Name;
     this.Name = Name;
     this.Catalog = Catalog;