/** * \brief given string from file, pars all data into list, return list valid employees * * \details <b>Details</b> * * \param fileText - <b>string</b> - The string of data containing an employees records * * \return employeeRec - <b>List<AllEmployees.Employee></b> - The list of all the employee records in the strinng of data */ private static List<AllEmployees.Employee> ParsRecord(String fileText) { List<AllEmployees.Employee> employeeRec = new List<AllEmployees.Employee>(); //tostringbase string employeeString = firstName + "|" + lastName + "|" + SocialInsuranceNumber + "|" + DateOfBirth.Year + "-" + DateOfBirth.Month + "-" + DateOfBirth.Day + "|"; char[] delimiterChars = { '|', '\n'}; string[] words = fileText.Split(delimiterChars); int wordCounter = 0; while (wordCounter < words.Count() - 1) { if (words[wordCounter] == "CT") { bool isValid = true; if (words.Length > (wordCounter + 7)) { //AllEmployees.ContractEmployee contractEmp = new AllEmployees.ContractEmployee(words[wordCounter], words[wordCounter+1], Convert.ToInt32(words[wordCounter+2]), words[wordCounter+3], words[wordCounter+4], words[wordCounter+5], Convert.ToDouble(words[wordCounter+6])); try { AllEmployees.ContractEmployee contractEmp = new AllEmployees.ContractEmployee(); contractEmp.SetEmployeeType(words[wordCounter]); wordCounter++; contractEmp.SetLastName(words[wordCounter]); wordCounter++; wordCounter++; contractEmp.SetSocialInsuranceNumber(Convert.ToInt32(words[wordCounter]));//only take an int wordCounter++; contractEmp.SetDateOfBirth(words[wordCounter]); wordCounter++; contractEmp.SetContractStartDate(words[wordCounter]); wordCounter++; isValid = contractEmp.SetContractStopDate(words[wordCounter]); if (words[wordCounter] == "") { isValid = true; } wordCounter++; contractEmp.SetFixedContractAmount(Convert.ToDouble(words[wordCounter])); wordCounter++; if (contractEmp.Validate() == true && isValid == true) { employeeRec.Add(contractEmp); Logging.Log("FileIO", "ParsRecord", "contract employee added"); wordCounter++; } else { Logging.Log("FileIO", "ParsRecord", "invalid employee data for a contract employee"); while (words[wordCounter] != "FT" && words[wordCounter] != "PT" && words[wordCounter] != "SN" && words[wordCounter] != "CT" && wordCounter < words.Count() - 1) { wordCounter++; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.Log("FileIO", "ParsRecord", "invalid employee data for a contract employee - Error Message: " + ex.Message); while (words[wordCounter] != "FT" && words[wordCounter] != "PT" && words[wordCounter] != "SN" && words[wordCounter] != "CT" && wordCounter < words.Count() - 1) { wordCounter++; } } } else { Logging.Log("FileIO", "ParsRecord", "Not enough employee data for a contract employee"); break; } } else if (words[wordCounter] == "FT") { bool isValid = true; if (words.Length > (wordCounter + 7)) { AllEmployees.FulltimeEmployee fullTimeEmp = new AllEmployees.FulltimeEmployee(); try { fullTimeEmp.SetEmployeeType(words[wordCounter]); wordCounter++; fullTimeEmp.SetLastName(words[wordCounter]); wordCounter++; fullTimeEmp.SetFirstName(words[wordCounter]); wordCounter++; fullTimeEmp.SetSocialInsuranceNumber(Convert.ToInt32(words[wordCounter]));//only takes an int wordCounter++; fullTimeEmp.SetDateOfBirth(words[wordCounter]); wordCounter++; fullTimeEmp.SetDateOfHire(words[wordCounter]); wordCounter++; isValid = fullTimeEmp.SetDateOfTermination(words[wordCounter]); if (words[wordCounter] == "") { isValid = true; } wordCounter++; fullTimeEmp.SetSalary(Convert.ToDouble(words[wordCounter]));//only takes a float wordCounter++; if (fullTimeEmp.Validate() == true && isValid == true) { wordCounter++; employeeRec.Add(fullTimeEmp); Logging.Log("FileIO", "ParsRecord", "full time employee added"); } else { Logging.Log("FileIO", "ParsRecord", "invalid employee data for a full time employee"); while (words[wordCounter] != "FT" && words[wordCounter] != "PT" && words[wordCounter] != "SN" && words[wordCounter] != "CT" && wordCounter < words.Count() - 1) { wordCounter++; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.Log("FileIO", "ParsRecord", "invalid employee data for a full time employee - Error Message: " + ex.Message); while (words[wordCounter] != "FT" && words[wordCounter] != "PT" && words[wordCounter] != "SN" && words[wordCounter] != "CT" && wordCounter < words.Count() - 1) { wordCounter++; } } } else { Logging.Log("FileIO", "ParsRecord", "Not enough employee data for a full time employee"); break; } } else if (words[wordCounter] == "PT") { if (words.Length > (wordCounter + 7)) { bool isValid = true; AllEmployees.ParttimeEmployee partTimeEmp = new AllEmployees.ParttimeEmployee(); try { partTimeEmp.SetEmployeeType(words[wordCounter]); wordCounter++; partTimeEmp.SetLastName(words[wordCounter]); wordCounter++; partTimeEmp.SetFirstName(words[wordCounter]); wordCounter++; partTimeEmp.SetSocialInsuranceNumber(Convert.ToInt32(words[wordCounter]));//only takes an int wordCounter++; partTimeEmp.SetDateOfBirth(words[wordCounter]); wordCounter++; partTimeEmp.SetDateOfHire(words[wordCounter]); wordCounter++; isValid = partTimeEmp.SetDateOfTermination(words[wordCounter]); if (words[wordCounter] == "") { isValid = true; } wordCounter++; partTimeEmp.SetHourlyRate(Convert.ToDouble(words[wordCounter]));//only takes a float wordCounter++; if (partTimeEmp.Validate() == true && isValid == true) { wordCounter++; employeeRec.Add(partTimeEmp); Logging.Log("FileIO", "ParsRecord", "part time employee added"); } else { Logging.Log("FileIO", "ParsRecord", "invalid employee data for a part time employee"); while (words[wordCounter] != "FT" && words[wordCounter] != "PT" && words[wordCounter] != "SN" && words[wordCounter] != "CT" && wordCounter < words.Count() - 1) { wordCounter++; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.Log("FileIO", "ParsRecord", "invalid employee data for a part time employee - Error Message: " + ex.Message); while (words[wordCounter] != "FT" && words[wordCounter] != "PT" && words[wordCounter] != "SN" && words[wordCounter] != "CT" && wordCounter < words.Count() - 1) { wordCounter++; } } } else { Logging.Log("FileIO", "ParsRecord", "Not enough employee data for a part time employee"); break; } } else if (words[wordCounter] == "SN") { if (words.Length > (wordCounter + 6)) { AllEmployees.SeasonalEmployee seasonalEmp = new AllEmployees.SeasonalEmployee(); try { seasonalEmp.SetEmployeeType(words[wordCounter]); wordCounter++; seasonalEmp.SetLastName(words[wordCounter]); wordCounter++; seasonalEmp.SetFirstName(words[wordCounter]); wordCounter++; seasonalEmp.SetSocialInsuranceNumber(Convert.ToInt32(words[wordCounter]));//only takes an int wordCounter++; Logging.Log("FileIO", "ParsRecord", "SN Birthday: " + words[wordCounter]); seasonalEmp.SetDateOfBirth(words[wordCounter]); wordCounter++; Logging.Log("FileIO", "ParsRecord", "SN Season: " + words[wordCounter]); seasonalEmp.SetSeason(words[wordCounter]); wordCounter++; Logging.Log("FileIO", "ParsRecord", "SN PiecePay: " + words[wordCounter]); seasonalEmp.SetPiecePay(Convert.ToDouble(words[wordCounter]));//only takes a float wordCounter++; if (seasonalEmp.Validate() == true) { wordCounter++; employeeRec.Add(seasonalEmp); Logging.Log("FileIO", "ParsRecord", "seasonal employee added"); } else { Logging.Log("FileIO", "ParsRecord", "invalid employee data for a seasonal employee"); while (words[wordCounter] != "FT" && words[wordCounter] != "PT" && words[wordCounter] != "SN" && words[wordCounter] != "CT" && wordCounter < words.Count() - 1) { wordCounter++; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.Log("FileIO", "ParsRecord", "invalid employee data for a seasonal employee - Error Message: " + ex.Message); while (words[wordCounter] != "FT" && words[wordCounter] != "PT" && words[wordCounter] != "SN" && words[wordCounter] != "CT" && wordCounter < words.Count() - 1) { wordCounter++; } } } else { Logging.Log("FileIO", "ParsRecord", "Not enough employee data for a seasonal employee"); break; } } else { //string className, string methodName, string eventDetails Logging.Log("FileIO", "ParsRecord", "invalid employee type in file"); while (words[wordCounter] != "FT" && words[wordCounter] != "PT" && words[wordCounter] != "SN" && words[wordCounter] != "CT" && wordCounter < words.Count() - 1) { wordCounter++; } } } return employeeRec; }