public bonus(Vector2 location, Game1 game) { = game; = location; lastmovetime = game.time; speed=new Vector2(0,game.currentgame.generator.Next(50,100)); type = game.currentgame.generator.Next(0, 9); //0 universal upgrade 1 missles 2rays 3machine gun, 4random,5shield,6speed,7 health, 8 power size.X = game.resources.bonus[type,1].Width; size.Y = game.resources.bonus[type,1].Height; }
public sstring(Game1 game,Texture2D napis, bool ruchomy, int x, int y) { time = game.time; this.wave = 0; = game; this.ruchomy = ruchomy; this.x = x; this.y = y; this.napis = napis; a = new Color(255, 255, 255, 255); steps=0; todelete = 0; }
public smoke(int type, Vector2 center, Game1 game) { todelete = false; this.type = type; = center; = game; currentframe = 0; maxframe = 5; frametime = 150; if (type == 3 || type == 4 || type == 5) { maxframe = 17; frametime = 50; } if (type == 2) { frametime = 100; } lastframetime = game.time; }
public settingsmenu(Game1 game) { = game; back = new button(0, game); }
public enemyship(Game1 game, int type) { color = new Color(255, 255, 255); = game; destlocation = new Vector2(240, 150); center = new Vector2(240, -100); this.type = type+10; speed1d = 40; hp = 7000+(type*1000); fullhp = hp; speed1d = 200; maxframe = 15; currentframe = 1; lastframetime = game.time; lastmovetime = game.time; direction = game.methods.getdirection(center, destlocation); destdirection = direction; speed = game.methods.getspeed(speed1d, direction); this.size.X = game.resources.enemyship1[this.type, 1].Width; this.size.Y = game.resources.enemyship1[this.type, 1].Height-30; if (type == 12) { maxframe = 17; } if (type == 13) { maxframe = 19; } }
public button(int type, Game1 game) { this.type = type; name = null; = game; width = game.resources.specialbutton[type].Width; height = game.resources.specialbutton[type].Height; this.x = 460 - width; switch (type) { case 0: this.y = 800-48; this.x = 0; break; case 1: this.y = 260; break; case 2: this.y = 290 + 60; break; case 3: this.y = 290 + 180 ; break; case 4: this.y = 290 + 120; break; case 5: this.y = 290 + 240; break; case 6: this.y = 290 + 300; break; } }
public statemgr(Game1 gra) { currentstate = 1; }
public playership(Game1 game) { power = 0; maxpower = 0.5f; suse = true; sactivatetime = game.time; susingtime = 5000; destroyed = false; = game; timeofresp = 1000; speed = new Vector2(0,0); location = new Vector2(240, 500); minx = 10; miny = 10; maxx = 480; maxy = 600; currentframe = 0; maxframe = 0; a = 20; maxa = 70; maxspeed = 15; guntype = 1; gunlevel = 2; maxgunlvl = 3; }
public enemymissle(Game1 game, Vector2 location, int type, bool rot) { roting=rot; this.type = type; center = location; = game; Random a = new Random(); speed1d = 100; speed = game.methods.getspeed(speed1d,game.methods.getdirection(center,game.currentgame.ship.location)); size.X = game.resources.enemybulet[type].Width; size.Y = game.resources.enemybulet[type].Height; }
public Menu(Game1 game) { = game; game.aboutMenu = new aboutmenu(game); game.settings = new settingsmenu(game); game.scores = new hiscoremenu(game); }
public missle(Game1 game,Vector2 location,int type, float kierunek) { speed1d = 0; this.type = type; a = 40; this.kierunek = kierunek; = game; this.size.X = game.resources.missle1[type].Width; this.size.Y = game.resources.missle1[type].Height; this.location.X = location.X - 0.5f * size.X; this.location.Y = location.Y + 0.5f * size.Y; center = location; todelete = false; speed = new Vector2(); switch (type) //type 0,1,2 missles, 3,4,rays 5 machinegun { case 0: power = 100+(int)(game.currentgame.ship.power*30f); maxspeed = 120; color = Color.White; break; case 1: power = 150 + (int)(game.currentgame.ship.power * 60f); maxspeed = 110; color = Color.White; break; case 2: power = 100 + (int)(game.currentgame.ship.power * 50f); maxspeed = 200; color = Color.White; break; case 3: power = 30 + (int)(game.currentgame.ship.power * 10f); maxspeed = 300; color = Color.White; size.X = 5; break; case 4: power = 40 + (int)(game.currentgame.ship.power * 10f); maxspeed = 330; color = Color.White; size.X = 5; break; case 5: power = 8 + (int)(game.currentgame.ship.power * 10f); maxspeed = 1000; color = Color.White; break; } speed = game.methods.getspeed(speed1d, kierunek); }
public hiscoremenu(Game1 game) { scores = new int[5]; = game; back = new button(0, game); string datafolder = "Data"; string filename = "scores.txt"; bool freshfolder = false; using(IsolatedStorageFile file = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication()) { string filepath = System.IO.Path.Combine(datafolder, filename); if (file.FileExists(filepath)==false) { file.CreateDirectory(datafolder); freshfolder = true; } if (freshfolder==true) { using (IsolatedStorageFileStream s = file.CreateFile(filepath)) { StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(s); writer.WriteLine("0"); writer.WriteLine("0"); writer.WriteLine("0"); writer.WriteLine("0"); writer.WriteLine("0"); writer.Close(); } } using (IsolatedStorageFileStream s2 = file.OpenFile(filepath, System.IO.FileMode.Open)) { StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(s2); scores[0] = Convert.ToInt32(reader.ReadLine()); scores[1] = Convert.ToInt32(reader.ReadLine()); scores[2] = Convert.ToInt32(reader.ReadLine()); scores[3] = Convert.ToInt32(reader.ReadLine()); scores[4] = Convert.ToInt32(reader.ReadLine()); reader.Close(); } } }
public gamehud(Game1 game) { shortstrings = new List<sstring>(); = game; lasttime =; laptime = 30; backgroundposition = -800; backgroundposition2 = 0; }
public Game1() { ApplicationId = "a522c0b8-602d-445c-af77-94601b8f83a3"; AdUnitId = "115278"; pausetime = 0; time = 0; soundtime = 0; soundvolume = 3; dificulity = 1; fireplace = 1; graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this); Content.RootDirectory = "Content"; game = this; start = new startscreen(game); statemenager = new statemgr(game); hud = new gamehud(game); resources = new resourcesmgr(); resources.getgame(game); methods = new usefullmethods(); // Frame rate is 30 fps by default for Windows Phone. TargetElapsedTime = TimeSpan.FromTicks(333333); graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth = 480; graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = 800; // Extend battery life under lock. InactiveSleepTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1); using (IsolatedStorageFile file = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication()) { string path = "full.txt"; using (IsolatedStorageFileStream s = new IsolatedStorageFileStream(path, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, file)) { if (file.FileExists(path)) { StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(s); full = Convert.ToBoolean(reader.ReadLine()); reader.Close(); } else { StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(s); writer.WriteLine("0"); /////////////////////// 0 for lite, 1 for full full = false; } } } }
public enemyship(Game1 game, int type, int lvl, Vector2 dest, Vector2 location) { this.noofsteps = 10; todelete = false; = game; switch (type) { case 1: rotationspeed = 1f; //rozowy zwykly shotrate = 0.002f* (1+game.dificulity); speed1d = 50*(1+game.dificulity); kamikadze = false; naprowadzane = false; break; case 2: //waz w zarowce rotationspeed = 1f; shotrate = 0.002f*(1+game.dificulity); speed1d = 50*(1+game.dificulity); kamikadze = false; naprowadzane = false; break; case 3://pajak rotationspeed = 0; shotrate = 0.0005f*(1+game.dificulity); speed1d = 70*(1+game.dificulity);; kamikadze = false; naprowadzane = false; break; case 4://superman rotationspeed = 0; shotrate = 0; speed1d = 0; kamikadze = false; naprowadzane = false; break; case 5://czerwoneobracajace; rotationspeed = 0; shotrate = 0; speed1d = 0; kamikadze = false; naprowadzane = false; break; case 6://ufo rotationspeed = 0; shotrate = 0; speed1d = 0; kamikadze = false; naprowadzane = false; break; case 7://4katne obracajace rotationspeed = 0; shotrate = 0; speed1d = 0; kamikadze = false; naprowadzane = false; break; case 8://czarodzeij w ufo rotationspeed = 0; shotrate = 0; speed1d = 0; kamikadze = false; naprowadzane = false; break; case 9:// zolty statek rotationspeed = 0; shotrate = 0; speed1d = 0; kamikadze = false; naprowadzane = false; break; } hp = 100+(lvl*10); fullhp = hp; this.type = type; color = new Color(255, 255, 255, 255); lastmovetime = game.time; lastframetime = game.time+game.currentgame.generator.Next(0,850); currentframe = game.currentgame.generator.Next(1, 6); maxframe = 6; center = location; currentstep = 1; destlocation = dest; direction = game.methods.getdirection(center, dest); speed = game.methods.getspeed(speed1d, direction); this.size.X = game.resources.enemyship1[type, 1].Width; this.size.Y = game.resources.enemyship1[type, 1].Height; }
public enemymissle(Game1 game, Vector2 location, float direction, bool rot) { roting = rot; type = 0; center = location; = game; Random a = new Random(); speed1d = 50 * (game.dificulity + 1) ; speed = game.methods.getspeed(speed1d, direction); size.X = game.resources.enemybulet[0].Width; size.Y = game.resources.enemybulet[0].Height; }
public startscreen(Game1 game) { = game; }
public void getgame(Game1 game) { = game; strikes = new strike[3];//no of strikes; int l1 = 0; do { strikes[l1] = new strike(); l1 = l1 + 1; } while (l1 < 3);//no of strikes; }
public aboutmenu(Game1 game) { = game; back = new button(0, game); }
public rubbish(Game1 game, Vector2 center) { = game; Random generator = new Random(); type = (byte)generator.Next(0, 2); rotationspeed = 0.2f * (float)MathHelper.Pi; todelete = false; dir = (short)generator.Next(0, 1); speed = new Vector2((float)generator.Next(-50, 50), 160); = center; lastmovetime = game.time; magicx = (int)center.X; }
public GAME(Game1 game) { end = false; y = new int[4]; y[0] = 800; y[1] = 900; y[2] = 1000; y[3] = 1100; pause = false; adbonus = false; maxlevels = 10; noofbosses = 0; dificulity = game.dificulity; lifes = 3; generator = new Random(); lx = 1; = game; noofships = 0; missles= new List<missle>(); currentstrike = 0; ships = new List<enemyship>(); smokes = new List<smoke>(); bonusses = new List<bonus>(); rubbish = new List<rubbish>(); emissles = new List<enemymissle>(); ship = new playership(game); scores = 0; scorestodraw = 0; }
int type; /// 0 back, 1 resume,2 play,3 options, 4 hi scores,5 about,6 exit; #endregion Fields #region Constructors public button(int x,int y,int width,int height, Game1 game, string name) { = game; this.x = x; this.y = y; this.width = width; this.height = height; = name; type = 999; }