static void Main(string[] args) { try { int[] arr = { 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11 }; string[] str = { "am", "bridge", "banglore", "in", "i", "labz" }; int element; string word; List <TimeSpan> list = new List <TimeSpan>(); Console.WriteLine("1.Anagram"); Console.WriteLine("2.PrimeNumber"); Console.WriteLine("3.PrimePalindrom"); Console.WriteLine("4.BinarySearch"); Console.WriteLine("5.BinarySearchString"); Console.WriteLine("6.InsertionSort"); Console.WriteLine("7.InsertionSortString"); Console.WriteLine("8.BubbleSort"); Console.WriteLine("9.BubbleSortString"); Console.WriteLine("10.QuestionToFindNumber"); Console.WriteLine("11.BinarySearchOfWord"); Console.WriteLine("12.InsertionSortWord"); Console.WriteLine("13.BubbleSort"); Console.WriteLine("14.VendingMachine"); Console.WriteLine("15.DayOfWeek"); Console.WriteLine("16.TemperaturConversion"); Console.WriteLine("17.MonthlyPayment"); Console.WriteLine("18.SqueRoot"); Console.WriteLine("19.ToBinary"); Console.WriteLine("20.Binary"); Console.WriteLine("21.ElapsedTime"); Console.WriteLine("21.MergeSort"); int choice; Console.WriteLine("please enter the choice"); choice = Utility.ReadInteger(); switch (choice) { case 1: Anagram.IsAnagram(); break; case 2: PrimeNumber.IsPrimeNumber(); break; case 3: PrimePalindrom.IsPrimeNumber(); break; case 4: Console.WriteLine("please enter the element you want to serach"); Utility.BinarySearchInteger(arr, 0, arr.Length - 1, element = Utility.ReadInteger()); break; case 5: Console.WriteLine("please enter the word you want to search"); Utility.BinarySearchString(str, word = Utility.ReadString()); break; case 6: Utility.InsertionSort(); break; case 7: Utility.InsertionSortString(); break; case 8: Utility.BubbleSort(); break; case 9: Utility.BubbleSortString(); break; case 10: QustionToFindNumber.FindNumber(); break; case 11: BinarySearchOfWords.BinarySearchWord(); break; case 12: InsertionSortWord.InsertionSort(); break; case 13: BubbleSort.BubbleSortInteger(); break; case 14: Console.WriteLine("please enter the money"); int i = VendingMachine.Calculate(); Console.WriteLine("total no of notes " + i); break; case 15: Console.WriteLine("please enter the year"); int year = Utility.ReadInteger(); Console.WriteLine("plaese enter the month"); int month = Utility.ReadInteger(); Console.WriteLine("please enter the date"); int date = Utility.ReadInteger(); int dayOfWeek = Utility.DayOfWeek(date, month, year); Console.WriteLine("day of week is: " + dayOfWeek); break; case 16: Console.WriteLine("please enter the temprature"); int temp = Utility.ReadInteger(); Utility.TemperaturConversion(temp); break; case 17: Utility.MonthlyPayment(); break; case 18: Utility.SqureRoot(); break; case 19: Console.WriteLine("please enter the number"); int[] arrOfBinary = Utility.ToBinary(Utility.ReadInteger()); foreach (int num in arrOfBinary) { Console.Write(num + " "); } break; case 20: Console.WriteLine("please enter the number"); int[] binaryArray = Utility.Binary(Utility.ReadInteger()); break; case 21: Util.ElapsedTime(); break; case 22: int[] mergeArray = { 5, 7, 11, 3, 2, 9 }; Console.WriteLine("before sorting " + string.Join(",", mergeArray)); int[] array1 = Utility.MergeSort(mergeArray, 0, mergeArray.Length - 1); Console.WriteLine("after sorting " + string.Join(",", array1)); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { bool flag = true; while (flag) { try { Console.WriteLine("\n\n\nAlgorithm Programs"); Console.WriteLine("\n\t1.Bubble Sort"); Console.WriteLine("\t2.Prime Number in Range"); Console.WriteLine("\t3.Insertion Sort"); Console.WriteLine("\t4.Check Anagram"); Console.WriteLine("\t5.Prime Number"); Console.WriteLine("\t6.Palindrome"); Console.WriteLine("\t7.Prime Number that are Anagram or Palindrome"); Console.WriteLine("\t8.Exit\n"); Console.Write("\tEnter your choice: "); int choice = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); switch (choice) { case 1: BubbleSort.Input(); break; case 2: PrimeNumberRange.Input(); break; case 3: InsertionSort.Input(); break; case 4: CheckAnagram.Input(); break; case 5: PrimeNumber.Input(); break; case 6: IsPalindrome.Input(); break; case 7: PrimeAnagramPalindrome.Input(); break; case 8: flag = false; break; default: Console.WriteLine("\nEnter valid choice\n"); break; } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } } }