        /// <summary>Create the arrays of best CharacterValues</summary>
        private void CreateCharacterArrays()
            _BestCharacter     = new CharacterValue[256, _MaxCharWidth + 1];
            _BestCharacterDiff = new int[256, _MaxCharWidth + 1];

            for (int currentwidth = 0; currentwidth < _MaxCharWidth + 1; currentwidth++)
                if (_UsedWidths[currentwidth])
                    for (int currentvalue = 0; currentvalue < 256; currentvalue++)
                        CharacterValue bestcharacter  = new CharacterValue();
                        int            bestdifference = 256;

                        for (int currentcharpos = 0; currentcharpos < characters.Length; currentcharpos++)
                            if (characters[currentcharpos].Width == currentwidth)
                                int chardifference = _DiffArray[characters[currentcharpos].Value, currentvalue];

                                if (chardifference < bestdifference)
                                    bestcharacter  = characters[currentcharpos];
                                    bestdifference = chardifference;

                        _BestCharacter[!_InvertOutput ? currentvalue : 255 - currentvalue, currentwidth]     = bestcharacter;
                        _BestCharacterDiff[!_InvertOutput ? currentvalue : 255 - currentvalue, currentwidth] = bestdifference;
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert 2d array of byte values into character strings
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="values">2d array of values that represent the image</param>
        /// <returns>Array of strings containing the text image</returns>
        public override string[] Apply(byte[,] values)
            if (values == null)

            int ArrayWidth  = values.GetLength(0);
            int ArrayHeight = values.GetLength(1);

            if (ArrayWidth < 1 || ArrayHeight < 1)

            // the corresponding character position for every possible output pixel
            int[] PixelToCharPos = new int[(ArrayWidth * CharacterWidth) + _MaxCharWidth];

            for (int charpos = 0, pixelpos = 0; charpos < ArrayWidth; charpos++)
                for (int z = 0; z < CharacterWidth; z++)
                    PixelToCharPos[pixelpos++] = charpos;

            for (int x = ArrayWidth * CharacterWidth; x < (ArrayWidth * CharacterWidth) + _MaxCharWidth; x++)
                PixelToCharPos[x] = ArrayWidth - 1;

            string[] Result             = new string[ArrayHeight];
            int      targetwidth        = ArrayWidth * CharacterWidth;
            int      charwidtharraysize = _MaxCharWidth + 1;

            int[] PostionValues = new int[charwidtharraysize];

            for (int row = 0; row < ArrayHeight; row++)
                int           XPosition = 0;
                StringBuilder builder   = new StringBuilder();

                while (XPosition < targetwidth)
                    int Total = 0;

                    for (int x = 1; x < charwidtharraysize; x++)
                        Total += values[PixelToCharPos[XPosition + x], row];

                        if (_UsedWidths[x])
                            PostionValues[x] = _AverageArray[Total, x];

                    CharacterValue bestfit  = _BestCharacter[PostionValues[_MaxCharWidth], _MaxCharWidth];
                    int            bestdiff = _BestCharacterDiff[PostionValues[_MaxCharWidth], _MaxCharWidth];

                    for (int x = 1; x < charwidtharraysize; x++)
                        if (_UsedWidths[x])
                            if (_BestCharacterDiff[PostionValues[x], x] < bestdiff)
                                bestfit  = _BestCharacter[PostionValues[x], x];
                                bestdiff = _BestCharacterDiff[PostionValues[x], x];

                    XPosition += bestfit.Width;

                Result[row] = builder.ToString();

        /// <summary>Update the arrays for the current Font</summary>
        private void UpdateFontArrays()
            ArrayList newcharacters = new ArrayList();

            int min = 255;
            int max = 0;

            _MaxCharWidth = 0;

            for (int currentcharpos = 0; currentcharpos < ValidCharacters.Length; currentcharpos++)
                CharacterValue current = new CharacterValue(ValidCharacters[currentcharpos], _Font);

                if (current.Value > -1)

                    if (current.Value > max)
                        max = current.Value;
                    if (current.Value < min)
                        min = current.Value;
                    if (current.Width > _MaxCharWidth)
                        _MaxCharWidth = current.Width;

            _AverageArray = new int[256 * (_MaxCharWidth + 1), _MaxCharWidth + 1];

            for (int x = 0; x < 256 * (_MaxCharWidth + 1); x++)
                for (int y = 1; y < (_MaxCharWidth + 1); y++)
                    _AverageArray[x, y] = (int)(((float)x / (float)y) + 0.5f);

            float ratio = 255f / (float)(max - min);

            ArrayList list = new ArrayList();

            _UsedWidths = new bool[_MaxCharWidth + 1];

            foreach (CharacterValue charvalue in newcharacters)
                int newvalue = (int)(((float)(charvalue.Value - min) * ratio) + 0.5f);
                list.Add(new CharacterValue(charvalue.Character, charvalue.Width, newvalue));

                _UsedWidths[charvalue.Width] = true;

            newcharacters = new ArrayList();

            foreach (CharacterValue oldvalue in list)
                bool match = false;

                foreach (CharacterValue charvalue in newcharacters)
                    if (charvalue.Value == oldvalue.Value && charvalue.Width == oldvalue.Width)
                        // TODO: check which character is better (covers more of the area?)

                        match = true;

                if (!match)

            characters = (CharacterValue[])newcharacters.ToArray(typeof(CharacterValue));
		/// <summary>Update the arrays for the current Font</summary>
		private void UpdateFontArrays()
			ArrayList newcharacters = new ArrayList();

			int min = 255;
			int max = 0;
			_MaxCharWidth = 0;

			for (int currentcharpos = 0; currentcharpos < ValidCharacters.Length; currentcharpos++)
				CharacterValue current = new CharacterValue(ValidCharacters[currentcharpos], _Font);

				if (current.Value > -1)

					if (current.Value > max) max = current.Value;
					if (current.Value < min) min = current.Value;
					if (current.Width > _MaxCharWidth) _MaxCharWidth = current.Width;

			_AverageArray = new int[256 * (_MaxCharWidth + 1), _MaxCharWidth + 1];

			for (int x = 0; x < 256 * (_MaxCharWidth + 1); x++)
				for (int y = 1; y < (_MaxCharWidth + 1); y++)
					_AverageArray[x, y] = (int)(((float)x / (float)y) + 0.5f);

			float ratio = 255f / (float)(max - min);

			ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
			_UsedWidths = new bool[_MaxCharWidth + 1];

			foreach (CharacterValue charvalue in newcharacters)
				int newvalue = (int)(((float)(charvalue.Value - min) * ratio) + 0.5f);
				list.Add(new CharacterValue(charvalue.Character, charvalue.Width, newvalue));

				_UsedWidths[charvalue.Width] = true;

			newcharacters = new ArrayList();

			foreach (CharacterValue oldvalue in list)
				bool match = false;

				foreach (CharacterValue charvalue in newcharacters)
					if (charvalue.Value == oldvalue.Value && charvalue.Width == oldvalue.Width)
						// TODO: check which character is better (covers more of the area?)

						match = true;

				if (!match)

			characters = (CharacterValue[])newcharacters.ToArray(typeof(CharacterValue));
		/// <summary>Create the arrays of best CharacterValues</summary>
		private void CreateCharacterArrays()
			_BestCharacter = new CharacterValue[256, _MaxCharWidth + 1];
			_BestCharacterDiff = new int[256, _MaxCharWidth + 1];

			for (int currentwidth = 0; currentwidth < _MaxCharWidth + 1; currentwidth++)
				if (_UsedWidths[currentwidth])
					for (int currentvalue = 0; currentvalue < 256; currentvalue++)
						CharacterValue bestcharacter = new CharacterValue();
						int bestdifference = 256;

						for (int currentcharpos = 0; currentcharpos < characters.Length; currentcharpos++)
							if (characters[currentcharpos].Width == currentwidth)
								int chardifference = _DiffArray[characters[currentcharpos].Value, currentvalue];

								if (chardifference < bestdifference)
									bestcharacter = characters[currentcharpos];
									bestdifference = chardifference;

						_BestCharacter[!_InvertOutput ? currentvalue : 255 - currentvalue, currentwidth] = bestcharacter;
						_BestCharacterDiff[!_InvertOutput ? currentvalue : 255 - currentvalue, currentwidth] = bestdifference;
		/// <summary>
		/// Create an ASCII Ramp with from the given font and characters
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="font">Font to be used</param>
		/// <param name="characters">The characters to be used for the ramp</param>
		/// <returns>A new ASCII ramp</returns>
		public static string CreateRamp(Font font, string characters)
			if (characters == null || characters.Length < 1)
				return null;

			if (characters.Length == 1)
				return characters;

			string characterstring = "";

			foreach (char c in characters.ToCharArray())
				if (characterstring.IndexOf(c) == -1)
					characterstring += c.ToString();

			System.Collections.SortedList list = new System.Collections.SortedList();

			int min = 255;
			int max = 0;

			CharacterValue charval;

			for (int i = 0; i < characterstring.Length; i++)
				charval = new CharacterValue(characterstring[i], font);

				if (list.ContainsKey(charval.Value))
					if (charval.Score < ((CharacterValue)list[charval.Value]).Score)
						list[charval.Value] = charval;
					if (charval.Value < min)
						min = charval.Value;

					if (charval.Value > max)
						max = charval.Value;

					list.Add(charval.Value, charval);


			string result = "";

			System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator idenu = list.GetEnumerator();

			// move to the first object

			int current = (int)idenu.Key;
			int next, mid;

			// loop through and fill in the gaps
			while (idenu.MoveNext())
				next = (int)idenu.Key;
				mid = ((next - current) / 2) + current;

				for (int i = current; i < mid; i++)
					result += list[current];

				for (int i = mid; i < next; i++)
					result += list[next];

				current = next;

			return result;
        /// <summary>
        /// Create an ASCII Ramp with from the given font and characters
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="font">Font to be used</param>
        /// <param name="characters">The characters to be used for the ramp</param>
        /// <returns>A new ASCII ramp</returns>
        public static string CreateRamp(Font font, string characters)
            if (characters == null || characters.Length < 1)

            if (characters.Length == 1)

            string characterstring = "";

            foreach (char c in characters.ToCharArray())
                if (characterstring.IndexOf(c) == -1)
                    characterstring += c.ToString();

            System.Collections.SortedList list = new System.Collections.SortedList();

            int min = 255;
            int max = 0;

            CharacterValue charval;

            for (int i = 0; i < characterstring.Length; i++)
                charval = new CharacterValue(characterstring[i], font);

                if (list.ContainsKey(charval.Value))
                    if (charval.Score < ((CharacterValue)list[charval.Value]).Score)
                        list[charval.Value] = charval;
                    if (charval.Value < min)
                        min = charval.Value;

                    if (charval.Value > max)
                        max = charval.Value;

                    list.Add(charval.Value, charval);


            string result = "";

            System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator idenu = list.GetEnumerator();

            // move to the first object

            int current = (int)idenu.Key;
            int next, mid;

            // loop through and fill in the gaps
            while (idenu.MoveNext())
                next = (int)idenu.Key;
                mid  = ((next - current) / 2) + current;

                for (int i = current; i < mid; i++)
                    result += list[current];

                for (int i = mid; i < next; i++)
                    result += list[next];

                current = next;
