private void BuildSectionsTree(ISettingsService settings)
            Dictionary<string, SectionViewModel> sectionsTemp = new Dictionary<string, SectionViewModel>();
            Dictionary<string, string> sectionParents = new Dictionary<string, string>();

            foreach (IdentifierInfo identifier in _displayConfiguration.Identifiers)
                SectionViewModel svm = null;
                if (!sectionsTemp.TryGetValue(identifier.Name, out svm))
                    sectionParents[identifier.Name] = identifier.Parent;

                    svm = new SectionViewModel(identifier);
                    sectionsTemp.Add(svm.Identifier, svm);

                foreach (SettingInfo info in identifier.Settings)
                    SettingItem setting = settings.GetSetting(info.CreateSettingKey());
                    svm.Add(info, setting);

            _sections = new List<GroupedSectionViewModel>();
            // Create hierarchy, starting with the sections that don't have parents
            foreach (var kvp in sectionParents.OrderBy(k => k.Value))
                SectionViewModel section = sectionsTemp.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Key == kvp.Key).Value;
                string parentName = kvp.Value;
                bool hasParent = (parentName != null);

                // Create group for this item
                GroupedSectionViewModel group = new GroupedSectionViewModel(section);

                if (hasParent)
                    // Find parent group
                    // TODO: If there is no parent group, create a dummy group
                    GroupedSectionViewModel parentGroup = GetAllSections().FirstOrDefault(s => s.Identifier == parentName);
                    if (parentGroup == null)
                        // Create a dummy group
                        parentGroup = new GroupedSectionViewModel(null);
                        parentGroup.Identifier = parentName;
                        parentGroup.Header = parentName;


            // Always select the "Shared" section
            _sections.First(s => s.Identifier == SectionNameShared).IsSelected = true;

            ICollectionView view = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(_sections);
            view.SortDescriptions.Add(new SortDescription("Header", ListSortDirection.Ascending));
            view.SortDescriptions.Add(new SortDescription("Order", ListSortDirection.Ascending));
        private void BuildSectionsTree(ISettingsService settings)
            Dictionary <string, SectionViewModel> sectionsTemp   = new Dictionary <string, SectionViewModel>();
            Dictionary <string, string>           sectionParents = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            foreach (IdentifierInfo identifier in _displayConfiguration.Identifiers)
                SectionViewModel svm = null;
                if (!sectionsTemp.TryGetValue(identifier.Name, out svm))
                    sectionParents[identifier.Name] = identifier.Parent;

                    svm = new SectionViewModel(identifier);
                    sectionsTemp.Add(svm.Identifier, svm);

                foreach (SettingInfo info in identifier.Settings)
                    SettingItem setting = settings.GetSetting(info.CreateSettingKey());
                    svm.Add(info, setting);

            _sections = new List <GroupedSectionViewModel>();
            // Create hierarchy, starting with the sections that don't have parents
            foreach (var kvp in sectionParents.OrderBy(k => k.Value))
                SectionViewModel section    = sectionsTemp.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Key == kvp.Key).Value;
                string           parentName = kvp.Value;
                bool             hasParent  = (parentName != null);

                // Create group for this item
                GroupedSectionViewModel group = new GroupedSectionViewModel(section);

                if (hasParent)
                    // Find parent group
                    // TODO: If there is no parent group, create a dummy group
                    GroupedSectionViewModel parentGroup = GetAllSections().FirstOrDefault(s => s.Identifier == parentName);
                    if (parentGroup == null)
                        // Create a dummy group
                        parentGroup            = new GroupedSectionViewModel(null);
                        parentGroup.Identifier = parentName;
                        parentGroup.Header     = parentName;


            // Always select the "Shared" section
            _sections.First(s => s.Identifier == SectionNameShared).IsSelected = true;

            ICollectionView view = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(_sections);

            view.SortDescriptions.Add(new SortDescription("Header", ListSortDirection.Ascending));
            view.SortDescriptions.Add(new SortDescription("Order", ListSortDirection.Ascending));
        private void BuildSectionsTree()
            Dictionary<string, SectionViewModel> sectionsTemp = new Dictionary<string, SectionViewModel>();
            Dictionary<string, string> sectionParents = new Dictionary<string, string>();

            foreach (SettingDescriptor descriptor in _manager)
                SectionViewModel svm = null;
                if (!sectionsTemp.TryGetValue(descriptor.Identifier, out svm))
                    IdentifierInfo identifier = _displayConfiguration.GetIdentifier(descriptor.Identifier);
                    sectionParents[identifier.Name] = identifier.Parent;

                    svm = new SectionViewModel(identifier);
                    svm.Identifier = descriptor.Identifier;
                    sectionsTemp.Add(svm.Identifier, svm);

                SettingInfo setting = _displayConfiguration.GetSetting(descriptor.Identifier, descriptor.SettingItem.Name);
                if (setting == null)
                    Logger.Instance.LogFormat(LogType.Warning, this, Properties.Resources.SettingNotFoundInDisplayConfiguration, descriptor.SettingItem.Name, descriptor.Identifier);
                svm.Add(descriptor, setting);

            _sections = new List<GroupedSectionViewModel>();
            // Create hierarchy, starting with the sections that don't have parents
            foreach (var kvp in sectionParents.OrderBy(k => k.Value))
                SectionViewModel section = sectionsTemp.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Key == kvp.Key).Value;
                string parentName = kvp.Value;
                bool hasParent = (parentName != null);

                // Create group for this item
                GroupedSectionViewModel group = new GroupedSectionViewModel(section);

                if (hasParent)
                    // Find parent group
                    // TODO: If there is no parent group, create a dummy group
                    GroupedSectionViewModel parentGroup = GetAllSections().FirstOrDefault(s => s.Identifier == parentName);
                    if (parentGroup == null)
                        // Create a dummy group
                        parentGroup = new GroupedSectionViewModel(null);
                        parentGroup.Identifier = parentName;
                        parentGroup.Header = parentName;


            // Always select the "Shared" section
            _sections.First(s => s.Identifier == SectionNameShared).IsSelected = true;

            // Apply sorting
            ICollectionView view = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(this.Sections);
            view.SortDescriptions.Add(new SortDescription("Order", ListSortDirection.Ascending));
            view.SortDescriptions.Add(new SortDescription("Header", ListSortDirection.Ascending));