private long _weightBalanceThreshold = 0 ; //at what weight should the node be treated as contributor to incoming nodes. public DistributionMatrix(ArrayList weightIdList, Address address, DistributionData distData, ILogger NCacheLog) { _address = address; _distData = distData; _filteredWeightIdList = new ArrayList(); _itemsCount = weightIdList.Count; _totalWeight = 1; _weightToSacrifice = 0; _cushionFactor = 10; _percentWeightToSacrifice = 0; _weightBalanceThreshold = Convert.ToInt32((_maxCacheSize * WeightBalanceThresholdPercent) / 100); //10%, threshold at which we feel to balance weight for incoming nodes. its value is percent of MaxCacheSize if (NCacheLog.IsInfoEnabled) NCacheLog.Error("DistributionMatrix.ctor", "Address->" + address.ToString() + ", DistributionData->" + distData.ToString()); //muds: //this is the temp code just to put some trace... int bucketCount = 0; foreach (WeightIdPair wiPair in weightIdList) { if ( == 0) { if(NCacheLog.IsInfoEnabled) NCacheLog.Info("DistributionMatrix.ctor", "waitPair" + wiPair.Address.ToString() + ", wiPait->" + wiPair.BucketId); _filteredWeightIdList.Add(wiPair); bucketCount++; } } if (NCacheLog.IsInfoEnabled) NCacheLog.Info("DistributionMatrix..ctor", address + " owns " + bucketCount + " buckets"); _filteredWeightIdList.Sort(); if (NCacheLog.IsInfoEnabled) NCacheLog.Info("DistributionMatrix.ctor", "_filterWeightIdList.Count:" + _filteredWeightIdList.Count + ", distData.BucketPerNode: " + distData.BucketsPerNode); //Current bucket count - bucketss count after division gives buckets count to be sacrificed. _bucketsToSacrifice = _filteredWeightIdList.Count - distData.BucketsPerNode; if (_bucketsToSacrifice <= 0) { NCacheLog.Error("DistributionMatrix", "Address::" + address.ToString() + " cant sacrifice any bucket. Buckets/Node = " + distData.BucketsPerNode + " My Buckets Count = " + _filteredWeightIdList.Count); return; } int rows = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling((double)((decimal)_filteredWeightIdList.Count /(decimal)_bucketsToSacrifice))); int cols = _bucketsToSacrifice; InitializeMatrix(rows, cols); }
internal virtual void notifyConnectionClosed(Address peer) { NCacheLog.CriticalInfo("ConnectionTable.notifyConnectionClosed", peer.ToString() + " connection close notification"); if (peer == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < conn_listeners.Count; i++) ((ConnectionTable.ConnectionListener)conn_listeners[i]).connectionClosed(peer); }
/// <summary>Try to obtain correct Connection (or create one if not yet existent) </summary> protected virtual Connection getConnection(Address dest, Address primaryAddress, bool reEstablishCon, bool isPrimary, bool withFirstNIC,bool connectingFirstTime) { Connection conn = null; System.Net.Sockets.Socket sock; Address peer_addr = null; try { if (primaryAddress == null) primaryAddress = dest; if (withFirstNIC) { if (isPrimary) conn = (Connection)conns_NIC_1[dest]; else conn = (Connection)secondayrConns_NIC_1[dest]; } else { if (isPrimary) conn = (Connection)conns_NIC_2[primaryAddress]; else conn = (Connection)secondayrConns_NIC_2[primaryAddress]; } if ((conn == null ||!connectingFirstTime) && reEstablishCon) { try { if (NCacheLog.IsInfoEnabled) NCacheLog.Info("ConnectionTable.getConnection()", "No Connetion was found found with " + dest.ToString()); if (local_addr == null) return null; //cluster being stopped. sock = Connect(dest, withFirstNIC); conn = new Connection(this, sock, primaryAddress, this.NCacheLog, isPrimary, nagglingSize, _retries, _retryInterval); conn.MemManager = MemManager; conn.IamInitiater = true; ConnectInfo conInfo = null; try { byte connectStatus = connectingFirstTime ? ConnectInfo.CONNECT_FIRST_TIME : ConnectInfo.RECONNECTING; conn.sendLocalAddress(local_addr,connectingFirstTime); conn.readPeerAddress(sock,ref peer_addr); if (((Address)local_addr).CompareTo((Address)dest) > 0) { conInfo = new ConnectInfo(connectStatus, GetConnectionId()); if (NCacheLog.IsInfoEnabled) NCacheLog.Info("ConnectionTable.getConnection", dest + " I should send connect_info"); conn.SendConnectInfo(conInfo); } else { conInfo = conn.ReadConnectInfo(sock); } //log.Error("ConnectionTable.getConnection", " conn_info :" + conInfo); conn.ConInfo = conInfo; } catch (System.Exception e) { NCacheLog.Error("ConnectionTable.getConnection()", e.Message); conn.DestroySilent(); return null; } if (NCacheLog.IsInfoEnabled) NCacheLog.Info("ConnectionTable.getConnection", "b4 lock conns.SyncRoot"); try { conn_syn_lock.AcquireWriterLock(Timeout.Infinite); if (isPrimary) { if (withFirstNIC) { if (conns_NIC_1.ContainsKey(dest)) { if (NCacheLog.IsInfoEnabled) NCacheLog.Info("ConnectionTable.getConnection()", "connection is already in the table"); Connection tmpConn = (Connection)conns_NIC_1[dest]; if (NCacheLog.IsInfoEnabled) NCacheLog.Info("ConnectionTable.getConnection", "table_con id :" + tmpConn.ConInfo.Id + " new_con id :" + conn.ConInfo.Id); if (conn.ConInfo.Id < tmpConn.ConInfo.Id) { conn.Destroy(); return tmpConn; } else { if (NCacheLog.IsInfoEnabled) NCacheLog.Info("ConnectionTable.getConnection()", dest + "--->connection present in the table is terminated"); tmpConn.Destroy(); conns_NIC_1.Remove(dest); } } notifyConnectionOpened(dest); } else { if (conns_NIC_2.ContainsKey(primaryAddress)) { if (NCacheLog.IsInfoEnabled) NCacheLog.Info("ConnectionTable.getConnection()", "connection is already in the table"); Connection tmpConn = (Connection)conns_NIC_1[dest]; if (conn.ConInfo.Id < tmpConn.ConInfo.Id) { conn.Destroy(); return tmpConn; } else { NCacheLog.Warn("ConnectionTable.getConnection()", dest + "connection present in the table is terminated"); tmpConn.Destroy(); conns_NIC_2.Remove(primaryAddress); } } } } addConnection(primaryAddress, conn, isPrimary, withFirstNIC); if (useDedicatedSender) AddDedicatedMessageSender(primaryAddress, conn, withFirstNIC); conn.init(); } finally { conn_syn_lock.ReleaseWriterLock(); } if (NCacheLog.IsInfoEnabled) NCacheLog.Info("ConnectionTable.getConnection", "after lock conns.SyncRoot"); if (NCacheLog.IsInfoEnabled) NCacheLog.Info("ConnectionTable.getConnection()", "connection is now working"); } finally { } } } catch (System.Threading.ThreadAbortException e) { if (conn != null) conn.Destroy(); conn = null; } catch (System.Threading.ThreadInterruptedException ex) { if (conn != null) conn.Destroy(); conn = null; } finally { } return conn; }
public void ReceivedHeartBeat(Address sender, HearBeat hrtBeat) { Message rspMsg; switch (hrtBeat.Type) { case HearBeat.HEART_BEAT: if (_enclosingInstance.Stack.NCacheLog.IsInfoEnabled) _enclosingInstance.Stack.NCacheLog.Info("ConnectionKeepAlive.ReceivedHeartBeat", "received heartbeat from ->:" + sender.ToString()); lock (_idleConnections.SyncRoot) { _idleConnections.Remove(sender); } break; case HearBeat.SEND_HEART_BEAT: rspMsg = new Message(sender, null, new byte[0]); rspMsg.putHeader(HeaderType.KEEP_ALIVE, new HearBeat(HearBeat.HEART_BEAT)); if (_enclosingInstance.Stack.NCacheLog.IsInfoEnabled) _enclosingInstance.Stack.NCacheLog.Info("ConnectionKeepAlive.ReceivedHeartBeat", "seding heartbeat to ->:" + sender.ToString()); _enclosingInstance.sendUnicastMessage(rspMsg, false, rspMsg.Payload, Priority.Critical); break; case HearBeat.ARE_YOU_ALIVE: rspMsg = new Message(sender, null, new byte[0]); HearBeat rsphrtBeat = (_enclosingInstance.isClosing || _enclosingInstance._leaving) ? new HearBeat(HearBeat.I_AM_LEAVING) : new HearBeat(HearBeat.I_AM_NOT_DEAD); rsphrtBeat = _enclosingInstance.isStarting ? new HearBeat(HearBeat.I_AM_STARTING) : rsphrtBeat; rspMsg.putHeader(HeaderType.KEEP_ALIVE, rsphrtBeat); if (_enclosingInstance.Stack.NCacheLog.IsInfoEnabled) _enclosingInstance.Stack.NCacheLog.Info("ConnectionKeepAlive.ReceivedHeartBeat", "seding status" + rsphrtBeat + " to ->:" + sender.ToString()); _enclosingInstance.sendUnicastMessage(rspMsg, false, rspMsg.Payload, Priority.Critical); break; case HearBeat.I_AM_STARTING: case HearBeat.I_AM_LEAVING: case HearBeat.I_AM_NOT_DEAD: lock (_status_mutex) { if (_currentSuspect != null && _currentSuspect.Equals(sender)) { _statusReceived = hrtBeat; Monitor.Pulse(_status_mutex); } } break; } }
public Connection Reconnect(Address node) { Connection peerConnection = null; bool shouldConnect = false; bool initiateReconnection = false; if (node == null) { NCacheLog.Error("ConnectionTable.Reconnect", "node name is NULL"); return null; } lock (con_reestablish_sync) { try { if (_nodeRejoiningList != null) { lock (_nodeRejoiningList.SyncRoot) { int localNodeIndex = -1; int nodeIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < _nodeRejoiningList.Count; i++) { Address listNode = _nodeRejoiningList[i] as Address; if (listNode.Equals(node)) { nodeIndex = i; } if (listNode.Equals(LocalAddress)) { localNodeIndex = i; } } if (nodeIndex >= 0 && localNodeIndex >= 0) { shouldConnect = true; if (nodeIndex > localNodeIndex) { initiateReconnection = true; } } } } if (shouldConnect) { if (NCacheLog.IsInfoEnabled) NCacheLog.Info("ConnectionTable.Reconnect", node.ToString() + " is part of node rejoining list"); int connectionRetries = _retries; while (connectionRetries-- > 0) { peerConnection = ReEstablishConnection(node); if (peerConnection == null) { Thread.Sleep(new TimeSpan(0, 0, _retryInterval)); } else { break; } } if (peerConnection == null) { if (NCacheLog.IsErrorEnabled) NCacheLog.Error("ConnectionTable.Reconnect", "Can not establish connection with " + node + " after " + _retries + " retries"); notifyConnectionClosed(node); } else { NCacheLog.CriticalInfo("ConnectionTable.Reconnect", "Connection re-establised with " + node); if (peerConnection.IamInitiater) { //inform above layers about re-connection. System.Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(InformAboutReconnection), node); } } } else { if (NCacheLog.IsInfoEnabled) NCacheLog.Info("ConnectionTable.Reconnect", node.ToString() + " is not part of the node rejoining list"); notifyConnectionClosed(node); } } catch (Exception e) { NCacheLog.Error("ConnectionTable.Reconnect", "An error occurred while reconnecting with " + node + " Error :" + e.ToString()); notifyConnectionClosed(node); } } return peerConnection; }
/// <summary> Resend the mcast request with the given localSeqID /// /// </summary> /// <param name="seqID">the local sequence id of the /// </param> private void _retransmitMcastRequest(long seqID, Address groupSequencerAddr) { // *** Get a shared lock try { stateLock.AcquireReaderLock(Timeout.Infinite); try { if (Stack.NCacheLog.IsInfoEnabled) Stack.NCacheLog.Info("TOTAL._retransmitMcastRequest()", "Retransmit MCAST_REQ[" + seqID + "] to : " + groupSequencerAddr.ToString()); _transmitMcastRequest(seqID, groupSequencerAddr); // ** Revoke the shared lock } finally { stateLock.ReleaseReaderLock(); } } catch (ThreadInterruptedException ex) { Stack.NCacheLog.Error("Protocols.TOTAL._retransmitMCastRequest", ex.ToString()); } }
public override void handleInformNodeRejoining(Address sender, Address node) { if (node != null) { if (gms.Stack.NCacheLog.IsInfoEnabled) gms.Stack.NCacheLog.Info("CoordinatorGmsImpl.handleInformNodeRejoining", sender.ToString() + " informed about rejoining with " + node); if (gms.members.contains(node)) { ViewId viewId = gms.GetNextViewId(); GMS.HDR header = new GMS.HDR(GMS.HDR.RESET_ON_NODE_REJOINING, node); header.view = new View(viewId, gms.members.Clone() as ArrayList); header.view.CoordinatorGmsId = gms.unique_id; Message rejoiningMsg = new Message(null, null, new byte[0]); rejoiningMsg.putHeader(HeaderType.GMS, header); gms.passDown(new Event(Event.MSG, rejoiningMsg, Priority.Critical)); } } }
private void handleSignalEndOfStateTxfr(Address requestingNode) { if (_corresponders != null) { StateTxfrCorresponder cor = _corresponders[requestingNode] as StateTxfrCorresponder; if (cor != null) { if (NCacheLog.IsInfoEnabled) NCacheLog.Info("PartitionedServerCache.handleSignalEndOfTxfr", requestingNode.ToString() + " Corresponder removed."); cor.Dispose(); _corresponders.Remove(requestingNode); } } }
/// <summary> /// Transfers the buckets from a its owner. We may receive data in chunks. /// It is a pull model, a node wanting state transfer a bucket makes request /// to its owner. /// </summary> /// <param name="buckets"></param> /// <param name="owner"></param> /// <returns></returns> private bool TransferBuckets(ArrayList buckets, ref Address owner, bool sparsedBuckets) { bool transferEnd; bool successfullyTxfrd = false; int expectedTxfrId = 1; bool resync = false; try { if (_parent.Context.NCacheLog.IsInfoEnabled) _parent.Context.NCacheLog.Info(Name + ".TransferBuckets", " Starting transfer. Owner : " + owner.ToString() + " , Bucket : " + ((int)buckets[0]).ToString()); PrepareBucketsForStateTxfr(buckets); long dataRecieved = 0; long currentIternationData = 0; while (true) { if (_enableGc && _dataTransferred >= _gcThreshhold) { _dataTransferred = 0; DateTime start = DateTime.Now; GC.Collect(GC.MaxGeneration, GCCollectionMode.Forced); DateTime end = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan diff = end - start; if (_parent.NCacheLog.IsErrorEnabled) _parent.NCacheLog.CriticalInfo(this.Name + ".TransferBucket", "explicit GC called. time taken(ms) :" + diff.TotalMilliseconds + " gcThreshold :" + _gcThreshhold); } else _dataTransferred += currentIternationData; Boolean sleep = false; resync = false; transferEnd = true; StateTxfrInfo info = null; try { currentIternationData = 0; info = SafeTransferBucket(buckets, owner, sparsedBuckets, expectedTxfrId); if (info != null) { currentIternationData = info.DataSize; dataRecieved += info.DataSize; } } catch (Runtime.Exceptions.SuspectedException) { resync = true; } catch (Runtime.Exceptions.TimeoutException) { } if (resync) { if (_parent.Context.NCacheLog.IsInfoEnabled) _parent.Context.NCacheLog.Info(Name + ".TransferBuckets", owner + " is suspected"); Address changedOwner = GetChangedOwner((int)buckets[0], owner); if (changedOwner != null) { if (_parent.Context.NCacheLog.IsInfoEnabled) _parent.Context.NCacheLog.Info(Name + ".TransferBuckets", changedOwner + " is new owner"); if (changedOwner.Equals(owner)) { continue; } else { owner = changedOwner; expectedTxfrId = 1; continue; } } else { _parent.Context.NCacheLog.Error(Name + ".TransferBuckets", " Could not get new owner"); info = new StateTxfrInfo(true); } } if (info != null) { successfullyTxfrd = true; transferEnd = info.transferCompleted; HashVector tbl =; CacheEntry entry = null; expectedTxfrId++; //muds: //add data to local cache. if (tbl != null && tbl.Count > 0) { IDictionaryEnumerator ide = tbl.GetEnumerator(); while (ide.MoveNext()) { if (!_stateTransferEventLogged) { AppUtil.LogEvent(_cacheserver, "\"" + _parent.Context.SerializationContext + "(" + _parent.Cluster.LocalAddress.ToString() + ")\"" + " has started state transfer.", System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Information, EventCategories.Information, EventID.StateTransferStart); _stateTransferEventLogged = _logStateTransferEvent = true; } try { OperationContext operationContext = new OperationContext(OperationContextFieldName.OperationType, OperationContextOperationType.CacheOperation); if (ide.Value != null) { entry = ide.Value as CacheEntry; CacheInsResultWithEntry result = _parent.InternalCache.Insert(ide.Key, entry, false, false, null, LockAccessType.DEFAULT, operationContext); if (result != null && result.Result == CacheInsResult.NeedsEviction) { failedKeysList.Add(ide.Key); } } else { _parent.InternalCache.Remove(ide.Key, ItemRemoveReason.Removed, false, false, null, LockAccessType.IGNORE_LOCK, operationContext); } } catch (StateTransferException se) { _parent.Context.NCacheLog.Error(Name + ".TransferBuckets", " Can not add/remove key = " + ide.Key + " : value is " + ((ide.Value == null) ? "null" : " not null") + " : " + se.Message); } catch (Exception e) { _parent.Context.NCacheLog.Error(Name + ".TransferBuckets", " Can not add/remove key = " + ide.Key + " : value is " + ((ide.Value == null) ? "null" : " not null") + " : " + e.Message); } } if (_parent.Context.NCacheLog.IsInfoEnabled) _parent.Context.NCacheLog.Info(Name + ".TransferBuckets", " BalanceDataLoad = " + _isBalanceDataLoad.ToString()); if (_isBalanceDataLoad) _parent.Context.PerfStatsColl.IncrementDataBalPerSecStatsBy(tbl.Count); else _parent.Context.PerfStatsColl.IncrementStateTxfrPerSecStatsBy(tbl.Count); } } else successfullyTxfrd = false; if (transferEnd) { BucketsTransfered(owner, buckets); EndBucketsStateTxfr(buckets); //muds: //send ack for the state transfer over. //Ask every node to release lock on this/these bucket(s) if (_parent.Context.NCacheLog.IsInfoEnabled) _parent.Context.NCacheLog.Info(Name + ".TransferBuckets", "Acknowledging transfer. Owner : " + owner.ToString() + " , Bucket : " + ((int)buckets[0]).ToString()); AcknowledgeStateTransferCompleted(owner, buckets); break; } if (info != null) _throttlingManager.Throttle(info.DataSize); } } catch (System.Threading.ThreadAbortException) { EndBucketsStateTxfr(buckets); throw; } return successfullyTxfrd; }
internal bool allowJoin(Address mbr, bool isStartedAsMirror) { if (!isPartReplica) return true; //muds: //new code for disabling the join while in state transfer. lock (acquirePermission_mutex) { _allowJoin = false; ArrayList existingMembers = members.Members; Address lastJoiney = null; if (existingMembers.Count > 0) { lastJoiney = existingMembers[existingMembers.Count - 1] as Address; if (isStartedAsMirror) { if (!lastJoiney.IpAddress.Equals(mbr.IpAddress)) return false; } else { if (existingMembers.Count > 1) { Address secondLastJoinee = existingMembers[existingMembers.Count - 2] as Address; if (!lastJoiney.IpAddress.Equals(secondLastJoinee.IpAddress)) return false; } else return false; } } if (isStartedAsMirror) { //if members contain my active then i need to join if (members.ContainsIP(mbr)) { _allowJoin = true; } } else { Stack.NCacheLog.CriticalInfo("pbcast.GMS.allowJoin()", "Join permission for " + mbr.ToString()); bool inStateTransfer = IsClusterInStateTransfer(); _allowJoin = !inStateTransfer; } return _allowJoin; } }