        /// <summary>
        /// Converts "standard" rules from .akk to .cs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method must come before the conversion to Facts.QueryTvar<Tvar>().
        /// </remarks>
        private static string ConvertRegularRules(string line, string space)
            if (Util.Depth(line) == 0)
                line = TransformMethod.CreateMainRule(line, space);

        /// <summary>
        /// Applies transformation rules to the input line.
        /// </summary>
        private static string Convert(string line, string previousLine, string fileName, string tableMatchLine, string currentRuleType, string docNameSpace)
            // Perform general syntactic replacements
            line = line.Replace("|~", "^");
            line = line.Replace("&", "&&").Replace("|", "||");
            line = line.Replace("...", "(");
            line = line.Replace("<>", "!=");

            // Currency values
            line = Util.RemoveCurrencyStyling(line);

            // Stub()
            line = Regex.Replace(line, @"Stub\(\)", "new " + currentRuleType + "(Hstate.Stub)");

            // Process question-related metadata and declared assumptions
            Questions.GatherMetadata(line, previousLine, fileName, docNameSpace);
            line = Assumptions.Process(line, docNameSpace);

            // Regex part
            const string word = @"[-!\+\*/A-Za-z0-9\.;\(\),""'_<>=&| %]+";

            // Convert rules and dates
            line = ConvertRegularRules(line, docNameSpace);
            line = ConvertRuleTables(line, currentRuleType, tableMatchLine, word);

            // Facts.QueryTvar<Tvar>()
//            line = TransformMethod.QueryTvarTransform(line, docNameSpace, previousLine);  // can be used to generate c# custom attributes
            line = TransformMethod.QueryTvarTransform(line, docNameSpace);

            // IfThen()
            line = Regex.Replace(line, @"if (?<txt>" + word + @") then (?<txt2>[-!\+\*/A-Za-z0-9\.;\(\),""'_<>= ]+)", "IfThen(${txt}, ${txt2})");

            // Higher-order set functions
            line = Regex.Replace(line, @"\.(?<quant>(Exists|ForAll|Filter|Sum|Min|Max|OptimalSubset))\((?<fcn>[a-zA-Z0-9\(\)\._,\! ]+)\)", ".${quant}( _ => ${fcn})");

        /// <summary>
        /// Iterates through the .akk file line by line and converts it to C#.
        /// </summary>
        public static string CompilerOutput(string file)
            // Mutable variables
            int           ruleCount       = 0;
            int           lastLineDepth   = 0;
            int           parenCount      = 0;
            bool          isCommentBlock  = false;
            bool          isRulePart      = false;
            string        rulePart        = "";
            List <string> subrules        = new List <string>();
            string        previousLine    = "";    // Keeps track of the previous .akk line
            string        tableMatchLine  = "";    // Rule input that must be matched in a table
            string        currentRuleType = "";    // For main rules and subrule
            string        mainRuleType    = "";    // For main rules
            string        methodCacheLine = "";    // Creates line that caches method results
            bool          cacheRule       = false; // Should method results be cached?
            string        unitTests       = "";    // Accumulates lines as they are processed

            // First pass: get the document namespace
            string docNameSpace = Boilerplate.GetDocNameSpace(file);

            // Second pass: get the file metadata
            string result = Boilerplate.InitialBoilerplate(file, docNameSpace);

            // Third pass: parse the rules, line by line
            StreamReader stream = new StreamReader(file);
            string       line;

            while ((line = stream.ReadLine()) != null)
                line = line.Replace("\t", "    ");
                int depth = Util.Depth(line);

                // Handle commented lines, comment blocks, and mid-line comments
                if (!isCommentBlock && Util.IsCommentBlockLine(line))
                    isCommentBlock = true;
                else if (isCommentBlock && Util.IsCommentBlockLine(line))
                    isCommentBlock = false; continue;
                if (isCommentBlock || Util.IsComment(line))
                    previousLine = line;    // Get previous line, to capture any question text
                line = Util.DeComment(line);

                // Create unit test from .akk
                if (Tests.IsTestLine(line))
                    unitTests += Tests.ProcessTestLine(line);

                // Process the line
                if (Util.IsMainRule(line))          // Begin a new rule
                    // Close previous rule
                    if (ruleCount != 0)
                        result += Util.ReorderSubrules(subrules, mainRuleType, cacheRule, methodCacheLine);
                        result += Util.EndRule;

                    // Process current line
                    cacheRule = false;
                    result   += Convert(line, previousLine, file, tableMatchLine, currentRuleType, docNameSpace);

                    // Detect whether this is a function that needs to be cached
                    const string wrd  = TransformMethod.wrd;
                    const string typs = TransformMethod.typs;
                    if (Regex.Match(line, @"(?<typ>" + typs + @")(?<sym>Sym)?(?<quest>\?)? (?<fcn>" + wrd + @")\((?<argtyp1>" + wrd + @" )(?<arg1>" + wrd + @")(?<comma1>, ?)?(?<argtyp2>" + wrd + @" )?(?<arg2>" + wrd + @")?(?<comma2>, ?)?(?<argtyp3>" + wrd + @" )?(?<arg3>" + wrd + @")?\) =").Success)
                        cacheRule       = true;
                        methodCacheLine = TransformMethod.MethodCacheLine(line, docNameSpace);

                    // Set flag variables
                    parenCount      = 0;
                    currentRuleType = Util.ExtractRuleType(line);
                    mainRuleType    = currentRuleType;
                else                     // Add ordinary rule conditions
                    string snippet = "";

                    if (depth > 0)
                        isRulePart = true;

                    // Identify return type of subrule
                    if (depth == 1 && Util.IsDeclaration(line))
                        currentRuleType = Util.ExtractRuleType(line);

                    // Deal with parentheses
                    if (line.Trim() == "...")
                    int closingParensNeeded = Math.Min(lastLineDepth - depth, parenCount);
                    if (parenCount > 0 && closingParensNeeded > 0)
                        parenCount = parenCount - closingParensNeeded;
                        snippet   += Util.ClosingParens(closingParensNeeded, lastLineDepth);

                    // Handle rule tables
                    if (line.Trim().StartsWith("match"))
                        tableMatchLine = line;

                    // Convert the line items (to main rule or subrule)
                    snippet += "        " + Convert(line, previousLine, file, tableMatchLine, currentRuleType, docNameSpace) + "\r\n";
                    if (isRulePart)
                        rulePart += snippet;
                        result += snippet;

                if (Util.IsBlank(line))             // Blank lines
                    // Reset subrule flag and add subrule to subrule list
                    isRulePart = false;
                    if (rulePart != "")
                    rulePart = "";
                    SlocCount++;    // Doesn't count test case lines (by design)

                lastLineDepth = depth;

            // Close the final method
            result += Util.ReorderSubrules(subrules, mainRuleType, cacheRule, methodCacheLine);
            result += Util.EndRule;

            // Close the class/namespace, and add the unit tests
            result += Boilerplate.ClassAndNamespaceClose;
            string unitTestNameSpace = docNameSpace;

            result += Tests.WriteUnitTests(unitTests, unitTestNameSpace);
