public override void Initialize(System.ComponentModel.IComponent component) { _gravatar = component as Gravatar; if (_gravatar == null) throw new ArgumentException("Component must be a gravatar control", "component"); base.Initialize(component); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Post == null) return; PageBase page = (PageBase)Page; PostPanel.CssClass = this.CssClass; ReplyInfo reply = (ReplyInfo)Post; msgBody.Text = reply.Message.ReplaceNoParseTags().ParseVideoTags().ParseWebUrls(); litDate.Text = SnitzTime.TimeAgoTag(reply.Date, page.IsAuthenticated, page.Member); litAuthor.Text = reply.AuthorProfilePopup; ProfileCommon prof = ProfileCommon.GetUserProfile(reply.AuthorName); var author = Members.GetAuthor(reply.AuthorId); if (prof.Gravatar) { Gravatar avatar = new Gravatar { Email = author.Email }; if (author.AvatarUrl != "" && author.AvatarUrl.StartsWith("http:")) avatar.DefaultImage = author.AvatarUrl; avatar.CssClass = "avatar"; phAvatar.Controls.Add(avatar); } else { SnitzMembershipUser mu = (SnitzMembershipUser)Membership.GetUser(author.Username); Literal avatar = new Literal { Text = author.AvatarImg }; if (mu != null && mu.IsActive && !(Config.AnonMembers.Contains(mu.UserName))) avatar.Text = avatar.Text.Replace("'avatar'", "'avatar online'"); phAvatar.Controls.Add(avatar); } }
public override void Initialize(System.ComponentModel.IComponent component) { _gravatar = component as Gravatar; if (_gravatar == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Component must be a gravatar control", "component"); } base.Initialize(component); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Post == null) return; PageBase page = (PageBase)Page; PostPanel.CssClass = this.CssClass; TopicInfo topic = (TopicInfo) Post; lblSubject.Text = topic.Subject; msgBody.Text = topic.Message.ReplaceNoParseTags().ParseVideoTags().ParseWebUrls(); litDate.Text = SnitzTime.TimeAgoTag(topic.Date, page.IsAuthenticated, page.Member); litAuthor.Text = topic.AuthorProfilePopup; ProfileCommon prof = ProfileCommon.GetUserProfile(topic.AuthorName); var author = Members.GetAuthor(topic.AuthorId); if (prof.Gravatar) { Gravatar avatar = new Gravatar { Email = author.Email }; if (author.AvatarUrl != "" && author.AvatarUrl.StartsWith("http:")) avatar.DefaultImage = author.AvatarUrl; phAvatar.Controls.Add(avatar); } else { SnitzMembershipUser mu = (SnitzMembershipUser)Membership.GetUser(author.Username); Literal avatar = new Literal { Text = author.AvatarImg }; if (mu != null && mu.IsActive && !(Config.AnonMembers.Contains(mu.UserName))) avatar.Text = avatar.Text.Replace("'avatar'", "'avatar online'"); phAvatar.Controls.Add(avatar); } litViews.Text = String.Format("viewed {0} times", topic.Views); blgDay.Text = topic.Date.Day.ToString(); blgMonth.Text = topic.Date.ToString("MMM"); hBookmark.OnClientClick = "confirmBookMark('Do you want to bookmark this Blog entry?'," + topic.Id + ",-1);return false;"; hComments.Text = String.Format("{0} {1}", topic.ReplyCount, webResources.lblComments); }
private void SetupTabs() { _editmode = _editmode || IsMyProfile; SetControlStatus(); tbxName.Text = _user.Username; tbxRealName.Text = String.Format("{0} {1}", _user.Firstname, _user.Lastname); tbxAge.Text = Common.TranslateNumerals(Common.GetAgeFromDOB(_user.DateOfBirth)); if (_profile.HideAge && !IsMyProfile) tbxAge.Text = @"Mind your own business"; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_user.MaritalStatus.Trim())) ddlMarStatus.SelectedValue = _user.MaritalStatus; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_user.Gender.Trim())) ddlGender.SelectedValue = _user.Gender; tbxState.Text = _user.State; tbxCity.Text = _user.City; tbxCountry.Text = _user.Country; tbxOccupation.Text = _user.Occupation; string title = ""; var rInf = new RankInfo(_user.Username, ref title, _user.PostCount, SnitzCachedLists.GetRankings()); tbxForumTitle.Text = title; if(_user.DateOfBirth.Trim() != "") { var dateTime = _user.DateOfBirth.ToDateTime(); if (dateTime != null) DobPicker.SetDOB(dateTime.Value); } cbxDaylightSaving.Checked = _user.UseDaylightSaving; ddlTimeZone.SelectedValue = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(_user.TimeZone) ? _user.TimeZone : Config.TimeZoneString; ddTheme.SelectedValue = Config.UserTheme; if (_profile.Gravatar) { var grav = new Gravatar { ID = "imgAvatar", Email = _user.Email, DefaultImageBehavior = GravatarDefaultImageBehavior.Default, Rating = GravatarRating.Default }; if(_user.AvatarUrl != "") grav.DefaultImage = _user.AvatarUrl; phAvatar.Controls.Add(grav); }else { var img = new Literal {Text = _user.AvatarImg}; phAvatar.Controls.Add(img); } cbxReceiveEmail.Checked = _user.ReceiveEmails; cbxHideEmail.Checked = _user.HideEmail; cbxUseSig.Checked = _user.UseSignature; cbxViewSig.Checked = _user.ViewSignatures; cbxHideAge.Checked = _profile.HideAge; cbxGravatar.Checked = _profile.Gravatar; tbxSkype.Text = _profile.Skype; tbxYAHOO.Text = _user.Yahoo; tbxAIM.Text = _user.AIM; tbxSkype.Text = _user.Skype; tbxICQ.Text = _user.ICQ; repBookMarks.DataSource = _profile.BookMarks; repBookMarks.DataBind(); rptRecentTopics.DataSource = Members.GetRecentTopics(_user.Id,Member); rptRecentTopics.DataBind(); string[] roles = Roles.GetRolesForUser(_profileUser); LitRoles.Text = String.Join("<br/>",roles); lblUserId.Text += @" : " + _user.Id; lblPosts.Text += @" : " + _user.PostCount; lblSince.Text += @" : " + Members.MemberSinceTimeAgo(_user); lblVisit.Text += @" : " + Members.LastVisitTimeAgo(_user); cbxPublic.Checked = _profile.PublicGallery; grdSubs.DataSource = Subscriptions.GetMemberSubscriptions(_user.Id); grdSubs.DataBind(); }
private Control GetTopicAuthorIcon(int authorid) { var author = Members.GetAuthor(authorid); ProfileCommon prof = ProfileCommon.GetUserProfile(author.Username); if (prof.Gravatar) { Gravatar avatar = new Gravatar { Email = author.Email }; if (author.AvatarUrl != "" && author.AvatarUrl.StartsWith("http:")) avatar.DefaultImage = author.AvatarUrl; avatar.CssClass = "avatarsmall"; return avatar; } else { SnitzMembershipUser mu = (SnitzMembershipUser)Membership.GetUser(author.Username); Literal avatar = new Literal { Text = author.AvatarImg }; if (mu != null && mu.IsActive && !(Config.AnonMembers.Contains(mu.UserName))) avatar.Text = avatar.Text.Replace("'avatar'", "'avatarsmall online'"); else avatar.Text = avatar.Text.Replace("'avatar'", "'avatarsmall'"); return avatar; } }
private void DisplayMessage(PrivateMessageInfo pm) { MemberInfo member = Snitz.BLL.Members.GetMember(pm.FromMemberName); ProfileCommon prof = ProfileCommon.GetUserProfile(pm.FromMemberName); if (prof.Gravatar) { Gravatar avatar = new Gravatar { Email = member.Email }; if (member.AvatarUrl != "") avatar.DefaultImage = member.AvatarUrl; phAvatar.Controls.Add(avatar); } else { Literal avatar = new Literal { Text = member.AvatarUrl }; phAvatar.Controls.Add(avatar); } pmRecipients.Text = pm.Subject; pmSubject.Visible = false; pmFrom.Text = String.Format("<a href=\"/Account/profile.aspx?user={0}\">{0}</a>", pm.FromMemberName); pmTitle.Text = member.Title; pmCountry.Text = member.Country; pmPostcount.Text = member.PostCount.ToString(); pmDate.Text = pm.Sent.ToString(); pmBody.Text = pm.Message.ParseTags(); PMViews.ActiveViewIndex = 2; }
protected void ViewSentMessage(object sender, EventArgs e) { var lnk = (LinkButton)sender; PrivateMessageInfo pm = Snitz.BLL.PrivateMessages.GetMessage(Convert.ToInt32(lnk.CommandArgument)); pm.FromMember = Snitz.BLL.Members.GetMember(pm.FromMemberId); if (pm.FromMember.ProfileData != null && pm.FromMember.ProfileData.Gravatar == 1) { string avatar = String.Format("{0}/Avatars/{1}", Common.GetSiteRoot(), String.IsNullOrEmpty(pm.FromMember.Avatar) ? "default.gif" : pm.FromMember.Avatar); var gravatar = new Gravatar { Email = pm.FromMember.Email }; if (avatar != "") gravatar.DefaultImage = avatar; phAvatar.Controls.Add(gravatar); } else { var avatar = new Literal { Text = pm.FromMember.AvatarUrl }; phAvatar.Controls.Add(avatar); } PMViews.ActiveViewIndex = 2; pmRecipients.Text = "To: " + pm.ToMemberName; pmFrom.Text = String.Format("<a href=\"/Account/profile.aspx?user={0}\">{0}</a>", pm.FromMemberName); pmTitle.Text = pm.FromMember.Title; pmCountry.Text = pm.FromMember.Country; pmPostcount.Text = pm.FromMember.PostCount.ToString(); pmDate.Text = SnitzTime.TimeAgoTag(pm.Sent, true, pm.FromMember); pmSubject.Visible = true; pmSubject.Text = pm.Subject; pmBody.Text = pm.Message.ParseTags(); SetButtonDisplay(); ButtonReply.Visible = false; ButtonReplyQuote.Visible = false; ButtonForward.Visible = false; ButtonDelete.Visible = false; }
protected void RptItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e) { RepeaterItem item = e.Item; AuthorInfo author; if (Cache["M" + UserId] == null) { author = Members.GetAuthor(UserId); Cache.Insert("M" + UserId, author, null, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(10d), System.Web.Caching.Cache.NoSlidingExpiration); } else { author = (AuthorInfo)Cache["M" + UserId]; } if ((item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item) || (item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem)) { if (author != null) { Label litRank = (Label)item.FindControl("MemberTitleLabel"); if (litRank != null) { string title = ""; RankInfo rInf = new RankInfo(author.Username, ref title, author.PostCount, SnitzCachedLists.GetRankings()); if (Config.ShowRankTitle) litRank.Text = title; } ProfileCommon prof = ProfileCommon.GetUserProfile(author.Username); if (prof.Gravatar) { var avatar = (Literal)item.FindControl("AvatarLabel"); avatar.Visible = false; var ph = (PlaceHolder) item.FindControl("phAvatar"); ph.Visible = true; var grav = new Gravatar {Email = author.Email}; if (author.AvatarUrl != "" && author.AvatarUrl.StartsWith("http:")) grav.DefaultImage = author.AvatarUrl; ph.Controls.Add(grav); } else { var avatar = (Literal)item.FindControl("AvatarLabel"); var ph = (PlaceHolder)item.FindControl("phAvatar"); avatar.Text = author.AvatarImg; avatar.Visible = true; ph.Visible = false; } } } }