public static ExcelXmlWorkbook Import(string string_0) { ExcelXmlWorkbook workbook; if (!File.Exists(string_0)) { return(null); } try { Stream stream = new FileStream(string_0, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); ExcelXmlWorkbook workbook2 = Import(stream); stream.Close(); stream.Dispose(); return(workbook2); } catch (IOException) { workbook = null; } catch (SecurityException) { workbook = null; } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { workbook = null; } return(workbook); }
internal Column(Worksheet worksheet_0) { if (worksheet_0 == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("parent"); } this.excelXmlWorkbook_0 = worksheet_0.excelXmlWorkbook_0; }
public static ExcelXmlWorkbook DataSetToWorkbook(DataSet dataSet_0) { ExcelXmlWorkbook workbook = new ExcelXmlWorkbook(); for (int i = 0; i < dataSet_0.Tables.Count; i++) { Worksheet worksheet = workbook[i]; worksheet.Name = "Table" + i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); int count = dataSet_0.Tables[i].Columns.Count; for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) { worksheet[j, 0].Value = dataSet_0.Tables[i].Columns[j].ColumnName; worksheet[j, 0].Font.Bold = true; } int num2 = 0; foreach (DataRow row in dataSet_0.Tables[i].Rows) { num2++; for (int k = 0; k < count; k++) { switch (row[k].GetType().FullName) { case "System.DateTime": worksheet[k, num2].Value = (DateTime)row[k]; break; case "System.Boolean": worksheet[k, num2].Value = (bool)row[k]; break; case "System.SByte": case "System.Int16": case "System.Int32": case "System.Int64": case "System.Byte": case "System.UInt16": case "System.UInt32": case "System.UInt64": case "System.Single": case "System.Double": case "System.Decimal": worksheet[k, num2].Value = Convert.ToDecimal(row[k], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); break; case "System.DBNull": break; default: worksheet[k, num2].Value = row[k].ToString(); break; } } } } return(workbook); }
internal void method_5(XmlReader xmlReader_0) { foreach (XmlReaderAttributeItem item in xmlReader_0.GetAttributes()) { if ((item.LocalName == "Name") && item.HasValue) { this.Name = item.Value; } if ((item.LocalName == "StyleID") && item.HasValue) { base.Style = this.excelXmlWorkbook_0.method_6(item.Value); } } while (xmlReader_0.Read()) { string str; if ((xmlReader_0.Name == "Worksheet") && (xmlReader_0.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement)) { break; } if ((xmlReader_0.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) && ((str = xmlReader_0.Name) != null)) { if (str != "Names") { if (!(str == "Table")) { if (str == "WorksheetOptions") { this.method_6(xmlReader_0); } } else { this.method_9(xmlReader_0); } } else { ExcelXmlWorkbook.smethod_0(xmlReader_0, this.vmethod_0().list_2, this); } } } }
internal Worksheet(ExcelXmlWorkbook excelXmlWorkbook_1) { if (excelXmlWorkbook_1 == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("parent"); } this.excelXmlWorkbook_0 = excelXmlWorkbook_1; this.PrintOptions = new Aisino.Framework.Plugin.Core.ExcelXml.PrintOptions(); this.PrintOptions.Layout = PageLayout.None; this.PrintOptions.Orientation = PageOrientation.None; this.list_1 = new List <Row>(); this.list_0 = new List <Column>(); this.list_2 = new List <Aisino.Framework.Plugin.Core.ExcelXml.Range>(); this.TabColor = -1; this.PrintOptions.int_1 = 1; this.PrintOptions.int_2 = 1; this.PrintOptions.int_0 = 100; this.PrintOptions.ResetMargins(); }
public void ConvertToExcel(string string_0, string string_1) { int rowCount = this.dataGridView_0.RowCount; int columnCount = this.dataGridView_0.ColumnCount; if ((rowCount <= 0) || (columnCount <= 0)) { this.ExportEndedEvent(new object(), new ExportEndedEventArgs(false, new Exception("No data for exporting."))); } else if (rowCount > 0x10000) { this.ExportEndedEvent(new object(), new ExportEndedEventArgs(false, new Exception("The rows count should be less than or equal to 65536."))); } else if (columnCount > 0xff) { this.ExportEndedEvent(new object(), new ExportEndedEventArgs(false, new Exception("The columns count should be less than or equal to 255."))); } else { if (File.Exists(string_0)) { try { File.Delete(string_0); } catch (Exception exception2) { this.ExportEndedEvent(new object(), new ExportEndedEventArgs(false, new Exception(string.Format("Cannot delete the file\r\n{0}", exception2.Message)))); return; } } this.ExportStartingEvent(columnCount + rowCount, new EventArgs()); ExcelXmlWorkbook workbook = new ExcelXmlWorkbook { Properties = { Author = "航天信息股份有限公司" } }; Worksheet worksheet = workbook[0]; if (string.Empty.Equals(string_1)) { worksheet.Name = "防伪开票系统导出报表"; } else { worksheet.Name = string_1; } try { worksheet.FreezeTopRows = 1; int num3 = 1; for (int i = 0; i <= (columnCount - 1); i++) { if (this.dataGridView_0.Columns[i].Visible) { worksheet[num3 - 1, 0].Value = this.dataGridView_0.Columns[i].HeaderText.Trim(); num3++; } this.ExportProgressingEvent(i + 1, new EventArgs()); } new Range(worksheet[0, 0], worksheet[columnCount - 1, 0]).Font.Bold = true; int num5 = 0; Label_01B7: if (num5 <= (rowCount - 1)) { num3 = 1; int num6 = 0; while (true) { if (num6 < columnCount) { if (this.dataGridView_0.Columns[num6].Visible) { try { worksheet[num3 - 1, num5 + 1].Value = this.dataGridView_0.Rows[num5].Cells[num6].Value.ToString().Trim(); num3++; } catch { } } } else { this.ExportProgressingEvent((columnCount + num5) + 1, new EventArgs()); num5++; goto Label_01B7; } num6++; } } workbook.Export(string_0); } catch (Exception exception) { this.ExportEndedEvent(new object(), new ExportEndedEventArgs(false, new Exception(string.Format("Export file failed.\r\n{0}", exception.Message)))); return; } finally { GC.Collect(); } this.ExportEndedEvent(new object(), new ExportEndedEventArgs(true, null)); } }