static void Menu(ref Flight[] arrival, ref Flight[] depature, ref Passenger[] people, ref List <FlightClass> f_class_list) { Console.Clear(); do { Console.WriteLine("work with: \n1) flights \n2) flight classes \n3) exit"); ConsoleKeyInfo case_switch = Console.ReadKey(); switch (case_switch.Key.ToString()) { case "D1": //arrival menu_flight(ref arrival, ref people, ref f_class_list); break; //case "D2": // menu_flight(ref depature, ref people, ref f_class_list); // break; case "D2": Console.WriteLine("\ninput the name of the flight class"); string name_f_class = Console.ReadLine(); int cost = 0; do { Console.WriteLine("input the cost"); string cost_string = Console.ReadLine(); bool check_number = int.TryParse(cost_string, out cost); if (cost == 0) { Console.WriteLine("input a number"); } }while (cost == 0); FlightClass f_class = new FlightClass(name_f_class, cost); using (var ctx = new AirplaneContext()) { ctx.FlightClasses.Add(f_class); ctx.SaveChanges(); } f_class_list.Add(f_class); break; case "D3": Environment.Exit(0); break; default: Console.WriteLine("wrong input"); break; } } while (true); }
public void Delete_flight() { FlightEventArgs args = new FlightEventArgs(); args.flight_number = this.flight_num; //FlightDeleteHandler(this, args); using (var ctx = new AirplaneContext()) { ctx.Entry(this).State = EntityState.Deleted; ctx.SaveChanges(); } this.Flight_num = string.Empty; this.City = string.Empty; this.Airline = string.Empty; this.Terminal = string.Empty; this.Status = string.Empty; this.Gate = 0; this.arr_date = DateTime.MinValue; }
public void Add_flight() { Console.SetCursorPosition(0, Console.CursorTop); do { Console.WriteLine("input the flight number, can not be empty"); this.Flight_num = Console.ReadLine(); } while (this.Flight_num == null); Console.WriteLine("input the city/port"); this.City = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("input the airline"); this.Airline = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("input the terminal"); this.Terminal = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("choose the status"); this.Status = Status_Choice(); Console.ReadKey(); int i = 0; do { Console.WriteLine("input the gate"); string gate = Console.ReadLine(); bool s = int.TryParse(gate, out i); this.Gate = i; if (i == 0) { Console.WriteLine("gate must be a number"); } }while (i == 0); this.arr_date = DateAndTime(); using (var ctx = new AirplaneContext()) { ctx.Flights.Add(this); ctx.SaveChanges(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.SetWindowSize(Console.WindowWidth, Console.WindowHeight + 3); var flight_class_list = new List <FlightClass>(); var flights = new List <Flight>(); var passengers = new List <Passenger>(); var launcher = new Launch(); Thread thread_speech = new Thread(launcher.Speech); Thread thread_launch = new Thread(launcher.PlaneDrawing); var c = flight_class_list.GetEnumerator(); thread_speech.Start(); thread_launch.Start(); thread_launch.Join(); using (var ctx = new AirplaneContext()) { //FlightClass stud = new FlightClass() { Name = "Flight Class2", Cost = 20 }; //ctx.FlightClasses.Add(stud); ////ctx.Passengers.Attach(stud); ////ctx.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(overlaydb1, EntityState.Modified); //ctx.SaveChanges(); //Flight flight = new Flight() { Flight_num = "first", City = "Kyiv", Airline = "National Airlines", Terminal = "A", Status = "boarding", Gate = 12 }; //ctx.Flights.Add(flight); ////ctx.Passengers.Attach(stud); ////ctx.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(overlaydb1, EntityState.Modified); // ctx.SaveChanges(); } using (var context = new AirplaneContext()) { flight_class_list = context.FlightClasses.ToList <FlightClass>(); flights = context.Flights.ToList <Flight>(); passengers = context.Passengers.ToList <Passenger>(); } Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; Flight[] arrival = new Flight[30]; Flight[] depature = new Flight[30]; Passenger[] people = new Passenger[30]; for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) { arrival[i] = new Flight(); depature[i] = new Flight(); people[i] = new Passenger(); } int x = 0; foreach (Flight flight in flights) { arrival[x] = flight; x++; } x = 0; foreach (Passenger pers in passengers) { people[x] = pers; x++; } Menu(ref arrival, ref depature, ref people, ref flight_class_list); Console.ReadKey(); }