public override void OnAwake() { print("[AQ:HV] OnAwake"); Air = new AQAir(); InstanceAQSettings = new AQsettings(); base.OnAwake(); }
public void UpdateAll(Vessel vessel, AQAir Air, double LivingVolume, double ScaleFactor) { KeyValuePair <string, double> limitingreagent; foreach (AQReaction reaction in Reactions) { print("[AQ:GRE] Evaluating Reaction " + reaction.Name); limitingreagent = reaction.CalculateLimit(ScaleFactor, LivingVolume, Air, vessel, part.protoModuleCrew.Count); if (limitingreagent.Value - < float.Epsilon) { print("[AQ:GRE] reaction " + reaction.Name + " is not limited"); } else { print("[AQ:GRE] reaction " + reaction.Name + " is limited by reagent " + limitingreagent.Key + " to scale of " + limitingreagent.Value); } print("[AQ:GRE] reaction " + reaction.Name + " updating resources"); reaction.UpdateResources(part, ScaleFactor, part.protoModuleCrew.Count); print("[AQ:GRE] finished updating resources, limiting factor " + limitingreagent.Value); print("[AQ:GRE] reaction " + reaction.Name + " updating AQGases"); reaction.UpdateAir(Air, LivingVolume, ScaleFactor, part.protoModuleCrew.Count); print("[AQ:GRE] Finished simulating " + reaction.Name); } return; }
public void UpdateAir(AQAir Air, double LivingVolume, double ScaleFactor, double CrewFactor) //todo get rid of crewfactor as arguement, and air too, use part instead { if (Type != AQConventions.ReactionTypes.Breathe) { CrewFactor =; } if (Type == AQConventions.ReactionTypes.Leak) //todo split leak into a separate partmodule maybe { //Single AQGas reagent is expected, all gases are equally affected, production is interpreted as retention. foreach (AQGasReagent gasreagent in GasReagents) { foreach (string aqgasname in Air.Keys) { Air[aqgasname].Pressure *= Math.Pow(gasreagent.Production, ScaleFactor); } } } else if (Type == AQConventions.ReactionTypes.Scrub || Type == AQConventions.ReactionTypes.Backfill || Type == AQConventions.ReactionTypes.Breathe) //absolute production values in moles { foreach (AQGasReagent gasreagent in GasReagents) { if (!Air.ContainsKey(gasreagent.Name)) { Air.RegisterGas(gasreagent.Name); } Air[gasreagent.Name].Pressure += CrewFactor * ScaleFactor * LimitingFactor * gasreagent.Production * AQPhysicalConstants.GasConstant * AQPhysicalConstants.StandardAmbientConditions.Temperature / LivingVolume; } } return; }
public KeyValuePair <string, double> CalculateLimit(double ScaleFactor, double Volume, AQAir Air, Vessel vessel, double CrewFactor) //todo get rid of crewfactor as arguement { KeyValuePair <string, double> defaultkvp = new KeyValuePair <string, double>(AQConventions.Values.EmptyString,; Dictionary <string, double> LimitingReagents = new Dictionary <string, double>(); Status = AQConventions.Statuses.Nominal; if (Type == AQConventions.ReactionTypes.Leak) { LimitingFactor =; LimitingReagent = AQConventions.Values.EmptyString; return(defaultkvp); } if (Type != AQConventions.ReactionTypes.Breathe) { CrewFactor =; } else if (Type == AQConventions.ReactionTypes.Scrub || Type == AQConventions.ReactionTypes.Backfill || Type == AQConventions.ReactionTypes.Breathe) { LimitingReagents.Add(defaultkvp.Key, defaultkvp.Value); foreach (AQGasReagent greagent in GasReagents) { if (greagent.IsLimiting && greagent.IsConsumable() && (Air[greagent.Name].Quantity(Volume) < Math.Abs(greagent.Production) * ScaleFactor * CrewFactor)) { LimitingReagents.Add(greagent.Name, Air[greagent.Name].Quantity(Volume) / CrewFactor * ScaleFactor * Math.Abs(greagent.Production)); } } foreach (AQResourceReagent rreagent in ResourceReagents) { if (rreagent.IsLimiting && rreagent.IsConsumable() && (AQGetResourceAmount(vessel, rreagent.Name) < Math.Abs(rreagent.Production) * ScaleFactor * CrewFactor)) { LimitingReagents.Add(rreagent.Name, AQGetResourceAmount(vessel, rreagent.Name) / CrewFactor * ScaleFactor * Math.Abs(rreagent.Production)); } } } if (LimitingReagents.Min().Value < float.Epsilon) { Status = AQConventions.Statuses.Lacking + LimitingReagents.Min().Key; } else if (LimitingReagents.Min().Value < { Status = AQConventions.Statuses.Limited + LimitingReagents.Min().Key; } LimitingFactor = LimitingReagents.Min().Value; LimitingReagent = LimitingReagents.Min().Key; return(LimitingReagents.Min()); }