        public ActionResult Index()
                var seminar = SiteService.GetLatestSeminar(Site);

                if (seminar.RegistrationId.HasValue)
                    var result = _registrationService.RefreshAllRegistration(seminar.RegistrationId.Value);

                    // load all of the seminar people
                    var seminarPeople = seminar.SeminarPeople;

                    foreach (var sp in seminarPeople)
                        var reg = result.FirstOrDefault(a => a.ReferenceId == sp.ReferenceId);

                        if (reg != null)
                            sp.TransactionId = reg.TransactionId;
                            sp.Paid          = reg.Paid;

                            // remove from the payment reminder mailing lists
                            if (sp.Paid)
                                _notificationService.RemoveFromMailingList(sp.Seminar, sp.Person, MailingLists.PaymentReminder);
                                _notificationService.RemoveFromMailingList(sp.Seminar, sp.Person, MailingLists.Registered);
                                _notificationService.AddToMailingList(sp.Seminar, sp.Person, MailingLists.Attending);

            catch (Exception ex)
                var client  = new SmtpClient("smtp.ucdavis.edu");
                var message = new MailMessage("*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**");
                message.Subject = "Error Syncing from Agribusiness";
                message.Body    = ex.Message;

            //if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SyncCall"] == "true")
            //    // determine the address of the calling person.
            //    var client = new SmtpClient("smtp.ucdavis.edu");
            //    var message = new MailMessage("*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**");
            //    message.Subject = "sync call was made to agribusiness and completed";
            //    message.Body = Request.UserHostAddress ?? "No address";
            //    client.Send(message);

        public ActionResult UpdateAllRegistrations(int id)
            var seminar = _seminarRespository.GetNullableById(id);

            if (seminar == null)
                Message = string.Format(Messages.NotFound, "seminar", id);
                return(this.RedirectToAction <SeminarController>(a => a.Index()));

            // make the remote call
            var result = _registrationService.RefreshAllRegistration(seminar.RegistrationId.Value);

            // load all of the seminar people
            var seminarPeople = seminar.SeminarPeople;

            foreach (var sp in seminarPeople)
                var reg = result.Where(a => a.ReferenceId == sp.ReferenceId).FirstOrDefault();

                if (reg != null)
                    sp.TransactionId = reg.TransactionId;
                    sp.Paid          = reg.Paid;

                    // remove from the payment reminder mailing lists
                    if (sp.Paid)
                        _notificationService.RemoveFromMailingList(sp.Seminar, sp.Person, MailingLists.PaymentReminder);
                        _notificationService.RemoveFromMailingList(sp.Seminar, sp.Person, MailingLists.Registered);
                        _notificationService.AddToMailingList(sp.Seminar, sp.Person, MailingLists.Attending);


            Message = "Registration status' for all attendees have been updated.";
            return(this.RedirectToAction(a => a.Index(id)));