// public WorldCreator() { this.steps.Add("character"); //basic character customization; stardew valley basically this.steps.Add("stats"); //10 of each base stat at start, 25 points to distribute freely among them this.curStep = steps[0]; nameBox = new TypeBox(); genderBoxes = new OptionGrid(new Vector2(504, 200), 1, 2); hairstyleList = new ListClicker(new Vector2(460, 290), "Hairstyle ", 20); manaColorSlider = new ColorSlider(new Vector2(180, 170), "Mana Color"); skinColorSlider = new ColorSlider(new Vector2(180, 245), "Skin Color"); hairColorSlider = new ColorSlider(new Vector2(180, 320), "Hair Color"); shirtColorSlider = new ColorSlider(new Vector2(180, 395), "Shirt Color"); charPrev = new CharacterPreview(new Vector2(380, 200)); nextButton1 = new NextButton(new Vector2(690, 525), "Next"); backButton1 = new NextButton(new Vector2(15, 525), "Back"); nextButton2 = new NextButton(new Vector2(690, 525), "Next"); backButton2 = new NextButton(new Vector2(15, 525), "Back"); }
public void LoadContent(Resources res, SpriteFont font) { String userName = System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name.Split(new List <char>() { '\\' }.ToArray(), 2)[1]; //PLACEHOLDER //userName = "******"; //put in a thing that just rips this part away from the EMP/ part //PLACEHOLDER String saveDir = "C:/Users/" + userName + "/Documents/My Games/Afterhour/"; this.saveDir = saveDir; if (Directory.Exists(saveDir)) { this.saveFileCount = Directory.GetFiles(saveDir).Length; this.saveFilePaths = Directory.GetFiles(saveDir).ToList(); } else { this.saveFileCount = 0; } getSaveData(saveDir); //Texture loading this.font = font; this.frameTex = res.Menu_Continue_Frame; this.frameRect = new Rectangle((int)(Window.resolution.X / 2 - frameTex.Width / 2), (int)(Window.resolution.Y / 2 - frameTex.Height / 2), frameTex.Width, frameTex.Height); this.saveBarTex = res.Menu_Continue_SaveBar; this.playButtonTex = res.Menu_Continue_FuncButton_Play; this.deleteButtonTex = res.Menu_Continue_FuncButton_Delete; //Post-Texture Loading for (int i = 0; i < saveFileCount; i++) { this.playButtons.Add(new ContFuncButton(ContFuncButton.PLAY, new Vector2(this.frameRect.X + 20, this.frameRect.Y + 105 + ((this.saveBarTex.Height + 5) * i)))); this.deleteButtons.Add(new ContFuncButton(ContFuncButton.DELETE, new Vector2(this.frameRect.X + 40, this.frameRect.Y + 105 + ((this.saveBarTex.Height + 5) * i)))); this.playButtons[i].LoadContent(playButtonTex); this.deleteButtons[i].LoadContent(deleteButtonTex); } backButton = new NextButton(new Vector2(15, 525), "Back"); backButton.LoadContent(res); }