// Lägger till en medlem i databasen. public void ContactListView_InsertItem(Contact contact) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { // Lägger till kontakten i databasen, samt presenterar ett meddelande om att allt lyckats. Service.SaveContact(contact); Session["Success"] = "Kontakten lades till!"; Response.Redirect(Request.UrlReferrer.ToString()); } catch (Exception) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Ett fel inträffade då kontakten skulle läggas till."); } } }
// Sparar en kontakt, endera ny eller med uppdaterad information. public void SaveContact(Contact contact) { ICollection<ValidationResult> validationResults; if (!contact.Validate(out validationResults)) { var ex = new ValidationException("Kontaktobjektet klarade inte datavalideringen."); ex.Data.Add("ValidationResults", validationResults); throw ex; } if (contact.ContactID == 0) { ContactDAL.InsertContact(contact); } else { ContactDAL.UpdateContact(contact); } }
public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id=0) { try { var contactToDelete = new Contact { ContactID = id }; _repository.Delete(contactToDelete); _repository.Save(); TempData["sucess"] = TempData["sucess"] = "Contact deleted."; return RedirectToAction("Index"); } catch (DataException) { TempData["error"] = "Failed to delete contact."; } return RedirectToAction("Delete", new { id = id }); }
public ActionResult Edit(Contact contact) { try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { _repository.Update(contact); _repository.Save(); return RedirectToAction("Index"); } } catch (Exception) { ModelState.AddModelError(String.Empty, "Create was unsuccessful. Please correct any errors and try again."); } return View("Edit", contact); }
public ActionResult Edit(Contact contact) { try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { _repository.Update(contact); _repository.Save(); return View("Success", contact); } throw new ApplicationException("Ett okänt fel inträffade"); } catch (Exception e) { return View("NotFound", string.Empty, e.Message); } }
public ActionResult Edit(Contact contact) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { _repository.Update(contact); _repository.Save(); return RedirectToAction("Success"); } catch (Exception) { ModelState.AddModelError(String.Empty, "Ett fel inträffade vid uppdateringen!"); } } else { return View("Edit", contact); } return View("Index", _repository.GetLastContacts()); }