private void InitCommandList() { ConsoleDictionnary dico = GetComponent <ConsoleDictionnary>(); cmdNames = new List <string>(dico.GetCommand()); return; }
public void Init(InteractiveBehaviour entity, IReadOnlyCollection <EntityVariable> variables, Transform target) { owner = entity; = target; if (hideName) { if (timeToCrypt > 0.0f) { InvokeRepeating("CryptName", 0.0f, timeToCrypt); } else { objName.text = "<color=#ffffffff>" + owner.Name.Crypt() + "</color>"; } } else { objName.text = "<color=#ffffffff>" + owner.Name + "</color>"; } console = FindObjectOfType <ConsoleLine>(); dico = console.GetComponent <ConsoleDictionnary>(); // temporary fix to add objects without having a ref to the main camera if (mainCamera == null) { mainCamera = Camera.main; } console.AddOnWriteCommand(SetColor); console.AddOnActiveCommande(OnActiveConsole); InitTransform(); InitVariable(variables); }